MF Criteria Used For MF 01.10.11 & 16.05.11

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3 month, 1 and 3 yr returns above category average (3 month average not considered in this

1, 3 and 5 yr returns above benchmark return

Final selection by balancing 1 and 3 yr return

Fund mgr exp. (how long has fund manager been with this fund?)

Fund size
VR risk rating

Volatility need to be below category average (not considered in this selection)

For MF criteria used for MF 16.05.11, following criteria was used in addition to above ones:

Risk rating is avg. of VR and morningstar rating

Where risk rating could not be ascertained with above ratings, volatility is considered with 3 yr figure
mostly taken but 5 yr figure considered if necessary

Some points to investigate in future:

Need to check importance of 3 month return, volatility and sell rule of 4 month underperformance

Need to check correct fund size

Need to examine risk factors and to lay exit rules with consideration to risk factors

Need to see whether 5 yr comparison with nifty required

Need to check if any fund house related information to be seen

Need to examine 3 month return importance

Don't buy more than 2 funds from the same fund company

For certain themes like dividend yield, etc. invest in only one fund of the type
Don’t buy multiple funds run by the same manager

Watch for overlap in your large-cap holdings

Chk if selected fund rating does not go below 4 star and if so find the reason behind

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