The Chemistry and Analysis of Annatto Food Colouring A Review

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The chemistry and analysis of annatto food

colouring: a review

M. Scotter

To cite this article: M. Scotter (2009) The chemistry and analysis of annatto food colouring: a
review, Food Additives and Contaminants, 26:8, 1123-1145, DOI: 10.1080/02652030902942873

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Food Additives and Contaminants
Vol. 26, No. 8, August 2009, 1123–1145

The chemistry and analysis of annatto food colouring: a review

M. Scotter*
DEFRA Food and Environment Research Agency, Sand Hutton, York YO61 1NW, UK
(Received 9 March 2009; final version received 1 April 2009)

Annatto food colouring (E160b) has a long history of use in the food industry for the colouring of a wide range
of food commodities. The principal colouring component of annatto is the oil-soluble diapo carotenoid
bixin, which is the methyl ester of the dicarboxylic acid norbixin and soluble in aqueous alkali. Bixin and
norbixin, therefore, exhibit not only physicochemical properties normally associated with carotenoids, but also
certain anomalous properties that have an impact on the stability, food colouring applications, and importantly
the analysis of annatto. This review summarizes the key aspects of the structural determination of bixin (and
norbixin) with special attention to cis-trans isomerization and how this links with its chemical structure,
spectroscopic properties, and stability. The oxidative, thermal, and photo-stability of annatto and the subsequent
implications for its use in the colouring of foods, food processing, and the analysis of foods and beverages are
discussed along with important mechanistic, thermodynamic and kinetic aspects. The main analytical techniques
used for the chemical characterization of annatto, i.e. spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),
chromatography (particularly high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)) and mass spectrometry are
reviewed in detail and other methods are discussed. This links in with a review of the methods available for
the detection and measurement of annatto in colour formulations and foods and beverages, which highlights the
importance of the need for a good understanding and knowledge of the chemistry of bixin and norbixin in order
to meet new analytical challenges.
Keywords: analysis – nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); chromatography – gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC/MS); chromatography – high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); liquid chromato-
graphy-mass spectrometry (LC/MS); colours; process contaminants; volatiles; ingredients; processed foods

Overview Annatto in foods

Annatto is a natural colouring agent obtained from Legislative aspects
the outer coats of the seeds of the tropical shrub The use of food colours in the European Union is
Bixa orellana. Annatto and its extracts are designated controlled by European Community Directive 94/36/
collectively as E160b and are permitted as a food EC (European Commission 1994 as amended), which
additive in the European Union and elsewhere, and contains a list of permitted colours, a list of foodstuffs
have widespread use in the food industry for the to which these colours may be added and, where
colouring of many commodities including flour and appropriate, maximum limits on the level of addition.
sugar confectionery, dairy and savoury products, soft The permitted uses of annatto and the maximum levels
drinks and fish. The major colour principles of annatto of addition are given in Table 1. Annatto extracts are
are the carotenoids bixin and norbixin. Though chem- listed amongst those colours that may be used singly or
ically very similar, differences in their chemical proper- in combination in certain foods up to the maximum
ties present several challenges to the analytical chemist levels specified (on a ready-for-consumption basis).
with respect to stereochemistry, solubility, chromato- Comprehensive on-line sources of information on
graphic behaviour and stability. While current legisla- permitted food colour regulations and specifications
tion on the extraction and use of annatto colours may be found at the Nordic Food Additives Database
and their applications in food are addressed briefly, (Nordic Working Group on Food Toxicology and
this review focuses on the chemistry, stability, and Risk Assessment (NNT) 2008) and the Food Law site
analysis of annatto pertaining to its use as a permitted of the Department of Food Biosciences, University of
food colouring. Reading (Jukes 2008).


ISSN 0265–203X print/ISSN 1464–5122 online

ß 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02652030902942873
1124 M. Scotter

Table 1. Permitted uses of annatto and maximum levels of Use of annatto in foods
addition (European Commission 1994).
Annatto was reported to be the most commonly
Maximum permitted consumed natural colour additive in the UK (Ministry
Food commodity level (mg kg1)a of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) 1989, 1993)
where the per capita consumption was estimated to be
Margarine, minarine, other 10 0.065 mg kg–1 body weight day–1 based on pure colour-
fat emulsions, and fats essentially
free from water ing component, representing some 12.5% of the accept-
Decorations and coatings 20 able daily intake (ADI). The chemistry and applications
Fine bakery wares 10 of oil- and water-soluble annatto colours in terms
Edible ices 20 of their modes of applications to a wide range of food
Liqueurs, including fortified 10 products and the usage levels required to obtain the
beverages with less than
15% alcohol by volume desired colour shades have been reviewed (Collins 1992;
Flavoured processed cheese 15 Levy and Rivadeneira 2000). Crystalline bixin products
Ripened orange, yellow and broken 15 of 80–97% purity may be obtained by extraction of
white cheese; unflavoured annatto seed with certain permitted organic solvents
processed cheese and subsequent production of a solvent-free product,
Desserts 10
‘Snacks’: dry, savoury potato, cereal 20 which is then processed to give a range of high
or starch-based products: extruded purity oil- and water-soluble annatto formulations.
or expanded savoury snack Oil-soluble bixin is generally used in fatty food
products applications, whereas norbixin, because of its ability
Other savoury snack products and 10
to bind strongly with protein, is especially suited for
savoury coated nuts
Smoked fish 10 the colouring of high protein content foods. Annatto
Edible cheese rinds and edible casings 20 colours are often formulated with other additives
Red Leicester cheese 50 such as emulsifiers to produce forms of water-soluble
Mimolette cheese 35 annatto that are stable to the effects of, for example,
Extruded, puffed and/or fruit- 25
acids, metal ions and salts. The applications and
flavoured breakfast cereals
stability of spray-dried annatto formulations in
Note: a100% bixin or norbixin. fruit and vegetable products have been studied
(Satyanarayana et al. 2006).
In July 2006, the European Commission published
a set of four proposed Regulations intended to
replace the current system and provide a common Annatto intake
basis for controls on food additives, food flavourings Bixin is reported to be rapidly absorbed in the
and food enzymes. The proposals were published bloodstream, comparable with other dietary carote-
as separate Commission Documents on additives, noids, with complete plasma clearance after 8 h and for
flavourings, enzymes and a common authorization norbixin after 24 h (Levy 1997). While annatto intake
procedure (European Commission 2006). The proposal is an important issue within the regulatory context,
brings together all the existing food additive regula- intake estimates for it have in the past provided
tions and plans to introduce comitology for additive ambiguous results largely due to the lack of reliable
approvals in place of the cumbersome co-decision data on the colour principals’ (bixin/norbixin) content
procedure. of annatto extracts (Levy and Rivadeneira 2000).
The specifications for food colours are laid In response to a request by the Joint FAO/WHO
down in Commission Directive 95/45/EC (European Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) for
Commission 1995) in which separate definitions and information relating to the toxicity, intake and specifi-
purity criteria are prescribed for (1) solvent-extracted cations of annatto, the European annatto producers
bixin and norbixin, (2) alkali-extracted annatto and consulted with the food industry to determine usage
(3) oil-extracted annatto. Solvent-extracted bixin levels of specific annatto extracts (JECFA 2002).
and norbixin formulations are often referred to The data obtained were combined with the levels of
as indirectly extracted annatto formulations, whereas bixin/norbixin in particular extracts to provide an
alkali- and oil-extracted annatto are termed directly estimate of their concentration in food. These data
extracted. The purity specifications include a definition have been combined with food consumption data
of the source material(s) and the solvents permitted for using various methods to estimate consumer intakes,
extraction, the identification and minimum content which ranged from 1% to 163% of the ADI (Tennant
of the colouring material (measured by spectrophoto- and O’Callaghan 2005). The actual levels of annatto
metry), and the limits for residual solvents and in foodstuffs were well below maximum limits
heavy metals. prescribed under European Union regulations and
Food Additives and Contaminants 1125

7 9 11 15 14′ 12′ 10′ 8′ 6′
6 13 COOR2
10 12 14 15′ 13′ 11′ 7′

9′-cis- CH3

9′,13′ - di-cis-


Figure 1. Chemical structures of some bixin/norbixin isomers. R1¼H, R2 ¼ H ¼ norbixin; R1 ¼ H, R2 ¼ CH3 ¼ bixin.

Codex standards, which had been confirmed by an of cis-trans isomerism on the chemistry, stability and
earlier analytical study (Scotter et al. 2002). analysis of annatto are significant and are discussed
The major colouring component of annatto is con-
Annatto chemistry firmed as the apo-carotenoid 90 -cis-bixin (methyl hydro-
Elucidation of the chemical constitution of bixin gen 90 -cis-6,60 -diapocarotene-6,60 -dioate, C25H30O4), the
(and thereafter norbixin) was first put forward by monomethyl ester of the dicarboxylic acid 90 -cis-
Heiduschka and Panzer (1917) who suggested the norbixin, commonly referred to as cis-bixin (Figure 1).
correct molecular formula for bixin (C25H30O4) as an 90 -cis-bixin is soluble in most polar organic solvents to
unsymmetrical molecule. Herzig and Faltis (1923) which it imparts an orange colour, but is largely
recognized that bixin was the monomethyl ester of an insoluble in vegetable oil. It may be readily converted
unsaturated dicarboxylic acid. The results from their to the all-trans isomer due to its instability in the
catalytic hydrogenation studies led them to conclude isolated form in solution. Trans-bixin is the more stable
that bixin contains nine carbon double bonds, which, isomer and has similar properties to the cis-isomer but
evidenced by the intense red colour of the pigment, exhibits a red colour in solution and is soluble in
were conjugated. However, the unsymmetrical mole- vegetable oil. Commercially, isomerization is achieved
cule hypothesis was abandoned when the now accepted by heating a suspension of the cis-isomer in oil to 130 C
structure was proposed (Kuhn and Winterstein 1932), in vacuo. The water-soluble analogue 90 -cis-norbixin
later confirmed by Karrer et al. (1932). A new, higher (C24H28O4) can be isolated from annatto seeds by
melting form termed -bixin was obtained during the agitation in aqueous alkali at less than 70 C or formed
course of pigment isolation (Herzig and Faltis 1923), by alkaline hydrolysis of cis-bixin to give either the
which was later proposed as the trans-isomer and that sodium or potassium salt. The dicarboxylic acid is
the original form may be cis-isomer (Karrer et al. soluble in polar solvents to which it imparts an orange
1929). A stable form of bixin identical to the -form by colour. 90 -cis-norbixin is only sparingly soluble in
treatment of the ‘natural’ (or ‘labile’) form with iodine chloroform and 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (Preston and
was subsequently obtained (Kuhn and Winterstein Rickard 1980). Under extraction conditions, 90 -cis-bixin
1932). From the results of these investigations, it was undergoes isomerization to produce oil solutions
concluded that bixin was the first known naturally containing approximately 0.2–0.5% of pigment com-
occurring cis-polyene. The structural elucidation of prising a mixture of all-trans- and 90 -cis-bixin in variable
bixin was confirmed from various oxidation and proportions and characteristic degradation products,
degradation experiments (Karrer and Jucker 1950). dependent upon extraction temperature and time
During investigations to determine the stereochemical (see below).
configuration of labile bixin, several stereoisomers While it is reported that 80% of the carotenoids
were isolated (Zechmeister 1960). The consequences in the annatto seed coat comprise bixin (Preston and
1126 M. Scotter

Rickard 1980; Lauro 1991), traces of bixin diesters may any carotenoid. However, in practice few of these
be found (Mercadante et al. 1997b). The preparation isomers are encountered. An explanation for this is
and use of ethylbixin has been discussed (Levy and provided by studying molecular models, which indicate
Rivadeneira 2000). that the introduction of a cis-double bond normally
The presence of other minor carotenoids in results in steric hindrance thus rendering the cis-isomer
annatto has also been postulated, which included less stable than the trans-form. With both tri-substituted
-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and double bonds and disubstituted double bonds in the
methyl bixin (Tirimanna 1980). The presence of a 15,150 -position, the effect is relatively small, as it
range of lycopenoate analogues and other minor results from limited interference between two hydro-
carotenoids in annatto has been reported in a series gen atoms and hence these isomers may be formed
of papers by Mercadante et al. (1996, 1997a, 1997b, quite readily. With other disubstituted double bonds
1999) and has been reviewed by Mercadante (2001) the adoption of the cis-configuration results in major
and Satyanarayana et al. (2003). Bixin and three minor interference between a hydrogen atom and a methyl
carotenoids have been chemically synthesized using group. This renders such molecules less stable than
the Wittig reaction of the (Z)-terminus followed by a the corresponding trans-form and hence less likely to
Horner–Emmons reaction (Haberli and Pfander 1999). be encountered (Karrer and Jucker 1950; Zechmeister
1960; Kohler 1995; Weedon and Moss 1995).
Stereo-mutation studies, in which interconversion
of geometrical isomers is deliberately promoted,
Molecular properties
lend support to this theory. Interconversion generally
It is the delocalization of -electrons along the polyene produces a ‘set’ of isomers that approximate to an
backbone that gives carotenoids their characteristic equilibrium mixture of all possible geometric forms
electronic spectra and is largely responsible for the proportional to their relative thermodynamic stabilities.
photophysical and photochemical properties of these The all trans-form usually predominates, indicating
molecules, including cis-trans photoisomerization. that it is the most thermodynamically stable isomer.
Detailed explanations of cis-trans isomerization may A number of mono- and di-cis-isomers are usually
be found in standard texts (Karrer and Jucker 1950; also present. However, those isomers with more than
Lunde and Zechmeister 1954; Zechmeister 1960; two cis-double bonds and/or those that are
Kohler 1995). Only the basic properties of linear sterically hindered usually occur only in trace amounts,
conjugated molecules will be reviewed here along with if at all. It is not surprising that most naturally
a brief account of the simple concepts that apply to occurring carotenoids are predominantly in the all
bixin and norbixin in order to provide a background trans-form. However, bixin occurs predominantly as
for discussion on the UV-VIS spectroscopy of these the cis-isomer, which has a cis-configuration about
compounds and to show how UV-VIS spectra are the 90 -tri-substituted double bond. Since asymmetric
affected by isomerization. bixin has nine alkene bonds (n ¼ 9), theoretically
The sufficiently large barriers to rotation about the 512 (i.e. 2n ¼ 29) geometric isomers are possible, whereas
formal double bonds in polyenes or carotenoids allow symmetric norbixin has only 272 (i.e. 2(n  1/2) 
double bond cis- and trans-isomers to be isolated as (2(n  1/2) þ 1) possible isomers. However, the presence
independent, distinct compounds. Since the differences of stable cis-isomers at positions 7, 11, 120 and 80 are
in excitation energies for cis- and trans-isomers of stearically hindered, hence the remaining five alkene
a given molecule are small compared with the change bonds are capable of yielding 32 and 20 isomers for
in excitation energy with which it is associated adding bixin and norbixin, respectively (Figure 1).
or subtracting a conjugated double bond, the basic Provided that an adequate sample of the pure
electronic structure is almost independent of isomeric isomer is available or the selected analytical technique
form. The four single bonds that surround a carbon- is adequately sensitive, spectroscopic analysis will
carbon double bond all lie in the same plane. normally allow the unambiguous assignment of the
In consequence, each of the disubstituted and tri- geometrical configuration of any carotenoid isomer.
substituted acyclic double bonds that constitute the All linear polyenes, the carotenoids included, possess
polyene chain of a carotenoid can exist in two forms, similar low-lying excited singlet (S1) states (Hudson
i.e. geometric isomers. Nomenclature of the cis- or and Kohler 1974; Kohler 1977; Hudson et al. 1982).
trans-isomers is designated in accordance with IUPAC This is critically important since virtually all photo
rules (Weedon and Moss 1995). In recent years, processes in linear polyenes originate in the lowest-
however, these designations have been replaced largely energy singlet-excited state, the correct identification
by Z and E, respectively. and characterization of which is therefore also
Since each double bond in the polyene chain could, important. As might be anticipated from the simila-
in principle, exist in one of two forms, a large number rities in electronic structure, the electronic absorption
of geometric isomers are theoretically possible for spectrum of a given carotenoid closely resembles that
Food Additives and Contaminants 1127

of the unsubstituted polyene with the same number spectrum, as the transitions that produce them
of conjugated double bonds. There are, however, well- become allowed (Britton 1995a). For trans-isomers,
characterized principal differences due largely to the the electronic structure has a centre of symmetry and the
presence of methyl substituents along the carotenoid ground state is a g state, so transitions to a higher g state
skeleton, which affect the basic polyene electronic are forbidden. Transition to a higher excited g state is
structure: only allowed when at least one double bond becomes
. 10–30 nm shift of the lowest energy strong cis- and the original symmetry is lost. This gives rise to
absorption band to longer wavelength. an absorption band in the UV region, known as the
. Decreased vibrational fine structure. cis-band or cis-peak. The most important feature of
the absorption spectrum of a carotenoid is the main
Thus, cis- and trans-isomers may often be distin- absorption band in the visible region. Several important
guished on the basis of their UV-VIS absorption pieces of information can be obtained from the
spectra, but the most important differences observed spectrum:
between isomers are not related to excitation energies
but to the relative intensities of high-energy absorption . The position of the main absorption band,
bands, i.e. ‘cis-’ peaks (Dale 1954; Zechmeister 1960). specified by lmax, provides structural infor-
It is well established that the lowest excited state of mation because it is determined by the
linear polyenes (including carotenoids) is the 21Ag state chromophore of the molecule.
and that the origin of the main absorption band is the . The intensity of the absorption at lmax (A)
strongly allowed 21Ag ! 11Bu transition. The shapes of is related both to the structure and to the
electronic absorption (and fluorescence) bands are concentration of the carotenoid in the sample,
derived from the vibrational levels that are associated and provides the basis for quantitative
with the initial and final electronic states. Thus, the analysis.
typical three-peaked shape of the main absorption . The position or the intensity of the main
band of linear polyenes arises from transitions of the absorption band of a carotenoid can be
lowest vibrational level of the electronic ground state influenced by a number of factors such as a
to the lowest vibrational levels of the electronic excited change in the molecular environment of the
states. A broadening of these peaks is observed because carotenoid, e.g. solvent.
of rotational levels and inhomogeneity leading to
Since the structure of the carotenoid chromophore
peak overlap. This is particularly relevant for many
is related to the overall shape or fine structure of
carotenoids measured as solutions at ambient tem-
the spectrum, the shape as well as the positions of
peratures (Kohler 1995).
the absorption maxima may therefore be used as a
The positions of the absorption maxima and the
diagnostic tool, especially when comparing carotenoid
shape or fine structure of the UV-VIS spectrum of
spectra (Britton 1995a). A numerical notation describ-
carotenoids are therefore characteristic. But while the
UV-VIS spectrum gives information about the chro- ing fine structure has proved convenient and removes
mophores of the molecule, it yields nothing about the requirement for presenting all spectra as diagrams
functional groups apart from conjugated carbonyl (Kohler 1995). In this notation, the baseline or zero
groups that form part of the molecule (Scott 1964; value is taken as the minimum between the two peaks,
Britton 1995a, 1995b). In the case of carotenoids, the the peak height of the longest wavelength absorption
relevant transition is the  ! * transition. For such band is designated as III, that of the middle absorption
a conjugated system, in which the -electrons are band (usually lmax) as II (Figure 2). Spectral fine
highly delocalized, the excited state is of comparatively structure is then expressed as the ratio of the peak
low energy. The energy required to bring about the heights III/II, as a percentage.
transition is therefore relatively small and corresponds The annatto carotenoids bixin and norbixin are
to light in the visible region. While the transition unusual in that they contain two carbonyl (i.e. carboxyl)
responsible for the main absorption band is strongly groups, one at either end of the conjugated system and
‘allowed’, transitions from the ground state to higher in conjugation with it, which formally extends the
electronic states are also possible, providing they obey chromophore. This results in a spectral shift to longer
the symmetry selection rules. These high-energy wavelength, usually accompanied by loss of spectral
transitions give rise to absorption bands in the UV fine structure, but the degree of effect is solvent
region which are usually weak, but are observed dependent. With dicarboxylic acids and their esters
particularly in the spectra of compounds with extended such as bixin (and norbixin), the further extension of the
chromophores. chromophore causes a large relative increase in lmax.
When the symmetry properties of a carotenoid The spectral shift depends on the polarizability rather
change, absorption bands that are otherwise not than the polarity of the solvent, and the frequency
detected may become a significant feature of the shifts to lower energy, i.e. a spectral shift to longer
1128 M. Scotter

II (a)

mAU scaled
100 %III/II = III/II x 100



300 400 500 600

40 Wavelength (nm)

Figure 3. UV-VIS spectra of norbixin isomers (by HPLC-

20 photodiode array): (a) 90 -cis-norbixin, (b) di-cis-norbixin and
(c) trans-norbixin (Scotter et al. 1994).

360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 nm
Figure 2. Spectral fine structure: calculation of percentage (IV)
III/II for a carotenoid (90 -cis-norbixin).
mAU scaled
wavelength, as the refractive index of the solvent
increases (Britton 1995a).
While water can have a major effect on the spectra of
carotenoids in water-miscible solvents, both bixin and
norbixin isomers are relatively polar carotenoid mole-
cules, which are significantly soluble in solvents with
a high aqueous content and as such similar solvent- 300 400 500 600
Wavelength (nm)
related properties are not observed. cis-norbixin is in
fact highly soluble in 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution, Figure 4. HPLC-photodiode array spectra of bixin isomers
and both compounds are fairly soluble in mixtures showing the locations of lmax (I)–(IV) (Scotter et al. 1994).
of acetonitrile and dilute aqueous acetic acid, used as
a mobile phase in HPLC analysis. and is therefore empirically diagnostic. In a symmet-
The differences that are observed consistently rical di-cis-carotenoid, the centre of symmetry may be
between the spectra of trans- and cis-isomers of restored so that the cis-band again becomes a weak
carotenoids are therefore diagnostic for structural feature. For di-cis- and poly-cis-carotenoids, a larger
assignment. A small hypsochromic shift in lmax of hypsochromic shift in the main absorption band may
approximately 2–6 nm is usually observed for mono-cis be seen, e.g. 13 nm for di-cis-norbixin (Figure 3)
isomers along with a significant hypochromic effect (Scotter et al. 1994).
and a reduction in vibrational fine structure. A new A numerical notation similar to the percentage III/
absorption band appears at a characteristic position II notation to indicate spectral fine structure has been
about 142 nm below the longest wavelength absorption adapted to designate the relative intensity of the cis-
maximum, often referred to as the cis-peak. peak (Kohler 1995). The intensity or absorbance of the
For the all-trans form of bixin, the main absorption cis-peak is expressed as a percentage of the absorbance
band (21Ag ! 11Bu) is very intense. In the 90 -cis isomer, of the middle main absorption band, which is usually
the intensity of this main band decreases as a weak cis- the lmax. Scotter et al. (1994) used this technique to
peak appears at 355 nm, corresponding to the transi- study the spectra obtained by HPLC-photodiode array
tion to a higher energy level g state. From their studies analysis of geometrical isomers of bixin and norbixin.
on -carotene isomers, it has been shown that the The absorption intensity at lmax (Figure 4, III) for each
15-cis isomer, in which the cis double bond is in the isomer was normalized and a comparison of relative
centre of the molecule, shows maximum bending of intensity (REL, %) made with the three other maxima
the chromophore and a well developed cis-band, at I, II and IV, to give REL(I), REL(II) and REL(IV),
with corresponding decrease in intensity of the main respectively. In all cases, lmax (II) took the form of
absorption band (Pettersson and Jonsson 1990). inflection rather than a peak, which made the exact
The intensity of the cis-band is essentially greater as location of the wavelength maximum difficult.
the cis double bond is nearer the centre of the molecule However, post-run analysis of the spectral data
Food Additives and Contaminants 1129

in systems of intermediate and high water activity.

It was postulated that this is because of the ability of
water to exclude oxygen from liposoluble materials
by surface adsorption, hydrogen bond with hydroper-
mAU scaled

oxides, inactivate metal catalysts, reduce free radicals

and lower the stability of singlet oxygen. Annatto
has been shown to inhibit hydroperoxide formation
leading to triglyceride autoxidation by trapping
λmax(II) peroxy radicals (Haila et al. 1996). Annatto was
among a number of Mediterranean spices whose
300 400 500 600 antioxidant capacities were compared with permitted
Wavelength (nm)
food antioxidants in lipid peroxidation (Martinez-
Figure 5. HPLC-photodiode array spectrum of 90 -cis-bixin Tomé et al. 2001). Annatto was reported to have a
(broken line) and its first derivative spectrum (solid line) greater antioxidant capacity than either butylated
highlighting the inflection at lmax (II) (Scotter et al. 1994).
hydroxylanisole (BHA) or butylated hydroxytoluene
(BHT) for preventing deoxyribose damage by hydroxyl
allowed first-derivative spectra to be taken which radicals. In aqueous media, annatto exhibited a
facilitated location of lmax (II), as shown in Figure 5. lower antioxidant activity than propyl gallate but was
more effective at peroxide scavenging than BHA or
BHT. Annatto oleoresin prepared by oil extraction
Annatto stability of seeds was found to be more stable than a powdered
formulation during storage over approximately 1 year.
It is well known that the polyene chain in carotenoids
Samples were stored in glass bottles with a 3 cm
is responsible for their instability, i.e. their susceptibil-
headspace of air. The greatest losses (60%) were
ity to oxidation by various agents such as oxygen and
observed for the powder at ambient temperature in
peroxides, addition of electrophiles including Hþ and
daylight compared with ambient temperature in the
Lewis acids, and cis-/trans-isomerization due to vari-
dark (54%) and at 5–8 C in the dark (23%). These
ous factors such as temperature and light as discussed
results concur with the findings of Najar et al. (1988)
above. Other undesirable reactions may also be
that light is the main degradation factor. Moreover,
promoted by higher temperatures and light, and
photosensitized bixin is very reactive towards oxygen
exposure to strong acids and alkalis should normally
and thus may be considered as a an oxygen quencher;
be avoided.
the reaction of bixin with singlet oxygen is a related
issue and is discussed below.
Norbixin was the only carotenoid that inhibited the
Oxidative stability oxidative deterioration of lipids in both olive oil and
Annatto, especially norbixin, is susceptible to oxida- oil-in-water emulsions stored at 60 C and it displayed
tion, particularly when applied in powdered form due a similar activity to -tocopherol in stored oil (Kiokias
to the large surface area and when incorporated into and Gordon 2003). In olive oil-in-water emulsions,
foodstuffs, although some foods can have a stabilizing norbixin reduced hydroperoxide formation and a
effect (Berset and Marty 1986; Collins 1992; Levy and synergistic effect between norbixin and ascorbic acid
Rivadeneira 2000). Spray-dried norbixin formulated or ascorbyl palmitate was observed.
with acaia gum or maltodextrin as carriers have been Bixin has been reported to be able to scavenge
reported to be particularly susceptible to oxidation hydroxyl radicals generated by ferrous ions (Fe2þ) and
(Henry 1992). The level of bixin prepared from annatto hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), but no mechanism was
seeds and stored for approximately 1 year at 30 C in suggested (Zhao et al. 1998). Similarly, the behaviour
packages comprising materials with different oxygen of norbixin during in vivo plasmid DNA damage
transmission rates was reduced by approximately 10% induced by reactive oxygen species Fe2þ, Sn2þ and
during the first 2–3 weeks’ storage but stabilized H2O2 have been studied and it has proposed that
thereafter except for polyethylene film, which exhibited since norbixin contains two free carboxyl moieties,
a degradation rate of 0.04% per day, reflecting the its protective action may rely on the formation of
permeability of the polyethylene (Carvalho et al. 1993). complexes (Kovary et al. 2001). Norbixin showed
Several mechanisms have been put forward for the a stronger affinity for Sn2þ than for Fe2þ but was
effect of water activity on the reduction of bixin readily displaced by ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid
oxidation in microcrystalline cellulose-based model (EDTA).
systems to simulate dehydrated foods (Gloria et al. During the isolation and analysis of carotenoids,
1995). Bixin degradation followed first-order kinetics the exclusion of atmospheric air by inert gas or vacuum
and the observed half-lives showed greater stability is strongly recommended in order to minimize the risk
1130 M. Scotter

of destruction or undesired reactions (Scheidt and carotenoids, 90 -cis-bixin undergoes a series of complex
Liaaen-Jensen 1995) and annatto is no different in degradation reactions at commercial extraction tem-
this respect. The oxidation ‘products’ of bixin were peratures to produce a range of products coloured
identified tentatively after transformation of bixin pale yellow to orange (Iversen and Lam 1953; Levy and
in corn oil at 125 C using spectrophotometry and Rivadeneira 2000). Using paper chromatography,
paper chromatography (McKeown and Mark 1962). the pigments in commercial annatto preparations were
Evidence for the oxidative decomposition of cis-bixin separated into a series of bands that included a number
on thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plates has been of yellow bands comprising up to 40% of the total
reported, where both powdered colour formulations pigments and including a bright yellow fluorescent band
and chloroform solutions of cis-bixin exhibited (McKeown 1961). This band was thought to be the pale
decreased colour content when stored in the dark in yellow breakdown product of bixin identified pre-
air at ambient temperature (Reith and Gielen 1971). viously (Iversen and Lam 1953). The main thermal
This was concluded to be due to the presence of degradation product of 90 -cis-bixin has since been
oxygen, supported by observing the relatively lower isolated and identified using paper chromatography
stability of cheese colour (norbixin in aqueous KOH) and UV/VIS spectrophotometry as the yellow-coloured
compared with butter colour (bixin in vegetable oil), 17-carbon polyene 4,8,dimethyl-tetradecahexaenedioc
due to the presence of tocopherols in the latter. The acid monomethyl ester ‘C17’ (McKeown and Mark
effects of light, air and pro-oxidants on the stability 1962; McKeown 1963, 1965; Preston and Rickard
of annatto extracts in chloroform over a 12-day period 1980). The influence of heating time on the thermal
were monitored by spectrophotometry. Air was much degradation of bixin in alkaline extracts of annatto
less effective at promoting loss of colour compared showed that pigment stability is related to the initial
with light or to benzoyl peroxide, a free-radical quantity of cis- and trans-bixin as well as to the
promoter (Najar et al. 1988). The authors concluded method used to obtain the extracts (Prentice-
that rapid loss of colour might occur whenever free Hernández et al. 1993).
radical formation is promoted. The C17 product has since been confirmed to
be predominantly the trans-isomer and that cis-
isomerization of bixin was prerequisite to its formation
Reaction with singlet oxygen (Scotter 1995). However, this compound was shown
to isomerize in solution to form small amounts of
Model studies on the photosensitized isomerization
cis-isomers and to be susceptible to hydrolysis, thus
of cis-bixin show that while bixin in the ground
forming a range of compounds analogous to bixin and
electronic state is stable to thermal isomerization,
norbixin in terms of their chemical structures and
energy transfer via photosensitization gives rise to the
chromatographic properties. In the light of the results
higher energy triplet state (3BIX*) precursor, which
obtained, the mechanism of C17 formation originally
readily isomerizes to the trans-isomer (Montenegro
suggested (McKeown 1963) was postulated as a
et al. 2004). The rate of isomerization is dependent
concerted electrocyclic process followed by the elimi-
on several factors that compete for deactivation of
3 nation of m-xylene and, to a much lesser extent,
BIX*, e.g. ground state bixin and triplet oxygen (3O2).
toluene, toluic acid and toluic acid methyl ester, and
Primary reaction products are only degraded in the
the formation of C17 which can degrade further by
presence of air and under prolonged illumination,
a similar mechanism.
which is due to the formation of oxidation products
The analytical HPLC-photodiode array (PDA)
by reaction with singlet oxygen (1O2). The associated
method developed by Scotter et al. (1994) and
reaction mechanisms are discussed very elegantly by
Scotter (1995) provided superior qualitative and quan-
the authors. In a similar study, the 3BIX* energy level
titative data compared with UV-VIS spectroscopic
was calculated used laser-induced photo-acoustic
methods (McKeown and Mark 1962; Smith et al. 1983)
calorimetry of bixin in methanol: acetonitrile solution
for determining the colour content (as bixin and
(Rios et al. 2007). The results of the study showed
norbixin) in 21 commercial annatto formulations,
that bixin is a very efficient quencher of 1O2 in fluid
particularly with respect to the coloured thermal
solutions due to an efficient energy-transfer process,
degradation products (Scotter et al. 1998). Moreover,
and it confirmed that that the 3BIX* energy level
the levels of the all-trans and di-cis-isomers of norbixin
is lower than that of 1O2 (18  2 kcal mol1 and
determined from chromatographic profiles of two
22.5 kcal mol1, respectively).
different norbixin formulations were found to be
consistent with their known production history, i.e.
indicative of the degree of thermal treatment. The
Thermal stability formulation obtained by direct aqueous alkaline
While bixin and norbixin have good heat stability extraction contained higher levels of these isomers
during food processing compared with other compared with solvent pre-extracted bixin followed by
Food Additives and Contaminants 1131

alkaline hydrolysis obtained using lower temperatures. Trans-isomer 9′-cis-isomer Di-cis-isomers

However, the authors pointed out that while the
isomer profiles obtained by HPLC-PDA analysis
support this, the different extraction procedures Other mono-cis-isomers Poly-cis-isomers
might also give rise to different isomer profiles due to
differential solubilities and stabilities in the extraction
medium. The effects of light and oxygen may further
Degradation products
complicate this during extraction and handling, and by
the nature of the source material. Figure 6. Suggested reaction pathways for the thermal
In a follow-up study, a method was developed that degradation of 90 -cis-bixin (Scotter et al. 2001).
used ambient alkaline hydrolysis followed by solvent
extraction and gas chromatography (GC) to analyse with the production of m-xylene and to a lesser extent
annatto colour formulations for the main aromatic toluene. While norbixin was reported to degrade
hydrocarbon thermal degradation products m-xylene similarly but more slowly, the levels of m-xylene
and toluene (Scotter et al. 2000). Of the 20 samples formation were nonetheless consistent with bixin/
analysed, 15 contained less than 5 mg kg1 toluene, norbixin concentration in the food and occurred
four samples contained between 5 and 10 mg kg1, and more rapidly at higher temperatures.
one sample contained 12 mg kg1 toluene, but these In order to understand better the kinetics and yields
levels were not indicative of significant toluene forma- for the formation of both the coloured and aromatic
tion via thermal degradation of annatto. In contrast, hydrocarbon thermal degradation products of annatto,
six samples comprising both bixin and norbixin the authors carried out a number of experiments in
formulations contained m-xylene in the range model systems (Scotter et al. 2001). The thermal
30–200 mg kg1, with the highest level found in an stability of bixin at the boiling point of three homol-
oil-based bixin formulation. Moreover, the two nor-
ogous alcohol solvents was evaluated using HPLC-
bixin formulations of known production history
PDA to monitor the rate of loss of 90 -cis-bixin as well
analysed in the previous study (Scotter et al. 1998)
as the appearance of a di-cis- and trans-isomer, and the
differed markedly in m-xylene content, which appeared
C17 degradation product. Loss of linearity was
to be consistent with the degree of thermal treatment.
observed at each temperature beyond 2 h, suggesting
For comparison with the alkaline hydrolysis-
that two or more competing reactions were taking
solvent extraction procedure, seven of the annatto
place at different rates. From the rate constants
formulations were submitted for headspace (HS)-GC
calculated for the initial phase of the reaction, the
analysis for toluene and m-xylene in order to monitor
Arrhenius activation energy for the loss of 90 -cis-bixin
the effects of heating in a closed controlled environ-
ment (90 C for 20 min). An increase in m-xylene was in refluxing alcohol solvent was 35.7 kJ mol1. Since
observed, with the bixin in oil formulations showing the rate of loss of 90 -cis-bixin was measured as a
the highest rise in m-xylene concentration on heating. function of time regardless of reaction pathway, i.e.
The authors anticipated that HS-GC could be used to isomerization versus degradation), the authors con-
monitor the thermal degradation of annatto in food cluded that the rate data represented only the total
systems and thus conducted a number of experiments (summed) values. Thus, several concurrent reaction
in combination with HPLC-PDA and GC-MS to study pathways are available, hence deviation from first-
this (Scotter et al. 2001). Low levels (approximately order kinetics at long observation times was not
10–15 mg kg1) of m-xylene were detected in the head- unexpected as suggested in Figure 6.
space of annatto-coloured retail samples of custard Berset and Marty (1986) had reported previously an
powder, extruded snacks, margarine and breadcrumbs activation energy of 125 kJ mol1 for the thermal
but not in control samples. Much higher levels of degradation of annatto pigments in petroleum jelly
m-xylene were detected in annatto-coloured smoked using a simple first-order kinetic model for the complete
herring (kippers) at approximately 150–200 mg kg1 decay. This disparity in values therefore suggests a
and m-xylene was observed in the headspace of controversy in the kinetic analysis or a misinterpreta-
heated Red Leicester cheese (not quantified). The C17 tion of the experimental data. Interestingly, bixin was
coloured annatto degradation product was also reported to be easily transformed to the all-trans-isomer
detected, indicating that thermal degradation of the at ambient temperature in the presence of a photo-
principal annatto colouring agent 90 -cis-bixin in model sensitizer and light, where the activation energy
systems and foods is facile. However, the degradation for the excitation of bixin to an excited triplet state
is complicated by many competing isomerization was approximately 25 kJ mol1 as discussed above
reactions which proceed at different rates towards (Montenegro et al. 2004), which suggests strongly that
equilibrium. This is further complicated by the simul- a greater energy barrier may be anticipated for the
taneous and irreversible formation of C17 associated thermal isomerization of 90 -cis-bixin to trans-bixin.
1132 M. Scotter

A more detailed kinetic study on the thermal k1

degradation of bixin in an aqueous model system Trans -isomer 9′-cis-isomer Di-cis-isomers C17
k4 k2 k3
comprising water:ethanol (8:2) as a function of tem-
perature has been described, where HPLC was used to Figure 7. Coupled reaction scheme proposed for the degra-
monitor the decay of 90 -cis-bixin and the formation dation of bixin and the formation of its primary products
of the di-cis- and trans-isomers, as well as C17 (Rios (Rios et al. 2005).
et al. 2005). The reactions were found not to follow
first-order rate characteristics but rather fitted well Heating solid non-purified extracts of annatto
to a bi-exponential model. The rate constants for seeds as a thin film deposited on a silicon wafer
the formation of the primary products of bixin and in vacuo and monitoring using time of flight (ToF)
the energy barriers for each step were calculated. secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) does not give
Di-cis-isomers were formed immediately (energy bar- the same results as heating in solution (Bittencourt
rier approximately 63 kJ mol1) followed by a slow et al. 2005). Principal component analysis revealed that
consumption (with the associated decay of 90 -cis- the thermal degradation of the annatto extracts under
bixin), indicating their role as reaction intermediates. these conditions occurs in three distinct temperature
The di-cis-isomers can either revert readily to 90 -cis- ranges: below 70 C, the extracts remain thermally
bixin (approximately 13 kJ mol1) or yield the primary stable, but above this temperature dimerization reac-
C17 degradation product with a higher energy require- tions occur and the signals attributed to bixin decrease.
ment of approximately 27 kJ mol1). However, the Near to 100 C, the bixin molecules begin to degrade,
isomerization of 90 -cis-bixin to trans-bixin requires leading to fragmentation with extensive degradation
approximately 100 kJ mol1, thereby explaining its of bixin above 120 C. However, the nature of the
relatively slow formation. The Arrhenius plot obtained degradation mechanism described is not fully under-
from the initial decay component for 90 -cis-bixin stood since there was no evidence for the formation of
yielded an activation energy of approximately C17 or related fragments from solid bixin.
33 kJ mol1, which concurs with earlier data (Scotter
et al. 2001). In conclusion, while the activation energy
obtained for the 90 -cis- ! trans-isomerization of bixin
Light stability
is very similar to that reported for -carotene
(Mı́nguez-Mosquera and Jaren-Galan 1995), the The effect of light at 900 lux intensity on the 30-day
value of approximately 155 kJ mol1 for the summed stability of a microencapsulated water-miscible extract
isomerization steps of bixin is much higher than those of bixin compared with that of a purified bixin extract
reported for the thermal isomerization of C40 carote- was studied by measuring the loss of spectrophoto-
noids (approximately 105 kJ mol1). Thus, the reaction metric absorbance at 470 nm with time (Prentice-
scheme suggested by Scotter et al. (2001) and the Hernández and Rusig 1999). The degradation rate of
greater relative stability of bixin, especially during its bixin in the microencapsulated extract was approxi-
isolation and manipulation were confirmed (Figure 7). mately 0.05% compared with 0.11% per day for the
Thermogravimetric analysis has been used to purified extract.
investigate the thermal degradation of bixin derived Ferreira et al. (1999) submitted commercial water-
from annatto seeds at different heating rates over soluble annatto (norbixin) solutions to different time
the 25–900 C range (Silva et al. 2005). The results and temperature treatments to investigate colour
indicated that the decomposition of solid 90 -cis-bixin stability. The colour change was measured by spectro-
occurs in the liquid phase and that four decomposition photometry using the Hunter Lab System and the
stages are evident over the range 205–545 C, with results presented in terms of changes in the norbixin
isomerization to the trans-isomer occurring between concentration and L, a, and b colour parameters.
200 and 240 C. The calculated activation energy was Data were analysed for reaction order and the
dependent upon heating rate (i.e. 5, 10 or 15 K min1) temperature dependence was explained by the
at approximately 108, 147 and 128 kJ mol1 respec- Arrhenius model, with activation energy values
tively compared with the value of approximately between 46 and 105 kJ mol1. The changes in colour
100 kJ mol1 reported by Rios et al. (2005) obtained showed an increase in lightness and yellow colour and
in solution. In a similar follow-up study, cis-norbixin a decrease in red colour. Norbixin degradation reac-
was heated at rates of 5, 10 and 20 C min1 over the tion followed second-order kinetics whereas for other
range 25–900 C, where the thermal decomposition colour parameters first-order kinetics were followed.
reactions occurred in the solid-phase (Silva et al. 2007). The light stability of spray-dried bixin encapsulated
Using the Coats-Redfern model, the calculated acti- with gum arabic or maltodextrin plus Tween 80
vation energy was dependent upon heating rate at surfactant has been reported, where the kinetic
approximately 154, 131 and 99 kJ mol1 at 5, 10 and behaviour of bixin photodegradation in all systems
20 C min1 respectively for the first-order process. was characterized by two first-order decays due to the
Food Additives and Contaminants 1133

presence of bixin both inside and outside the micro- Absorbance measurements at the two most intense
capsules (Barbosa et al. 2005). Unsurprisingly, approx- spectral peaks (III and IV in Figure 4) are used for
imately two orders of magnitude greater stability was quantitative analysis, where peak IV is preferred
observed for bixin in the dark compared with illumi- because it is less prone to interference from yellow
nated conditions and in the absence of light, and bixin decomposition products. This interference was cor-
stability in encapsulated solutions was approximately rected by using a factor related to the absorbances at
ten times greater than in non-encapsulated systems. The lmax and at 404 nm in determining the total pigment
effect of processing conditions used for the preparation content of annatto formulations (McKeown and
of traditional Indian foods on bixin stability including Mark 1962). In practice, the spectrophotometric
baking, frying, microwave cooking and pressure cook- determination of annatto (as bixin or norbixin) is
ing have been monitored by following losses using somewhat confused by the use of conflicting extinction
spectrophotometry (Rao et al. 2005). The losses of bixin coefficients. This has been discussed in detail and the
under model processing conditions were compared with published (E11cm%
) extinction coefficients for norbixin
the preparation of cakes, chegodis, biscuits and fried and bixin summarized and compared with highlight
rice. The greatest losses of bixin were observed in direct disparities (Levy and Rivadeneira 2000). Depending on
exposure to oven baking (54% loss) and deep-fat frying the extinction coefficient used, large errors might be
(47%), whereas microwave cooking did not affect the incurred and a practical conversion factor is proposed
colour during direct exposure or in food products. The to correlate the relative absorbances at the two peak
maximum loss of bixin (65%) was observed for deep- maxima. This is based on the increase in absorbance
fried snack due largely to leaching of the dye into the oil. observed upon hydrolysis of bixin to norbixin at
Pressure cooking produced losses of between 25% and constant concentration – thus proving that the extinc-
33%. In cakes, the loss was 30%, but negligible losses tion value for norbixin must be higher than that for
were found for biscuits (1.5%). bixin, which was also reported (Smith et al. 1983).
Similarly, the combined effects of light and temper- Furthermore, from data recorded by the authors from
ature on annatto extract under different storage more than 1000 spectrophotometric measurements of
conditions were evaluated spectrophotometrically at different samples of bixin before and after hydrolysis,
470 nm in chloroform over a period of 360 days the difference between the extinction values of bixin and
(Balaswamy et al. 2006). Annatto oleoresin was gener- norbixin was reported to be in the order of 6%. When
ally more stable during storage with respect to bixin compared with a value of E11cm%
¼ 3208 reported for pure
content than annatto powder obtained by solvent norbixin, this equates to an extinction coefficient for
extraction of annatto seeds. The bixin loss in oleoresin bixin of E11cm%
¼ 3016, which concurs with the values
stored under cold (5–8 C), dark conditions was minor reported for purified bixin in chloroform (Scotter et al.
(11%) throughout the study, whereas considerable 1994).
losses were observed for the powdered dye (23%). However, these extinction values to not agree with
Likewise, the bixin lost after storage at ambient those adopted for colour purity specifications by the
temperature in the dark were 8% and 54% for oleoresin European Union (European Commission 1995) or the
and powder, respectively. Under diffused daylight FAO/WHO (1996), largely due to misassumptions
ambient and temperature the losses were 14% and made regarding solvent effects. The discrepancy in
60%, respectively, whereas bixin seed stored in jute published extinction values might be traced back to the
sacks showed a loss of only 15%. As expected, the rate ‘erroneous’ coefficient reported by Reith and Gielen
constants for bixin degradation were much higher in (1971) that has been used subsequently as a reference
powder compared with oleoresin and were reported to value by various other workers. Serious doubt is
follow second-order kinetics. It was proposed that the expressed over the validity of the extinction values for
colour is protected from exposure to oxygen and light norbixin in aqueous alkaline solution at 453 nm (2850)
by the oleoresin compared with the dry powder, which and 482 nm (2550). Moreover, the same reservations
has a large surface area. were expressed over the value of 3473 at 453 nm
Bixin complexed with -cyclodextrin is also reported by the FAO/WHO (1981) specification.
reported to be more resistant to the damage caused by An interesting and important aspect of the spectro-
light and air (Lyng et al. 2005). photometric analysis of bixin in chloroform is its rapid
rate of degradation when contained in a quartz cuvette,
which unlike glass cuvettes allows the transmission of
ultraviolet light (i.e. 5300 nm) (Levy and Rivadeneira
Analytical methods for annatto
Historically, chloroform has been used as a solvent for Planar chromatography
the spectrophotometric analysis of bixin and dilute Before 1961 there were few references in the literature
sodium hydroxide (approximately 0.1 M) for norbixin. to paper and adsorption chromatography, which dealt
1134 M. Scotter

Table 2. Summary of planar chromatographic methods for annatto colours.

Sample type Adsorbent Mobile phase Reference

Bixin, norbixin, C17 Paper CHX : CHCl3 : DMF : HOAc McKeown (1961, 1963)
(85 : 10 : 3 : 2)
Annatto and other Silica gel G Amyl acetate Ramamurthy and Bhalerao
fat-soluble dyes (1964)
Annatto Silica gel G 1% HOAc in amyl acetate Francis (1965)
Bixin Silica gel CHCl3 : ACE : HOAc Dendy (1966)
(50 : 50 : 1)
(1) Bixin (1) Cellulose CHX : CHCl3 : HOAc Reith and Gielen (1971)
(65 : 5 : 1)
(2) Norbixin (2) Silica gel CHCl3 : EtOH : HOAc
(68 : 2 : 1)
Annatto and other Silica gel G CHCl3 : EtOAc (4 : 1) Tirimanna (1980)
pigments (two-dimensional) Et2O
Bixin and norbixin Silica gel GF PE : Et2O : HOAc (85 :15 : 2.5) Preston and Rickard (1980)
Ether extracts of Silica gel CHCl3 : HOAc (9 : 1) Corradi and Micheli (1981)
foods Et2O : IPA (9 : 1)
Annatto seeds KC18 reverse phase MeOH : H2O (70 : 30) Chao et al. (1991)
Bixin and other Silica gel GF HEX : ACE (10 : 9) Mı́nguez-Mosquera et al.
carotenoids DCM : Et2O (9 : 1) (1995)
PE : BZ (1 : 1)
Annato seeds Silica gel MgO/ HEX : t-BME (90 : 10) Mercadante et al. (1997b)
Kieselguhr HEX : ACE (85 : 15)
Annatto Silica gel GF CHCl3 : HOAc : ACN : ACE Galindo-Cuspinera and
formulations (8 : 1 : 0.5 : 0.5) Rankin (2005)

mainly with the gross separation of different carote- developed by Preston and Rickard (1980) and Corradi
noids, and from chlorophylls. The first paper chro- and Micheli (1981). Chao et al. (1991) used reverse-
matographic method for the direct separation of phase (C18) plates with methanol:water mobile phase
annatto colouring components used Whatman 3MM to separate annatto pigments from supercritical CO2
paper impregnated with 50% N,N-dimethylformamide extractions of annatto seeds. More recently, TLC
(DMF) in acetone and which developed with has been used for the detection of bixin and other
cyclohexane:chloroform:DMF and acetic acid food colour carotenoids derived from red pepper
(85 : 10 : 3 : 2) (McKeown 1961). This method was (Mı́nguez-Mosquera et al. 1995) and for the isolation
used in a number of subsequent studies on annatto and identification of new (trace) apocarotenoids from
and its main thermal degradation product C17 annatto seeds (Mercadante et al. 1997b) and in the
(McKeown and Mark 1962; McKeown 1963). The bioautographic detection of antimicrobial compounds
first thin-layer method for the separation of annatto in water-soluble annatto extracts (Galindo-Cuspinera
colour and other fat-soluble dyes shortly thereafter and Rankin 2005). The various methods are summar-
employed silica gel G, plaster of Paris and silicic acid ized in Table 2.
media with amyl acetate mobile phase (Ramamurthy
and Bhalerao 1964). However, of the 30 solvent
systems studied, bixin was reported to migrate from HPLC
the baseline only when acetic acid was present (Francis As discussed above, developments in HPLC techniques
1965). The findings suggested that the amyl acetate have enabled more detailed studies of other bixin and
solvent used by Ramamurthy and Bhalerao (1964) norbixin isomers as well as their degradation products
must have contained acetic acid as an impurity, which compared with TLC methods and have been utilized to
was proven by subsequent experimentation. Later gain a greater understanding of the stability of annatto
methods used silica gel with various solvent systems and which in turn have been applied to the detection
containing acetic acid for the separation of bixin and and measurement of annatto colour in foodstuffs
norbixin in colour formulations (Dendy 1966) and (see below).
cheese colour, i.e. norbixin (Reith and Gielen 1971), Literature references on the application of HPLC
who also employed cellulose media for the analysis of to the separation of annatto colouring components are
butter colour, i.e. bixin. Other methods include those sparse. Early methods include the HPLC analysis of
Food Additives and Contaminants 1135

annatto extract (Nishizawa et al. 1983) and Smith et al. main bixin and norbixin isomers (Scotter et al. 1994)
(1983), who reported the use of an isocratic reverse- and for C17 analogues (Scotter 1995). Other workers
phase system employing an ODS column and metha- have exploited the use of PDA detection for the
nol/aqueous acetic acid mobile phase. Using this identification of trace levels of other apocarotenoids
system the cis- and trans-isomers of both bixin and in annatto seeds very successfully (Mercadante et al.
norbixin were separated within 10 min. However, the 1997b). Figure 8 shows the HPLC separation of bixin
cis- and trans-bixin peaks were not fully resolved and and norbixin isomers (Scotter et al. 1994).
the peak shapes were generally very poor. A method
for the reverse-phase separation of bixin, norbixin and
three curcuminoids using both isocratic and gradient Mass spectrometry (MS)
elution systems, comprising a Zorbax ODS column A comprehensive review on the use of mass spectro-
and water/THF mobile phase, was later developed metry in the study of carotenoids in general may
and gave improved chromatographic separation be found elsewhere (Enzell and Back 1990). This work
(Rouseff 1988). However, only separation of the cites earlier reviews and studies that consolidate the
‘main’ annatto-colouring components were reported importance of the technique not only for elucidation
and no reference to stereoisomer separation was of structure but also for analytical research, not least
given. Other approaches have been reported for the those carried out by Vetter et al. (1971), Budzikiewicz
analysis of cheese extracts (Luf and Brandl 1988) and (1974) and Enzell and Wahlberg (1980). The 1990
of foods after protease digestion (Chatani and Adachi review covers in detail ionization techniques, tandem
1988). A procedure similar to that reported by Smith MS, combined chromatographic-MS techniques, and
et al. (1983) has been developed and applied to the elimination reactions of in-chain units and terminal
determination of annatto in selected foodstuffs with groups. The first method for electrospray liquid
reasonable success (Lancaster and Lawrence 1995). chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-ES-MS) of
The method developed by Scotter et al. (1994) has carotenoids employed gradient reversed-phase HPLC
played a key role in the advancement of HPLC with PDA and MS detection in tandem (Van Breemen
capabilities for the separation and characterization of 1995). Molecular ions, M(.þ), without evidence of any
norbixin and bixin isomers, and has been refined and fragmentation, were observed in the ES mass spectra
adapted for the study of annatto stability and for the of both xanthophylls and carotenes but neither bixin
determination of annatto colouring components in nor norbixin were studied.
colour formulations, foodstuffs and human plasma. In common with other carotenoids, the MS spectra
These are summarized along with other published of bixin and norbixin are characterized by fragmenta-
methods in Table 3. tion leading to losses of toluene and xylene from
While the development of column stationary the polyene chain and the structural significance of the
phases been vital in allowing separation of geometrical intensity ratio of the [M – 92]þ. and [M – 106]þ. ions
isomers of bixin and norbixin, C17 analogues and other (and to a lesser extent the [M – 158]þ. ion), which is
food components, it is the power of the detection related to the number of conjugated double bonds.
systems that has enabled the development of highly It is the apo-configuration that gives rise to anomalous
useful qualitative and quantitative analyses. Many MS properties of bixin and norbixin that have diag-
developed methods utilize detection with fixed wave- nostic value, i.e. the -CH2-CH¼CH-CH2-COOH end-
length UV-visible (UV-VIS) detectors at wavelengths group gives characteristic fragments at [M – 44]þ. and
specific to bixin/norbixin isomer absorption maxima [M – 99]þ, whereas the -CH2-CH¼CH-CH2-COOCH3
quite successfully. However, photodiode-array (PDA) end-group gives characteristic fragments at [M – 31]þ,
technology offers combined sensitivity and specificity [M – 59]þ. and [M – 113]þ. Solid probe electron
coupled to real-time qualitative (spectral) confirmatory ionization (EIþ) was used to confirm the structures of
analysis, thereby enabling powerful isomer identifi- isolated and purified bixin and norbixin isomers
cation and measurement. PDA allows isomer peaks (Scotter et al. 1994). Both the 90 -cis- and trans-isomers
with different lmax wavelengths to be monitored gave a molecular ion at m/z 394 (bixin) and m/z 380
using a spectral bandwidth that encompasses them. (norbixin), with major fragment ions at m/z [M – 106],
A reference wavelength can also be used to subtract 106 (xylene), 105 (methyl tropylium) and 91. Using
background absorbances and to allow for baseline thermospray analysis, [MþH]þ was identified as the
drift, which is usually set outside of the absorbance base peak along with the presence of sodium and
range of the main analyte and interfering peaks, (possibly) water adducts, and fragment ions corre-
e.g. at 600 nm  4 nm bandwidth. The lack of avail- sponding to [M – H2O]þ and [M – CH3OH]þ. In a later
ability of authenticated reference standards is the study, similar analytical conditions were used to
main limiting factor in the HPLC analysis of annatto characterize the 17-carbon major thermal degradation
colouring components but methods are available for product of annatto (Scotter 1995). Solid-probe EI
the isolation, purification and characterization of the revealed the molecular ion at m/z 288 along with
Table 3. Summary of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods used for the analysis of annatto.

HPLC conditions

Sample matrix Analyte(s) Column Mobile phase Detector Reference

Annatto colour Bixin and norbixin HRPB C8/C18 250  4.6 mm, ACN: 2% HOAc (65 : 35) UV-VIS PDA Scotter et al. (1994)
isomers 5 mm isocratic 452, 460 nm
M. Scotter

1 ml min1 35 C
Annatto colour Bixin and norbixin HRPB C8/C18 250  4.6 mm, ACN: 0.4% HOAc (65 : 35) UV-VIS PDA Scotter (1995); Scotter
isomers and C17 5 mm isocratic 435  60 nm et al. (1998, 2001)
isomers 1 ml min1 35 C

Foods Cis/trans bixin and Supelco LC-18 250  4.6 mm, MeOH: 2% HOAc (9 : 1) UV-VIS Lancaster and Lawrence
norbixin 5 mm iscocratic 500 nm (1995)
1 ml min1
Foods Bixin, norbixin and Supelco LC-18 250  4.6 mm, MeOH: 6% HOAc gradient UV-VIS Lancaster and Lawrence
carminic acid 5 mm 1 ml min1 493 nm (1996)
Plasma Bixin and norbixin S5ODS1 ACN: 2% HOAc isocratic UV-VIS PDA Levy et al. (1997)
isomers 1.5 ml min1 460 nm
DNA Bixin and norbixin Supelco LC-8 250  4.6 mm, ACN: 0.08% CF3CO2H (85 : 15) UV-VIS Kovary et al. (2001)
10 mm isocratic 470 nm
1 ml min1
Foods Bixin and norbixin HRPB C8/C18 250  4.6 mm, ACN: 0.4% HOAc (65 : 35) UV-VIS PDA Scotter et al. (2002)
isomers 5 mm isocratic 455  10 nm
1 ml min1 35 C
Cheese Cis/trans bixin and ODS2 C18 250  4 mm, 5 mm ACN: 2% HOAc (75 : 25) UV-VIS Bareth et al. (2002)
norbixin isocratic 460 nm
1 ml min1
Corn snacks Norbixin ODS2 C18 150  4 mm, 3 mm ACN: 2% HOAc (65 : 35) UV-VIS PDA Rios and Mercadante
isocratic 450 nm (2004)
1 ml min1 29 C
Food Bixin, norbixin and other YMC C30 250  4.6 mm, 5 mm A: MeOH: H2O: TEA UV-VIS PDA Breithaupt (2004)
carotenoids (90 : 10 : 0.1) 450  4 nm
(90 :6 : 4 : 0.1) gradient
1 ml min1 35 C

Bixin Photodegradation Vydac C18 250  4.6 mm, 5 mm ACN: 2% HOAc: DCM UV-VIS PDA Montenegro et al. (2004)
products ODS2 C18 150  4.6, 3 mm (65 : 35 : 2) isocratic 450 nm
1 ml min1 25 C
Aqueous Bixin thermal degradation ODS2 C18 150  4 mm, 3 mm ACN: 2% HOAc (65:35) or UV-VIS PDA Rios et al. (2005)
model system products ACN: 2% HOAc: DCM 450 nm
(65 : 35 : 2) isocratic
1 ml min1 29 C
Water soluble Cis/trans norbixin Beckman C18 250  4.6 mm, ACN: 0.4% HOAc þ 5% ACN UV-VIS PDA Galindo-Cuspinera and
annatto 5 mm isocratic and gradient 250 - 600 nm Rankin (2005)
1 ml min1 þLC-MS

Notes: ACN, acetonitrile; DCM, dichloromethane; HOAc, acetic acid; MeOH, methanol; MTBE, methyl tertiary butyl ether; TEA, triethylamine.
Food Additives and Contaminants 1137
90 4 by the energy of their highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO) and can be estimated by measurement
3 of the half-wave potential for solution oxidation. Strong
70 evidence was reported for an ionization process that
60 produces the molecular ion M.þ in ESI and HR-
MALDI MS of polyenes, and the correlation of the
observed ions to the oxidation potential. The formation
40 of M.þ and [MþH]þ species was shown to be dependent
30 6 upon energetic variations and the presence of water or
another protic solvent. Neither the [MþH]þ nor the
[MþH-H2O]þ were detected as the major ions from ESI
10 12
7 8 9 analysis of bixin, whereas M.þ was detected but only in
0 the specific capillary voltage range of 0.1–0.7 kV. The
10 15 20 25 30 35 min accurate mass measurement afforded by the HR-
MALDI-TOF analysis showed M.þ for bixin at an
Figure 8. HPLC separation of bixin and norbixin isomers.
Conditions: column HRPB C8/C18 250  4.6 mm, 5 mm; observed mass of 394.2147 with 40% ion intensity, but
mobile phase acetonitrole: 0.4% acetic acid (65:35) isocratic [MþH]þ was not observed.
elution at 1 ml min1 35 C; detection photodiode array The major carotenoid composition of Bixa orellana
at 455  10 nm. Assignment of peaks: 1, trans-norbixin; seeds has been ascertained using TOF-MS with X-ray
2, di-cis-norbixin; 3, 90 -cis-norbixin; 4, trans-bixin; 5 and 9,
photoelectron spectroscopy (Felicissimo et al. 2004).
di-cis-bixin isomers; 6, 90 -cis-bixin; 7, 15-cis-bixin (tentative);
and 8, 130 -cis-bixin (tentative). The presence of bixin was revealed in the seed aril
without any sample pretreatment from the detection
of ions attributable to [Mþ2H] at m/z 396 with
associated 13C isotope analogues at m/z 397 and 398.
fragment ions at m/z [M – 106], 106, 105 and 91, and The presence of characteristic fragments at m/z 337
thermospray analysis identified the base peak as was attributed to C23 H29 Oþ 2 obtained from the previ-
[MþH]þ as well as sodium adducts at m/z 311 ous molecular ion with loss of a COOCH3 ester group,
([MþNa]þ) and 333 [M – Hþ2Na]þ. and at m/z 281, a fragment compatible with loss
Complementary to other analytical techniques, of a C6O2H8 end-group plus a hydrogen atom, i.e.
EIþ and fast-atom bombardment (FAB) MS was C19 H21 Oþ2 . The characteristic presence of xylene was
used to determine the structure of the bixin family of confirmed via the detection of the C8 Hþ 9 ion at m/z
apocarotenoids (Kelly et al. 1996). Both cis- and trans- 105. Analysis of the coloured interior of the seeds
bixin isomers gave EIþ molecular ion abundances following cutting did not show any fragments consis-
equivalent to approximately 30% of the base peaks at tent with bixin. A methanol:chloroform extract of the
m/z 59 or 91, and the [Mþ1] and [Mþ2] ion intensities seeds was analysed immediately after preparation
were consistent with predictions based upon calculated by blow-drying under nitrogen onto a silver substrate,
C isotope patterns. As expected, loss of xylene as a and then after exposure to ambient light for 3 months.
neutral group was most pronounced for cis-bixin but TOF-MS analysis of the fresh extract was dominated
no loss of neutral toluene was observed although the by the molecular peak at m/z 396 along with all other
m/z 91 peak was prominent. FABþ spectra of cis- and characteristic fragments. As expected after 3 months’
trans-bixin gave the molecular ion as the base peak but exposure to light, the colour of the extract had
the abundance of the [Mþ1] peak exceeded the lightened to a more yellow shade with an associated
calculated isotopic abundance by 55–75%, indicating five-fold decrease in the intensity of the [Mþ2]þ ion
a small contribution from [MþH]. Small amounts of and with a concomitant two-fold increase in the
sodium adducts were observed but ions due to elim- intensity of the C8 Hþ 9 ion, indicating the formation
ination of toluene were not. However, significant of xylene via degradation. In a related study,
amounts of m/z 105, 115 and 165 were observed. Bittencourt et al. (2005) analysed extracts of Bixa
These observations were consistent with other FAB orellana using TOF-MS as a means of characterizing
spectra of carotenoids where odd electron molecular thermal effects. The spectrum was characterized by a
ions are frequently observed due presumably to their large number of peaks generated by the principal ions
lower ionization potentials (Vetter and Meister 1985). and their multiple fragmentation patterns but also,
Bixin was among the polyenes studied using EI and more notably, by the presence of ions at m/z 790
high resolution (HR) matrix-assisted laser desorption ([C50H62O8]þ ¼ 2Mþ2H), 804 ([C51H64O8]þ ¼ 2M þ
ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spec- 2HþCH2) and 818 ([C52H66O8]þ ¼ 2Mþ2Hþ2CH2)
trometry (Guaratini et al. 2004). In this study, the attributed to the presence of dimers.
ability of neutral organic molecules to give up an The confirmation of twelve different carotenoids
electron for oxidation was exploited, which is governed used as food colorants was achieved using positive
1138 M. Scotter

atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APcI)þ terminal acrylate moieties (Jondiko and Pattenden
LC-MS (Breithaupt 2004). The [MþH]þ ions were (1989). Proton NMR at 250 MHz was used to confirm
monitored for norbixin and bixin at m/z 381 and 395, the structures of purified trans- and 90 -cis-bixin, where
respectively. Based on the presence of at least one the chemical shifts and coupling constants associated
carboxyl group, APcI measurements in the negative with the change in stereochemistry were consistent with
mode were also carried out on bixin and norbixin, but those reported previously (Barber et al. 1961) but
no significant enhancement in sensitivity was observed. afforded much higher resolution (Scotter et al. 1994).
A similar approach has been used for the analysis A similar approach was used to confirm the structure
of water-soluble annatto extracts in both positive of the principal thermal degradation product of
and negative electrospray detection modes (Galindo- bixin as trans-4,8-dimethyltetradeca-hexaenedioc acid
Cuspinera and Rankin 2005). ES-detection mode monomethyl ester or C17 (Scotter 1995). The structure
showed a major peak at m/z 379 corresponding to of a minor apocarotenoid isolated from Bixa orellana
[M – H] for norbixin, whereas the major peak at m/z was confirmed as methyl 90 Z-apo-60 -lycopenate using
381 was found using ESþ mode. An ion at m/z 117 was proton NMR at 500 MHz (Mercadante et al. 1996) and
identified in the ES-spectrum of 90 -cis-norbixin but a similar approach used to identify apocarotenoids
not in the spectrum of the trans-isomer. Conversely, not previously found in annatto (Mercadante et al.
the trans-isomer showed an ion at m/z 111.1 in ESþ 1997b, 1999). NMR (300 MHz 1H) was used alongside
mode that was not present on the spectrum of 90 -cis- TLC and HPLC in the bioautographic detection of
isomer. This was thought to be due to differences in antimicrobial compounds in water-soluble annatto
fragmentation patterns determined by stereochemical extracts where peak assignments were reported to be
configuration. More recently, it has been shown that consistent with previous reports (Galindo-Cuspinera
HPLC-PDA in combination with ion-trap electrospray and Rankin 2005).
mass spectrometric confirmatory analysis can be used The most comprehensive study to date on the
to identify and measure norbixin and bixin in meat determination of the structure of the bixin family of
products using precursor ions at m/z 379 and 395 apocarotenoids is by Kelly et al. (1996), who utilized
respectively and monitoring characteristic product ions a combination of one-dimensional (1D) and 2D-NMR
at m/z 253, 291, 310 and 335 (norbixin) and m/z 317, techniques in conjunction with mass spectrometry and
335, 345, 363 and 377 (bixin) (Noppe et al. 2009). X-ray diffraction analysis. Chemical shift, coupling
constants and 1H correlation data were examined
alongside the ion abundances and intensity ratios from
NMR spectroscopy standard electron impact (EIþ) and FABþ MS
A comprehensive review on the use of NMR spectros- spectra, and bond measurement, cell dimension and
copy in the study of carotenoids in general is given by degree of hydrogen bonding from X-ray diffraction
Englert (1995), in which a detailed treatise on the data to elucidate and compare the crystal structures of
experimental aspects, chemical shifts of end-groups, the cis- and trans-isomers of bixin and methyl bixin.
chemical shifts and spin couplings, stereoisomeriza-
tion, and simple and multidimensional experiments are
given for 1H and 13C nuclei. Other analytical techniques
The earliest published use of NMR in the study of Notwithstanding where specific techniques have been
bixin stereochemistry used low-resolution (40 MHz) discussed elsewhere in this review, there are several less
instrumentation to assign 1H frequencies and deduce widely known techniques that have been used in the
that the cis-bond of the methyl analogue of ‘natural or study of annatto either alone or in conjunction with
-’ bixin was in the 90 - (equivalent) position (Barber complementary techniques. These include infrared
et al. 1961). The high frequency shift of the proton spectroscopy, where the characteristic strong absorp-
assigned to H-80 was attributed to deshielding by the tion due to the C¼O stretching frequency between
110 -120 alkene bond when compared with the trans- 1740 and 1700 cm1 and the complex bands in the
(or -) isomer, which was confirmed via synthesis and 1300–1050 cm1 region due to C-O single bond char-
more detailed structural assignments (Pattenden et al. acteristic of esters and carboxylic acids has been used
1970). Fourier transform (FT) NMR was used later (Lunde and Zechmeister 1954; Reith and Gielen 1971;
to assign the 13C spectra of methyl cis- and trans-bixin Chao et al. 1991; Bernard and Grosjean 1995).
using deuterated compounds, however no experimental Photoacoustic spectrometry in the UV, VIS and IR
details were given and assignments were partly derived regions has been used for the qualitative and quanti-
from spectra of carotenoids with similar structural tative analysis of annatto in commercial seasoning
characteristics (Moss 1976). The 1H FT-NMR spec- products (Haas and Vinha 1995) and more recently in
trum of cis-bixin and cis-methyl bixin at 250 MHz has the determination of the triplet state energy of bixin
been reported but is limited to assignment of the (Rios et al. 2007). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Food Additives and Contaminants 1139

was used by Felicissimo et al. (2004) to ascertain the described previously, with modifications to enable
major carotenoid composition of Bixa orellana seeds measurement by spectrophotometry and HPLC
and X-ray diffraction in conjunction with NMR and (Smith et al. 1983). Margarine samples were saponified
mass spectrometry has been used to determine of the to separate fat and to convert any bixin to norbixin,
structure of the bixin family of apocarotenoids (Kelly thereby facilitating its extraction into aqueous media
et al. 1996). and subsequent purification. However the reported
HPLC conditions gave poor peak shapes and insuffi-
cient resolution. A method for the determination of
annatto in cheese in which a simple acetone extraction
Analysis of foods
was used, followed by concentration by rotary evap-
Before 1970 there were very few published methods oration has been described (Luf and Brandl 1988).
for the extraction of annatto from foods. The quali- Spectrophotometric (derivative) and HPLC techniques
tative and quantitative analytical aspects of annatto were used to quantify annatto in the presence of other
extraction methods published before 1976 have been carotenoids, based on the procedure described for the
reviewed briefly (Aparnathi and Sharma 1991). These analysis of certain baked goods. However, the cis- and
relatively simple methods generally involve extraction trans-isomers of bixin and norbixin were not identified
with solvent (e.g. chloroform, benzene, petroleum separately under the stated conditions.
spirit or ether) with or without some form of sample More recently, other workers have developed
pre-treatment such as protein precipitation, washing refined methods for the extraction of annatto from
and adsorption onto an inert substance. The foodstuffs high-fat foods, dairy products and candy utilizing
analysed by these methods largely comprise dairy solvent pre-extraction of fat and extraction of annatto
products, which reflects the relatively narrow scope into ethanolic aqueous ammonia (Lancaster and
of annatto usage at that time. Lawrence 1995) and to separate mixtures of bixin
Annatto has been extracted from whey solids and norbixin from carminic acid in fruit beverages,
with dilute ammonium hydroxide where proteins yoghurt and candies (Lancaster and Lawrence 1996).
were precipitated by the addition of ethanol and HPLC was used to measure both the cis- and trans-
phosphate buffer (Hammond et al. 1975), and from isomers of bixin and norbixin but no significant
meats (McNeal 1976). Annatto may be analysed in improvements in peak resolution were demonstrated
milk and ice-cream by precipitation with boiling acetic compared with those reported previously (Smith et al.
acid and extraction of the whey with diethyl ether, and 1983), and impure reference materials were used
the colour extracted from macaroni and noodles with for calibration. Recovery of norbixin from spiked
80% ethanol followed by back-extraction into diethyl cheese samples was reported to average 93% over
ether under alkaline conditions (Association of Official the range 1–110 mg kg1, and the recovery of bixin
Analytical Chemists (AOAC) 1980). from spiked wafers also averaged 93% over the
Rapid methods for the extraction of annatto from range 0.1–445 mg kg1. The recovery of norbixin
foods have been described where drinks and syrups from laboratory-prepared hard candies averaged 88%.
were dissolved in water, acidified with acetic acid and TLC and HPLC were used to determine bixin and
annatto was partitioned into diethyl ether (Corradi other carotenoid colours in products derived from red
and Micheli 1981). Products with a high fat content, pepper (Mı́nguez-Mosquera et al. 1995). A simple
e.g. butter and margarine, were dissolved in petroleum acetone extraction was used followed by partition with
spirit and annatto was partitioned into aqueous ether and sodium chloride solution and alkaline
ammonaical ethanol. Three extractions were required saponification. Back extraction with ether following
for quantitative extraction of the colour. The aqueous acidification of the saponifying medium was necessary
extracts were acidified with acetic acid and back- to recover the annatto colour (as norbixin). While
extracted with diethyl ether. For foods containing fat good chromatographic separation of the carotenoids
and protein, e.g. yoghurt, cheese and pastries, samples was obtained, no distinction between norbixin isomers
were ground with sand and aqueous ammonaical was made. However, the method demonstrated the
ethanol. The mixture was transferred to a centrifuge capability of detecting of colours added fraudulently to
tube and the fat was removed by agitation with intensify the natural colour of paprika paste.
petroleum spirit, centrifugation and siphoning off the Whilst remaining an uncommon analytical tech-
petroleum spirit phase. The aqueous ammonaical nique in food laboratories, photoacoustic spectrometry
phase was retained, acidified with acetic acid and the (PAS) has been used for the analysis of annatto
annatto partitioned into diethyl ether. products (Haas and Vinha 1995). The method is limited
Methods for the extraction and determination of to semi quantitative (1% ‘annatto content’) and
annatto in margarine, cheese and boiled sweets have qualitative analysis of commercial seasonings compris-
been investigated using techniques similar to those ing mixtures of corn meal and powdered annatto seeds
1140 M. Scotter

Table 4. Summary of extraction regimes used for annatto in presence of dilute hydrochloric acid and extracted
foods (Scotter et al. 2002). using a biphasic solvent system comprising hexane
(to remove excess lipid) and acetonitrile, which
Regime Matrices was then concentrated using vacuum-assisted rotary
1 Cheese, cheese products and cheese-based
compound foods Using this method, comprehensive quantitative
2 Custard powder and low-fat dessert dry mixes and qualitative data on 165 composite and two single
3 Desserts, cake decorations, fine bakery wares, food samples covering a wide range of foods at levels
extruded snacks and breakfast cereals above the analytical reporting limit of 0.1 mg kg1 were
4 Margarine, fat-based emulsions and spreads, obtained. Quantitative results were given for those
butter and fat-based compound foods
5 Fish, ice cream and ice cream-based annatto colouring components for which reference
confectionery, yoghurt and other dairy standards were available (90 -cis-bixin, trans-bixin
desserts and 90 -cis-norbixin), whereas semi-quantitative results
were given for other bixin and norbixin isomers.
The method was single-laboratory validated by the
repeat (n ¼ 4 – 9) analysis of twelve different sample
or annatto extract known as ‘Colorifico du Urucum’. types of food commodity covering the permitted range
The particle size of the samples has a strong influence on of annatto content, spiked with annatto at levels of
the amplitude of the PAS signal and therefore requires between 1.7 and 27.7 mg kg1 and by the analysis
close control. of in-house reference matrices. Mean recoveries of
Based on the methods described previously (Scotter between 61% and 96% were obtained from foods
et al. 1994; Lancaster and Lawrence 1995), HPLC and spiked with annatto.
spectrophotometric methods have been developed Using response surface methodology to establish
for the simple and rapid determination of annatto in optimum conditions, a method for the determination
cheese and milk products (Bareth et al. 2002). Solid- of annatto colour in extruded corn snack products has
phase extraction (SPE) on amino phase was used to been developed that exhibits improved accuracy and
separate annatto components from fat and -carotene. precision compared with the methods described by
The choice of end method was determined by the Scotter et al. (2002) and Rios and Mercadante (2004).
presence of other colouring materials, i.e. curcumin However, pre-treatment of the samples with -amylase
or -apo-80 -carotenal but other food colours and was necessary to remove starch and a total of eight
emulsifiers did not affect the analysis. The recovery solvent extractions with ethyl acetate were required for
of annatto colouring spiked into cheese, processed complete extraction of the annatto colour. Lipids were
cheese, butter and ice-cream ranged between 80 and removed using alkaline saponification therefore all
100%. Nine samples of cheese were analysed in which of the bixin present was hydrolysed to norbixin and
norbixin was found in the range 50.15–11.89 mg kg1, determined as such by HPLC.
whereas no bixin was detected (40.15 mg kg1). Accelerated solvent extraction has been compared
The methods described by Scotter et al. (1994, with manual solvent extraction to determine several
1998), Lancaster and Lawrence (1995) and Navaz Diaz food colouring carotenoids including bixin and nor-
and Ramos Peinado (1992) were further developed and bixin in processed foods (Breithaupt 2004). Reverse-
consolidated to encompass a wide range of food phase HPLC with a C30 column successfully separated
commodities (Scotter et al. 2002). Specific solvent bixin and norbixin from 7 other carotenoids but
extraction regimes were developed for specific sample the cis- and trans-isomers were not distinguishable.
matrices, with HPLC-PDA used for spectral confir- Due to its ostensibly higher polarity, lower recoveries
mation and measurement of the main isomers of of norbixin were reported for accelerated extraction
bixin and norbixin. The different extraction regimes (67  1.0 mg kg1) compared with manual extraction
are summarized in Table 4. (88.7  6.2 mg kg1). However, a similar difference in
With the exception of regime 5, samples were recoveries was reported for less polar bixin (91.0  2.7
extracted essentially using ethanol:water:ammonia and 98.0  1.7 mg kg1, respectively) although bixin
solution with or without a hexane partition to recovery was higher than norbixin with improved
remove excess lipid. After centrifugation in the pres- precision. The limit of quantitation for bixin and
ence of Celite filter aid, the annatto colour was norbixin was in the range 0.53–0.79 mg kg1 for
partitioned into chloroform:acetic acid solution, cen- pudding mix and cereals. More recently, a method
trifuged and the solvent removed using vacuum- for the determination of norbixin and bixin in meat
assisted rotary evaporation. To minimize analyte products using HPLC-PDA and LC-MSn that gives
losses via oxidation, a 0.1% solution of butylated recoveries of between 99% and 102% and a limit of
hydroxyl toluene (BHT) was added. For regime five quantitation of 0.5 mg kg1 has been reported (Noppe
matrices, samples were mixed with Celite in the et al. 2009).
Food Additives and Contaminants 1141

Annatto as an illegal food dye is therefore requisite and brings clear benefits to the
The illegal use of annatto to colour milk goes back as production of annatto, and to the formulation and
far as the early 20th century where it was reported by application of food colouring to a wide range of food
UK Public Analyst laboratories (Ellis Richards 1923; commodities. Greater understanding of the processes
Collingwood Williams 1925). Amongst other specific of degradation may also benefit studies in the areas
food commodities, annatto is currently permitted of food safety, particularly in risk assessment, and
in the European Union for the colouring of certain biomarkers of exposure such as circulating (plasma)
margarines and cheeses, but is not permitted for levels of norbixin. Here, complementary analytical
the colouring of milk cream or butter (European techniques such as HPLC-PDA, LC-MS/MS and
Commission 1994 as amended). Moreover, while NMR will play a vital role in the detection, confirma-
annatto is permitted for use in food commodities tion, and measurement of comparatively low levels of
such as savoury snack products, coated nuts, extruded bixin and norbixin isomers.
products and flavoured breakfast cereals, it is not
permitted for use in spices. However, amongst other
non-permitted dyes bixin was detected in 18 of 893 References
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laboratories during 2005–2006 as part of the UK Aparnathi KD, Sharma RS. 1991. Annatto colour for food:
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Balaswamy K, Prabhakara Rao PGP, Satyanarayana A,
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Rao DG. 2006. Stability of bixin in annatto oleoresin and
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dye powder during storage. LWT – Food Sci Tech.
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need for the food manufacturing industry to ensure Studies in nuclear magnetic resonance. Part IV.
compliance, especially in a proactive manner and Stereochemistry of the bixins. J Chem Soc. 1625–1630.
through the adoption of a ‘zero tolerance’ approach Barbosa MIMJ, Borsarelli CD, Mercadante AZ. 2005. The
as applied to the monitoring of illegal dyes such as the light stability of spray-fried bixin encapsulated with
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of detecting bixin or norbixin at approximately Int. 38:989–994.
0.1 mg kg1 in samples using UV-VIS or diode-array Bareth A, Strohmar W, Kitzelmann E. 2002. HPLC and
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technology are not sufficiently sensitive. LC-MS/MS
Eur Food Res Tech. 215:359–364.
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Bernard K, Grosjean M. 1995. Infrared spectroscopy.
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generally considered amongst analytical chemists work- Birkhäuser. p. 117–134.
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bixin at approximately 0.01 mg kg1 in certain com- sion cooking. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft Technologie.
modities, but this is heavily dependent upon the degree 19:126–131.
of signal suppression caused by matrix effects. This can Bittencourt C, Felicissimo MP, Pireaux J-J, Houssiau L.
give rise to false negative results using a screening 2005. ToF-SIMS characterization of thermal modifica-
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Chem. 53:6195–6200.
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Breithaupt D. 2004. Simultaneous HPLC determination of
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to ensure compliance with food quality regulations Carvalho PRN, Sarantópoulos CIGJ, Shirose I, da
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