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J>nAXl�, fuCJ.

ieA "filL�Ti

Doct' lohann "Ew�1!, l>radicirfc,

unJ hf \�·hwol"nt Hollen

"""\X ·n n !'.
o:u·u�eX K �rolltXK aratlwi K�
melt�n i· �H·Im1\unf EllH 0 ycsrim
+ Rim+ \-x·�\l'lltc\t'Ko, 1\elll�\l'I'Hil ; ••• n,It.,(
I lltenu�\t',Anml'l'h i Gy.�ct�Hl I· [\i.,l�phn
r·o�+ (\�i:u·lum\1\ ·i Mt-u:IH· I C(·\dl'.� B�t
t'imt'i· G.yt·t�' S�"'w'' t-· •�<i,· trtn·ovoco.
&X1aYoYAmatluma +lam hay
··· +s'clua
+ P.nnphi[os'IJ4 A�iel+Alechemefor
S'alafhiel+Ves'ar+ Amaf'h.emacl1 +
Hero.Somini+ t!ltu Sancfe pie Deus' il1comp rehen
bik,in omnibus' operibuiiU.is' 'l"(f.s'unfB'anc
efBona Barion+Salmaa j n+ RapheltNt'l11.an .ubeo te Jare s'i�n£\Tu� advenfifionil".
i·Aun+ Rophaef +veni..r +TeRravifer
&X2a. YOYAmaflttma +lam hay t-Sch.ea
+ P.uuphifos,.. A�ie{ + Alechtme lor
Rapha('l t B'alafhiei+Ves'ar+ Amafhemach+
HeroSomini+ d:tu s'ancfe pie Deus' incomprelum
bifis'in omni�us' op�ibuiTuis' qva,Sun(S'anc
et'Bona Barion+ Salm&n+ Raphael+Nftl\an
Aun + Rophaef +vent++TeRravifer
· �.1�1\ p r!U!LUOl[ �JOJtlr
nJ��,· q \!tl�,.1Jd u! tUl'tlP�'' �Hp JJ�I?vJd ·
wvn U <'Hl.ilq,:, �U�IUOll.Sn1.il U� Ull'!-J13_ ClllflJ
UOJ�UlUI.'\'.T};V-9P�S�ll!\UON,!l&-ew_ .J.ll3_ ,!lnctUI�
JllllH):!:f ll�JUJWJ(lO <l,J.\l}�o.td p \!.l.j.SoU 1 "P+ C')
-=-- -·-- - ...:..{, - ;r
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+1 �� +����-1iY� + i�-!
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(.� + Je mostra et f1''-'b1ate o1,rairnf�n E6umc

Tempus E:."t MagniN�.,minisTE'Jl·t\Rr,uumafon
(me Enam inejus'no mine obedirnti"m
D .J , �o.' �· �, s::
trM,tare . Uffe "i J eam 111 pervOlli\ d ,'l t�1U
Jl.'rori l10miniS et viri.
Lan�b�y.Belion- b�nor n�s'o.·aman I

B11arSonoa·i'Arotan TNi�a Ra.pluu:ltAla.

t.ama11 + fman,i Na �a man Ted.oy 1,
Teabic:abal tRuos',hluaar la."n\mla

i· -:ebaman+Schematkt£ s·iba�t +Phi ..

lomel i'Ga�a-tttan +Dele it A�:atan +U -rieet

+Facal+ Ala�amant' + Nill"";u + s'acro.

O•! !"+ Q »+�
,..,ande. pie Deu�+ Z<iY homann +Acluaas'
·+Ni%.a +"Jachal +Ne<'iel + Amafemach Luci' fer amicut meus' J i lect u

tHer·s'omini t per hoc Co8-ot'e ut Apareas' e( --�rvus

&ome.Hoc yGrculo,EtPre.)ta 9.voJ t'e iubeo.
La\·ab�y .Bel ion_ 5�nor l1nSo1·aman,
B11arSonot·+Arotan +Ni �a Rl\plmdAla..
t.aman + iinan,i Na �:a man Tedoy 1,

Teabic:abal tRuo.s',A.·luaar lambala

lochim. .

i· :.ebaman+SchematktE �ibut +Phi.,

lomel TUa":t.attum +Dcleit A:·4atan+U ...ieet

+Facal+Ala�amant' + Nis�a + Sacro.

s'anct'e pie Deu�+ Z<& homann +Acluaa8'
+Ni�a +lachal +Ne<'iel + Amafemach Lucifer amicus' meus' Jilec{us'
tHe,·Somini t per hoc G'8'ofe ut Apareas' e( �rvus'

&ome Hoc(rGrrulo,EtPre.)ta q,vod t'e 1ubeo.

�"e.Fg... ,��·ct�tJ;; .tt,$ + + H.e9viet' tf Hamalie.lttHaneltt
�£).;i.M.:t�s'll.fi s'ckY"«<&.-AsJa,Na•\
. ...

Atatlcl f f Scholid ft Phacameeh tt

Sother,E.manue1,Aclomafay;Auray, A:mafon. Oriph ff Ma1chiJaef + t Barbiel f t
Elle,EllcyVi.Sion �1'i� �ew 3-;���e-�� .Zach.eriel +fOriphiel ffZamuel +
MenJte'J��Li£i-1� �"� �e,1f �W1tc-fc Hamaliel ff.Ziriel ff Rtt�S 7 7
�eie'\"'\Sei(.JktmettCbe)l , �e�fi Ag'J�
� �.;; �.
'jal�a� �U.m11" Jtl:'e.�#t�( h t�-tt�c1tt
v f:. 1..
\: '-\ ���M-i./
' '- ;..,t ,� '/{"l-"" '
tC\" ·IMd,J vvrCUL t'C t r1 oO�·t 11-.

r (len �a{aeC i rf So i c� �� t" R�.,v.m on 1\ "�

IJ r-- � ��' •

'Nephi -'tophilcs,..., lJ b,� Jltctt'J,( h1ra��rafii.

Agla,AJon�y An1in Q�mi '". .,..

f1 + 4.�'+ M + l�unc veni -per om11i pofen�f.mria verba or::

Tetra�·.,mrnatm Adon<yAsk ef:per ,.uJ.nc ra

le:-'u Clu:isfi �proph.efas' per apo5f0los' :t per

dfo Gto Lito veni nee morart•. vel it. �1,me.S San"fos qui vivanf cumDeo ln��nC'�

DuiSa Mn1'is �baofh DujamDuja

+ + Reqviet' +t HamalielttHanel+t
Atatlel f f S'choliel ft Pharamec.h ff
Oriph ft Ma1chiJaef + + Barbiel f t
.Zacheriel +fOriphiel tfZamueJ++
Hamalid +f.Zjriel f +Russ + +

l'lunc veni per om11i pofen�f.mria verba orii


Tetragr.,mmafon, AdmL�yAofa ef.per ,,u1ncra

le:,tl Clu·isi'i ,pt'O}Jh.efa5 per�posfDfos' et per
Gfo dto Ceo vmi nee morare. "elis. OlJIIU'S s'anrfos qui vivanf cumDeo lnSancf

DuiSn Abrtl.s "!ebaofh DujamDutam

� �re£�we1cf>d���
�c&'f,.�IW't tM.ru:iJ.S�ruer1-Jer
Scpfem planefarum .Archc\l�elo 4

hJorfmTe&�g:.AJon�Agla.denn i� Oriphulttachat"iel t"amuel+l1idtael t

�Je n1"Ta� fabt>c£ � m F��e 0�

Raphael Gabt"iel Sa�i�"c-K�i�ut
�t Rumor ��«�ageft'� �e�k
J.meJJe4·���� �.!($ �f�r�'J1�
k£�� �(et'fm®J(a�en 'Joffe.? +++
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I GO�OrJVI§VZlfftl

22a t(a JTS:rrt:=l � :x od o
c:::J 2Z-3'X� J-I</) .bJT.�QJI.
Translation & Commentary

This is a facsimile of the work as published in

Scheible, Das Kloster, Stuttgart 1847. A. E.Waite
described the text in Tbe Book of Ceremonial
Magic, London 1911, p112:-

The Praxis Magica Fausti or "Magical

Elements of Dr. John Faust, Practitioner
ofMedicine," claims to have been printed
from the original MS. in the Municipal
Library ofWeimar and is dated 1571, at
which period it must be respectfully
affirmed that there was no Municipal
Library in the birthplace of Goethe.
Furthermore, the existing collection does
not include theMS.W hether the original
edition was antedated cannot be certainly
affirmed, as it is exceedingly scarce, and I
am acquainted with it only in the reprint
of Scheible and in an unprinted transcript
by Major Irwin. The work consists of a
few curious plates, in the manner of the
seventeenth century, and a few
unintelligible conjurations, all exceedingly
brief. The third of these exhorts the Evil an alternative translation is also presented,
Spirit on the quaint ground that now it is being distinguished by italicisation, as are the
the time of the Great N arne smaller font editorial comments. I am
Tetragrammaton. The purpose of citation indebted to Ms. Andrea Hohn for he::
is not indicated; the formulre are Christian, assistance with the German. However, the
broken up by innumerable crosses and by responsibility for any errors is mine alone.
names and terms which defy conjecture
The text is curious and ambiguous. Common
as to their significance. The hierarchy of
to many grimoires it calls upon Christian
the spirit is determined by the closing
powers to control infernal daemons. Hov.rever,
words: "I command thee, 0 Spirit Rum oar,
it is ambiguous as to how diabolic beings are
even by Lucifer, thy mighty sovereign."
to be regarded, referring to Lucifer as a sen-an·
It might be added that Waite was the owner but also a friend and lover. According to\Vaite
of the Irwin MS and that it is now held by the intent is unclear. However, the printed text
the Cleveland Public Library in Ohio, U.S.A. expresses the desire for two hundred gran�!
We are indebted to Mr. Stephen J. Zietz for whether pounds, lira or another brand of lucre
transcribing the text and generously making that shares a similar symbol. However, the
it available for research. The Irwin translation symbolism of the illustrations goes beyond
is presented in subsequent pages, rubification such fancies. They enunciate an unexpected.l:·
being as reproduced by Zietz. However, there sophisticated system of magical philosoph�·
are significant variations between this text and that was unlocked by an observation made br
that published by Scheible. Waite follows Mr. Patrick McFadzean.
Irwin and, ironically, his description happens
to concentrate upon some variant elements.
At these points, the Irwin text is given, but
brief. The third of these exhorts the Evil an alternative translation is also presented,
Spirit on the quaint ground that now it is being distinguished by italicisation, as are the
the time of the Great N arne smaller font editorial comments. I am
Tetragrammaton. The purpose of citation indebted t o Ms. Andrea Hohn for her
is not indicated; the formulre are Christian, assistance with the German. However, the
broken up by innumerable crosses and by responsibility for any errors is mine alone.
names and terms which defy conjecture The text is curious and ambiguous. Common
as to their significance. The hierarchy of to many grimoires it calls upon Christian
the spirit is determined by the closing powers to control infernal daemons. However,
words: "I command thee, 0 Spirit Rumoar, it is ambiguous as to how diabolic beings are
even by Lucifer, thy mighty sovereign." to be regarded, referring to Lucifer as a servant,
It might be added that Waite was the owner but also a friend and lover. According to Waite
of the Irwin MS and that it is now held by the intent is unclear. However, the printed text
the Cleveland Public Library in Ohio, U.S.A. expresses the desire for two hundred grand,
We are indebted to Mr. Stephen J. Zietz for whether pounds, lira or another brand of lucre
transcribing the text and generously making that shares a similar symbol. However, the
it available for research. The Irwin translation symbolism of the illustrations goes beyond
is presented in subsequent pages, rubification such fancies. They enunciate an unexpectedly
being as reproduced by Zietz. However, there sophisticated system of magical philosophy
are significant variations between this text and that was unlocked by an observation made by
that published by Scheible. Waite follows Mr. Patrick McFadzean.
Irwin and, ironically, his description happens
to concentrate upon some variant elements.
At these points, the Irwin text is given, but
Praxis Magica Fausti =

Fausti Praxis Magica


or A manuscript in the Grand Ducal Library

ofWeimar is reproduced by lithograph on
The Magical Elements the following eight pages.

of (The 1847 German text has not been reproduced

Doctor John Faust- Practitioner


(Title Page)

Praxis Magica Faustiana

From the original Manuscript in
the Municipal Library ofWeimar or
Passan anno adventionis Christi
Infernal Conjurations and Oaths as
Practiced by Doctor John Faust

AD 1527
Praxis Magica Fausti =

Fausti Praxis Magica


or A manuscript in the Grand Ducal Library

ofWeimar is reproduced by lithograph on
The Magical Elements the following eight pages.

of (The 1847 German text has not been reproduced)

Doctor John Faust- Practitioner


(Title Page)

Praxis Magica Faustiana

From the original Manuscript in
the Municipal Library ofWeimar
Passan anno adventionis Christi
Infernal Conjurations and Oaths as
Practiced by Doctor John Faust

AD 1527
(First Page) (Second Page)

Image ofFaust in charge of the Devil, in the form of the Image of Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God signifying tbe
a horned goat, who is bound by chains and controlled Passion of Jesus as he took on the role of the J�wisl::
with a whip. Interestingly, it seems that the Devil is sacrificial lamb and died for our sins. It was believed mar
earthbound, whilst Faust appears to float astrally above. by doing this then jesus would, at the Last]udgemen·
gain power over Hell and can, therefore, be called upo:;
to force its inhabitants to obey the commands of tbe
magical practitioner.

Praxis Magica

Karuze X Karoth X Karathoi X Kemelton X

Achatum Ella X Dyestim+Rim +Warmat
+ Ko + Nemarram + Palat + Themat + Twme+ Qaror+amathema+Jamhayor Schea
Amarrh + Gyseton + R a l a ph aros + 0 + Stal + Salmazan + Pamphilos + Aziel
Sachman + Machey + Gacles + Bachat + Alechemelor+Raphael+ Salathiel IIi- Ve Sar
Gyrta+ Somon+++ Now do I call thee+++ Amathemach + Heroe + Somini t· By the
loving Kindness of the Holy Incomprehensible
and Invisible God - which is displayed in al1
his works - for all things which he hath created
are good and holy + Barion Salmafan +

Raphael + Neman + Azan +Raphael-!' come

thou I call thee vehemently +
(First Page)
(Second Page)

Image ofFaust in charge of the Devil, in the form of the Image of Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God signitjting the
a horned goat, who is bound by chains and controlled Passion of Jesus as he took on the role of the Jewish
with a whip. Interestingly, it seems that the Devil is sacrificial lamb and died for our sins. !twas believed that
earthbound, whilstFaust appears to float astrally above. by doing this then Jesus would, at the LastJudgement,
gain power over Hell and can, therefore, be called upon
to force its inhabitants to obey the commands of the
magical practitioner.

Praxis Magica

Karuze X Karoth X Karathoi X Kemelton X

Achatum Ella X Dyestim+Rim+Warmat
Ko + Nem arram + Pala t + T hem at + Twme + Qgror+amathema+Jamhay + Schea
Ama rrh + Gys e t o n + Rala phar o s + 0 + Stal + Salmazan + Pamphilos + Aziel +
Sachman + Mac hey + Gacles + Bachat + Alechemelor+Raphael+Salathiel+Ve Sar+
Gyrta + Somon+++Now do I call thee+++ Amathemach + H eroe + Somini + By the
loving Kindness of the Holy Incomprehensible
and Invisible God - which is displayed in all
his works - for all things which he hath created
are good and holy + Barion Salmafan +
Raphael+Neman + Azan +Raphael+come
thou I call thee vehemently +
(Third Page) (Fifth Page)

Image of the Burning Bush, by which God spoke to The Magic Circle
Moses and granted him such magical powers as the
ability to turn his staff into a serpent. Sometimes
considered Biblical authority for the practice of magic.

0 Spirit by the power and virtue of the letters (Sixth Page)
which I have inscribed - do I command thee
to give me a sign of thy arrival TWMEATANON

I command thee to give me a sign ofthy arrival Larabay+ Belion+ Sonor+ Soraman Bliar ,+
Sonor+ Arotan+ Niza+ Raphael + Alazaman
+ Eman + Nazaman + Tedoyl + Teabicab
Ruos, Acluaar + Iambala + Cochim
(Fourth Page)
AEt+ W
Image of a rainbow over waters, token of the covenant
that God made to the passengers of the ark following
Zebaman + Sehemath + Egibut + Philornel
the Deluge; that he would never again destroy the world
to prevent man sinning, perhaps reassuring for a magical Gazaman + Delet + Azatan + Uriel c: Faca: ··

practitioner about to conjure infernal beings. Alazamant + Nisia + By the most sacred and
holy mercy of God+ Zeyhomann + Acluaas
I command thee to be obedient unto me - and Niza + t Tachal + Neciel + Amatemach � Her
now is it the time of the great name somina + By this I compel thee to appear unto
Tetragrammaton and I command you to appear me before this circle and to do wha
before me in a beautiful and pleasing form. command thee -
(Third Page) (Fifth Page)

::uge of the Burning Bush, by which God spoke to The Magic Circle
• fo·es and granted him such magical powers as the
a· · :cy to turn his staff into a serpent. Sometimes
nsidered Biblical authority for the practice of magic.

0 Spirit by the power and virtue of the letters (Sixth Page)
� · ch I have inscribed - do I command thee
·o gi\·e me a sign of thy arrival TWMEATANON

I command thee to give me a sign ofthy arrival Larabay + Belion+ Sonor + Soraman + Bliar +
Sonor+ Arotan+ Niza+ Raphael + Alazaman
+ Eman + Nazaman + Tedoyl + Teabicabal +
Ruos, Acluaar + Iambala + Cochim +
(Fourth Page)
AEt+ W
,...., ge of a rainbow over waters, token of the covenant
6ar God made to the passengers of the ark following Zebaman + Sehemath + Egibut + Philomel +
-:.e Deluge; that he would never again destroy the world
Gazaman + Delet + Azatan + Uriel + Facal +
?-�-ent man sinning, perhaps reassuring for a magical
. ractitioner about to conjure infernal beings. Alazamant + Nisia + By the most sacred and
holy mercy of God+ Zeyhomann+ Acluaas +
command thee to be obedient unto me - and Niza + t Tachal + Neciel + Amatemach + Her
now is it the time of the great name somina+ By this I compel thee to appear unto
Tetragra.mmaton and I command you to appear me before this circle and to do what I
· fore me in a beautiful and pleasing form. command thee-
(Seventh Page) (Eighth Page, continued)
Lucifer (from the Latin, lucem ferre, meaning "light­
I invoke you by the holy and majestic name of
bearer") is associated with Venus, theMorning Star, that
heralds the dawn that is greeted by the cock's crow. The Agla, Naob, Sother, Emmanuel, Adomatay,
crowned cockerel also signifies Lucifer's sin, pride, which Auray, Amaton, Elle, Elloy Vuion and by the
some modern commentators identifY with our ego. last judgement of jesus Christ, by the power of
the holy the names Chef, HeotiAgla thatyou bring
Lucifer,.friend, my love and my Servant me two hundred thousand £s, here into this circle.
Sally forth from that place Paymon and
Mephistophiles, by thepower ofTetragrammaton
AglaAdonayAmin Lumin
(Eighth Page)

Now do I conjure and command thee 0 Evil

] l#t S l#t M l#t
Spirit by the powers of Heaven and by the
words of life + Maji, Staeti, Sche, agla, Naob,
Quicky Quickly Quickly, C o m e hither
Sother, Emmanuel, Adonay + Adomaty +
without delay
Auray + Amaton, Elle + Elloy + Vision + By
the g reat love of Jesus Christ and by his
Paymon rules the western regions of Hell, one of the
t riumph over death and hell and by the
four princes attributed to the cardinal points who govern
omnipotency of God - who is - who was - the other evil spirits. OfMephistophiles, more later.
and who ever shall be - by the word Paymon -
and Mephistophilis and by the power of the
words Tetragram Agla Adonay Amin Lumin

(Ninth Page) (Tenth Page)

I command, cite and conjure thee to come Now I conjure thee to come from thy abode
quickly and without delay + I call thee + + even from the farthest parts by these great
Requiet++ Hamaliel++ Hanel++ Atatiel+ and mighty names - T etragrammaton -
+ Scholiel + + Phacamech Oriph + + Adonai - Agla - and to appear before me
Malchidaet + + Barbiel + + Zacheriel + + receiving and executing my demands truly
Oriphiel Zamuel+ + Hamaliel++ Ziriel++ and without falsehood I command thee 0
Rugs++ Spirit Rumoar -, e ven by t[h]y great
sovereign Lucifer I command thee in the
Come now I conjure thee by all the most name of God the F ather+ of the Son + and
powerful words Tetragrammaton - Adoney­ of the Holy Spirit+ and by the power of the
Agla - and by the wounds of J.C. - by the name Jesus of Nazareth- Amen.
Prophets- by the Apostles- and by all the saints
who live in the holiness and love of God - Come Now, departfrom here. By thegreat and mighty
now by the mystic words + Duisa + Fortis+ names: Porten TetragrammatonAdonay, Agla,
Zebaoth- I do conjure thee to come+ Dujam+ because I give you rest, depart in peace, and
Dujam+ Dujam without any lies, without rain or hail, without
any danger to my circle, myselfor my apprentice;
The printed text omits '1command, cite andconjure thee to in the name ofour Lord, thefather+, the son +,
come quickly andwithout delay 1/t Icall thee"at the beginning and the holy spirit+. Depart from hence in the
ofthe page, also the word for "love"in the secondparagraph.
name ofjesus ofNazareth, Amen.

(In the Irwin text, this page and the next are transposed.
(Ninth Page) (Tenth Page)

I command, cite and conjure thee to come Now I conjure thee to come from thy abode
quickly and without delay + I call thee + + even from the farthest parts by these great
Requiet Hamaliel++ Hanel++ Atatiel+ and mighty names - Tetragrammaton -
Scholiel + + P hacamech Oriph + + Adonai - Agla - and to appear before me
- 1alchidaet + + Barbie! + + Zacheriel + + receiving and executing my demands truly
Oriphiel Zamuel+ + Hamaliel+ + Ziriel+ + and without falsehood I command thee 0
Rugs..:..- Spirit Rumoar -, e ven by t[h]y great
sovereign Lucifer I command thee in the
Come now I conjure thee by all the most name of God the F ather+ of the Son + and
powerful words Tetragrammaton - Adoney- of the Holy Spirit+ and by the power of the
Agla- and by the wounds of ].C. - by the name Jesus of Nazareth- Amen.
Prophets - by the Apostles- and by all the saints
who live in the holiness and love of God- Come Now, departfrom here. By the great and mighty
now by the mystic words + Duisa + Fortis + names: Porten TetragrammatonAdonay, Agla,
Zebaoth -I do conjure thee to come+ Dujam+ because I give you rest, depart in peace, and
Dujam+ Dujam without any lies, without rain or hail, without
any danger to my circle, myself or my apprentice;
The printed text omits 'Tcommand, cite andconjure thee to in the name ofour Lord, the father+, the son+,
comequickly andwithout delay #Icallthee" at the beginning and the holy spirit+. Departfrom hence in the
ofthe page, also the word for "'ove"in the second paragraph.
name ofjesus of Nazareth, Amen.

(In the !tWin text, this page and the next are transposed.)
(Eleventh Page) (Twelth Page)

I conjure each and all of ye Spirits - by the An image ofMephistophiles. His name derives .from tt:e
Greek:- me -"not", phos - '1ight" and philos - "lo\-e: ,
seven archangels - Governors of the Planets
meaning one who hates the light. Thus, he is 6e
- Ouphiel+ Zacheriel+Samuel+Michael+ equivalent of Lucifuge Rofocale, whose name den'i-es
Gabriel+Raphael+who are your Governors from the Latin lucis -"light" and fUgio -"to Bee". Rofoc2.1e
to do that which I command - In the name of is the reverse of "Lucifer" retaining the consonants, b!1:
the Triune God++Amen letting the vowels drift (LuCiFeR- RoFiCaLe). Thus
when the angel Lucifer falls from Heaven and is reflecec
+++ across the horizontal axis of the Earth into the darkn __

of Hell, he is the light-bearer. His counterpart, being

reflected again upon a different axis, is Mephisropbi!""'
who shuns the light. In the context ofmagicalphilosop�.
I conjureyou further by the seven planetary
the term "averse" has been used to describe this process
archangels Oriphiel "" Zacheriel Samuel "" of double reversal. If the pride of Lucifer ma_l' be
Michael"" Raphael Gabriel that you depart associated with our ego, then his light-opposi:Jg
from hence counterpart may be considered the negation of that
the terrifYing Other, whom the practitioner muse mee:
and transcend. Some have described this process a.>
"Crossing the Abyss".

The portayal here of Mephistophiles is intelligent. He

RMP is partly cloaked in the letters of his name, as if i r is ±is
that brings him into being. He, himself, is invisible. Hi;
presence is indicated by abstract lines of force; as is s7
for one who flees the light and, therefore, can nel"e:
(In the Irwin text, the order of this page and the actually be seen.
previous one are transposed.)
(Eleventh Page) (Twelth Page)

I conjure each and all of ye Spirits - by the An image ofMephistophiles. His name derives from the
Greek:- me -"not", phos -'1ight" and philos -"lover'�
even archangels - Governors of the Planets
meaning one who hates the light. Thus, he is the
- Ouphiel + Zacheriel + Samuel + Michael +
equivalent of LucifUge Rofocale, whose name derives
Gabriel + Raphael + who are your Governors .from the Latin lucis -"light" and :fugio -"to flee': Rofocale
o do that which I command - In the name of is the reverse of"Lucifer" retaining the consonants, but
the Triune God + + Amen letting the vowels drift (LuCiFeR N RoFiCaLe). Thus,
when the angel Lucifer falls from Heaven and is reflected
+ + +
across the horizontal axis of the Earth into the darkness
of Hell, he is the light-bearer. His counterpart, being
reflected again upon a different axis, isMephistophiles,
I conjure you further by the seven planetary who shuns the light. In the context of magical philosophy,
the term "averse" has been used to describe this process
archangels Oriphiel #t Zacheriel Samuel #t
of double reversal. If the pride of Lucifer may be
.Michael, Raphael Gabriel that you depart associated with our ego, then his light-opposing
from hence counterpart maybe considered the negation of that ego,
the terrifying Other, whom the practitioner must meet
and transcend. Some have described this process as
... + +
"Crossing the Abyss".

The portayal here of Mephistophiles is intelligent. He

RMP is partly cloaked in the letters of his name, as ifit is this
that brings him into being. He, himself, is invisible. His
presence is indicated by abstract lines of force; as is apt
for one who flees the light and, therefore, can never
'In the Irwin text, the order of this page and the
actually be seen.
previous one are transposed.)
(Thirteenth Page)

A plant sprouts forth from the earth, its form is that of a

snake or sperm, microscopes having first revealed their
existence in 1677. Beside it are two rampant lions, their
tails suggestive of foliage. This image symbolises
generative force. Perhaps the practitioner must embrace
both light and dark forces, using one to control the other,
and then meet the terrifYing Other, here Mephistophiles.
Having transcended these opposites, he can utilise the
mystery of the creative powers of nature, surely the most Portayals of the
fundamental play of polarities. I am indebted to Mr. actual appearance
Daniel A. Schulke for the observation that the plant of the mandrake
may be a stylised rendering of the actual appearance of
the root and fruit of the mandrake. Some images are
reproduced upon the following page for the purposes of
comparison. The mandrake represents a particular case
of the magician's manipulation of generative force. In
German folklore, the roots of mandrake plants thatgrew
where a hanged man's dying ejaculation fell, developed
into Galgenmiinnlein, meaning "littlegallows men" which
were homunculi that could serve a practitioner. Other
procedures for the creation of an homunculus likewise
used sperm, but did not require the physical death of
the donor. Not all believed that such homunculi were
materially existent. Indeed, their artificial creation and
an ethereal nature was regarded as enabling them to
obtain special knowledge of the magical arts, which they
could then communicate to their creator.
(Thirteenth Page)

A. plant sprouts forth from the earth, its form is that of a

sna.k or sperm, microscopes having first revealed their
existence in 1677. Beside it are two rampant lions, their
·ails suggestive of foliage. This image symbolises
generative force. Perhaps the practitioner must embrace
both light and dark forces, using one to control the other,
and then meet the terrifYing Other, here Mephistophiles.
Having transcended these opposites, he can utilise the
mystel)' of the creative powers of nature, surely the most Portayals of the
fundamental play of polarities. I am indebted to Mr. actual appearance
Daniel A. Schulke for the observation that the plant of the mandrake
may be a stylised rendering of the actual appearance of
the root and fruit of the mandrake. Some images are
reproduced upon the following page for the purposes of
comparison. The mandrake represents a particular case
of the magician's manipulation of generative force. In
German folklore, the roots of mandrake plants that grew
where a hanged man's dying ejaculation fell, developed
into Galgenmiinnlein, meaning "little gallows men" which
-were homunculi that could serve a practitioner. Other
procedures for the creation of an homunculus likewise
ed sperm, but did not require the physical death of
the donor. Not all believed that such homunculi were
materially existent. Indeed, their artificial creation and
an ethereal nature was regarded as enabling them to
obtain special knowledge of the magical arts, which they
could then communicate to their creator.
'roduced :. :::
fter the rex: ....:...::

'maller �·e:·< -
·signals 1
1f010, tbe · �-·- :­

mber 2 is ree-:::-;; -

rderasirso " -·� :­

the binary fo::= :
er 5. Binary:: ·--.::s
The preceding drawing is reproduced from Irwin's
manuscript. It appears directly after the text and may be
unconnected. However, it does express cognate concepts
of averse principles as previously described. It is framed
in a border that terminates in the signs of the nodes of
the moon:- n & U, the form of these signs are rather

reminiscent of the lines of force used to indicate the
presence of Mephistophiles:- /( "'-
The nodes of the moon are the r/ V "'
points where the path of the moon crosses that of the
sun. It is here that eclipses occur and thus where the
solar disc can be turned black and the moon can be
plunged suddenly into darkness. !t was imagined these
celestial luminaries had been swallowed by a light­
opposing dragon and these nodes were termed Caput
and Cauda Draconis, the Head and Tail of the Dragon.
Their significance is carried into the geomantic figures
which share these names. Caput Draconis ·: • is associated
with Sagitarius, and we find the archer's bow in the
drawing. Cauda Draconis : is attributed to mars and
saturn and next to the figur� :ire three mars symbols and
his body carries a variation of the square of saturn.

The smaller version of the

border signals its nature. Each
digit of 010, the binary form of
the number 2 is reflected across
the border as its opposite, giving
101, the binary form of the
number 5. Binary numbers were
first described in the west by the philosopher Leibniz in so that eve.ry line adds to a total of15 (though there is a
1703. He learnt of the I Ching from jesuit missionaries transcription error). Here, 540 is added to each number,
in China and believed that he had rediscovered a so1620 has to be added to that total. Down each limb
universal mathematical l anguage that was the run the digits1 to 9, with10 added to each for the arms
foundation ofTaoist philosophy, the1 & 0 of binary and 70 for the legs. A wavy line connecting elbow ro
being equivalent to Yang and Ying inTaoism and, by knee suggests arms and legs be considered together and
implication, the sun and the moon in western the total of all the numbers found on the limbs is1620,
hermeticism. These two heavenly bodies have their most the number added to each line of the magic square of
dramatic astronomic and astrological interactions at the saturn. It is as if its limbs fold back onto (or spring forth
nodes of the moon. The system of geomancy has the from) eve.ry line of the magic square that forms its bod.l:
same mathematical foundation, but uses vertical lines of
The number 19 which appears at the ends of the
four permutations giving sixteen figures, whilst the I
mannekin's arms has special relevance. It takes19 yelm
Ching utilises lines of three permutations for the eight
for the moons nodes to traverse the zodiac.Termed the
trigrams and six for the sixty-four hexagrams.
Metanic Cycle, this period marks the time it takes for
This component of the drawing again the sun and moon to appear in the same relative positions
features the node signs and, by using in the heavens. The little mans legs terminate with the
our familiar arab numerals for the number 79. Ptolomey identified 79 years as the period i
number 2, confirms the averse nature rakes for mars and the sun to return to the same relati�-e
of the process. Whilst the central digits positions in the sky. We have already noted the mlm
are unclear (presumably a transcription symbols next to the figure.
error and, most likely, originally 5) those No doubt further significances remain to be discovered.
near the ends of the vertical line show
The drawing is labelled a "Magic Figure for Exorcisms".
that the numbers are reflected twice,
We may associate the word "exorcism"with the expulsior.
first across the axis of the line, and then
of evil demons but, in older parlance, an "exorcist" might
again across an axis that is
be a magical practioner and "exorcism" could refer ro
perpendicular to that.
various magical endeavours, including the obtaining of a
The torso of the figure is formed by a variation of the familiar. W itches' familiars tended to be in animal form
magic square of sa tum featuring the digits1 to 9 arranged whilst that of a magician was described by a17th Cenru; ·
.:.."'Sr described in the west by the philosopher Leibniz in so that evelj' line adds to a total of15 (though there is a
2 -o3. He learnt of the I Ching from jesuit missionaries transcription error). Here, 540 is added to each number,
:_n China and believed that he had rediscove red a so 1620 has to be added to that total. Down each limb
·niversal mathema tical l anguage that was the run the digits 1 to 9, with10 added to each for the arms
foundation ofTaoist philosophy , the 1 & 0 of binary and 70 for the legs. A wao/ line connecting elbow to
bemg equivalent to Yang and Ying in Taoism and, by knee suggests anns and legs be considered together and
implicati on, the sun and the moon in western the total of all the numbers found on the limbs is 1620,
11ermeticism. These two heavenly bodies have their most the number added to each line of the magic square of
d:-..m;ztic astronomic and astrological interactions at the saturn. It is as ifits limbs fold back onto (or spring forth
node of the moon. The system of geomancy has the from) evelJ' line of the magic square that forms its body.
same mathematical foundation, but uses vertical lines of
The number 19 which appears at the ends of the
f"o:u permutations giving sixteen figures, whilst the I
mannekin5 arms has special relevance. It takes19 years
Cbi.ng utilises lines of three permutations for the eight
for the moons nodes to traverse the zodiac.Termed the
=:-:grams and six for the sixty-four hexagrams.
Metanic Cycle, this period marks the time it takes for
This component of the drawing again the sun and moon to appear in the same relative positions
features the node signs and, by using in the heavens. The little mans legs terminate with the
our familiar arab numerals for the number 79. Ptolomey identified 79 years as the period it
number 2, confirms the averse nature takes for mars and the sun to return to the same relative
of theprocess. "Whilst the central digits positions in the sky. We have already noted the mars
are unclear (presumably a transcription symbols next to the figure.
error and, most likely, originally 5) those No doubt fUrther significances remain to be discovered.
near the ends of the vertical line show
The drawing is labelled a "Magic Figure for Exorcisms".
that the numbers are reflected twice,
We may associate the word "exorcism" with the expulsion
first across the axis of the line, and then
of evil demons but, in older parlance, an "exorcist" might
again across an axis that is
be a magical practioner and "exorcism" could refer to
perpendicular to that.
various magical endeavours, including the obtaining of a
The orso of the figure is formed by a variation of the familiar. W itches' familiars tended to be in animal form
=agic square of sa tum featuring the digits1 to 9 arranged whilst that of a magician was described by a17th Centuy
practitioner as".. a little Spirit of a span long, like a little
Ethiop, which the great King (the daemon Balkin) will
deliver unto the Exorcist ". (Conjuration, Society of
Esoteric Endeavour, 2004). This text describes how
possession of such a spirit passed from a Norwegian Issued in a limited edition of 180 copies
magician to his son and thence to a Polish priest who
named it Nuncula, which may derive from the word
"homunculus". It seems likely this figure portrays such a
This being copy number 54
being. He has a hairy head and a hairy tail, which may
be significant. Beliefin the existence of tailed men was MMXI
widespread and uncontroversial. In the eighteenth
century, the naturalist Linnaeus classified them as a
separate species; termed either "Homo caudatus
hirsutus", or "Homo lucifer". Both names have a strange
resonance with the themes of this book. The persistence
of belief in tailed men from Ethiopia was, it is certain, an
expression of the ugly racism of the day.
::--. ''"'''/
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