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Prix Scolaire Paix et Coopération

The Great Challenge

33 rd
The Great Challenge

Peace and Cooperation Foundation, on the occasion of the World Science for Peace and Development Day (10th of November)
h t t p : / / w w w. u n . o r g / e n / e v e n t s / s c i e n c e d a y / , a n d t h e Wo r l d Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d I n f o r m a t i o n D a y ( 1 7 t h o f M a y ), invites the international educational community to engage in 'the study and diffusion of the links between
scientific and technological progress and maintenance of peace and security'

The ITU (International Telecommunications Union),, a specialised United Nations organisation regarding
information technologies and communication (ITC), promotes 'commitment to connecting the world'. Our mission is to encourage students and teachers to
become advisors of a new type of mankind.


1. Free Drawing (Up to 6 years of age). Technology is ubiquitous in our lives from the moment we first come into the world. Thanks to technology, we are
able to carry out a variety of everyday tasks: wake up, predict the weather, cook, care for crops, move from one point to another, communicate… In what
way does technology help you or what do you use it for in your daily activities? Express what ways technology helps you through a drawing, in DIN-A4
format (maximum size).

2. Message Poster (From 7 to 12 years of age). The internet has increased worldwide access to knowledge, yet there are still areas where internet
connection is uncommon, often leading to a cultural and knowledge gap, known as the digital gap. What learning opportunities does the internet offer?
Why does the internet increase the gain of knowledge, cooperation and world progress? Express your answer through a poster and a short text supporting
it. Minimum format DIN-A3 (29,7x42cm) and maximum format 50x 70 cm.

3. Mural or collective work (From 12 to 15 years of age). Despite the big advantages that technology has contributed to progress, its bad use can have
disastrous consequences. How can you use technology in a just way and in a way that generates intellectual growth, development and freedom? What
role do institutions and international rights play in the fair use of technology? Express your answer through a mural.

4. Free composition (From 16 to 18 years of age). Technology for progress. Technology holds a key role within the professional world and the world
economy; the creation of new generations, in terms of technology, might contribute to great advancement within science and innovation for peace,
health, wellbeing and global cooperation. What role does technology play in relation to your professional future? How will you use technology in your
future job to help progress? Express this connection through a free artistic creation.

5. Creation and technological investigation (From 18 to 21 years of age). Technology for peace. The International Day for Peace and Development
promotes the study and the diffusion of information through the links between scientific and technological progress and peace. There are various ways to
present the projects: videos- upload them onto Youtube and send the link to the Peace and Cooperation e-mail; Power Point- CDs by post or as an
attached file by e-mail.

6. Project- learn with technology: (Professors). The World Telecommunications Day aims to raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the
Internet, along with other information and communication technologies (ITC,) provides to societies and economies, as well as ways to reduce the digital
gap. As a teacher, present an innovative project in which the school community of your institution participates in the consolidation of the Internet as a
resource of apprenticeship, research, reflection and dissemination.

7. Extraordinary Award. There exist countless international initiatives, which use new technologies to bring cultures, languages and apprenticeships
among centres of various countries. In the fight against the digital gap, centres of various countries can establish technological ties, which help to mitigate
this effect. Present your “twinning” project among centres. There are various ways to present your projects: videos- upload them onto Youtube and send us
the link via e-mail; Power Point –CDs sent by post or an attached file by e-mail.

Facebook Group: We have now created a Facebook group in an effort to encourage open dialogue regarding the theme 'Technology and Peace' where
we hope to harbour diverse visions, artistic expressions, proposals and projects. The objective is to learn from each other in regards to such an
important theme for the future of our society. Find the group and participate! (

The creation can be presented in any of the 6 official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, English or Russian).

All works should be submitted to the Peace and Cooperation headquarters in Madrid either by e-mail or by post before the 5th of July, 2015:

Fundación Paz y Cooperación

C/ Meléndez Valdés, Nº68, 4 izq.
28015 Madrid (España)
Tel: (+34)91 5496156
Fax: (+34) 91 5435282

All submissions should be identified with the applicant's full name, date of birth, telephone number and/or e-mail of all the authors, as well as school address.
In case of submission by post, please attach the aforementioned information in an attached sealed envelope alongside the work. In order to be able to access
the videos we recommend you upload them to Youtube and send us the link at

INTERNATIONAL JURY Peace and Cooperation was founded in 1982 by the Spanish
The International Jury will meet in Madrid on the 24th of October, 2015, 'Day of the United Nations' at peace activist Joaquín Antuña. Since the beginning this
the Egyptian Institute in Madrid. organization promotes Creativity for Peace through several
initiatives, the most well-known its School Award. The work of
AWARDS this Foundation has been acknowledged by the United
6 Diplomas in each category Nations, which granted the "Messenger of Peace" recognition
7 First Place Awards of 300 Euros in 1987 and the Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC in
1999. So far more than one million teachers and students
from all around the world have taken part in the Annual
The award ceremony will take place on February 7th, 2016 'School Day for Understanding and Peace'
Peace and Cooperation School Award.
Author: Philbert Tiki Yong, 12 years old, Malasia. © Little ART

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