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Dungeon Turn

1. Situation DM describes what’s apparent to the senses.

What do you do?

2. Actions PCs declare: what and how.

3. Results DM narrates the results.

Repeat 2 and 3 until “time passes”.

4. Turn & Check DM marks 1 turn and checks for wandering monsters.

Actions & Results

If any PCs undertake immediate actions at this point or ask questions, they should be dealt
with immediately. If the action is not immediate, however, the DM should let the other
PCs know that the character is committing to an action that will take a few minutes and ask
what the other characters are doing during this time. Once all PCs are committed to non-
immediate actions or waiting for their allies to finish their tasks, the DM should resolve
each non-immediate task in an order of his choosing. Once resolved, “time passes” and the
DM should proceed to step 4 of the Dungeon Turn.

Speaking to one another is considered a free-action and thus, role-playing can occur
organically during the dungeon turn. However, the reasonable limits of meta-gaming apply
and the PCs should pay respect to the narrative concept of “committing” to an action.
Roleplaying can spill over into “time passing” by DM ruling.

Combat encounters take place immediately and do not interrupt the normal dungeon turn
procedure. Multiple encounters can occur each turn (due to exploration, loud noises, and
wandering monsters). Social encounters can spill over into “time passing” by DM ruling.

Wandering Monster Checks

Type of Encounter Roll Method

Loud Noises Roll 1d12 when PCs attract attention

Exploration: roll 1d12 per turn
Short Rest: roll 1d6
Long Rest: roll 1d4 per watch
> encounter occurs on 1

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