Crossing The Red Sea: Small Group Discussion

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October 25, 2015

Small Group Discussion

Crossing the Red Sea

I. Sharing Question: Have you ever taken a road trip? What was the purpose of your trip?
What made you choose your path? Did it go as planned?

II. Background: The crossing of the Red Sea brings us to the culmination of the Exodus story.
Moses has answered God’s call to return to Egypt and confront Pharaoh in his
abuse of the Israelites and urge him to let them go. An intense interaction
between Pharaoh, God and Moses ensues through the ten plagues and the
passover. Pharaoh relents and releases the Israelites but ultimately goes back on
his word. Moses and the people are forced to rely on God alone to escape
Pharaoh’s grasp. Will God prove faithful to his word and his purpose?

III. Read Passage: Exodus 13:17-14:31

IV. Discussion Questions:

1. Why did God not lead the people through Philistine country(13:17)? What does
that tell you about the emotional, spiritual and physical state of the Israelites?

2. How did the Israelites leave Egypt? What did the Israelites arm themselves for
(13:18)? Were they ready for it?

3. What did Moses take with him as he left Egypt (13:19)? Why is this important?
What would that matter to the people? Do you see any significance?

4. How does God show himself in order to lead the people(13:21-22)? When does
he do it? Does he ever leave?

5. What does God tell Moses to ask the people to do (14:2-4)? What does God say will
happen? Did the people do it?

6. How does Pharaoh respond to the Israelites departure from Egypt? Why is he
See reverse for more questions
October 25, 2015
Small Group Discussion

Crossing the Red Sea

IV. Discussion Questions (continued):

7. How does Pharaoh follow the Israelites? What is he prepared for (14:9)?

8. What is the reaction of the Israelites when they see Pharaoh and his army bearing down
on them (14:10)? How is that different from their manner in 14:8?

9. What did the Israelites do in their terror? (14:11-12, and a little bit of 10)

10. What is Moses reaction and then his instruction (14:13-14)?

11. Whose battle is this(14:14)? What do the people need to do?

12. According to 14:15 what is Moses doing? What does God instruct Moses to do (14:16)?

13. What happened? Where did the pillar of God go (14:20)?

14. Throughout this encounter with the Egyptians what does Moses do? What does God

15. What happens to Pharaoh’s army (14:20)? To the Israelites (14:29)?

16. How do the Israelites respond to God and to Moses(14:31)?

V. Reflection Questions:

1. Can you think of something God has freed you from? What was that like? How did you
know God was leading you?

2. What are ways you help yourself remember God’s faithfulness to you in the past?

3. What are ways you could help yourself trust God for the future?

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