Capstone Project Activities: Important Points To Be Noted

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Last updated on 19-06-2018

Capstone Project Activities


1. Please do NOT share any confidential information of any company including the
company chosen.
2. All submission must be in MS ppt format (No restriction on number of slides)
3. Please don’t include irrelevant information in the submission.
4. There are in total 11 activities to be completed in the project work. First 5 activities of
the project must be completed in Phase-I and the last 6 activities must be completed
in Phase-II.
5. The last date of uploading Phase-I submission on AIS is July 14, 2018.
6. The last date of uploading Phase-II submission on AIS is August 14, 2018.
7. Please upload your submission on XLRI, AIS (Please don’t submit through email).
The document detailing steps of uploading assignment on AIS is available on
resource section of AIS.

Phase-I: Activities

Activity Set 1: Company Selection

Select a company of your choice. The company must have a website. The company would
preferable be a B2C company. If your chosen company offers multiple brands and multiple
products, please choose only one brand/product of that company for this project work.
It will be good if you have or can obtain administrative/ editorial access to the company’s
digital assets e.g. website, Facebook page, Google Analytics, etc. However, this is not mandatory.

In your submission, you must have one slide with the details of the chosen company/brand for
your project work.

Note: You may choose any company or brand (website) for the project work provided you are able
do project work for that company or brand (website). However, the responsibility of permission to
use company’s digital asset and or similar issue related to project work lie with the individual
participants. XLRI or Talentedge is(will) not (be) responsible for this.

Last updated on 19-06-2018

Activity Set 2: Project Synopsis

Prepare a Project Synopsis for the company you have selected. The Project Synopsis should cover
 Brief profile of the company
 Primary marketing objective(s) of the company
 Target customer segment(s) with details of customer characteristic
 Market competition structure

Note: To understand the meaning of ‘the company you have selected’ (wherever this phrase is
used in this document), you may refer to the statements of Activity 1 “Select a company of your
choice. The company must have a website. The company would preferable be a B2C company. If
your chosen company offers multiple brands and multiple products, please choose only one
brand/product of that company for this project work.”

Activity Set 3: Search Engine Marketing

1. Assess the applicability of search engine marketing for the company you have selected. Justify
why search engine marketing would be a good marketing strategy for the company. If not,
explain why not.
2. Assuming that search engine marketing would be effective for the company, plan for search
engine marketing. The plan should include
a. Campaign structure
b. Appropriate set of keywords and match types to be used. Use AdWords Keyword
c. Evaluate use of generic, brand and long tail keywords in search campaign
3. Decide a budget and a starting bid price for the keywords for the search campaign using
keyword planner
4. Decide use of appropriate ad extensions
5. Decide use of keyword insertion and ad optimizer
6. Set up a search campaign based on the planning done. If you do not want to spend money on
the campaign, you can set up the campaign and pause it. If you want to spend money on the
campaign, you can run the campaign for the period you want. You need to arrange for funds
in case you decide to run the campaign. Take screenshots of the various steps taken to set up
campaign using AdWords and report them in MS ppt

Last updated on 19-06-2018

Activity Set 4: Search Engine Optimization

1. Using AdWords keyword planner and associated justifications, define appropriate meta title
and meta description for at least 3 pages (one of which must be the home page) for the website
of the company you have selected.
2. Write an SEO friendly content for the home page of your website.
3. Generate sitemap for the website. Identify if there is any use of robot.txt for your website.
4. Search and identify suitable bloggers who can write about your business and may provide do-
follow backlinks to your website.

Activity Set 5: Social Media Marketing

1. Assess the applicability of social media for the company you have selected. Suggest the most
appropriate social media/s (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) giving reasons.
2. Set up a regular post calendar for 3 months on any one social media that you have selected. In
case the social media allows multiple types of creative formats (album, carousal, canvas, video,
etc.) and multiple types of entities (e.g. posts, offers, events, etc.) identify the most suitable
entity and the corresponding creative format (depending on availability and suitability).
3. Decide at least 2 campaign objectives (brand awareness, website traffic, lead generation, etc.)
that would be suitable for the company that you have selected. Justify your decision.
4. Set up appropriate targeting on location, device, demographics, interest and behavior.
5. Define the appropriate placements (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, Messenger
in Facebook) justifying your rationale.
6. Explore and implement any additional widgets like Twitter Cards.
7. Decide budget and schedule for your campaign.
8. Proceed step by step setting up the social media campaign taking screenshots as you go along.
If the social media allows setting up the campaign without credit card or if you are willing to
provide your credit card details, you can complete the set up. Remember to pause the campaign
immediately after set up if you do not wish to run it. If you are not willing to give your credit
card details and the social media platform does not allow the set up without providing credit
cards, please provide the screenshots up to the point before saving the campaign.

Last updated on 19-06-2018

Phase-II: Activities

Activity Set 6: Display Marketing

1. Define your campaign objective and campaign focus for different display ads that you may
adopt for marketing communications of the company you have selected. Explain how your
display campaign objective(s) and campaign focus are in line with your marketing objective(s)
of the company.
2. Write down the different types of targeting you can do for the display advertising of the
company you have selected.
3. Please choose suitable targeting for your display ads and accordingly choose budget and
bidding strategy for your display ads of the company. Also select appropriate campaign
objective. Justify your selection for all of the above.
Note: You may (should) choose multiple types of targeting for your display ads of the company
you have selected. You may also choose multiple display ads.
4. Set up display campaign based on the above planning.
5. Take screenshots of the various steps taken to set up display campaign using AdWords.

Activity Set 7: Video Marketing

1. Create a YouTube channel for the company you have selected.

2. Upload few videos in the channel with relevant information for YouTube search optimization.
Please share the video link and the screenshot of creator studio.
3. Justify whether an instream or discovery ad would be suitable for the company chosen. If you
think both are suitable, state which of the videos you have uploaded would you like to place
for instream ad and which one for discovery ad. Justify.
4. If you think instream video ad is suitable, set up an instream video ad using one of the videos.
5. If you think discovery video ad is suitable, set up a discovery video ad using one of the videos.
6. If you wish to monetize your videos and your channel, explain how you plan to do this.

Activity Set 8: Conversion Tracking

1. Define business objectives, online conversions and monetary value (if applicable) that you
would like to measure for the business selected.
2. Show set up of conversion in AdWords and Facebook by generating AdWords tags and
Facebook pixel.
3. If you have access to the website which you have chosen for your project, you may attempt or
take a programmer’s help to set up AdWords tag and Facebook pixel. This activity is optional.

Last updated on 19-06-2018

Activity Set 9: Remarketing/ Retargeting

1. Define your business objective and remarketing/ retargeting audience aligned to the business
2. Generate remarketing tag in AdWords and Facebook pixel.
3. If you have access to the website which you have chosen for your project, you may attempt or
take a programmer’s help to set up AdWords remarketing tag and Facebook pixel. This activity
is optional.
4. Set up appropriate rule based and tag based remarketing lists in AdWords and suitable
remarketing list (audience) in Facebook
5. Set up a search campaign using the remarketing lists that you have set up. Justify whether you
intend to use observation or target based remarketing.
6. Set up a display campaign using the remarketing lists that you have set up.
7. Set up a video campaign using the remarketing lists that you have set up.
8. Set up a Facebook retargeting campaign using the audience lists that you have set up.

Activity Set 10: e-Mail Campaign

1. Set up an email campaign using popular email tools like Mailchimp, Sendgrid, etc.

Activity Set 11: Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy and Plan

1. Define an integrated digital media strategy for the organization that you have selected.
2. The integrated digital media strategy should contain
a. Selection of appropriate media
b. Budget allocation for each media and rationale for the same
c. Budget allocated for managing digital marketing services i.e. creating, managing and
monitoring campaigns.

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