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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel



After this unit, students will be able to:

Sau bài học này, sinh viên sẽ có thể:
• Use vocabulary relating to topic (restaurant and hotel, eating out, booking a room, accommodation,
menu … )
Sử dụng các từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề (nhà hàng và khách sạn, ăn uống ở bên ngoài,
thực đơn, đặt phòng, nơi ở …)
• Pronounce past participles with –ed ending; vowels /i/ and /ai/; and consonants /ð/ and /θ/.
Phát âm phân từ quá khứ đuôi –ed, nguyên âm /i/ và /ai/; phụ âm /ð/ và /θ/.
• Develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills via practical exercises relating to
this topic.
Phát triển kỹ năng nghe, đọc, viết và nói thông qua các bài tập thực tế liên quan đến chủ đề.

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel


1 2 3
Vocabulary about Learn about vocabulary How to use present
restaurant, hotel of restaurant, hotel, perfect tense and present
Làm quen với một số từ menu, booking perfect continuous tense
vựng chỉ nhà hàng, khách Học các từ vựng liên quan đến Cách sử dụng thì hiện tại
sạn ăn uống ở nhà hàng, khách hoàn thành và thì hiện tại
sạn, thực đơn, đặt phòng hoàn thành tiếp diễn

4 5 6
How to pronounce /I/, About eating out About check in at a hotel,
/aI/, /ð/, /θ/ and stress Liên quan đến chủ đề ordering a meal
Cách phát âm nguyên âm ăn uống ở nhà hàng, Liên quan đến đăng ký
/I/, nguyên âm đôi /aI/, khách sạn phòng tại khách sạn, gọi
âm /ð/, âm /θ/ và trọng món ăn ở nhà hàng
âm của câu

7 8 9
About ordering food and How to write complaint
drink, booking a table letters
Liên quan đến chủ đề ăn Cách viết thư phản ánh
uống, đặt bàn tại nhà hàng


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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Listen to the conversations. Where are these people? Number the answer from
1 to 4.
Hãy lắng nghe các đoạn hội thoại sau đây. Mọi người đang ở đâu? Đánh số câu trả lời từ 1-4.
at an office  at a party 
at a restaurant  at a barbecue 

B. Listen again. What does each guest want? Number the answers from 1 to 4.

Hãy nghe lại đoạn hội thoại ở phần A. Mỗi vị khách muốn gì? Hãy đánh số câu trả lời từ 1-4.
a) A hamburger  b) Scotch straight up 
A hot dog  Scotch on the rocks 
c) Red wine  d) A cup of black coffee 
Juice  A cup of coffee with milk 

A. Present perfect tense

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1 Thì hiện tại hoàn thành của động từ “to be”

Form Tobe
(Dạng) (Động từ to be)
Positive he/she/it + has + been
(Khẳng định) I/you/we/they + have + been

− He/she/it + has not + been

Negative hasn’t
(Phủ định) I/you/we/they + have not + been
Question Has + he/she/it + been?
(Câu hỏi) Have + I/you/ we/they + been?

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

2 The present perfect tense with ordinary verbs.

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành với các động từ thường.

Form For ordinary verbs

(Dạng) (Đối với động từ thường)
Positive He/she/it + has + V-ed
(Khẳng định) I/you/we/they + have + V-ed

− He/she/it + has not + V-ed

Negative hasn’t
(Phủ định) I/you/we/they + have not + V-ed
Question Has + he/she/ it + V-ed?
(Câu hỏi) Have + I/you/we/they + V-ed?


The present perfect refers to an action that happened in the past but it is still related to
the present. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more
interested in the result than in the action itself.
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành nói tới một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng vẫn còn liên
quan đến hiện tại. Thời gian của hành động diễn ra trước thời điểm hiện tại nhưng không
xác định, và chúng ta thường quan tâm tới kết quả hơn tới hành động.
Following are particular cases of using the present perfect pense. We use present perfect
Sau đây là những trường hợp cụ thể khi sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành. Chúng ta sử dụng
thì hiện tại hoàn thành để
1. To describe an action or situation that started in the past and continues at the present
Diễn tả một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và kéo dài tới hiện tại
Example: I have lived in New York for nine years.
(focuses on the result- nhấn mạnh tới kết quả của hành động)
2 . To describe an action performed during a period that has not yet finished
Diễn tả một hành động được thực hiện trong một khoảng thời gian mà vẫn chưa hoàn thành
Example: James has not finished his homework yet.
3. To express a repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now
Diễn tả một hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong một khoảng thời gian không xác định giữa quá
khứ và hiện tại
Example: I have seen that movie twenty times
4. To express an action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by 'just'
and 'recently'
Diễn tả một hành động được hoàn thành trong quá khứ rất gần với hiện tại, được dùng với
từ ‘just’ và ‘recently’
Example: He has just broken his leg

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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

5. An action when the time is not important, it is expressed as an experience

Diễn đạt một hành động khi thời gian là không quan trọng, nó được diễn đạt như một
kinh nghiệm.
Example: I have been to France.
(This sentence means that you have had the experience of being in France. Maybe you have
been there once, or several times.)

Notes - chú ý:
1. Most verbs in past participle are added –ed when they are used in Present
perfect tense, and they are regular verbs.
Phần lớn các động từ đều thêm –ed khi dùng ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành và
chúng là các động từ có quy tắc.
Example: play → played watch → watched
2. Exceptions
Các trường hợp ngoại lệ
2.1. If the verb ends in –e, add –d.
Nếu động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi –e,chỉ thêm -d
Example: decide → decided
2.2. If the verb ends in a consonant + –y, the –y changes to –ied.
Nếu động từ kết thúc là một phụ âm + y, chuyển –y thành –ied.
Example: study → studied worry → worried
But the verb ends in a vowel + –y, the –y does not change.
Nhưng nếu động từ kết thúc bằng một nguyên âm + –y, –y không thay đổi.
Example: play → played
2.3. If the verb ends in a short, stressed vowel + consonant → double the
consonant before adding –ed.
Nếu động từ kết thúc bằng một nguyên âm + phụ âm → gấp đôi phụ âm
cuối trước khi thêm –ed.
Example: stop → stopped
3. In English, there are many irregular verbs, and learners have to learn by heart.
Trong tiếng Anh có rất nhiều động từ bất quy tắc, và người học phải học thuộc.
Example: have → had pay → paid


Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thành
Time expressions
Các từ và cụm từ chỉ thời gian
already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now, since, for
• ‘for’ is used to say how long something has been happening. It refers to period of time.
‘For’ được dùng để nói một việc gì đó diễn ra trong thời gian bao lâu. Nó đề cập tới một
khoảng thời gian.
Example: They have lived in this house for 20 years.

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

• ‘since’ is used to say when something started. It refers to a point of time.

‘Since’ dùng để nói sự việc được bắt đầu vào thời điểm nào. Nó đề cập tới một điểm thời gian.
Example: Since 9 o’clock; since I was born
She has had that car since she left school.
• ‘just’ is used in sentences to show that something happened only a very short time ago.
It has happened very recently.
‘just’ được dùng trong câu để nói rằng một sự việc vừa mới xảy ra ngay trước một thời
điểm rất ngắn.
Example: Hello, have you just arrived?
• ‘ever’ – ‘never’ are used with the present perfect to talk about events that have/ haven’t
happened at any time in the past.
‘ever’- ‘never’ được dùng với thì hiện tại hoàn thành để nói về những sự kiện xảy ra/
hoặc không xảy ra vào một thời điểm nào đó bất kỳ trong quá khứ.
Example: Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
My mother has never flown in a plane.
• ‘already’ means the action that started in the past and continues up to the present.
We can use the present perfect with ‘already’ to say that something has happened sooner
than expected.
‘already’ mang hàm ý diễn tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và kéo dài tới hiện tại.
Chúng ta có thể sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành với already để chỉ một sự việc nào đó
diễn ra sớm hơn dự kiến.
Example: I’ve already had breakfast.
• ‘yet’ refers to things that we expect to happen. We only use ‘yet’ in questions and negative
sentences. It always goes at the end of the sentence.
‘yet’ đề cập tới những sự việc chúng ta mong đợi sẽ xảy ra. Chúng ta chỉ sử dụng ‘yet’
trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định, và ‘yet’ thường đứng ở cuối câu.
Example: Has it stopped raining yet?

Form For ordinary verbs

(Dạng) (Đối với động từ thường)
Positive We have come here since Friday.
(Khẳng định) He has played football since he was a child.
They have worked in that company for 2 years.

Negative We haven’t come here since Friday.
(Phủ định) He hasn’t played football since he was a child.
They haven’t worked in that company for 2 years.

? Have you come here since Friday?

Question Has he played football since he was a child?
(Câu hỏi) Have they worked in that company for 2 years?

Answer (+) Yes, we have.

(Trả lời) (-) No, he hasn’t.
(+) Yes, they have.

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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel


1 Điền vào chỗ trống với “have” hoặc “has”.

Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.
1. I.................. answered the question. 6. We.............. washed the car.
2. She............... opened the window. 7. He................ closed the window.
3. They............... called us. 8. Jenny.................... locked the door.
4. You............. carried a box. 9. The girls................ visited the museum.
5. It................. rained a lot. 10. John and Sophie.... helped in the garden.

2 Write positive sentences in present perfect simple.

Dựng các câu sau đây ở dạng khẳng định của thì Hiện tại hoàn thành.
1. Bob/visit/his grandma
2. Jimmy/play/on the computer
3. Sue and Walter/wash/their car
4. Andrew/repair/his bike
5. Phil/help/Anne with maths
6. Brad and Louise/watch/a film
7. Tamara/talk to/her best friend
8. Bridgette/draw/a picture

3 Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
Hãy biến đổi các động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng phù hợp (thì hiện tại hoàn thành).
1. I (not/work)......................... today.
2. We (buy)................................ a new lamp.
3. We (not/plan)...................... our holiday yet.
4. Where (be/you)...................?
5. He (write)............................. five letters.
6. She (not/see)....................... him for a long time.
7. (be / you).............................. at school?
8. School (not/start)............... yet.
9. (speak/he).......................... to his boss?
10. No, he (have/not)............. the time yet.

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

B. Present perfect continuous

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn


Form For ordinary verbs

(Dạng) (Đối với động từ thường)
Positive He/ she/ it + has + been + V-ing
(Khẳng định) I/ you/ we/ they + have + been + V-ing

− He/ she/ it + has not + been + V-ing

Negative hasn’t
(Phủ định) I/ you/ we/ they + have not + been + V-ing
Question Has + he/she/ it + been + V-ing?
(Câu hỏi) Have + I/ you/ we/ they + been + V-ing?


The present perfect continuous refers to an unspecified time between 'before now' and 'now'.
The speaker is thinking about something that started but perhaps did not finish in that period
of time. He/she is interested in the process as well as the result, and this process may still
be going on, or may have just finished.
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn nói tới một thời điểm không xác định giữa quá khứ với
hiện tại. Người nói nghĩ về một điều gì đó đã xảy ra nhưng có lẽ chưa hoàn thành trong
khoảng thời gian đó. Họ quan tâm tới kết quả và tiến trình, hành động này có thể vẫn còn
đang diễn ra, hoặc vừa mới kết thúc.
The present perfect continuous is used
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn được dùng để
1. To describe actions that started in the past and continue at the present.
Mô tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại.
Example: They have been talking for the last hour.
2. To describe actions that have just finished, but we are interested in the results.
Mô tả một hành động đã kết thúc nhưng chúng ta vẫn quan tâm tới kết quả của hành động
Example: Someone's been eating my chips.
3. To emphasize the continuity of an action
Nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của hành động
Example: It’s been raining the whole day.
4. Recently, Lately

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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

We can also use the present perfect continuous WITHOUT a duration such as "for two
weeks." Without the duration, the tense has a more general meaning of "lately." We often
use the words "lately" or "recently" to emphasize this meaning.
Chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn không để chỉ một khoảng
thời gian, ví dụ như “for two weeks”(trong 2 tuần). Khi không đề cập tới một khoảng thời
gian, thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn mang ý nghĩa là “gần đây”. Chúng ta sử dụng các
tư “lately” hoặc “recently” để nhấn mạnh ý nghĩa này.
• Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
• She has been watching too much television lately.

Notes - chú ý:
Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs
It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in
any continuous tenses. Instead of using present perfect continuous with these
verbs, we must use present perfect.
Chúng ta cần chú ý rằng không dùng những động từ không có dạng tiếp diễn
ở các thì tiếp diễn. Thay vì sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn với các
động từ này, chúng ta phải dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.
• Sam has been having his car for two years. Not Correct
• Sam has had his car for two years. Correct


Form For ordinary verbs

(Dạng) (Đối với động từ thường)
Positive I have been learning English.
(Khẳng định) He has been swimming well.
They have been watching TV.

Negative I haven't been learning English.
(Phủ định) He hasn't been swimming well.
They have not been watching TV.

? Have you been learning English?

Question Has he been swimming well?
(Câu hỏi) Have they worked in that company for 2 years?

Answer (+) Yes, we have.

(Trả lời) (-) No, he hasn’t.
(+) Yes, they have.

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

C. The difference between present perfect anh present perfect continuous

Sự khác biệt giữa thì Hiện tại hoàn thành và Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
Both tenses are used to express that an action began in the past and is still going on or
has just finished. In many cases, both forms are correct, but there is often a difference in
meaning: We use the present perfect simple mainly to express that an action is completed or
to emphasize the result. We use the present perfect continuous to emphasize the duration or
continuous course of an action.
Cả hai thì hiện tại hoàn thành và hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn đều diễn tả một hành động
bắt đầu trong quá khứ và vẫn tiếp diễn hoặc vừa mới kết thúc. Trong rất nhiều trường hợp,
sử dụng cả hai thì đều đúng, tuy nhiên vẫn có một số khác biệt về ý nghĩa: Chúng ta sử dụng
thì hiện tại hoàn thành để diễn tả một hành động đã chấm dứt hoặc muốn nhấn mạnh tới kết
quả. Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn để nhấn mạnh quá trình hoặc tính
liên tục của hành động.
Present perfect Present perfect continuous
(Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)
→ Result (what / how much / how often) → Duration (how long)
Kết quả (what / how much / how often/ how Quá trình (how long)
many) Example: I have been writing for an hour.
Example: I have written 5 letters.
→ Emphasis on completion → Emphasis on duration
Nhấn mạnh tới sự kết thúc Nhấn mạnh tới quá trình
Example:I have done my homework. Example: I have been doing my homework.
(Meaning: That's how I have spent my time.
(Meaning: My homework is completed It does not matter whether the homework is
now.) completed now.)
→ Desired result → Unwanted side effect
Kết quả mong đợi Hệ quả không mong đợi
Example: I have washed the car. Example: Why are you so wet? - I have been
washing the car.
(Result: The car is clean now.) (side effect: I becamewet when I was washing
the car. It does not matter whether the car is
clean now.)
→ Since the last time → Since the beginning
Kể từ lần cuối cùng Kể từ khi bắt đầu
Example: I haven't played that game for years. Example: I haven't been playing that game for
(Meaning: It's years ago that I last played that an hour.
game.) (Meaning: It's not even an hour ago that I
started to play that game.)
→ Permanent (Lâu dài) → Temporary (Tạm thời)
Example: James has lived in this town for 10 Example: James has been living here for a year.
years. (Meaning: This situation is only temporary.
(Meaning: He is a permanent resident of this Maybe he is an exchange student and only
town.) here for one or two years.)

Certain verbs- (Một số động từ)

The following verbs are usually only used in Present Perfect Simple (not in the progressive
Dưới đây là những động từ thường được dùng ở thì Hiện tại hoàn thành (không phải ở thì
Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)
• State (Trạng thái): be, have (for possession only)
Example: We have been on holiday for two weeks.
• Senses (cảm giác): feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch
Example: He has touched the painting.
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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel


1 What is emphasized in each of the following sentences.

Ý nghĩa nào được nhấn mạnh trong các câu sau đây.
1. I have cooked dinner.
A: Emphasising that dinner is ready now
B: Emphasising how I have spent my time
2. She has been reading a book.
A: Emphasising that she has read the book completely
B: Emphasising how she has spent her time
3. He has closed all the windows.
A: Emphasising that all windows are closed now
B: Emphasising how he has spent his time
4. I have tidied up my room.
A: Emphasising that the room is tidy now
B: Emphasising how I have spent my time
5. We have been swimming.
A: Emphasising that we are not swimming anymore now
B: Emphasising how we have spent our time
2 Choose the correct form: have or has and since or for to fill in the blanks.
Hãy chọn dạng đúng have/ has và since hoặc for để điền vào chỗ trống sau đây.
1. Emma ............... been learning English ....................... five years.
2. My friends been living here ....................... 2003.
3. I ....................... been waiting for Danny ....................... 20 minutes.
4. Ross and Gavin ................... been travelling around Australia .................... six weeks.
5. Carol ....................... been exercising in the gym ....................... 2 o'clock.
3 Write sentences in present perfect continuous.
Hãy dựng câu ở thì Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
1. Kevin read → .......................
2. You/TV/watch/all day → .......................
3. Paul/to the radio/listen/not → .......................
4. The men/cards/play → .......................
5. The girls/cycle/not → .......................
4 Write questions in presnt perfecf continuous
Hãy viết câu hỏi ở thì Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
1. Carol/shout → .......................
2. You/dance → .......................
3. Kevin/run → .......................
4. They/on the phone / talk / how long → .......................
5. These books/lie/on the floor/how long → .......................

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel


1 Using the verbs in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
Hãy dùng các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì phù hợp để điền vào các câu sau đây.

Robin: I think the waiter (forget) ................. us. We (wait) ....................... here
for over half an hour and nobody (take) ....................... our order yet.
Michele: I think you're right. He (walk) .................. by us at least twenty times.
He probably thinks we (order, already) ........................
Robin: Look at that couple over there, they (be, only) ....................... here for
five or ten minutes and they already have their food.
Michele: He must realize we (order, not) ....................... yet! We (sit)
....................... here for over half an hour staring at him.
Robin: I don't know if he (notice, even) ....................... us. He (run)
....................... from table to table taking orders and serving food.
Michele: That's true, and he (look, not) ....................... in our direction once.

2 Using the verbs in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
Hãy dùng các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì phù hợp để điền vào các câu sau đây.
1. Judy: How long (be) ....................... in Canada?
Claude: I (study) ....................... here for more than three years.
2. I (have) ...... the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
3. I (love) ............... chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a "chocoholic."
4. Matt and Sarah (have) ....................... some difficulties in their relationship lately, so
they (go) ....................... to a marriage counselor. I hope they work everything out.
5. John (work) ................ for the government since he graduated from Harvard University.
Until recently, he (enjoy) ....................... his work, but now he is talking about retiring.
6. Lately, I (think) ..................... about changing my career because I (become)
....................... dissatisfied with the conditions at my company.
7. I (see) .............................. Judy for more than five years and during that time I
(see)..................many changes in her personality.

3 Complete the following dialogues.

Hãy hoàn thành các bài hội thoại sau đây.
1. A: Have you ever worn (you/ ever/ wear) a big hat?
B: Yes, I ....................
A: When.................... (you/ wear) it?
B: When I.................... (go) to a wedding last summer.
2. A: .......................... (you/ ever/ borrow) your father’s clothes?
B: Yes, I....................
A: What.................... (you/ borrow)?
B: A tie. I .................... (need) one for an interview.
76 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

3. A: .................... (you/ever/meet) a fashion model?

B: No, I....................
4. A: .................... (you/ever/buy) any second-hand clothes?
B: Yes, I.................. I.................... (buy) a beautiful white shirt for $1.50 in a market.
5. A: .................... (you/ever/have) an argument about clothes?
B: Yes, I.........My brother........... (take) my best sweater to the beach and ..........(ruin) it.

A. Eating out
Ăn ở nhà hàng
Where would you hear these phrases? Match the phrases on the left with the
1 places on the right.
Bạn nghe những câu nói dưới đây ở đâu? Nối những câu nói ở cột bên trái với những địa
điểm ở cột bên phải.

1. A cheese sandwich to take away, please. a. café

2. A pint of Shoppam’s beer, please. b. fast food restaurant

3. Soup to start, then the chicken and mushrooms, please. c. self-service restaurant

4. A burger, French fries and a coke, please. d. sandwich bar

5. One coffee, one tea and two pieces of toast, please. e. pub/bar

6. Where can I find knives and forks, please? f. restaurant

2 Match the following photos with the correct words

Nối những bức ảnh dưới đây với từ phù hợp
menu chef waiter bill tip
waitress cash credit card glass wine

a) b) c) d) e)

f) g) h) i) j)

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

3 Use the following words to complete the sentences below.

Sử dụng những từ dưới đây để hoàn thành những câu sau.
bill bottle dessert drinks fish and chips
table hungry menu non-smoker order
a. Guest: A table for two, please.
b. Waiter: Smoker or .......................?
Guest: Non-smoker, please.
c. Waiter: Here you go. Would you like to see the ...................... ?
d. Guest: Yes, please. We are very .........................
The guests look at the menu.
e. Waiter: Are you ready to .........................?
f. Guest: We'd like ....................., please.
g. Waiter: Would you like any .................?
h. Guest: An orange juice, a coke and a ................... of red wine.
The guests have finished their meals.
i. Waiter: Would you like a ....................?
j. Guest: No, thank you. Could we have the ....................., please?
4 Menu – Thực đơn
a. Complete the menu with food and drink in the pictures.
Hoàn thành thực đơn sau đây với đồ ăn, thức uống trong bức tranh.
Starters Main courses/ Beverages Desserts Wine list

Home-made green
Tomato Soup Roast chicken tea ice cream Fresh lasagne

Rum Tiramisu Iced coffee Rib-eye steak

Smoothie Champagne Apple tart Cheese salad

78 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

b. Put the words into pairs. Use each word once only.
Sử dụng những từ dưới đây để tạo thành cụm từ. Chỉ sử dụng mỗi từ một lần.

beef soup plain mashed tomato

roast gateau omelette potatoes chocolate

Example: tomato soup

1.________________ 2. ________________
3. ________________ 4. ________________

B. Accommodation
Phòng ở
1 Fill in the words correctly.
Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây với từ thích hợp.
advance bunk beds dormitory double room
family room key reception
single room twin room vacancies

a) If you book a room for one person, you usually book a single room.
b) If you want a room with a double bed, you book a .....................
c) If you want a room with two separated beds, you book a .....................
d) For families there are usually special offers if they take a .....................
e) In youth hostels rooms are often shared by 10 or more people. This kind of room is
called .....................
f) To get 10 people into one room, two beds are usually placed on top of each other. They
are called .....................
g) No matter where you're staying, you usually have to fill in a form at the .....................
h) Then the receptionist tells you your room number and gives you the ...........................
for your room.
i) During high season it's advisable to book a room in .....................
j) If a B&B is fully booked, they usually have a sign in the window saying »No ........... «.

Notes - chú ý:
Β&Β: Bed-and-breakfast accommodation

2 Hotel words
Những từ liên quan đến khách sạn
Match the words and symbols.
Hãy ghép những từ dưới đây với bức tranh phù hợp.
24 hours room service restaurant web access
bar or lounge luggage storage lift / elevator
meeting room reception iron room

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

coffee and tea non-smoking room valet

money exchange airport shuttle laundry service
phone casino gym

a) b) c) d) e)

f) g) h) i) j)

k) l) m) n) o)

p) q) r)

3 Booking a room – Đặt phòng

Complete the conversation below with the suitable words.
Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại dưới đây với những từ thích hợp.

much like book floor name reservation

stay night tomorrow spell when

a. Hotel Beach House, can I help you?

b. I'm phoning to .................... a room.
c. .................... would you like to arrive?
d. How many nights are you going to ....................?
Two nights.
e. What kind of room would you ....................?
A double room with a shower.
f. Just a moment, I'll check. We have a nice room on the second ....................

80 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

g. How ................... is it?

h. It's $25 per person and ................., breakfast included.
i. That's a good price. I'd like to make a ................... for that room, please.
j. Very well. May I have your ....................., please?
k. Could you ....................... that, please?
It's C-O-N-N-E-R-S.
l. Thank you for your reservation. See you ....................

A. /i/ and /ai/, sentence stress

Nguyên âm /i/, nguyên âm đôi /ai/ và trọng âm của câu

1 Put these words in the right column.
Điền những từ dưới đây vào cột thích hợp.
child children in I’ve like life
live (v) mine minute since win line

/i/ /ai/

in child
2 Listen and check. Practise saying the words.
Nghe và kiểm tra. Luyện tập nói những từ trên.
3 Practise saying these sentences.
Luyện tập nói những câu sau:
I’ve lived here since I was a child.
I’ve liked wine since I lived in Italy.

4 Listen and repeat the questions. Copy the rhythm.

Nghe và nhắc lại những câu hỏi. Bắt chước ngữ điệu của câu.

1) lived here Have you lived here How long have you lived here?

2) known him Have you known him How long have you known him?

3) been married Have they been married How long have they been married?

4) had his dog Has he had his dog How long has he had his dog?

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

B. –ed
Đuôi –ed trong phân từ quá khứ

1 How is the “–ed” pronounced in these past participles? Put them in the right
Đuôi –ed được phát âm như thế nào trong những phân từ quá khứ dưới đây? Điền những
phân từ quá khứ này vào đúng cột dưới đây.

based designed directed discovered

named painted produced used

[t] [d] [id]


2 Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllable in each multi-syllable verb.
Hãy nghe và kiểm tra. Gạch dưới âm tiết có trọng âm của mỗi động từ đa âm tiết trên.

C. /ð/ and /θ/

The combination of letters ‘th’ are pronounced differently in the words this (1) and think (2)
Cụm từ “th” được phát âm khác nhau trong từ this (1) và think (2)
1 Listen to these words, and label them (1) or (2).
Hãy nghe những từ dưới đây và đánh dấu (1) với âm /ð/ hoặc (2) với âm /θ/.
there thank some thing thirty nothing
three the think another that

2 Read the following restaurant dialogues in pairs.

Đọc theo cặp những đoạn hội thoại tại nhà hàng dưới đây.
Customer We reserved a table for three people for seven-thirty. My name is North.
Waiter Yes. This way, Mr. North. Is this table all right?
Customer Well, I’d prefer that one, over there.
Waiter That’s fine. Follow me, please
Customer Three soups, please
b Waiter And to follow?
Customer John, you’re having fish. And Mary’s having steak. I think I’ll have a steak
too. So that’s two steaks and one fish.

c Customer Excuse me! This soup is cold.

Waiter I’m very sorry, I’ll get you another one.

82 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel



Whatever food you’re looking for- an all-you-can-eat breakfast, a quick lunch,

a romantic dinner- you’ll find it in San Francisco. The city is home to over 4500
restaurants and eating places. And they’re not only for tourists. On average, San
Franciscans eat out 267 times a year.
You can eat food from anywhere in the world, from Afghan to Argentinian,
and from Vietnamese to vegetarian. With Mexican fast food, Italian bakeries,
hundreds of Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean restaurants, and in-and-out
Japanese noodle shop, it’s possible to eat your way round the world during a
single San Francisco weekend.
And you don’t find good food only in expensive restaurants. You can try
great cooking in any number of small eating places, where prices are low and
reservations aren’t needed. Portions are often large, but you can ask the
restaurant to pack up anything you don’t eat so you can take it home. But
wherever you eat, if you have waiter service, don’t forget to tip. The exact
amount you leave is up to you, but 15-20 per cent of the bill is normal. An easy
way to calculate your tip is to double the sales tax (currently 8.5 per cent).

Read the article and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False)

Đọc bài báo trên đây và hãy xem các câu sau đây Đúng (T) hay Sai (F)

1. San Francisco has the best restaurants in the US.
2. You can probably find food from your country in San Francisco.
3. There are a lot of Asian restaurants.
4. Japanese noodle shops are quick places to eat.

5. It’s normal to tip whenever you eat out.

6. You always need to make a reservation to eat in an expensive
7. Expensive restaurants have small portions of food.
8. If your meal costs $100, you should leave a tip of $8.50.

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

1 Here are some of the world’s most relaxing holiday resorts. Which one do you like best?
Dưới đây là một số khu nghỉ dưỡng nổi tiếng nhất thế giới. Bạn thích khu nghỉ nào nhất?
Coral Club Resort
Barbados, Caribbean Sea
• Built in 1952
• 85 rooms
• $450 to $710 a night
• One bar and restaurant, swimming pool
• 40-minute taxi ride from airport
Palm Hotel Resort
Maldives, Indian Ocean
• Built in 1998
• 98 rooms
• $200 to $600 a night
• Two bars and two restaurants
• 50-minute boat ride from airport
Bati Island Resort
Fiji, Pacific Ocean
• Built in 1992
• 7 rooms
• $660 to $770 a night
• One bar and restaurant
• One hour seaplane flight from airport

2 Decide whether the following sentences True(T) or False (F).

Hãy xem các câu sau đây là Đúng (T) hay Sai (F)
1. The Coral Club is cheaper than the Palm hotel.
2. Bati Island is the most expensive resort.
3. The Coral Club is newer than the Palm Hotel.
4. The Palm Hotel is the newest resort.
5. The Coral Club is bigger than the Palm hotel.
6. The Palm Hotel is the biggest resort.
7. Bati Island is the smallest resort.
8. The Coral Club has got two restaurants.
9. Bati Island is nearer to the airport than the Palm Hotel.
10. The Coral Club is the nearest to the airport.
11. Bati Island is the furthest from the airport.
12. The Palm Hotel has got a swimming pool.

84 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

A. At the hotel

Ở khách sạn
1 Checking in
Đăng ký ở khách sạn
Listen to Allice checking in. Answer the questions.
Nghe Allice đăng ký ở khách sạn và trả lời câu hỏi.
1. Does the receptionist call Allice “Ms Gray” or “Mrs Gray”?
2. How many nights is Allice staying?
3. What’s her room number?
4. What time’s breakfast?
5. Which floor is the Pavilion Restaurant on?

2 Calling reception
Gọi điện cho lễ tân Notes - chú ý:
a. Listen to the dialogues. Who does Allice phone? Why? US English elevator
Nghe những đoạn hội thoại dưới đây. Allice gọi điện cho UK English lift
ai và tại sao?
b. Listen again and complete the dialogue.
Nghe lại và hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại.

1 Hello, reception. Hello. This is room 419.

How can I help you? I have a problem with the air-conditioner.
It isn’t working, and it’s very hot in my room.
I’m sorry, ma’am. I’ll ............ 1 Thank you.
someone up to look at it right now.

2 ..........2 service. Can I help you? Hello. This is room 419.

Can I have a tuna sandwich, please?
Whole wheat or ........... 3 bread? Whole wheat, please.
.................... or without mayo?
4 Without.
With ........................5 or salad? Salad, please.
................................ to drink?
6 Yes, a diet coke.
Yes, a diet coke. Just ice.
It’ll be there in five minutes, ma’am. Thank you.

3 Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm.

Nghe và nhắc lại. Bắt chước ngữ điệu của câu.

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

B. Restaurant problems

Những vấn đề ở nhà hàng

1 Ordering a meal
Gọi món ăn
Listen to Allice and Mark at the restaurant. Answer the questions.
Nghe Allice và Mark nói chuyện với người bồi bàn ở nhà hàng. Trả lời những câu hỏi sau.
1. What do they order for starters?
2. What does Allice order for her main course?
3. What kind of potatoes do they order?
4. How does Mark want his steak – rare, medium, or well done?
5. What are they going to drink?
2 Problems with a meal
Vấn đề về món ăn
a. Listen to the dialogue. What three problems
Notes - chú ý:
do they have?
US English fries check
Nghe cuộc hội thoại. Họ gặp phải 3 vấn đề nào?
UK English chips bill
b. Listen again and complete the dialogue.
Nghe lại và hoàn thành hội thoại.

Waiter Customers

Chicken for you ma’am, and the steak for I’m sorry, but I asked for a baked potato,
you, sir. not ......................1.

No problem. ......................2.

Excuse me

Yes, sir? I asked for my steak rare and this is ..........2?

I’m very sorry. ...........4. back to the kitchen

Could I have the check, please?

Yes, sir. Thanks. Excuse me.
I think there’s a .................5 in the check. We
only had two glasses of wine, not a bottle.
Yes, you’re right. I’m very sorry. It’s not my Thank you.
day today! ...............6 a new check.

3 Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm.

Nghe và nhắc lại. Bắt chước ngữ điệu của câu.

86 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

A. Ordering food and drink

Gọi thức ăn và đồ uống

1 Work with your partner. Practice ordering from the following menu.
Hãy cùng bạn của mình luyện tập cách gọi món ăn theo thực đơn dưới đây.

Lunch menu from 12:00 until 2:30
Three courses $38 Two courses $32

Soup of the day
Thai chicken wrap
Crab cakes

Apple tart
Dark chocolate mousse
Red berries with ice cream

Grilled wild salmon
Vegetarian risotto
Rib-eye steak
Kobe burger

Cappuccino, Latte $4
Espresso $3
Mineral water small $4 large $6
Cola, iced tea $2.50

Please ask to see our wine list

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Server Customer
Ask if the customer is ready to order
(Are you ready…?)
Say yes.
Take the order for an appetizer.
(Would you like …?)
Choose an appetizer.
(Yes, please. I’d like …)
Take the order for an entrée.
(What would …?)
Choose an entrée.
(I think I’ll …)
Ask about drinks.
Choose a drink
Check the order.
(So that’s one …)
Say thank you

Useful language
Are you ready to order? Yes, I’d like the …
Then I’ll have …. Could I have …?

2 Practice again. Order some dessert and a cup of coffee.

Luyện tập cách gọi món tráng miệng và cà phê.
B. Practice
Luyện tập
Study following useful phrases relating to booking a table, placing your order and so on.
And then practice with your partner.
Xem những cụm từ chuyên sử dụng trong việc đặt bàn, gọi món … dưới đây. Sau đó luyện
tập nói với bạn mình.
Useful Language
Ngôn ngữ chuyên dùng

Booking a Table Placing Your Order Complaining

• I'd like to reserve / book a • I'd like the ...................., • Excuse me, but my meal
table for four at 8pm, please. is cold.
please. • For starters I'll have the • Excuse me, we've been
• I'd like to reserve / book a soup and for the main waiting for over half an
table for a party of six at course I'd like the roast hour for our drinks.
8pm, please. beef.

88 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Booking a Table Placing Your Order Complaining

• I'd like to book a table for • Could I have chips • Excuse me, but my meal
two at 8 in the name of instead of new pota- is cold.
Hand, please. toes, please? • Excuse me, we've been
• Could we have a table by • What is the house waiting for over half an
the window, please? special today? hour for our drinks.
• Could we have a • Is there anything you • I'm sorry but I ordered
non-smoking table, would recommend? the side salad not the
please? • Could I see the wine vegetables.
• Could we have a table menu, please? • Excuse me this steak is
away from the kitchen/ • I'll have a bottle of the over done, I ordered
toilets, please? South African Cabernet rare.
• Could we have a booth, Sauvignon. • I'm afraid this wine
please? • I'll have a glass of house tastes corked.
• Could you make sure it's a red/white, please. • Excuse me this wine
quiet table, please? • Which wine would you isn't chilled properly.

Arriving at the Restaurant During/After the Meal Paying

• Good evening, the name • Could we have some • Could I have the bill,
is Hand. I have a table more bread, please? please.
booked for six. • Do you have a pepper • Do you take Visa?.
• Do you have the menu in mill? • We’d like separate bill,
English/German/French..., • Could I have some please.
please? dressing, please? • Is service included?.
• Do you have a high chair • Could you pass me the
for young children, • No, please. This is on
salt, please? me.
• That was delicious. My • (When you wish to pay
• Could we have a table compliments to the chef.
over there, please? for everyone).
• I'm sorry but I asked for a
table by the window.
• Could we have an extra
chair, please?

How to Write Complaint Letters

Cách viết thư phản ánh
Letters of complaint usually include the following stages:
Thư phản ánh thường gồm những phần sau:
1. Background − Lý do viết thư
This section describes the situation.
Phần này mô tả tình huống.
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been
supplied correctly.
2. Problem (cause and effect) - Vấn đề (nguyên nhân và hệ quả)
Cause - nguyên nhân
Firstly, I had difficulty in registering to attend the event. You set up an on-line registration
facility, but I found the facility totally unworkable.
Effect - hệ quả
Even after spending several wasted hours trying to register in this way, the computer
would not accept my application.
3. Solution - Giải pháp

Could I please ask you to look into these matters.
4. Warning (optional) - Cảnh báo (tùy chọn)

I'm afraid that if these conditions are not met, we may be forced to take legal action.
5. Closing - Phần kết

I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matters.
Tính lịch sự
The tone of complaint letters should not be aggressive or insulting, as this would annoy the
reader and not encourage them to solve the problem. In addition, questions such as 'Why
can't you get this right?' should not be included.
Thư phản ánh phải có giọng điệu lịch sự, không được thể hiện thái độ xúc phạm, vì sẽ khiến
người đọc tức giận và không khuyến khích họ giải quyết vấn đề. Ngoài ra, khi viết thư không
nên đặt câu hỏi như: “Tại sao ông/ bà không sửa sai?”
Nội dung
• The content should contain enough details so that the receiver does not have to write
back requesting more.
Nội dung bức thư cần bao gồm đầy đủ các chi tiết để người nhận thư không phải viết lại
để đề nghị.
• Legal action is not normally threatened in the first letter of complaint, unless the situation
is very serious.
Hoạt động pháp lý thường không được nêu ra để đe dọa trong bức thư phản ánh đầu
tiên, trừ khi tình huống rất nghiêm trọng.

90 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Following is an example letter. Based on the content of the letter, write another com-
plaint letter to complain about the bad service quality of the hotel that you stayed dur-
ing your summer holiday.
Dưới đây là một bức thư mẫu. Dựa vào nội dung bức thư, hãy viết một bức thư phản ánh
khác để phản ánh về chất lượng dịch vụ tồi ở khách sạn mà bạn đã ở trong kỳ nghỉ hè.
Example: Letter

Flat 303 Lucky Mansions

Address of the writer
856 Cheung Sha Wan Road
Cheung Sha Wan

Attn: Mr. David Choi

Address of the receiver
Sales Manager
Everlong Batteries
171 Choi Hung Road
Hung Hom
Hong Kong

Dear Mr Choi,
I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction
with the food and drinks at the 'European
Restaurant' on 18 January this year.

The food was disgusting, and after lunch

my family and I did not feel well due to bad Problems
stomach pains. I was forced to take sick leave
next day, and I enclose a copy of the doctor's note.

Due to the discomfort and inconvenience,

I request compensation for the doctor's fees Solutions
to the amount of $56.

I'm afraid that if these conditions are not

met, we may be forced to take legal action.

I look forward to hearing from you. Closing

Your sincerely,

David Jane

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel


1. At a barbecue 2. At a party
3. at a restaurant 4. At an office
a. hamburger b. Scotch on the rocks
c. juice d. black coffee
1. have 2. has 3. have 4. have 5. has
6. have 7. has 8. has 9. have 10. have
1. Bob has visited his grandma. 2. Jimmy has played on the computer.
3. Sue and Walter have washed their car. 4. Andrew has repaired his bike.
5. Phil has helped Anne with maths. 6. Brad and Louise have watched a film.
7. Tamara has talked to her best friend. 8. Bridgette has drawn a picture.
1. haven’t worked 2. have bought 3. haven’t planned
4. have you been 5. has written 6. hasn’t seen
7. have you been 8. hasn’t started 9. has he spoken
10. hasn’t had
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
1. has/ for 2. since 3. have/ for 4. have/ for 5. has/ since
1. Kevin has been reading. 2. You have been watching TV all day.
3. Paul hasn’t been listening to the radio. 4. The men have been playing cards.
5. The girls haven’t been cycling.
1. Has Carol been shouting?
2. Have you been dancing?
3. Has Kevin been running?
4. How long have they been talking on the phone?
5. How long have these books been lying on the floor?

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Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Robin: I think the waiter has forgotten us. We have been waiting here for over half an hour and
nobody has taken our order yet.
Michele: I think you're right. He has walked by us at least twenty times. He probably thinks we
have already ordered.
Robin: Look at that couple over there, they have only been here for five or ten minutes and they
already have their food.
Michele: He must realize we haven’t ordered yet! We have been sitting here for over half an
hour staring at him.
Robin: I don't know if he has even noticed us. He has been running from table to table taking or-
ders and serving food.
Michele: That's true, and he hasn’t looked in our direction once.
1. have you been / have studied 2. have had
3. have loved 4. have had / have gone
5. has worked / has enjoyed 6. have thought / have become
7. have seen / have seen

A Have you ever worn a big hat?

B Yes, I have.
A When did you wear it?
B When I went to a wedding last summer.
A Have you ever borrowed your father’s clothes?
2 B Yes, I have.
A What did you borrow?
B A tie. I needed one for an interview.
A Have you ever met a fashion model?
B No, I haven’t.
A Have you ever bought any second-hand clothes?
B Yes, I have. I bought a beautiful white shirt for $1.50 in a market.

5 A Have you ever had an argument about clothes?

B Yes, I have. My brother took my best sweater to the beach and ruined it.


1D 2E 3F 4B 5A 6C

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

a. tip b. waiter c. cash d. bill e. waitress
f. glass g. menu h. chef i. wine j. credit card
a. table b. non-smoker c. menu d. hungry e. order
f. fish and chips g. drinks h. bottle i. dessert j. bill

Starters Main courses/ Beverages Desserts Wine list

tomato soup roast chicken iced coffee home-made green rum
tea ice cream
cheese salad rib-eye steak smoothie apple tart champagne
fresh lasagna tiramisu

1. Roast beef 2. Mashed potatoes
3. Plain omelette 4. Chocolate gateau
(Note: plain chocolate and roast potatoes are also possible)

a. single room b. double room c. twin room
d. family room e. dormitory f. bunk beds
g. reception h. key i. advance
a. lift / elevator b. luggage storage c. coffee and tea
d. reception e. 24 hours room service f. gym
g. web access h. meeting room i. non-smoking room
j. restaurant k. iron room l. valet
m. money exchange n. airport shuttle o. laundry service
p. bar or lounge q. phone r. casino
a. help b. book c. when
d. stay e. like f. floor
g. much h. night i. reservation
j. name k. spell l. tomorrow

94 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

/i/ in/children/live/minute/since / win
/ai/ child/I’ve/like/life/mine/line

[t] [d] [id]

Based designed directed
produced discovered invented
named painted


(1) /ð/ there / the / that / another

(2) /θ/ thank / something / thirty / nothing / three / think
Reading 1
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F
Reading 2
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F
9. F 10. T 11. T 12. F
1. Ms Gray 2. Six nights 3. 419
4. 7 to 9 5. On the sixth floor
1. send 2. room 3. white 4. with
5. French fries 6. anything 7. ice
1. a tomato and mozzarella salad / mushroom soup 2. fried chicken
3. a baked potato 4. rare 5. wine
1. fries 2. I’ll change it 3. well-done
4. I’ll send it 5. mistake 6. I’ll get you

Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

English words Part of speech Vietnamese equivalents

Airport shuttle n Điểm đưa đón đến sân bay

hoặc từ sân bay đến các điểm khác
Apple tart n Bánh tạc nhân táo
Baked potato n Khoai tây nướng
Bar / lounge n Quán rượu rất lịch sự
Beverage n Đồ uống
Bill n Hóa đơn
Book v Đặt chỗ
Bunk bed n Một trong chiếc giường đôi,
gắn chiếc này lên chiếc kia, đặc biệt
dùng cho trẻ em
Cash n Tiền mặt
Casino n Sòng bạc
Champagne n Rượu sâm panh
Cheese salad n Sa lát pho mát
Chef n Đầu bếp
Chip n Khoai tây lát mỏng
Credit card n Thẻ tín dụng
Dessert n Món tráng miệng
Dormitory n Kí túc xá
Double room n Phòng đôi

Fork n Cái nĩa (dùng để xiên thức ăn)

French fries n Khoai tây chiên

Gateau n Bánh ngọt

Green tea ice cream n Kem trà xanh
Gym n Phòng tập
96 ENG102_Bai1_v2.0013105217
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Home-made adj Tự nhà/gia đình làm lấy để dùng
Hungry adj Đói
In advance adv (đặt) trước
Iron room n Phòng là ủi
Knife n Con dao
Lasagna n Một món ăn của Ý có các lớp mỳ Ý
mỏng trộn với thịt, nước sốt cà chua
và pho mát
Laundry n Chỗ giặt là quần áo, hiệu giặt
Lift/ elevator n Thang máy
Luggage n Hành lý
Main course / entrée n Món chính
Mashed potato n Cháo khoai tây nghiền nhừ
Mayo n Xốt ma-don-ne
Medium (steak) adj Vừa (bít tết)
Meeting room n Phòng họp
Menu n Thực đơn
Money exchange n Đổi tiền
Non-smoking adj Không hút thuốc
Omelette n Trứng tráng
Order v Gọi (món ăn, đồ uống…)
Piece n Mẩu, mảnh, viên, cục, khúc
Pint n Panh,đơn vị đo lường ở Anh bằng
0,58 lít, ở Mỹ bằng 0,473 lít
(A pint of beer) (Một panh bia)
Plain chocolate n Sô cô la đen
Rare (steak) adj Tái (bít tết)
Reception n Lễ tân
Unit 3: Restaurant and Hotel

Reservation n Sự đặt chỗ

Rib-eye steak n Bít tết thịt bò lọc ra từ xương sườn
Roast v Quay, nướng bỏ lò
Roast chicken n Gà quay
Rum n Rượu rum

Self-service adj Tự phục vụ

Single room n Phòng đơn
Smoothie n Đồ uống làm từ nước hoa quả/hoa quả
trộn với sữa hoặc kem
Starter n Món khai vị
Storage n Chỗ cất giữ, kho

Take away v (đồ ăn) lấy để mang đi

Thirsty adj Khát
Tip n Tiền boa
Tiramisu n Một loại bánh ngọt tráng miệng rất
nổi tiếng của nước Ý
Toast n Bánh mì nướng
Twin room n Phòng có hai giường đơn

Vacancy n Chỗ trống

Valet n Người phục vụ (đỗ xe cho khách,
giặt quần áo, phục vụ bữa ăn …)

Waiter n Bồi bàn nam

Waitress n Bồi bàn nữ
Web access n Điểm truy cập web
Well-done (steak) adj Chín (bít tết)
Whole wheat n Lúa mì nguyên chất
Wine n Rượu

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