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1. This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in both Malay and English. / Tugasan ini
mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris.

2. Answer in Malay or English. / Jawab dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris.

3. Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the myINSPIRE for
preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times
New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. / Muat turunkan templat tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan
daripada myINSPIRE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip
dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5.

4. Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding references. Do not copy the
assignment question and instructions to your answer. Only assignment answer developed within the
approximate word limit will be assessed. The number of words should be shown at the end of your
assignment. / Tugasan anda hendaklah mengandungi 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak
termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin
soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. Pemeriksa tidak akan membaca jawapan tugasan
yang melebihi had patah perkataan yang dibenarkan. Jumlah perkataan hendaklah dinyatakan di
penghujung tugasan anda.

5. You must submit your assignment ONLINE via the myINSPIRE. Refer to the portal for instructions on the
procedures to submit your assignment online. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted
assignment for personal reference. / Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan SECARA ONLINE melalui
myINSPIRE. Sila rujuk kepada portal untuk arahan mengenai prosedur menghantar tugasan anda secara
online. Anda dinasihatkan menyimpan senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri.

6. You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. / Anda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan
SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail.

7. Your assignment must be submitted between 9 July 2018 until 22 July 2018. Submission after 22 July
2018 will NOT be accepted. / Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 9 Julai 2018 hingga 22 Julai
2018. Serahan selepas 22 Julai 2018 TIDAK akan diterima.
8. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. You
should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own. / Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara
individu. Anda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja
orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri.

9. Please take note that PENALTY will be imposed on late submission of assignment as specified in the
Registrar’s Office circular 6/2012 (Refer to Registrar’s Announcement in myINSPIRE). / Sila ambil maklum
tentang PENALTI yang akan dikenakan ke atas penghantaran lewat tugasan seperti yang tertera di
pekeliling pejabat Pendaftar 6/2012 (Rujuk Registrar’s Announcement di myINSPIRE).

10. Please ensure that you keep the RECEIPT issued upon submisson of your assignment as proof of
submission. Your assignment is considered as NOT submitted if you fail to produce the submission receipt
in any dispute arises concerning assignment submission. / Anda perlu memastikan RESIT yang
dikeluarkan bagi penghantaran tugasan disimpan sebagai bukti penghantaran. Kegagalan
mengemukakan resit dalam sebarang isu yang timbul berkaitan penghantaran tugasan akan
mengakibatkan tugasan dianggap TIDAK dihantar.

Tugasan ini menyumbang sehingga 30% daripada jumlah markah kursus berkenaan. / This
assignment accounts for 30% of the total marks for the course.

Anda akan diberikan maklum balas tentang tugasan ini sebelum Peperiksaan Akhir Semester
bermula. / You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination


The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to identify and analyse different
types of corporate level strategies.

Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk membina keupayaan pelajar untuk mengenal pasti dan menganalisis
jenis-jenis strategi tahap korporat yang berbeza.


Find a current example of a business for each of the strategies presented in the table below. Use
the Internet as well as magazines and newspapers to find your examples. You may browse
Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Industry Week, Malaysian Business, The New Straits Times etc.

For each example, briefly analyse the corporate level strategy used by the business.
Type of Strategy Current Business Example and Brief Analysis of Strategy
Example: An example of a business using unrelated diversification is
Unrelated ABC Corporation. ABC Corporation has been in the
diversification manufacturing sector for the past twenty years,
manufacturing IT based products in its factories in Bayan
Lepas………(further info on company background and its
products/business) (NST, 2015:15)
Last March, ABC Corporation bought over a hotel chain on
Penang Island for RM 2 million (Times, 2017:4). The hotel
chain is reputed to be a successful one which is popular with
both overseas and local tourists……
ABC Corporation’s venture into the hotel industry is
completely unexpected as it is in a totally different industry.
This is what is known as unrelated diversification
where……….(definition of the strategy)
The move by the company can be said to be positive because
diversifying into an unrelated business can be worthwhile
when………. (refer to the circumstances when this strategy
can be beneficial to a company).
OR…This move is actually unwarranted as………(your
justification based on strategic management concepts as

Give your own analysis on the strategy and make sure that it
is fully justified.

(a) Forward integration (5 marks)

(b) Backward integration (5 marks)
(c) Market penetration (5 marks)
(d) Market development (5 marks)
(e) Product development (5 marks)
(f) Related diversification (5 marks)

[Total: 30 MARKS]

Cari contoh semasa sebuah perniagaan untuk setiap strategi yang dibentangkan dalam jadual di
bawah. Gunakan Internet serta majalah dan surat khabar untuk mencari contoh-contoh anda. Anda
boleh melayari Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Industry Week, Malaysian Business, The New Straits
Times dan lain-lain.

Untuk setiap contoh, analisis secara ringkas strategi korporat yang digunakan oleh perniagaan itu .
Jenis strategi Contoh perniagaan semasa dan analisis ringkas strategi yang
(a) Integrasi hadapan
(b) Integrasi mundur
(c) Penembusan pasaran
(d) Pembangunan pasaran
(e) Pembangunan keluaran
(f) Kepelbagaian berkaitan


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