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Background: Head injury is the one problem that can cause physical and mental
disorders are complex. Distribution of head injury cases involve more productive
age group, these are between 15-44 years and are dominated by men. In Indonesia
head injuries are common in the head caused by traffic accidents. Data of
Riskesdes in year 2013 in Indonesia has increased. In Jambi, head injury patients
sufficient much 694 people who entered in IGD in year 2015.

Methods: This research is analytic survey with cross sectional approach using
medical record. Samples in this research in which patients were diagnosed with a
head injury and an assessment of the sum of leukocytes to the variables researched
were age, gender, CT Scan, the level of head injury, as well as the sum of
leukocytes. How sampling using purposive sampling technique. Furthermore, take
samples using minimal sample formula. The purpose of this research is to know
the relationship between the incidence figures leukocytosis with a level of head
injury. This research was conducted in IGD of Hospital Raden Mattaher Jambi in
year 2016.

Results: The results of the research were 92 patients in getting the most occurs at
age 13-22 years (37.0%). For sex in patients with head injury that most male sex
(72.8%), 58.7% had mild head injuries, 61% of normal CT scan results and 78.3%
had leukocytosis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results obtained p-Value is 0.002 (p-
Value <0.05), which means there is a relationship between a head injury with the
sum of leukocytes in IGD of Hospital Raden Mattaher Jambi in year 2016.

Keywords: Age, Gender, Level of head injury, CT-Scan, leukocytosis

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