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The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44

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AAHKS Symposium

Challenges in Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Setting of Developmental

Dysplasia of the Hip
Eric M. Greber, MD, Christopher E. Pelt, MD *, Jeremy M. Gililland, MD,
Mike B. Anderson, MSc, Jill A. Erickson, BSc, PA-C, Christopher L. Peters, MD
Department of Orthopaedics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a recognized cause of secondary arthritis,
Received 8 February 2017 which may eventually lead to total hip arthroplasty (THA). An understanding of the common acetabular
Accepted 9 February 2017 and femoral morphologic abnormalities will aid the surgeon in preparing for the complexity of the
Available online 22 February 2017
surgical case.
Methods: We present the challenges associated with acetabular and femoral morphologies that may be
present in the dysplastic hip and discuss surgical options to consider when performing THA. In addition,
developmental dysplasia of the hip
common complications associated with this population are reviewed.
total hip arthroplasty
modular stems
Results: The complexity of THA in the DDH patient is due to a broad range of pathomorphologic changes
complications of the acetabulum and femur, as well as the diverse and often younger age of these patients. As such, THA
subtrochanteric osteotomy in the DDH patient may offer a typical primary hip arthroplasty or be a highly complex reconstruction. It
is important to be familiar with all the subtleties associated with DDH in the THA population. The
surgeon must be prepared for bone deficiency when reconstructing the acetabulum and should place the
component low and medial (at the anatomic hip center), and avoid oversizing the acetabular component.
Femoral dysplasia is also complex and variable, and the surgeon must be prepared for different stem
choices that allow for decoupling of the metaphyseal stem fit from the implanted stem version. In Crowe
III and IV dysplasia, femoral derotation/shortening osteotomy may be required. Many complications
associated with THA in the DDH patient may be mitigated with careful planning and surgical technique.
Conclusion: Performed correctly, THA can yield excellent results in this complex patient population.
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip may present earlier in life (Fig. 1) and as a result may require
subsequent revision surgeries [4e6]. Given these challenges, the
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a recognized cause appropriate evaluation of bony morphologies and implant selection
of secondary arthritis which may lead to eventual total hip is imperative to a successful THA in patients with DDH.
arthroplasty (THA) to relieve pain and improve function [1e3]. THA Bony morphologies associated with DDH have been classified
for the dysplastic hip has been shown to result in excellent out- using several methods including the Crowe classification and the
comes. However, given the variety of morphologies present, this Hartofilakidis method [6,7]. Along with the acetabular variations,
population requires special attention and may be at a higher risk for different femoral morphologies also contribute to the complexity of
complications [4e6]. Aside from the morphologic challenges, sur- the cases. These morphologies include excessive femoral ante-
geons must also consider the age of the patient, as this population version and coxa valga, which may necessitate the need for
modular femoral implants. An understanding of the common
acetabular and femoral morphologic abnormalities will aid the
One or more of the authors of this paper have disclosed potential or pertinent surgeon in preparing for the complexity of the surgical case.
conflicts of interest, which may include receipt of payment, either direct or indirect, Herein, we (1) present the challenges associated with the vari-
institutional support, or association with an entity in the biomedical field which ety of morphologies that may be present in the dysplastic hip, (2)
may be perceived to have potential conflict of interest with this work. For full
discuss surgical options to consider when performing THA on the
disclosure statements refer to
* Reprint requests: Christopher L. Peters, MD, Department of Orthopaedics, DDH patient population, and (3) report the common complications
University of Utah, 590 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. associated with this population.
0883-5403/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
E.M. Greber et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44 S39

these classification systems are useful in understanding the bony

anatomy of the acetabular side and may help guide the surgeon as
they seek to establish the true acetabulum.
A smaller native acetabulum is often present because of the lack
of forces in the developing cartilaginous acetabulum from the
subluxated/dislocated head which does not allow the acetabulum
to form appropriately. Adding to the poor development of the ac-
etabulum from early development is the superolateral bony wear
from the high-riding, subluxated femoral head. The small diameter
of the femoral head and bony acetabulum typically dictate the use
of a smaller acetabular component when compared with patients
undergoing THA for primary osteoarthritis. Acetabular components
with outer diameters of 38-50 mm are commonly used in this
patient population. The necessary smaller acetabular components
have implications for preoperative inventory planning, intra-
operative preparation, and choice of femoral head size.
Consistent with the theme of variable morphology in DDH,
deficient bony architecture around the acetabulum can be found
lateral, anterior, or posterior. There is no reliable trend that can be
used for planning, but instead, the surgeon has to be prepared for
all the possibilities found with bone deficiency intraoperatively.
Nonetheless, isolated posterosuperior deficiency is usually seen in
neuromuscular disorders that can be associated with DDH.
Furthermore, patients with Crowe III-IV dysplasia typically have
Fig. 1. This histogram demonstrates the wide age distribution in our cohort of patients
superior or anterosuperior bony deficiency. Global deficiency is rare
who have undergone total hip arthroplasty (THA) due to developmental dysplasia of but can be seen as well and is usually associated with more severe
the hip (DDH). The mean age for our population was 42 years (range, 17-77 years). dysplasia including a dislocated femoral head (Crowe IV) [8,9].
When considering placement of the acetabular component in
Acetabular Challenges the patient with DDH, a common mistake occurs when the surgeon
chases the pseudoacetabulum, often resulting in a cup placed high,
There are many challenges to consider when planning for THA in lateral, and oversized. This mistake often leads to problems with
a patient with DDH. Owing to the deficient bone stock often fixation, stability, and the restoration of appropriate hip biome-
encountered in DDH, the most troublesome issues often lie with the chanics. Bringing the hip center back down to the true acetabulum
acetabular reconstruction. These challenges include a small- is imperative, and although this is not possible in all situations, it is
diameter native acetabulum, deficient bony architecture, and a biomechanically superior [7,10,11]. When establishing the true ac-
high-riding or even chronically dislocated femoral head. It is etabulum, the most important step is finding the cotyloid fossa and
important to understand that not every patient with DDH has the the inferior aspect of teardrop. It is only after these anatomic lo-
same acetabular morphology, and therefore, preoperative planning, cations are found and dissected that the true acetabulum can be
including classification of the morphology, is necessary. Crowe et al evaluated. However, exposure of the true acetabulum can be
[6] described a classification system from grades I to IV demon- challenging owing to soft-tissue contractures and extensive
strating the percent of subluxation of the femur from the acetab- covering of the cotyloid fossa with soft tissue secondary to the
ulum (Fig. 2). The Hartofilakidis method categorizes dysplasia into femoral head being positioned higher than this location. Following
types A, B, and C (Fig. 3) when describing both the acetabular the capsule down to the inferior aspect of the acetabulum can
changes and femoral subluxation in the dysplastic hip [7]. Both be helpful to locate the true acetabulum intraoperatively in

Fig. 2. This figure demonstrates the 4 grades of severity in the Crowe classification of hip dysplasia [6]. The grades are defined as grade I <50% subluxation of the femoral head,
grade II between 50% and 75% subluxation of the femoral head, grade III between 75% and 100% subluxation of the femoral head, and grade IV >100% subluxation/dislocation of the
femoral head.
S40 E.M. Greber et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44

Fig. 3. This figure demonstrates the 3 types of severity in the Hartofilakidis method for categorizing hip dysplasia [7]. Type A occurs when the femoral head remains within the
acetabulum with minimal subluxation, and there is also some deficiency in the superior wall with a shallow acetabulum. In Type B, the femoral head creates a pseudoacetabulum
superior to the true acetabulum, and there is complete absence of the superior wall with a shallow acetabulum. Finally, Type C is seen when the femoral head is completely
uncovered and has position superiorly and posteriorly. The true acetabulum is completely deficient and excessive anteversion may be present.

more severe cases. Once identified, bone deficiency of the true A common mistake is to begin reaming with an oversized reamer
acetabulum can then be determined. after measuring the excised dysplastic femoral head. Although the
Reaming should commence in a medial direction (Fig. 4A and B) authors typically use a rule of thumb for acetabular size to be 4-6
to the base of the cotyloid fossa or, in some situations, slightly medial mm larger than the native femoral head, this rule does not apply in
to the base as described by Dorr et al [12] to maximize bony coverage the setting of DDH. The dysplastic femoral head, often articulating in
of the acetabular component. Often, the initial reamer will be a large, shallow, lateralized pseudoacetabulum, is not a good pre-
extremely smalldin the range of 38-44 mm. Reaming should pro- dictor of the proper implant size. In addition to needing to stay
ceed in the anatomic (approximately 40 degrees of abduction and smaller in the size range to restore the hip center, the main size
20-25 degrees of anteversion) position with care to not over-ream constraint of the acetabular size is the anterior to posterior dimen-
the anterior and posterior walls. Dunn and Hess [13] described a sion of the native acetabular walls and distance between the ante-
medial wall breakthrough technique to further medialize the rior and posterior columns. Failure to understand this principle can
component and gain superior bony coverage. It is not uncommon to lead the surgeon down the road of starting with an oversized reamer
have some lateral uncovering of the component owing to the and staying lateral. The coverage is often inadequate, and the
common superolateral bony deficiency (Fig. 4C). It has been re- acetabular component can fail to get a good “scratch fit.” This is often
ported that 20%-50% of lateral uncovering may be acceptable followed by an effort to medialize with larger sized reamers and
[14e17]. When excessive lateral undercoverage is encountered, often results in reaming away of the anterior and/or posterior col-
femoral head autograft or modular porous metal augments may be umns. We cannot overstate the importance of understanding the
placed superolaterally to help support the uncovered cup (Fig. 4D). individualized anatomic size considerations, often with the neces-
The use of the just-removed femoral head as autograft has sary size being much smaller than may seem apparent at first glance.
demonstrated good results with 10-year survivorship being Furthermore, attention must be taken to not oversize the compo-
reported at 94% [18]. In more extreme cases, when there is global nent in these unique patients, as an oversized acetabular component
bony deficiency, elevating the hip center to gain bony support is can lead to iliopsoas pain, rectus femoris pain, and capsular pain
acceptable, with medialization, but should only be used if necessary from tension over the prominent anterior or anterior-lateral edge of
(Fig. 4E and F) [19,20]. Chen et al [19] reported a 5-year survivorship the implant. Ultimately, efforts should be made to place the cup in
of 90.3% for all-cause revisions when using a high hip center during the anatomic hip center, which is often achieved by keeping the cup
THA in DDH patients with Hartofilakidis type B changes. low, medial, and small.
Along with understanding the type of morphologic changes to
the acetabulum, proper selection of the acetabular component is Femoral Challenges
also important and unique in these patients. Higher rates of loos-
ening and acetabular failure with cemented acetabular components On the femoral side, increased anteversion and high valgus neck-
in patients with DDH have been reported [20]. This is likely sec- shaft angles can create nuanced challenges. The most notable of
ondary to a combination of young age, increased activity, and these morphologic variants is the increased likelihood to have
deficient bony support. As such, cementless acetabular recon- excessive femoral anteversion. Sugano et al [21] found that patients
struction is the most frequently used technique in these patients. If with DDH had an average increase of 10-14 degrees of anteversion of
needed, supplemental screws can aid in early cup stability until the native femoral neck. In their study, they reported the incidence of
ingrowth occurs. Since the native acetabulum is usually small in anteversion >40 degrees to be 23% in DDH, whereas only 7% in age-
diameter, it is important to understand that the appropriate size of matched controls with no DDH diagnosis. Similar results were found
the acetabular component should be small in patients with DDH by Noble et al [22] who determined femoral anteversion was increased
(usually in the range of 38-52 mm). in patients with DDH on average by 5-16 degrees in their cohort. The
E.M. Greber et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44 S41

Fig. 4. This figure contains the before and after views demonstrating medial wall breakthrough (A and B), anatomic position with bone graft augmentations (C and D), and placing
the cup in a high hip center using the existing bone stock (E and F).
S42 E.M. Greber et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44

Fig. 5. The 4 common methods for performing a subtrochanteric osteotomy are displayed in the figure.

anteversion increased with increased subluxation of the hip. However, stem options include modular or nonmodular, splined, tapered
even in mild DDH cases (eg, Crowe I), there was a significant increase stems as these stem designs can engage the distal diaphysis,
in anteversion. An understanding of the increased anteversion will bypassing the proximal femoral morphology. However, owing to the
help the surgeon in determining the optimal femoral stem choice in distal fixation and risk of proximal stress shielding, the authors
these patients. To address these morphologic challenges, primary and attempt to avoid these designs in primary THA, unless necessary. In
even modular stem designs may aid in the correction and restoration femora with excessive anteversion, tapered nonmodular femoral
of appropriate hip mechanics. stems are at risk of being undersized, or placed in malalignment or
Modular stems that can essentially decouple the metaphyseal/ malrotation, and may even increase the risk of intraoperative
diaphyseal fit from the version of the stem will be necessary in some femoral fracture. In an attempt to assist in preoperative stem
cases with excessive anteversion. At our institution, a modular selection, our group [23] retrospectively studied DDH patients un-
metaphyseal sleeve femoral stem is used if the anteversion is dergoing THA and compared patients who received a modular
determined to be in excess of 25 degrees intraoperatively. Other metaphyseal sleeve stem with those who received a tapered non-
modular stem. The purpose of that study was to identify preopera-
tive radiographic variables that would predict the use of modular
femoral stem designs as opposed to our typical double-tapered,
wedge, primary stem designs. In this study, the best preoperative
radiographic predicators for using a modular femoral stem included
an AP neck-shaft angle 142 degrees, a lateral neck-shaft angle
153 degrees, and a femoral anteversion >32 degrees.
With increased anteversion, the dysplastic femur can often have
an appearance of coxa valga; however, this valgus neck-shaft may
actually be a result of the increased anteversion of the neck seen on
AP radiographs. Both Sugano et al [21] and Noble et al [22] have
shown that although there are some patients with DDH that have
coxa valga, it is likely that the dysplastic femur can have a normal
neck-shaft angle. Sugano et al [21] also reported that with severe
dysplasia, there is a higher likelihood of encountering a varus neck-
shaft angle, as opposed to coxa valga. Regardless, there is a higher
rate of variability of the neck-shaft angle (both coxa vara and valgus)
in patients with DDH compared with that of normal cohorts [21,22].
The morphologic changes of the femur are not limited to ante-
version or neck-shaft angles, as many dysplastic femurs also have a
small diaphyseal diameter that can also affect stem selection. Often,
neither the AP nor the lateral radiograph can accurately depict the
diameter of the canal. The AP radiograph often overestimates and
the lateral radiograph underestimates the diameter because of the
rotational mismatch of the metaphysis and diaphysis, as well as the
radiographic position of the femur because of the excessive femoral
Fig. 6. A Kaplan-Meier survival curve for THA in a cohort of DDH patients from our anteversion [22]. The narrow diaphyseal canal may push the lower
institution. CI, confidence interval. limits of diaphyseal diameter for many implants, and as a result,
E.M. Greber et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44 S43

stem selection may need to be altered to account for this with the Although MoP is one of the most common bearing surface
use of reduced distal diameter stems, or rarely, even the use of options, studies have demonstrated increased rates of revision,
custom stems in extremely small patients. Here again, the authors osteolysis, and aseptic loosening compared with those of CoC im-
have found the use of modular metaphyseal sleeve femoral stems to plants [36]. Furthermore, recently, the issues of trunnionosis in
be helpful, as the modularity allows for a more customized fit in MoP because of the modular head-neck interface have become
both the femoral metaphysis and diaphysis. recognized. These factors become more problematic in the
extremely young patient who will hopefully have the implants in
Subtrochanteric Osteotomy place for a much longer period than the standard patient with
osteoarthritis. CoC bearings have shown some promise by
In the setting of more severe dysplasia (Crowe III or IV), with high- demonstrating lower rates of wear than MoP [37e40]. Despite re-
riding hip centers or significant subluxation, femoral shortening may ports of survivorship of CoC bearings reported as high as 99.3% at
be necessary to safely reduce the hip to the anatomic hip center. One short-term to midterm follow-up [41], CoC bearings are at risk for
method for accomplishing this is the use of a subtrochanteric osteot- fracture of the bearing surfaces, squeaking, or other mechanical
omy. This can facilitate restoration of the true acetabulum, mitigate symptoms, which may result in the need for revision of THA.
soft-tissue contractions, and protect the neurovascular structures in However, the rate of fractures in contemporary ceramic bearings is
the setting of severe preoperative limb shortening. extremely low (rates <1%), yet, further studies may be needed to
Subtrochanteric osteotomy, at the time of THA in the DDH understand the wear products, wear and failure potentials, and
population, has demonstrated effective results, with survivorship wear monitoring of these articulations [42,43].
reported around 75% at 14 years [24e27]. The subtrochanteric Perhaps, the most promising option, when weighing the risks of
osteotomy can be performed using a variety of techniques including wear vs the risks of complications, is CoP. CoP has demonstrated a
transverse, oblique, z-shaped, or the double chevron osteotomy similar low risk of ceramic head fracture, decreased polyethylene
(Fig. 5) [26,28e30]. Muratli et al [30] assessed the stability of the 4 wear compared with that of MoP, and even decreased risk of
techniques, during load testing in a biomechanical laboratory trunnionosis [44,45]. Thus, CoP bearings have become the bearing
setting and found no differences in the stability of the techniques. option of choice at our institution for these complex patients.
Regardless of the method used, the limiting factor in determining
the amount of shortening is often dependent on the soft-tissue Complications
structures around the hip, and special attention should be
directed to the sciatic nerve [13]. The long-term survival of THA in general has been reported to be
The authors' preferred technique for subtrochanteric femoral as high as 90% at 10 years and 80% at 25 years [46,47]. However,
shortening for severe dysplasia is based on the principles of ensuring implant survival in younger populations is reported to be as low as
adequate femoral fixation, maintenance of the abductor mechanism, 70% at 10 years and 55% at 20 years in the young dysplastic hip
and preserving intraoperative flexibility in determination of the [48,49]. In our own cohort of DDH THA patients (n ¼ 134 patients;
appropriate amount of shortening (femoral shaft resection). n ¼ 164 THAs), our current survival is 76% at 5 years (Fig. 6). However,
Generally, a posterior approach is used with release of the short a majority of our failures were due to MOM bearings (46%).
external rotators and posterior capsule. Acetabular preparation and When considering both the age-related concerns and morpho-
component placement is performed to allow for appropriate posi- logic challenges in these cases, it is not surprising that complica-
tioning in the true acetabulum. An oblique or transverse sub- tions exist. The most common complications have included aseptic
trochanteric osteotomy is performed and the desired amount of loosening, postoperative dislocations, polyethylene wear, intra-
femoral shaft is removed. Next, a modular stem is used such that the operative femoral fractures, nerve palsy, distal femur perforation,
proximal femoral metaphysis can be prepared independent of the and nonunion of the femoral osteotomy [6,24,25,50e53]. In our
diaphysis. Final implant placement achieves proximal fixation via a own patient population, we have experienced similar complica-
porous-coated sleeve and distal fixation with a fluted stem. tions including dislocation and aseptic loosening. Aseptic loosening
Achievement of rotational stability is paramount, and bone graft, has been shown to be one of the leading causes of revision in the
from the resected diaphyseal segment, can be secured around the younger population and has been attributed to increased activity
osteotomy for additional support. Final reduction can then be per- levels [48,51,53]. Of note, many of these reports include historic
formed, and assessment of the soft tissue and sciatic nerve tensions bearing options, including, most commonly, metal-on-nonecross-
should be completed. If excellent femoral fixation is achieved, linked polyethylene. Owing to this concern, our institution had
postoperative management is similar to uncomplicated THA. tried to move toward MOM as a potential low wear bearing option
in this young, active, patient cohort. When combining all bearing
Bearing Surface Options options over the last decade, only 8% of our cases were revised for
aseptic loosening as compared with 46% for metallosis and 31% for
As described by Heisel et al [31], the goal of bearing surfaces is to dislocations. Although we have since abandoned the use of MOM
reduce wear and the associated complications. Given the wide age articulations, dislocation still remains a concerning complication
spectrum and morphologic changes associated with the DDH after THA in the DDH patient. Given the pathomorphology
population, the surgeon must decide which bearing surface would described previously in this population, it is perhaps not surprising
provide the greatest longevity with the fewest complications for that the DDH patient is at high risk for dislocation after THA, with
each individual patient. This is of greater concern in the younger rates reported from 1.6% to 16.6% [6,25,50,52]. However, many of
THA population, as studies have demonstrated increased wear in these complications may be mitigated with careful planning and
this population [31,32]. Contemporary bearing surface options appropriate surgical techniques.
include metal-on-highly cross-linked polyethylene (MoP), ceramic-
on-highly cross-linked polyethylene (CoP), and ceramic-on- Summary
ceramic (CoC). For the purposes of this discussion, the authors
have omitted the discussion of metal-on-metal (MOM) bearings The complexity of THA in the DDH patient is due to a broad range of
because of the significantly increased risk of complication associ- pathomorphologic changes of the acetabulum and femur, as well as
ated with this articulation [33e35]. the diverse and often younger age of these patients. As such, THA in the
S44 E.M. Greber et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017) S38eS44

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