Expenditure by IPG KBA Students' On Their Favourite Online Entertainment

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Expenditure by IPG KBA Students' on Their

Favourite Online Entertainment

Number of students

< RM20 RM20 - RM30 RM30 - RM40 RM40 <

This line graph shows the expenditure of students for their favourite online
entertainment. From the graph, we can see that about half of the respondents spend
less than RM20 for their online entertainment. 18 out 40 respondents spend less than
RM20 for their favourite online entertainment. There are only 3 students who pay
between RM20-RM30 and another 3 students who pay between RM30-RM40. While
about half of the respondents spend less than RM20 there are also about half of the
respondents who pay more than RM40 for their online entertainment. However the
numbers of students who pay more than RM40 for their online entertainment are less
than the number of students who pay less that RM20 by 2 people.

We can interpret the reason for the students pay less than RM20 for their online
entertainment. As we can see, all the respondents that answered the questionnaire
were students from IPG KBA. As they are learning in tertiary education, their main
importance will be their studies and not online entertainment. They may use online
entertainment for the purposes of as a hobby, to release stress and to find information.
As for the students who pay more than RM40, the reason could be because the
internet package they use. Almost all the students in IPG KBA are using their own
broadband. The internet package that are mostly offered by internet providers like
Celcom, Digi and Maxis are packages that cost more than RM30.
0 3

< 7 years
primary school
secondary scholl


This doughnut graph shows the age of students started to use online
entertainment. This graph clearly shows that there are no students who started to use
online entertainment when they were below the age of 7 and after they entered college.
Most of the students started to use online entertainment after they entered secondary
school or after they reached the age of 13. There are only 3 students out of 40
respondents who began to use online entertainment when they were in primary school.

Basically, children are exposed to internet after the age of 12 or when they enter
secondary school. This is because children below the age of 13 are still young and easy
to get influenced. Students are more mature when they enter secondary school. They
will be able to analyse the good from bad. Moreover, there is no need for primary
students to use internet as their education level is simpler than secondary students. All
the information is given by their teachers.

When students enter secondary school they are looked as people who think
critically. So, they are given the freedom to explore internet space. Nowadays, almost
all teenagers are beginning to get used to internet before they enter college and
students who did not know how to use internet are seen as out dated in this technology
based global. Therefore, it is not a surprise that most of the respondents have started to
use online entertainment in secondary school.

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