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Simple machines

1. A machines is any tool or object that enables us to do work easily, quickly and
2. There are various types of simple machines:

a) Pulley e) Wheel and axle

b) Screw f) Wedge

c) Gear g) Lever

d) Incline plane

3. Pulley is a machines that consists a grooved wheel which can move freely and a
rope or chain which passes around it.

The uses of pulley is to lift a load or to rise a flag.

Pulley / takal

4. A screw is a cylindrical object that has a screw thread wrapped around it.

Screws are used to bind objects together or to lift object.

5. Gears consist of toothed wheels that are usually placed together.

The uses of gear is to changed the speed of object.

6. Inclined plane is a sloping surface that joins two different levels.

Incline plane is used to raise objects to a higer level.

7. Wheel and axle is a tool which consists of wheel that is joined to an axle.
Examples of wheel and axle:

8. Wedge is any tool that has an inclined plane on one or both sides ot its surfaces.
9. Lever consists of a rod that is supported at a fixed point callad fulcrum.

Examples of levers.

Complex macines
1. A complex machines is a tool or object that consists of more than one simple machine.

2. Examples of complex machines.

Wheel and axle Wheel and axle Wedge

Lever Lever Lever
Screw Screw

Apreciating the invention of machines

1. Machines helps us do our work more easily.

2. Many job cannot be done without machines.
3. Invention of machines helps us do job faster, easier and more conveniently.

Eclipse of the Moon

1. An eclipse of the moon occurs only during full moon phases.

2. An eclipse of the moon (lunar eclipse) occurs when the earth lies between the sun and

3. The earth , the moon and the sun are in straight line.

4. The earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon.

5. The moon will appear dark when the earth block sunlight from reaching the moon.

6. The diagram below shows the movement of the moon during eclipse of the moon.

Position S – Full moon

Position T – Partial Eclipse of the moon
Position U – Total Eclipse of the moon
Position V – Partial Eclipse of the moon


7. When the moon enters the lighter shadow of the earth, a partial eclipse of the moon

8. A total eclipse of the moon occurs when the moon passes through the darker shadow of
the earth.
Eclipse of the Sun

1. An Eclipse of the sun only can be observed during day time.

2. An Eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon lies between the sun and the earth and the
three of them lies in a straight line.

3. The moon block sunlight from reaching the earth. The moon shadow will cover some
parts of the earth surface.

4. Total eclipse of the sun occurs when the sun and the moon are exactly aligned.

5. The sun looks totally covered by the moon because the position of sun is far away from
the earth.

6. During total eclipse of the sun, the sun looks like a dark disc surrounded by bright ring
called corona.

Corona / korona

7. Only the area that is covered by the darker shadow of the moon will experience a total
eclipse of the sun.

8. A partial eclipse of the sun occurs when part of the sun can be seen.

9. An area that is experience a total eclipse of the sun will become dark just like night time.
Some animals may behave strangely because of this phenomenon.

10. An eclipse of the sun happens for a shorter time than eclipse of the moon.

Position X – Partial eclipse Position Y – Total eclipse Position Z – Partial eclipse


1. Waste are things that we no longer use and thrown away.

2. There are many types of waste such as remain the food, chemical waste, glass, paper,
metal and plastic.

3. Waste comes from various sources such as homes, factories, food stalls, market, motor
vehicles and agriculture.

Sources of waste Types of waste

Homes Remains of food, paper, plastics, glass, metal

Factories Chemical waste, smoke, gases
Food stalls Remains of food, paper, plastic, metal, glass.
Market Paper, plastic, metal, organic waste.
Motor vehicles Smoke, gases.
Agriculture Chemical waste from pesticides
Open burning Smoke, gases

4. Remains of food, plants and animals that are thrown away are called organic waste.

5. Waste that comes from our homes called domestic waste.

Proper Ways of Waste Disposal.

1. Throw away rubbish into the bins provided by the local authority.

2. Sort out waste into different type before throwing them away.

3. Put chemical waste into special containers.

4. Placing rubbish in a covered rubbish bin.

Improper Ways of Waste Disposal

1. Littering

2. Open burning of rubbish.

3. Throwing or releasing of waste into rivers.

4. Release of smoke from factories into the air.

Waste Effects.

1. Improper disposal of waste is harmful to us and the environment.

Improper disposal of waste Effects

Littering a) Bad smell in the environment.

b) Breeding of germ and pests such as mice
and cockroaches.

Empty cans and bottles thrown in Breeding of mosquitoes in empty containers

public places can spread deadly diseases such as dengue
Release of chemical waste from Air pollution and acid rain
Waste is thrown into the river Water pollution
Waste is thrown the drains Flash flood are caused by waste that block the

2. Local authorities collect waste and disposed of it properly.

3. Waste that is collected is disposed of by:

a) sending to landfill- Waste are crushed and buried.

b) Sending to incinerators- Waste is burn at high temperature
c) Sending to recycling centre – waste is sorted into different types.
Waste Decay

1. Some ways can decay and some cannot decay.

2. Organic waste such as remains of food, paper, wood, meat and vegetables can decay.
3. Waste from things that are plastics, glass and metal cannot decay.

Biodegradeble Non- Biodegradeble

4. Bacteria and fungi cause waste to decay by breaking down dead organisms and waste
material into simple substance. This process is called decomposition.
5. During the process, nutrients are returned to the soil and can be used by plants.
6. Advantages of waste decay:
a) prevents waste from piling up in the environment.
b) Waste returns to the soil as nutrients and makes the soil fertile.
c) Organic waste can be changed into compost by burying in the soil.
7. Disadvantages of waste decay:
a) Gives out poisonous gases.
b) Gives out a bad smell.
1. Every object that moves has speed.
Semua objek yang bergerak mempunyai kelajuan.

2. Speed shows how fast an object moves

Kelajuan menunjukkan berapa pantas sesuatu objek bergerak.

3. An object which moves faster travels a longer distance in a given time.

Objek yang bergerak laju bergerak lebih jauh dalam suatu masa yang ditetapkan.

4. An object which moves faster takes a shorter time to travel a given distance.
Objek yang bergerak laju mengambil masa yang lebih singkat untuk bergerak dalam suatu
jarak yang ditetapkan.

5. The speed of an object can be calculated by using the following formula ;

Kelajuan suatu objek dapat dikira dengan menggunakan formula berikut ;

Speed - Distance ÷ time

Laju - Jarak ÷ masa

Examples ;
Contoh ;

A lorry takes three hours to reach a destination which is 240 km away. Calculate the speed
of the lorry.
Sebuah lori mengambil masa tiga jam untuk sampai ke destinasi sejauh 240 km. Kirakan
kelajuan lori itu.

The speed of the lorry = 240 ÷ 30

Kelajuan lori
= 80 km/h

6. The metric units of speed are ;

Unit metric bagi kelajuan ialah ;

(a) Kilometers per hour (km/h)

(b) Meter per seconds (m/s)
(c) Centimeters per second (cm/s)
1. Friction is a force that opposes motion.

2. Friction occurs when two surfaces come into contact while moves.

3. Friction makes moving object move slower and finally stop.

4. Friction is affected by the type of surface and the weight of the object.

5. Rough surface produce greater friction than smooth surfaces.

6. Heavy object produce greater friction than light object.

7. Effect of friction;

(a) Makes the surfaces warm

(b) Makes it hard to pull or push a heavy object

(c) Cause wear and tear

(d) Slows down the moving object.

8. Friction can be reduced in many ways.

(a) Using ball bearing

(b) Using wheels
(c) Using rollers
(d) Using oil
(e) Using aerodynamic shape

9. Friction can be increased by;

(a) Using rough material

(c) Making pattern on the surfaces
(Examples – pattern on the shoes and the treads of tyres)

10. The advantages of friction are allows to walk or run, allow moving object slow down or stop,
enables to hold things and enables to sharpen knife.

11. The disadvantages of friction are causes the soles of shoes and the threads of tyres to be worn
out, produce heat and a waste of energy.
1. Pushes and pulls are force.

2. Forces cannot be seen but we can see or feel the effects of force.

3. Activities that involves pulling;

(a) Raising a flag

(b) Opening a drawer

4. Activities that involves pushing;

(a) Kicking a ball
(b) Cycling

5. Activities that involves both pushing & pulling;

(a) Sawing a plank

(b) Wringing out a piece of cloth

Memerah kain

6. The effects of force;

(a) A force can change a shape of an object

(b) A force can cause a stationary object to start moving
(c) A force can change the direction of movement object
(d) A force can stop a moving object
(e) A force can speed up a moving object
Animal that live in group

1. Group animals are animals that live together with other members of their species in a
habitat. They live and hunt for food together

2. Examples of animals that live in groups are lions, ants, wolves, wild, oxen, monkeys and

3. Advantages of animals that live in group

a. They can cooperate to hunt for food

b. Help each other to defend themselves from enemies
c. Help each other to build their nest

Animal that are solitary

1. Animals that live and hunt for food alone

2. They only come together for mating

3. Mark their terriotary

4. Advantages of animals that live in group

a. Can avoid competition for food

b. Can avoid competition for space

Animal interaction

1. A relationship between living things is known as interactionas form cooperation or


2. Competition occurs when resources are limited between same species or different species

3. Animals compete for food, water, space, shelter and mate.

Plants competition

1. Competition between plants occurs whwn there are too many plants growing in the same

2. Competition can occur between plants of the same species or of different species for their
3. Plants compete for sunlight, water, nutrients and space

4. Plants get more their needs will grow healthier than weaker plants become stunted or die

Vanished and Endangered

1. Extinct species are species that no longer exist on the Earth.

2. Dinasour,mammoth, dodo and aquagga become extince because of thr change in the
climate on the Earth.

3. Many species become endangered like tiger, panda, rafflesia because of human activities
such as

a. Illegal and excessive logging

b. Illegal and excessive hunting
c. Excessive development

4. Endangered species can be saved from becoming extinct by

a. Setting up forest reserved

b. Setting up breeding or rehabilitation centres

c. Educating the public

d. Enforcing the law

Enviromental Destruction

1. Many human activities lead to the destruction to the enviroment

2. The table shows enviromental destruction that is caused by human activities

Human activities Enviromental Destruction

Deforestation Soil erosion, landslides, flash flood

Open burning Air pollution

The use of fertilisers and pesticides Water pollution

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