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Canon examples of
such large-scale Yobanjin
invasions include the one
Toturi Tsudao faced during
the Four Winds era and, of
course, the War of Dark
Fire in the latter half of
the twelfth century.
If the GM decides to
place the Firefly in an
earlier era of Rokugan,
they might have partic-
ipated in the Battle of
White Stag, and suffered
destruction at the hands
of the Thrane and Me-
renae fleets. Regardless,
any survivors from the
Firefly Clan could swear
fealty to the Agasha,
the Shiba, or even the
Tortoise Clan. Another
interesting possibility

would be for them to

lose their clan status (due to
take their time to assess new characters. However, once sharply reduced numbers) but prove their honor and valor
the trust of a Hotaru is earned, they become stalwart and enough to join the ranks of the Seppun.
amiable friends. Despite their cautious nature, the Hotaru

are leery of triggering any conflict and tend to be self-
effacing and polite at all times.
The Tanuki Clan
While they are at heart a peaceful clan, the Firefly “Tanuki, Tanuki,
The Imperial Archives

embrace all kinds of martial arts. As part of their general

Where did you go Tanuki,
philosophy of vigilance, they consider martial training
to be of the utmost importance and practice as often as Tanuki, Tanuki,
possible, even when not on active service. Hotaru Jainu In the forest for no one to see.”
also made sure all his vassals were competent riders, and -Traditional Rokugani childhood rhyme
in later generations the Firefly remain fine horsemen, used
The Tanuki were a peculiar clan from the moment of
to traveling long distances over any sort of terrain.
their inception, even by the standards of the Minor Clans.
To keep abreast of current martial developments in the One of the most unusual facts about them was that their
rest of the Empire, Hotaru samurai frequently volunteer founder was not a samurai of the Great Clans, but in
to participate in martial tournaments where they can face fact came from a Minor Clan himself – specifically the
samurai from other clans. Although they usually perform Badger. Oddly enough, his name was never recorded, but
adequately, Firefly bushi rarely win any of those events; it is believed he was a yojimbo to an Emerald Magistrate.
however, this is considered acceptable, since their purpose Supposedly, he got lost in the vast Shinomen Forest
is not to gain glory but to observe the techniques of after pursuing a bandit there. He was presumed dead,
other samurai in case they ever must face them in a real but emerged from the forest exactly one year later,
conflict. Of course, the humble Firefly have no intention seemingly unharmed. At first, the lone samurai seemed
of mounting an attack on any other clan, but they see it confused by the passage of time and unsure of what had
as their duty to be ready for any threat. The Firefly are happened. But he soon began to remember things in his
always careful to keep this attitude to themselves, lest they dreams, especially conversations with the many animal
offend samurai of higher status. spirits of the forest. Some thought he had simply lost his
mind, but the Emperor at that time had a keen interest in
Demise of the Firefly all things spiritual, and he summoned the lone samurai
for an audience. After three days in conversation, the
The most likely cause of the Firefly’s destruction would
Emperor granted the former Badger the right to found his
simply be their duty. Standing guard in a vulnerable
own clan and to further investigate the mysteries of the
region of the Empire, they could be destroyed by an attack
Shinomen Forest. The new-made Clan Champion named
from a larger force of yobanjin pirates, although not
himself Tanuki Jiro, leader of the Tanuki Clan, to honor
easily and not without warning the Empire before their
the shapeshifting spirits of the forest.
Jiro recruited a few samurai to his cause, but here again
his choices were peculiar. He mostly recruited from other
Minor Clans, such as the Hare, the Fox, and the Badger
This Also Looks Familiar...
themselves. His criteria seemed variable, to say the least, Like the Firefly Clan described above, the
and on at least one occasion he accepted a ronin into Tanuki Clan is not entirely new to Rokugan. It
the clan, supposedly just because she won a dice game was introduced in the world of L5R in the 3rd
against him. Regardless, the new Tanuki samurai traveled Edition supplement Freedom and Fealty (2005). It
with their leader to the Shinomen Forest, bringing a few was presented there as a historical long-lost Minor
(understandably recalcitrant) heimin with them. Despite Clan, intended to add flavor to a campaign and
the sinister location, the homes of the Tanuki samurai inspire some stories. However, just as with the rest
seemed miraculously incident free for several years, and of this chapter, there is no reason why you should
the peasants slowly adapted to their new lands, living deprive yourself of the Tanuki Clan if you like
off gathering, fishing, and hunting more than any real having them around! Just ignore the “demise” part
farming. Oddly, they are also said to have excelled at of this chapter and assume the Tanuki carried on
sake brewing, importing rice for that purpose; the Tanuki more or less the same.
claimed the beverage was for spiritual usages, but visitors So what is the significance of the “tanuki” name
enjoyed it for what it was. This was the clan’s only and image? In Rokugan, this refers to a race of
claim to fame, since most other samurai dismissed their trickster spirits from Chikushudo, the Realm of
“official” duty of investigating the Shinomen as merely Animals. Like other such spirits, they are normally
symbolic. The Tanuki samurai obviously disagreed, and in a “natural” form as their namesake animal,
often disappeared into the forest for days at end, bringing but can take other guises and have a variety of
back reports for their Clan Champion which he obediently supernatural abilities. Their animal form, the
forwarded to the Emperor. natural creature also called the tanuki, is Rokugan’s

The Imperial Archives

version of the real-life Japanese Raccoon-Dog.
Lands of the Tanuki Calling the Tanuki the “Raccoon Clan” would not
be an exact translation, but is a valid option if the
As noted above, the term “lands” does not really apply GM wants to maintain a difference between the
to the situation of the Tanuki Clan. They maintained a clan’s name and the family name.
few scattered settlements in the Shinomen Forest, many
of them housing only a single samurai family with a few 67
peasant houses clumped around it. Since the Tanuki were
reluctant to harm the trees in the forest, their houses were


usually built in clearings, around existing tree-trunks, or
even in the branches. Ubiquitous in and around Tanuki
houses were small statues and carvings of their smiling The Imperial agents dispatched to deliver the Emperor’s
namesake, the mischievous tanuki raccoon-dog, which command found nothing in the Shinomen Forest. The entire
were considered to bring good fortune to the house. Other Tanuki Clan had disappeared without a trace. Nothing
decorations were frequent, particularly in the many sake was ever found, and to many this meant the monsters of
houses; for a clan which lived in one of the most sinister the Shinomen Forest had finally gotten the better of the
places in Rokugan, the Tanuki were oddly jovial. Many small clan. Others thought the whole clan had been but a
thought the large quantities of sake they produced were trickster’s joke and might have been entirely comprised
responsible for this merry attitude, but others also pointed of actual Tanuki shapeshifters. The Emperor, disgusted
out how the Tanuki never seemed to suffer from any with the whole affair, declared the clan dead and ordered
troubles or accidents in the forest itself. them stricken from any records, with the result that their
very existence remained a secret for centuries after. They
were only rediscovered when a scroll mentioning them
Demise of the Tanuki was found in a forgotten archive which had been spared
The Tanuki Clan was quite the oddity, and owed its from censure. The truth of their fate remains a mystery,
status solely to the whims of an Emperor fond of stories although it is not impossible that a later samurai might be
involving spirits. After this Emperor’s passing, the Tanuki able to root it out.
became somewhat of a laughing stock. The next Emperor
often read the Tanuki Clan’s strange reports in front of
the Imperial Court, amusing the samurai gathered there
with their bizarre tales of badgers the size of houses or a
quest for a magical acorn. However, the next Emperor –
grandchild of the one who had granted the Tanuki their
status – found them much less amusing, and issued an
order for them to stand before him for a review of their

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