Obtaining S-N Curves From Crack Growth Curves: An Alternative To Self-Similarity

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Obtaining S-N curves from crack growth curves: An alternative to self-


Article  in  International Journal of Fracture · May 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s10704-014-9928-6


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3 authors, including:

Enrique Castillo Alfonso Fernández-Canteli

Universidad de Cantabria University of Oviedo


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Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth
curves: an alternative to self-similarity

Enrique Castillo, Alfonso Fernández-

Canteli & Dieter Siegele

International Journal of Fracture

ISSN 0376-9429
Volume 187
Number 1

Int J Fract (2014) 187:159-172

DOI 10.1007/s10704-014-9928-6

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Int J Fract (2014) 187:159–172
DOI 10.1007/s10704-014-9928-6


Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves:

an alternative to self-similarity
Enrique Castillo · Alfonso Fernández-Canteli ·
Dieter Siegele

Received: 20 February 2013 / Accepted: 8 January 2014 / Published online: 23 January 2014
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract A crack growth model that allows us to the S–N curves of a certain material for a subsequent
obtain the S–N curves from the crack growth rate curves fatigue lifetime assessment
is presented in an attempt to harmonize the stress based
and fracture mechanics approaches in lifetime predic- Keywords Dimensional analysis · Gumbel model ·
tion of long cracks propagation. First, using the Buck- Crack growth curves · S–N curves
ingham theorem, the crack growth rate curve ddaN −ΔK
is defined over all its range as a cumulative distribution
function based on a normalized dimensionless stress 1 Introduction
intensity factor range ΔK + . Then, a relevant theorem
is derived that provides an alternative to self-similarity S–N curves have been traditionally used as a basic
allowing significant reduction of experimental plan- information to evaluate fatigue damage accumulation,
ning. In this way, different a − N crack growth curves this being the main cause of failure for a number
for different stress ranges Δσ and initial crack lengths of structures and mechanical components. The frac-
a0 can be obtained from a particular crack growth curve ture mechanics approach, based on the application of
under some conditions. The S–N field is obtained from crack growth rate curves, emerges as an alternative to
the crack growth curves, showing the close relation overcome some of the limitations of the stress based
between the fracture mechanics and stress approaches. approach, and is contemplated as a procedure of wider
Finally, the model is applied to a particular set of exper- application in fatigue life prediction. In this paper, an
imental data to obtain the crack growth rate curve and attempt is made to establish the link existing between
these approaches, and to stimulate the synergy of both
E. Castillo (B)
approaches and exploit their potentiality.
Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain The correlation between the fatigue crack growth
e-mail: castie@unican.es rate da/d N and the stress intensity factor range ΔK
suggested by Paris and Erdogan (1960) became a valu-
A. Fernández-Canteli
Department of Construction and Fabrication Engineering,
able tool in the lifetime assessment of cracked compo-
University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain nents. The originally derived empirical power-law rela-
e-mail: afc@uniovi.es tionship between da/d N and ΔK in Paris and Erdogan
(1960) has been employed in a number of studies (see
D. Siegele
Fraunhofer Institut für Werkstoffmechanik,
Carpinteri and Spagnoli 2004; Spagnoli 2005; Ritchie
Freiburg, Germany 2005; Pugno et al. 2006) aimed at investigating dif-
e-mail: dieter.siegele@iwm.fraunhofer.de ferent factors influencing fatigue crack propagation. In

Author's personal copy
160 E. Castillo et al.

view of the, limited applicability of the Paris–Erdogan c and m parameters using dimensional analysis and
equation with respect to e.g., the range of da/dN, the incomplete self-similarities.
stress ratio, and the ability to account for crack clo- In this paper, a new approach is suggested that
sure, several extended models have subsequently been employs the dimensional analysis and specific features
suggested. Examples are equations from Forman et of a typical da/d N versus ΔK curve. Namely, being
al. (1967), Erdogan and Ratwani (1970), Forman and properly normalized, the latter reveals properties of a
Mettu (1992); NASGRO (2000) and some others, see cumulative distribution function (cdf) that are utilized
e.g. FKM-Guideline (2009). In particular, the models when fitting experimental data, taking advantage not
proposed by Forman and Mettu (1992) and NASGRO only of all the existing families of cdfs, but of some
(2000) provide analytical description of fatigue crack parameter estimation methods and their properties. In
growth data within the whole range of stress inten- addition, the stochastic character of the S–N and crack
sity factors, i.e. varying between the threshold and the growth curves is considered.
critical value at instability. Furthermore, it allows for While integrating the crack growth rate differential
the stress ratio (R = σmin /σmax ), the ratio of applied equation, we discovered that, if the dimensionless geo-
stress to the yield strength, and, in principal, the plas- metric factor Y is written in a certain form, all crack
ticity induced crack closure. All the above models growth curves, no matter the initial crack length or
assume certain types of analytical functions for approx- stress range Δσ , can be written in terms of a partic-
imating fatigue crack growth data and require proper ular crack growth curve for a given Δσ0 and initial
algorithms for fitting their parameters. Other models crack length a0 . To make this theoretical and practi-
try to profit from the suggested empirical relationship cal result available to readers, we provide a theorem in
between crack growth rate and stress intensity factor which this property is clearly stated and proposed as a
range, using dimensionless variables and parameters relevant alternative to self-similarity.
from the very beginning (see Pellas et al. 1977; Agha We point out that some additional effects on the
et al. 1998; Chantier et al. 2000). crack growth rate curve, such as those resulting from
Traditionally, the fracture mechanics approach (see loss of constraint conditions (crack and specimen
Bolotin 1998; Fatec-Engineering 1998; Cusumano and geometry and size), material features, test conditions,
Chatterjee 2000; Castillo and Fernández Canteli 2001; etc. are not represented in the proposed model. For the
FKM-Guideline 2009; Castillo et al. 2008; Patil et al. moment, we restrict the validity of the model to long
2008) and the stress based approaches (see Lee et al. cracks or, possibly, to physically small cracks.
2005; Castillo et al. 1999; Castillo and Fernández- Finally, it is shown that this theorem allows us to
Canteli 2006), have been considered two different ways obtain a relation between crack growth curves and the
of treating the fatigue problem. But recently, the rela- S–N field, showing the close connection between the
tion between S–N curves and crack growth curves has fracture mechanics and the residual lifetime, suggest-
been analyzed using dimensional analysis and incom- ing a unified methodology in the practice of fatigue
plete self-similarities by Plekhov et al. (2011), Paggi design.
and Carpinteri (2009) and Carpinteri and Paggi (2009) In summary, the main contributions of the paper
in the deterministic case, that is, considering the mean are:
S–N and crack growth curves. Carpinteri and Paggi
(2009) explain crack-size and size-scale effects on the 1. A proposal for a new crack growth rate model
Paris’ and S–N curves and determine an exponent m formulated using cumulative distribution functions
different from 2, and also introduce a dependency on (cdfs) to reproduce the experimentally observed S
the crack length (with an exponential function), which shape.
seems also to introduce an incomplete self-similarity in 2. The proposed model is stochastic, that is, the result-
the equations. However, the connections between the ing S-N and the crack growth curves are random.
Paris’ and S–N curves in the stochastic case have not 3. An alternative is presented to the self-similarity
been clearly established (see Castillo and Fernández- assumption to analyze the effect of Δσ on crack
Canteli 2009). growth curves. This allows substantial savings in
Ciavarella et al. (2008) questions the validity of the the laboratory tests required to characterize the
Paris law and analyzes the dependencies between the material behavior.

Author's personal copy
Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves 161

4. The S–N curves are derived from crack growth ΔK th threshold stress intensity factor range.
curves for any stress range. ΔK up limit stress intensity factor range.
5. The effect of the stress ratio R is considered based Kc material characteristic fracture toughness.
on experimental observations, which seem to con- N number of cycles.
firm incomplete self-similarity for the R effect. N0 reference number of cycles.
p probability.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we iden-
W specimen width.
tify the set of variables involved in our fatigue problem
σy yield strength.
and the set of dimensionless ratios consistent with the
Buckingham theorem. We also describe under which Using the Buckingham theorem and selecting the nor-
conditions the model is valid, and propose an alterna- malizing variables W , K c and N0 , this set of 15 vari-
tive approach which permits us to transform the crack ables can be reduced to the following set of 12 dimen-
growth rate curve as a cumulative distribution function sionless ratios:1
taking advantage of the accumulated statistical experi- a ∗ a0 ∗ B ∗ h
ence. This, together with the formulation of a relevant a∗ = , a0 = ,B = ,h = ,
theorem, allows us to derive the family of crack growth K max K max − K min ΔK th
curves for any stress range and initial crack size from a R∗ = , ΔK ∗ = ∗
, ΔK th = ,
K min Kc Kc
unique reference crack growth curve. We also present ΔK up N D

the Gumbel model as an example. In Sect. 4 an exam- ΔK up = , N∗ = , p ∗ = p, D ∗ = ,
Kc N0 W
ple of application is given to illustrate the proposed √
σy W
methods. In Sect. 5 we obtain the Wöhler curves from σ y∗ = , (1)
the crack growth curves and discuss how they can be Kc
used together to solve the fatigue problem in an inte- which guarantee that any existing physical relation
grated way. Section 6 deals with the relation between among the initial 15 variables can be written as a func-
the crack length and the lifetime cumulative distrib- tion of the 12 ratios in (1). Since we are interested in
ution functions. In Sect. 7 the influence of the stress the crack length, this relation can be written as
ratio is considered. Finally, Sect. 8 provides some con- 
clusions. a ∗ = g a0∗ , B ∗ , h ∗ , ΔK ∗ , R ∗ , ΔK th
∗ ∗
, ΔK up , N ∗,

p ∗ , D ∗ , σ y∗ . (2)
2 Proposed model
Assuming that the specimen size properties B ∗ and
In this section the new crack growth model, is presented D ∗ , the specimen material properties h ∗ , σ y∗ , and the
as an alternative approach without making use of any stress ratio R ∗ are given (fixed), and that a deterministic
similarity or self-similarity assumptions (see Spagnoli approach implying no consideration of p ∗ are selected,
2005; Ritchie 2005 or Carpinteri and Paggi 2007). we have

2.1 Dimensional analysis of the problem a ∗ = g a0∗ , B̂ ∗ , ĥ ∗ , ΔK ∗ , R̂ ∗ , ΔK th
∗ ∗
, ΔK up , N ∗ , p̂ ∗ ,

D̂ ∗ , σ̂ y∗
For the sake of simplicity, and in accordance with for-
mer dimensional analysis (see Barenblatt 1996; Carpin- = q(a0∗ , ΔK ∗ , N ∗ , ΔK th
∗ ∗
, ΔK up ), (3)
teri and Paggi 2007), the following list of 15 variables where the carat refers to variables the values of which
involved in the crack growth problem, is considered: are given.
a crack length. It is common (see, for example, Plekhov et al. 2011
a0 initial crack length. and Fig. 1) to assume that the crack growth rate is a
B specimen thickness. function of ΔK ∗ , that is,
D macro characteristic structural size. da ∗
h micro characteristic length (grain size). = q2 (ΔK ∗ (a ∗ (N ∗ )), ΔK th
∗ ∗
, ΔK up ), (4)
K min minimum applied stress intensity factor.
K max maximum applied stress intensity factor. 1 In this paper we mark dimensionless ratios with an asterisk.

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162 E. Castillo et al.

log (da*/dN*) 2.2 Crack growth instability condition

In the proposed model, two different competing mecha-

Asymptotic failure nisms are contemplated: (a) a mechanism related to the
stable crack growth, which theoretically would con-
tinue until da/d N → ∞, and (b) a mechanism asso-
Real failure ciated with the unstable crack propagation (see Fig. 1).
According to the conventional view (see Carpinteri and
Paggi 2007), both mechanisms merge to a unique fail-
ΔK *th ΔK *f ΔK*up
ure mode, so that
ΔK *
lim = ∞. (6)
K max →K c dN

Instead, the proposed model considers the parame-

ter ΔK up∗ which represents the asymptotic value of

ΔK associated with da/d N → ∞, not necessarily
Fig. 1 Crack growth rate curve. Schematic representation of
identified with ΔK f = (1 − R)K c , resulting from the
the crack growth rate curve showing the real and the asymptotic Griffith–Irwin instability condition2
failures, that is, the roles played by ΔK f and ΔK up Accordingly, the above crack growth instability con-
dition is represented by
in which we have assumed that ΔK ∗ depends on ΔK ∗f ≤ ΔK up

and ΔK ∗ = ΔK up

for da ∗ /d N ∗ → ∞.
N ∗ throughout a ∗ . Equation (4) can be considered
an extended Paris’ law that satisfies the dimensional
requirements. We note that in Paris’ law 2.3 Statement of the model

da ∗ ≤ ΔK ∗ ≤ ΔK ∗ , where ΔK ∗ and ΔK ∗
Since ΔK th
= CΔK m , (5) up th up
dN are the lower and upper bounds of ΔK ∗ (see Fig. 1),
we consider the normalized variable
the proportionality constant C is not dimensionless, its

log ΔK ∗ − log ΔK th
physical dimensions cannot be known until the expo-
ΔK ∗ + = ∗ − log ΔK ∗
, (7)
nent m is estimated, and the physical dimensions of C log ΔK up th
are material dependent. These are very serious short-
comings that the dimensional analysis is able to over- which takes values in the interval [0, 1].
come (see Castillo and Fernández-Canteli 2009 p. 6 Since many cdf are increasing, S-shape functions,
and 130, and Plekhov et al. 2011, for example). and have images in the interval [0, 1], their inverses (the
Integrating (4) and using the initial condition a ∗ (0) quantile functions) are good candidates to reproduce
∗ ∗
= a0∗ , we get the crack growth rate curves giving log dad N(N∗ ) in terms
a ∗ = q1 (a0∗ , ΔK ∗ (a ∗ (N ∗ )), ΔK th
∗ ∗
, ΔK up ), of ΔK ∗ (see Fig. 1).
More precisely, we can write
which is a simplified form of (3).
If incomplete self-similarity must be satisfied, then da ∗ (N ∗ )
additional requirements are imposed to the selected dN∗
cumulative distribution functions (cdf). 2 Permitting the critical failure to be distinct from the static crit-
In summary, using the Buckingham theorem and ical Griffith’s instability, it would permit to have a size effect
well known empirically based simplifications, the crack for integrating Paris’ law which is compatible with the threshold
growth curves can be obtained by solving the problem and the static toughness limits. Both of these depend on size a
to a −1/2 power, whereas the usual Paris’ law has a size effect
(4), which is a deterministic representation of crack which depends on Paris modulus m. This could be an alternative
growth curves for a given specimen geometry and mate- solution to what is suggested in Ciavarella (2012). However, this
rial under constant stress ratio R ∗ . interesting problem should be studied in a later paper.

Author's personal copy
Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves 163

= F −1 (ΔK ∗ + (a ∗ (N ∗ ))) (sometimes strong) assumptions or some other prop-

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ erties. This implies an important simplification. Unfor-
−1 log (Δσ Z (a (N ))) − log ΔK th
=F ∗ − log ΔK ∗ tunately, incomplete self-similarity is not supported by
log ΔK up th
some experimental results. However, in Appendix 1 we
where F()˙ is a cumulative distribution function,3 provide in Lemma 1 and Theorems 1 and 2 an interest-
√ ∗ ing alternative, which is valid if the Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) function
ΔK ∗ = Δσ ∗ Y ∗ πa we have considered (7) and
is in one of the following forms:

Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) = Y ∗ (a ∗ (N ∗ )) a ∗ (N ∗ )π . (8)
T exp(U a ∗ )
Z (a ∗ ) = , (10)
Equation (8) is equivalent to (Qa ∗ + T )ρ

da ∗ (N ∗ )   where T, U, Q and ρ are arbitrary constants. We shall

= V Δσ ∗ Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) , (9)
dN see that the experimental data in Sect. 4 confirm the
log u−log ΔK th validity of one of the functions in (10).
where V (u) = exp F −1 log ΔK ∗ −log ΔK ∗ .
up th From a practical point of view, this will allow us
The shape of the crack growth rate curve associ- to discover how the crack growth curve changes with
ated with the shape of the cdf in the suggested model is Δσ ∗ (an alternative to the incomplete self-similarity
attributed to the steady microstructural changes experi- assumption with respect to Δσ ∗ ).
enced by the material during the whole fatigue process A practical method to solve differential equation (9)
(see Anderson 2005). is given in Theorem 1, which provides the solution for
Since there are very well known families of cdfs, the differential equation (9) for any Δσ and initial value
we can use these families of functions and the corre- a(0) = a0∗ in terms of a given function S(·). However,
sponding estimation methods, and apply them to crack from a practical point of view, Theorem 2 in Sect. 1 is
growth models. In particular we can use adequate fami- more relevant. It states that if a0∗ (N ∗ ) is the solution
lies to incorporate the double-knee effect. This implies for the differential equation (9) for Δσ = Δσ0 and
reproducing not only the intermediate part (Paris’ law) a ∗ (0) = a0∗ , then, the function
but the whole crack growth rate curve.
Interesting alternative models to Paris’ law have a ∗ (N ∗ )

been given by other authors (see, for example, Plekhov 1
∗  k ∗ ∗ −1  −1  
= Z −1 Z a0  N +a0 Z Z (a1∗ ) ,
et al. 2011 or Carpinteri and Paggi 2011). 

2.4 Solving the differential equation in (9) is the solution of the same differential equation for
Δσ = Δσ1 and a ∗ (0) = a1∗ , where  = Δσ 0
Equation (9) is a differential equation in the function Once Eq. (9) is solved for particular values of Δσ ∗
a ∗ (N ∗ ). Solving this differential equation for Δσ ∗ = = Δσ0∗ and a ∗ (0) = a0∗ , Theorem 2 allows us to obtain
Δσ0∗ and the initial condition a ∗ (0) = a0∗ we obtain the crack growth curve for any other combination of
the crack growth curve a ∗ (N ) in terms of N ∗ for a Δσ ∗ = Δσ1∗ and a ∗ (0) = a1∗ in a closed form. There-
given initial crack size a0∗ , when the loading parameter fore, it reveals the effect of Δσ ∗ and a0∗ and it is an alter-
is constant Δσ ∗ = Δσ0∗ . native to the corresponding incomplete self-similarity
Once the differential equation has been solved for assumption.
this particular case, one important question arises:
should the differential equation be solved for a dif-
2.5 The Gumbel model
ferent constant load Δσ ∗ and initial crack size a1∗ ?.
The answer to this question is: In general, yes, but
Since our model uses cumulative distribution functions,
it is negative if we use incomplete self-similarity
to complete the model we need to select such a func-
3 Considering F()˙ a cdf is not restrictive here, because the
tion. It is convenient to select some well known fam-
inverse of any increasing function defined in the range [0, 1] ilies as candidates, for example the normal, Gumbel,
is a cdf. Weibull or Frechet families, for maxima and minima

Author's personal copy
164 E. Castillo et al.

(see Castillo and Sarabia 1992 of Castillo and Hadi The Buckingham theorem provides a relation among
1997). a set of dimensional ratios (dimensionless variables).
As one example, which has shown to be convenient Unfortunately, this theorem guarantees the existence
to solve the example in Sect. 4, we consider the max- of this relation but does not provide its mathematical
Gumbel family (see Castillo et al. 2005a): structure. It is here where incomplete self-similarity
  conditions play a fundamental role, because they permit
α−x us to determine this structure partially or totally. In
F(x) = exp − exp ; γ > 0, (12)
γ other words, if incomplete self-similarity conditions
apply for some dimensional ratio r1 , then the initial
leading to the model relation can be simplified to a function that separates
∗   the role of the different ratios and r1 appears as a factor
log ΔK ∗ − log ΔK th da ∗
∗ − log ΔK ∗
= F log raised to a power α1 (see, for example, Plekhov et al.
log ΔK up th dN∗
  2011). If all ratios satisfy incomplete self-similarity,
α−log ddaN ∗ then we get a formula expressed as products of ratios
= exp −exp ,
γ raised to powers.
Consider, for example, the following expression that
results after using the Buckingham theorem in the crack
which depends on four parameters α, γ , ΔK th and growth problem:
ΔK up .    
da ΔK 2 K I C σ y2 d σ y2 a ωd 2
= , , ,
dN σy ΔK K I2C K I2C χ
2.5.1 Parameter estimation
= ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) . (16)
Since the maximum likelihood method is not justified where is the unknown relation, and 1 , . . . , 4 are
here (because the measure times are selected in a deter- the dimensionless ratios. If we assume that incomplete
ministic way), we can estimate the parameters ΔK th , self-similarity conditions hold for the ratio 1 = KΔKIC
ΔK up , α and γ by least-squares techniques. We can then we get
minimize the sum of squared errors measured in the  
ΔK scale, that is, we da ΔK 2 K I C α1 σ y2 d σ y2 a ωd 2
= , ,
dN σy ΔK K I2C K I2C χ
∗ ∗
Minimize Q(α, γ , ΔK th
∗ ,ΔK ∗
, ΔK up ), (14) = ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) , (17)
α,γ ,ΔK th up

and assuming that incomplete self-similarity holds for

∗ , ΔK ∗ ) is given by
where Q(α, γ , ΔK th up all ratios we get:

     α2  α3  α
log ΔK i∗ − log ΔK th
∗ ∗
− (log ΔK up ∗
− log ΔK th ) da ΔK 2 K I C α1 σ y2 d σ y2 a ωd 2 4
= 1 ,
i=1 dN σy ΔK K I2C K I2C χ
α − a ∗ i
× exp − exp , (15) where 1 is a constant. This implies that the mathe-
γ matical structure of the crack growth rate function is

where a ∗ i = da ∗
d N i and ΔK i , i = 1, 2, . . . , n are the
In this paper we present an alternative to self-
data points.
similarity to obtain this mathematical structure in a
different form, that consists of the following parts:
da ∗
3 Alternative to self-similarity 1. First, we write dN∗ as:
da ∗  
∗ ∗ ∗
In this section we summarize the previous proposals = g1 ΔK , ΔK , ΔK
and explain how they constitute an alternative to self- dN∗ 
th up

similarity. × g2 B̂ ∗ , ĥ ∗ , R̂ ∗ , D̂ ∗ , σ̂ y∗ , (18)

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Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves 165

and since we assume fixed values of B̂ ∗ , ĥ ∗ , R̂ ∗ , D̂ ∗ a

and σ̂ y∗ , we obtain 0.005

da ∗  
∗ ∗ ∗
= g1 ΔK , ΔK , ΔK 1 . (19) 0.001
dN∗ th up

5 x 10

This assumption implies separate effects of the two 1 x 10

groups of variables involved in the two factors and 5 x 10

is much weaker than complete or incomplete self- -5

1 x 10
2. Second, we assume that the function (19) is of the 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
form:   ΔK*

log ΔK ∗ − log ΔK th
da ∗
= g3 ∗ − log ΔK ∗
. (20) b
dN∗ log ΔK up th 10 5
This seemingly safe assumption is not as much safe
as it appears because we use the fact that the vari-

da /dN
ables ΔK up∗ and ΔK ∗ are the asymptotes of the

crack growth rate curve.
3. Third, based on experimental evidence that indi- -4
cates an S shape for the crack growth rate curve,
we use a quantile function, that is, the inverse of a 10
cumulative distribution function, as the g3 function: 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0
∗ − log ΔK ∗
da ∗ log ΔK
= F −1 ∗ − log ΔK ∗
. (21)
dN∗ log ΔK up th
Fig. 2 Experimental data and crack growth rate model. a Detail
of the fitted ddaN versus ΔK curve in the left zone for the particular
We note that since any increasing function defined structure steel studied. b The data and the extrapolation
on the interval [0, 1] is the inverse of a cdf, this is
not a restriction.
4. Fourth, we use the special structures in (10) for Minimizing the function in (14), the parameter esti-
function Z (·) in order to satisfy Theorem 1 and mates were
obtain a closed form for a ∗ in terms of Δσ , N ∗ and

the initial crack size [see (22)]. α = −4.5155, γ = 4.8092, log ΔK th = −2.7981,

These steps together supply the mathematical struc- log ΔK up = 2.5709,
ture of the crack growth law, analogously to the self-
similarity steps. which implies ΔK = 12 MPa and ΔK up ∗ = 2615 MPa,

which corresponds to an asymptotic value.

The experimental data and the fitted ddaN ∗ versus
4 Example of practical application
ΔK ∗ curve for the material studied are shown in Fig. 2,
showing that a good fit has been obtained. While figure
In order to illustrate how the proposed method can be
2a concentrates on the data zone, the lower figure shows
used in practice, we apply the Gumbel model described
the whole range of ΔK ∗ + . We note that, due to the lack
in Sect. 2.5 to the case of an experimental data set,
of data on the right hand side part, the extrapolation to
containing 239 data points, obtained at the Fraun-
this area using the estimated parameter values must be
hofer IWM for a particular structure steel. Center crack
done with care. But a conservative solution could be
extension (CCT) specimens were used for the determi- ∗ = ΔK ∗ .
obtained by letting ΔK up f
nation of the crack growth rate data.
Figure 3 shows the reference crack growth curve
We have selected the following normalizing vari-
obtained by integrating Equation (9), using the Math-
ematica procedure DSolve, which uses a Runge–Kutta
N0 = 1000 cycles, D = W = 24 mm, method. It corresponds to Δσ = 90 MPa and a0 = 3.2
B = 10 mm, K c = 200 MPa m1/2 . mm.

Author's personal copy
166 E. Castillo et al.

a Δσ = 150 Δσ = 120 Δσ = 105 Δσ = 90 Similarly, in Fig. 3b, the crack growth curves for
1.0 different initial crack lengths (a0 = 3.2, 4.2, 5.9 and
Δσ∗ = 0.75 Δσ∗ = 0.60 Δσ∗ = 0.52 Δσ∗ = 0.45
8.6 mm) for Δσ = 90 MPa are also obtained from
Eq. (11).
5 Crack growth and Wöhler curves
a0 = 3.2 mm
a* 0.6
The relevance of Theorem 2 goes beyond formula (11)
and its practical implications, which has already been
pointed out by the previous examples and figures. In
this section we show how this theorem can be used
to derive the Wöhler field,4 that is, the lifetime curves
0.2 Reference crack
from the crack growth curves.
a*0 = 0.1333 growth curve Theorem 2 relates the failure crack length a ∗f with
0 5 10 15 20 the initial crack length A∗0 5 and the lifetime N ∗f , that is,

∗ k ∗  
a ∗f = Z −1 Z a0  N f + a0∗ −1 Z −1 Z (A∗0 )

b a0 = 8.6 mma a0 = 5.9 mma a 0 = 4.2 mm a0 = 3.2 mm
1.0 (22)

and it relates the initial crack length with the lifetime

Δσ∗ = 0.45

∗  ∗ −1
A∗0 = Z −1 Z a0 a0 Z Z (a ∗f ) − k N ∗f ,

a* 0.6 (23)

where a ∗f is determined from the condition of fracture

0.4 and static loading:

a ∗f = . (24)
0.2 Reference crack (Y ∗ (a ∗f )σmax
∗ )2 π
a*0 = 0.1333 growth curve
0 5 10 15 20
And, according to (10), we have taken
Z (a ∗ ) = (Qa ∗ + T )ρ
Fig. 3 Illustration of the practical use of Theorem 1. a Crack
growth curves resulting from the same initial crack length and = (0.126115617a ∗ + 0.9701834)30 , (25)
different values of Δσ ∗ using the reference crack growth curve.
b Crack growth curves resulting for the same Δσ ∗ and different where the coefficients have been fitted by least squares
values of the initial crack length a0∗ using the reference crack to the data and is practically identical to the commonly
growth curve for a0∗ = a0 /W = 0.133 used expression (see Anderson 2005):

Z (a ∗ ) = Y ∗ (a ∗ ) a ∗

= sec(πa ∗ )(1−0.025(2a ∗ )2
The importance of this curve is that it permits obtain- √
ing any other crack growth curve for different values + 0.06(2a ∗ )4 ) πa ∗ , (26)
of Δσ and/or a0 , based on Eqs. (10) and (11) of Theo-
4 The S–N curves obtained in this paper correspond to propaga-
rem 2.
tion S–N curves, that is, the initiation stage has been ignored so
To illustrate, in Fig. 3a the reference curve for Δσ = far.
90 MPa is shown in addition to the crack growth curves 5 In this paper we refer to random variables by upper case letters,
for Δσ = 105, 120 and 150 MPa for the same initial and to the particular values of these random variables by the
crack length. They have been obtained using Eq. (11). corresponding lower case letters.

Author's personal copy
Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves 167

1.6 0.35

Z a

a0 = 3.2 mm
a0 = 5.9 mm
0.8 0.15
a0 = 4.2 mm
0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008
a 0.10

Fig. 4 A comparison of expressions (25) and (26) showing an

almost perfect match 0.05 a0 = 8.6 mm

0 200 400 600 800 1000

obtaining an almost perfect fit (see Fig. 4). This guar- N *

antees that the function in (25) of the form (10) is satis-

factory and that the assumptions in Theorem 1 are valid Fig. 5 Wöhler curves obtained using Eq. (27). The curves have
been obtained for initial crack lengths a0 = 3.2, 4.2, 5.9 and
at least for this case.
8.6 mm and a failure crack length a ∗f = 0.5 (a f = 12 mm) from
If the crack length associated with percentile p is Eq. (27). For comparison the conventional Wöhler curves for
denoted a ∗p , we obtain the Wöhler field (see Pascual p = 0.50 are included
and Meeker 1999; Castillo et al. 2007), that is,

∗  ∗ −1
−1   words, for a small initial damage a ∗p , the lifetime is
a ∗p = Z −1 Z a0 a0 Z Z (a ∗f ) −k N ∗f
 essentially determined by a ∗p and not by a ∗f . In addi-
= F A−1
∗ (1 − p) (27) tion, since the derivative of the reference crack function
0 a0∗ (N ∗ ) is small for small values of N ∗ , small differ-
or ences in the initial values of the crack length lead to

  large variations in the lifetime.
a0∗ −1 Z −1 Z (a ∗f ) − a0∗ −1 Z −1 Z (a ∗p )
N ∗f = , To illustrate the proposed method we use the exam-
k ple in Sect. 4. Figure 5 shows the percentiles of the
(28) Wöhler curves corresponding to initial crack sizes
a0 = 3.2, 4.2, 5.9 and 8.6 mm for a failure crack size
which is the equation of the p percentile curve of the
a ∗f = 0.5 (a f = 12 mm). Note that the fatigue limit is
Wöhler field or the curve associated with initial crack
dependent on the percentile (see Pascual and Meeker
length a ∗p .
1999). This is also in agreement with the model pro-
Note that to know the shape of the percentiles of
posed by Castillo and Fernández Canteli (2001) when
the Wöhler field, we do not need to know FA∗0 (a0∗ ).
the initial crack length for a0 is understood as the
However, to quantify them, that is, to identify the per-
amaxmax which, being a characteristics for the surface
centile associated with a particular value of p, the cdf
finishing of the sample tested, represents the maximum
FA∗0 (a0∗ ) is required. Fortunately, it can be calculated
value of the crack size that could asymptotically be
from FN ∗f (N ∗f ) using Eq. (30).
reached by the maximum crack size in the sample.
It is interesting to point out that Eq. (28) if a ∗f → ∞,
The relation between the crack growth curves and
can be approximated as
the Wöhler field is schematically illustrated in Fig. 6,

  where the probability density function of the initial
N ∗ 0up − a0∗ −1 Z −1 Z (a ∗p ) crack length and the probability density function of
N ∗f ≈ , (29)
k the lifetime for a stress range Δσi are shown, together
with the relation implied by the crack growth curves.
where N ∗ 0up is the asymptotic value of N ∗ for the crack Note that the two lifetime densities in the two figures
growth curve associated with Δσ0∗ and a0∗ . In other must be identical.

Author's personal copy
168 E. Castillo et al.

Δσ concept of the S–N field and the initial crack size [see
Wöhler field
p1 p2 p3 Castillo and Fernández Canteli 2001)]. This assigns a
particular S–N field to a given surface finishing.

6 Relation between the crack length and the

lifetime cumulative distribution functions

Δσi In this section we show how Theorem 2 can be used to

derive the cdf of the initial crack size or the cdf of the
fatigue lifetime for given Δσ ∗ .
Equation (27) permits obtaining the cumulative dis-
N tribution function of a0∗ from the cumulative distribu-
a Δσi Δσi Δσi tion function of N ∗f , as follows
FA∗0 (a0∗ ) = Pr(A∗0 ≤ a0∗ )

−1 1 ∗ ∗ k ∗ ∗
= Pr Z Z a0 u(a f )−() N f ≤ a0


u(a ∗f ) − a0∗ −1 Z −1 Z ∗ (a0∗ )
= Pr N f ≥
u(a ∗f ) − a0∗ −1 Z −1 Z ∗ (a0∗ )
= 1 − FN ∗f .
Reference curve
Crack growth field

u(a) = a0∗ −1 Z −1 (Z (a)) .
Fig. 6 Correspondence between crack growth and Wöhler This implies that the statistical information FN ∗ (N ∗ )
curves. Schematic representation of the relation between the
densities of the crack length and lifetime. The lifetime density associated with a particular stress range of the Wöhler
obtained from the crack growth curves must coincide with the field, together with the reference crack growth curve
lifetime density resulting from the Wöhler curves a0∗ (·) allows us to determine the cumulative distribu-
tion function FA∗0 (a0∗ ) of the initial crack length. Thus,
by combining fatigue tests for a given Δσ and R with
In general, the lifetimes represented by the S–N field crack growth experiments we can determine FA∗0 (a0∗ ).
resulting from the crack growth rate curves assuming Similarly, we have
such long cracks, would be conservative or even very 1
∗ ∗
FN ∗f (n ∗f ) = 1− FA∗0 Z −1 Z a0 u(a f ) − k n ∗f .
conservative with respect to the S–N field obtained 
from direct testing of samples exhibiting surfaces as (31)
those provided by machining, grinding and polished. Analogously, this implies that the cumulative distri-
This can be attributed to the absence of the initiation bution function of the initial crack length a0∗ , together
phase in the former S–N curves. Further, according with the reference crack growth curve a0∗ (·) allows
to Fernández Canteli et al. (2012), the methodology us to determine the cumulative distribution function
proposed provides probabilistic basis for development FN ∗f (n ∗f ) of the lifetime.
of the Kitagawa-Takahashi-El Haddad diagram as an
extension of the finite lifetime generalized concept of
Ciavarella and Monno (2006). This will be the aim of 7 Effect of the stress level or stress ratio
future work. Assuming a unique ΔK th for the material
(under the same constraint conditions but irrespective According to Molent et al. (2006), Carpinteri and Paggi
of the surface finishing) the model establishes a rela- (2007), Jones et al. (2007), the crack growth rate Equa-
tion between the percentile curves in the probabilistic tion (9) can be replaced by

Author's personal copy
Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves 169

da ∗ (N ∗ )  

= V Δσ ∗ (1 − R)β1 a ∗ γ1 Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) , us to determine what assumptions need to be vali-
dN dated.
(32) 2. Proposing the normalized variable ΔK + , which
takes values in the range [0, 1], allows us to use S-
to take into account the effect of R and to correct for shaped cumulative distribution functions to repro-
experimental observations which show deviations from duce the relation between ΔK + and ddaN . This per-
the Paris law. The (1 − R)β1 term in the formula is mits incorporation of a wide range of models com-
supported by the experimental results of Oberwinkler ing from the statistical field to solve the crack
et al. (2009), which indicate that the effect of R on growth problem.
the crack growth rate curve is simply a translation, i.e. 3. If the function Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) is of the form given in
causing practically no change in the shape of this curve. (10), as it is confirmed by the data in Sect. 4, theo-
In addition, incomplete self-similarity considerations rem 2 allows us to obtain the crack growth curves
support the inclusions of both factors (1−R)β1 and a ∗ γ1 for any Δσ and initial crack growth length a0 , from
in (32). However, this assumption needs to be validated a reference crack growth curve, corresponding to
for different materials. any arbitrary values of Δσ and a0 . This allows us
We note that the theory developed in the previous important savings in laboratory tests to discover
sections is still valid for Eq. (32). In fact, we just need fatigue material behavior.
to redefine: 4. The proposed model provides an analytical expres-
sion of the crack growth rate curve by fitting exper-
Δσ1 (1 − R)β0 imental data using a least squares technique, to
= (33)
Δσ0 (1 − R)β1 be used in the design of structural elements and
and 5. The statistical information contained in FN ∗f (N ∗f )
 (provided by a particular stress range of the Wöh-
Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) = (a ∗ )γ1 Y ∗ (a ∗ (N ∗ )) a ∗ (N ∗ )π . (34) ler field), together with the reference crack growth
curve a0∗ (·) allows determination of the cumulative
Note that this permits obtaining the crack growth distribution function FA∗0 (a0∗ ) of the initial crack
curves for different stress ranges and levels (different length. Similarly, the cumulative distribution func-
R and Δσ values) from the crack growth curve for a tion FA∗0 (a0∗ ) of the initial crack length allows us
given stress level and range (i.e. for given R = R0 to determine the lifetime cumulative distribution
and Δσ = Δσ0 values). As a consequence, Lemma 1 function FN ∗f (N ∗f ).
and Theorems 1 and 2 play an even more relevant role, 6. The cumulative distribution function FA∗0 (a0∗ ) of the
which is an interesting alternative to the similarity and initial crack length a0∗ , together with the reference
self-similarity assumptions commonly used for deriv- crack growth curve a0∗ (·) allows us to determine
ing simplified models. the cumulative distribution function FN ∗f (N ∗f ) of
the lifetime, for any given Δσ ∗ .
7. The Wöhler field can be obtained from the FN ∗f (N ∗f )
8 Conclusions or FA∗0 (a0∗ ) and the reference crack growth curve
a0∗ (·). This has important practical implications.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the mate- 8. The effect of the stress ratio R on the crack growth
rial developed in this paper: curves can be taken into account by a simple change
1. An identification of the variables involved in the in the definition of the dimensionless ratio  [see
crack growth and the S–N field fatigue problem has (33)], thanks to the experimental observation of the
been done, and a subsequent dimensional analy- fact that the effect of R is just a translation of the
sis has been performed in order to identify what crack growth rate curves.
the assumptions and the simplifications used in the
Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to the Spanish
statement of the model are. This clarifies the cases Ministry of Science and Innovation MICINN (Project BIA2010-
in which the proposed model is valid, and allows 19920) for financial support of this work.

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170 E. Castillo et al.

Appendix: Basis for the proposed alternative to self- which is a differential equation with solutions
∗ T exp(U a ∗ ) if r = 1
Z (a ) = (44)
The following lemma and theorems provide an alter- (Qa ∗ + T )ρ if r
= 1,
native to the self-similarity assumption to derive the
effect of Δσ ∗ . where

Lemma 1 The only functions that are permitted to fac- Q = U (1 − r ); T = C(1 − r ); ρ = 1/(1 − r ).
torize the function In other words, the two functions in (36).
ΔK ∗
Z  Z −1 Theorem 1 If the function Z (a ∗ ) is of one of the forms
Δσ ∗ in (10), the solution with initial value a(0) = a0∗ of the
as the product of two single argument functions differential equation
g1 (Δσ ∗ ) and g2 (ΔK ∗ ), that is,
  da ∗ (N ∗ )
ΔK ∗ = V (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )) = V (Δσ ∗ Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )))
Z  Z −1 = g1 (Δσ ∗ )g2 (ΔK ∗ ) (35) dN∗
Δσ ∗ (45)

T exp(U a ∗ ) ∗ ∗ 1 −1 

Z (a ) = (36) a (N ) = Z S (Δσ ∗ )k N ∗
(Qa ∗ + T )ρ Δσ ∗

∗ ∗

where T , U , Q and ρ are arbitrary constants. + S(Δσ Z (a0 )) , (46)

Proof If Eq. (35) holds, letting where

G(x) = Z  Z −1 (x) ΔK ∗  (N ∗ )d N ∗
(37) S(ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )) = ,
g2 (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ))V (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ))
we have (47)
ΔK ∗ g2 (ΔK ∗ ) = U ΔK ∗ 1−k and U and k are constants,
G = g1 (Δσ )g2 (ΔK ∗ ), (38)
Δσ which can be obtained from Z (·) [see (37) to (41)].

which is a functional equation of Pexider type, with Proof From (45), taking inverses and derivatives we
solution (see Aczél 1966; Castillo and Ruiz Cobo 1992; get
Castillo et al. 2005b)  
∗ ∗ −1 ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )
G(x) = U x r x (39) a (N ) = Z (48)
g1 (Δσ ) = A(Δσ ) (40)
U and
g2 (ΔK ∗ ) = (ΔK ∗ )r , (41)
ΔK ∗  (N ∗ ) = Δσ Z  (a ∗ (N ∗ ))a ∗  (N ∗ ), (49)
where A, U and r are arbitrary constants.
Thus, (37) transforms to
that is,

G(x) = Dx r = Z  Z −1 (x) (42) ΔK ∗  (N ∗ ) = Δσ Z  (a ∗ (N ∗ ))V (Δσ Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )))
ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )
= Δσ Z  Z −1 V (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ))
and letting x = Z (a ∗ ) we obtain Δσ
= Δσ g1 (Δσ )g2 (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ))V (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )),
G(Z (a ∗ )) = D Z (a ∗ )r = Z  a ∗ , (43) (50)

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Obtaining S–N curves from crack growth curves 171

where we have used the factorization property (35) of Proof According to Theorem 1, we have

1 −1

the function in (10).

From (50) we obtain a0∗ (N ∗ ) = Z −1 S (Δσ0 )k N ∗

ΔK ∗  (N ∗ ) + S(Δσ0 Z (a0∗ )) (58)
= Δσ g1 (Δσ ), (51)
g2 (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ))V (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )) and from (58), equating q0 (N ∗ ) to Δσ0 Z (a0∗ (N ∗ )), we
and integrating we have
 q0 (N ∗ ) = Δσ0 Z (a0∗ (N ∗ ))
ΔK ∗  (N ∗ )d N ∗
S(ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )) =

g2 (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ))V (ΔK ∗ (N ∗ )) = S −1 (Δσ0 )k N ∗ + S(Δσ0 Z (a0∗ )) . (59)
= Δσ g1 (Δσ )N ∗ + C, (52)
This, using inverse functions in both equations, gives
where C is a constant, which can be obtained for N ∗ =  
0, that is, q0−1 (t) = a0∗ −1 Z −1
S(ΔK 0∗ ) = S(ΔK ∗ (0)) = C ⇔ C = S(Δσ Z (a ∗ (0))). S(t) − S(Δσ0 Z (a0∗ ))
= , (60)
(53) (Δσ0 )k
and, similarly to (46), we can use (59) and (60) to check
From (45), (52) and (53), we have that
ΔK ∗ (N ∗ ) = Δσ Z (a ∗ (N ∗ )) q1 (N ∗ ) = Δσ Z (a ∗ (N ∗ ))

= S −1 Δσ g1 (Δσ )N ∗
 = S −1 (Δσ1 )k N ∗ + S(Δσ1 Z (a1∗ )) (61)
+ S(Δσ Z (a ∗ (0))) (54)
= q0 k N ∗ + q0−1 Δσ z ∗ (a1∗ ) , (62)
and using (48) we obtain

∗ ∗ −1 1
 which, using the first equations in (59) and (60), leads
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Δσ to (57).

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