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Name: Charity Anne Camille B.

Penaloza Course: BSEd-English IV

Subject: English

Grade & Section: 9- Gold, Aluminum & Silver

Time: 9:00-10:00, 1:00-3:00

A Detailed Learning Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will demonstrate their ability to:
a. recognize the difference between Direct and Indirect Speech;
b. change the Direct Speech to Indirect Speech;
c. value the importance of Direct and Indirect Speech through using it in a daily

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech
B: References:
 A Journey through Anglo-American Literature, pp. 531-532
 English III, pp. 257-263
 English Expressways, pp. 211-214
C. Materials: strips of cartolina, projector, laptop, chalk, eraser
D. Values Integration: cooperation, self-esteem, optimism, appreciation
E. Teaching Strategies: Cooperative Learning, Discovery Approach

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

Good morning class! Did you have a Good morning Ma’am! Yes Ma’am!
goodnight sleep?

Does it mean that I can expect all of your Yes Ma’am!

active participation?
Is that an agreement? Of course Ma’am!
Thank you!

2. Checking of Attendance

Class, who are absents today? Everyone is present Ma’am!

Very good!

Now, let us have the sponsoring group or LB

for the preliminaries.
a. Prayer
b. LB- presentation
c. Recapitulation (recap)
3. Classroom Management

Class, kindly arrange your seats properly. I (The students will arrange their seats. It
can see pieces of paper and plastic. is a communication competence-
sociolinguistic. The students should
pick up the pieces of paper under the
4. Collecting and Checking of

Instruction: Identify the voice of the verb in

each sentence.
1. Raul presented an interesting topic. 1. Active
2. Baseball was played by Joseph. 2. Passive
3. Martin removed the old paint. 3. Active
4. The national budget was approved by 4. Passive
5. She cooked the breakfast. 5. Active

5. Review

Okay class, based from the activity we have Our topic last meeting was all about
done earlier. What was our topic last meeting? Active and Passive Voice.

Now class, how can we transform Active In transforming Active Voice to

Voice to Passive Voice? Passive, the subject will be the doer of
the action.

Very good! Class, how can we construct In transforming the Passive Voice to
Passive Voice to Active Voice? Active, the subject will be the receiver
of the action.
Very well said, class!

6. Motivation

Class, are you familiar with the game “Let’s No Ma’am!


Please be ready because we will play Let’s

Boogie. Class, I will divide you into two
groups. The object of the game is to discover
words with high value points from the letters
in the Boogie Box. There are 100 letters cube
in the “Boogie Box”. Then, I will give you 2
minutes for that.

Here are the words to be discovered with

corresponding points:
Quotation 3
Speech 3
Direct 2
Indirect 2
A total of 10 points. The group with the
highest score wins the game.

(After the activity)

Now class, since you have successfully found It may be included in our topic today
the words to be discovered. Do you know why Ma’am!
we have included those words? Or even
wasted time just to find it?

Very good! Those words will be very

significant to our topic today. So, please listen
and pay attention to our discussion.

But before anything else, our objectives for

today’s lesson are:

1. Recognize the difference between Direct

and Indirect Speech.
2. Change the Direct Speech to Indirect
3. Value the importance of Direct and Indirect
Speech through using it in a daily life

B. Developmental Activities

1. Words to Learn
Class, you formed four words from the Boogie Yes Ma’am!
Game earlier, right?

Now, I want those words to be defined.

So, here’s my instruction. I have here four
definitions of the words you have found
earlier at the game. I also need four volunteers
that will match these definitions to the
corresponding words. So volunteers please
come in front and start matching it.

 Direct- the exact words someone says,

set within quotation marks.
 Indirect- the reporting
of what someone has said, as reported
by another person.
 Quotation- the quoting of what
somebody has said or written.
 Speech- things, ideas or words that are
said to someone.

2. Discussion
Activity 1
Class, I have here a picture.
Kindly construct a statement or sentence
following the questions below.
 What do you think the mother says to
the girl?
 What does the mother want the girl to
 What does the boy do with the ball?
The mother says, “The boy is playing a

Very good!
So, our lesson for today is all about Direct
Speech and Indirect Speech.

From the sentence you constructed, Mother

says, “The boy is playing a ball.” What can
you say about the sentence? Is the sentence Yes Ma’am!
has two parts?

So, what are those two parts? The mother says and “The boy is
playing a ball.”
Very good!

These two parts are what we call the

explanatory part and the quoted part.

The mother says, “The boy is playing a ball.”

Explanatory Part Quoted Part

explains or tells, who shows the exact

says, asks, commands, words of the
or requests speaker

How about the punctuations? What have you There is a comma after The mother says
observed from the sentence? while there is a quotation mark in the
quoted part or in “The boy is playing a
Very good!

Class, this sentence is an example of a direct

speech, which is derive from a sentence
consisting of two parts.
Activity 2

Class, I have here another picture.

Then, I need someone to answer my simple


(John Lester will raise his right hand and


Okay John Lester, you assume that you are

going to report or say to us your answer.

So here’s the question, what does the mother The mother says that the boy is playing
say to the girl after seeing the boy playing? a ball.

Now, what changes have you observed from The comma is gone as well as the
the sentence? quotation mark. But there is a word
added, which is that.
Very good!

So, the explanatory part remains as it is, but

the comma and quotation mark have
disappeared. Then, the quoted part is
introduced by the word that.

Class, this sentence is an example of an

indirect or reported speech.

Now class, since you already know how to

construct direct and indirect speech. Let’s now
focus on the rules of tenses upon changing
direct speech to indirect speech.

Example 1:

Jimmy said, “The orientation program is

successful.” --- Direct
Jimmy said that the orientation program was
successful. --- Indirect

Class, what have you observed on the The is in the Direct Speech becomes
example? was on the Indirect Speech.

So, how can we change the Direct Speech to We can change Direct Speech to
Indirect Speech using the past tense? Indirect Speech using the past tense if
the quoted part is in a present tense.
Well said!
A past tense in the explanatory part
and a present tense in the quoted part
need a change from the present tense in
the quoted part to past tense.

Example 2:
Eddie said, “The graduates last year have
already found good paying jobs.” --- Direct

Eddie said that the graduates last year had

already found good paying jobs. --- Indirect

Again, what have you noticed on the example

given? The have already found in the Direct
Speech becomes had already found in
the Indirect Speech.
So, how come that it was changed?
It was changed because it must be in a
past perfect tense if the statement in the
For the past tense in the explanatory quoted part is in present prefect tense.
part and a present perfect tense in the
quoted part, change the present perfect
tense into past perfect tense.

Very good!

Clinton said, “I will take computer science

next year.” --- Direct
Clinton said that he would take computer
science next year. --- Indirect

Now class, what happened to the given There are changes in the helping verbs
sentence? in the quoted part.

Very good! So, how can that be possible? It will be possible to have changes in the
helping verbs in the quoted part if it is
in a future tense because it must be
changed into past form of the helping
For a past tense in the explanatory part
and a future tense in the quoted part,
make the helping verb will to would,
can to could, and more.

3. Application

Now class, let’s have a fun activity! Do you Of course Ma’am!

want that?

Okay, so kindly proceed to your LB groups.

Instruction: I have here different tasks that we

can use Direct and Indirect Speech. Since you
already formed your groups, here are the
Group 1

You have this

picture for your
group. Give 3 Direct
Speeches out of the
situation given.

Group 2

Like for the group 1, you have to provide 3

Indirect Speeches from the picture.

Group 3
Present a view about the government drugs
campaign. Observe Direct/Indirect

Group 4
Present a dialogue between two lovers. Don’t
forget the Direct and Indirect Speeches!

Group 5
Sing a line from any of the songs in which you
find Direct and Indirect Speech.

Now class, you have 5 minutes preparation.

Don’t forget to remember the L (Listen)
B(Behave) C(Cooperate)!

Are you now ready? Yes Ma’am!

Let the activity begin!

4. Generalization
Do you have any questions concerning our No Ma’am!
topic for today, class?

Okay, very good!

Again class, what is the difference between Direct Speech gives the exact words of
Direct and Indirect Speech? the speaker, while Indirect Speech gives
the words of the speaker as reported by
another person.
Very good, class!

So can we change direct speech into an We can change direct speech into an
indirect speech? indirect speech through following the
rules on tenses and of course with the
use of that clause if it is in declarative.
Class, why Direct and Indirect Speech are Direct and Indirect Speech is important
important in daily life conversation? because it gives a clear intention and
emphasis to what we say. For example,
Let’s put Direct Speech as your
mother’s request on buying fishes and
vegetables to the market. Through
applying Indirect Speech, the seller of
fishes and vegetables can easily provide
what you want to buy as a customer
because you just reported those foods
what your mother told you to buy.

Well said, class!

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer what is asked directly.

A. Change the following Direct Speech to Indirect Speech.

1. The Times says, “The production is brilliant.” (The Times says that the
production is brilliant.)
2. The Guardian said, “People will love it.” (The Guardian said that people would
love it.)
3. “The teacher announced, “The students last week have gone swimming to
Boracay.” (The teacher announced that the students last week had gone swimming
to Boracay.)
4. Father said, “The teachers are very intelligent.” (Father said that the teachers were
very intelligent.)
5. Aleyah said, “The child is not happy to be with clowns.” (Aleyah said that the
child was not happy to be with clowns.)

V. Assignment

 For 0-2 scores

Instruction: In your ½ crosswise sheet of paper, construct at least three examples
for Direct Speech and same with Indirect Speech.

 For 3-5
Instruction: In your ½ crosswise sheet of paper, create a dialogue consisting
Direct and Indirect Speech.

Mrs. Lorna N. Saldon

Cooperating Teacher

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