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Manuel Blanco Encalada School

English Department

UNIT N°1: Jobs

Miss: Karen L. Salinas Barraza

• The student will be able to apply quantifiers (a
little/a bit of) by writing four sentences correctly.
a little / a bit of
• We use a little with non-countable nouns like
rain, snow, pollution, water, etc. We cannot
use a little with countable nouns.
• a little = some but not much:
• I speak a little Spanish. (=some Spanish but
not much)
little and a little
little is a negative idea:
They have little money. They are very poor
(=nearly no money)

a little is a positive idea:

I’ve got a little money.
a bit of
• Bit can also combine with of before non-
countable nouns to suggest a limited amount
of something. (colloquial English)
• I added a bit of cinnamon to the recipe.

• I’ll just have a bit of bread and cheese.

Task: Write four
sentences using a
little/a bit of.

• Example:
• I need a little fresh air.
subject verb quantifier object WORD ORDER


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