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That scandalous new bio details

Warren’s womanizing north of the
border, too. Govani, Page AL3
N A T I O N A L P O S T, T H U R S D A Y, JA N UA R Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 0

Would you
like some
Cisco with
Why Ellen Page
is trying to sell
us networking

Zooey Deschanel’s film (500)

Days of Summer is nominated
for two Golden Globe awards,
which will be handed out
this Sunday night. Deschanel
hasn’t taken to the airwaves

as part of a pre-award show
marketing campaign, though
— instead she’s singing for
Like Luke Wilson and El-
len Page, the Juno-starring It
girl who oozes sass as effort-
lessly as her fellow Nova Sco-
tians dissect the Bay of Fundy,
Deschanel is now appearing in

a TV commercial.
“It used to be that people in
Hollywood didn’t even want
to work on television, but these days anything goes,” says
Janet Wasko, author of How
Breaking Hollywood Works. “Appear-
arts news ing in television commercials
now. just isn’t seen as demeaning
Details, any more. Look at the woman
AL2 married to Michael Douglas,
the one who does TV commer-
cials for hair. I think she’d still
have no problem getting ser-
ious roles.”
Catherine Zeta Jones, in-

FILE PHOTO; deed, may have no trouble
LTD.; COLUMBIA finding interesting work even
TRISTAR FILMS after shilling for everything
from T-Mobile to Alfa Romeo
to Lux shampoo — an only-
COMIC TIMING in-Japan-and-China spot that

reportedly netted Mrs. Mi-
How the chael Douglas a cool US$2.5-
Conan O’Brien million.
But to see someone like El-
saga may actually len Page squirming uncom-
benefit NBC. Rings generate panoramic,
fortably in a commercial for
Cisco, a computer network-
Page AL3 BY MELISSA LEONG breathtaking scenes that real- ing conglomerate, marks
life stunts and action some- a significant demographic
“Every independent producer, times cannot match,” says Kay switch. William Shatner

studio executive and wannabe Li of the Canadian Foundation sending himself up for Price-

movie mogul in Hong Kong for Asian Culture. Line is one thing, but does
was scouring the sidewalks Besides, viewers in the West Luke Wilson, star of The
for martial artists who looked, have regressed 20 years in their Royal Tenenbaums and Old
talked, acted or fought like the understanding of martial arts, School, need money so badly
Dragon — hunting for the next according to Mark Pollard, that it’s worth making adver-
A RED GREEN Bruce Lee. ... When we gath-
ered in the evenings to drink’s founder
and senior editor. He notes
tisements for AT&T?
“Look at what’s happening
SHOW and talk, the conversation
always ended up turning the
that the upcoming Karate Kid
remake starring Chan and Will
on Wall Street. You wouldn’t
think someone earning $5-
New photos same way: What did Lee have Smith’s son Jaden actually fea- million would need a $10-
from Mars make that we didn’t?”
As the masters move on, tures kung fu. (Karate is Jap- million bonus to motivate
— Jackie Chan in his autobiog- anese; kung fu is Chinese.) The them, but I think people’s
the planet look
oddly forested.
raphy, I Am Jackie Chan
who will step in to fill Karate Kid is due out in the-
atres later this year.
aspirations move up,” says
Charles Weinberg, a profes-
Page AL8 In the trailer for Jackie Chan’s
new film, The Spy Next Door,
the martial arts void? Those in the industry, how-
ever, continue to search for
sor of marketing at the Sauder
School of Business at the Uni-
which arrives in theatres to- new blood in the hopes that versity of British Columbia.
morrow, a voiceover gravely audiences will tire of CGI. “Actors don’t need the money
informs us: “Secret Agent Bob school in Hong Kong in the The winner, Jack Tu, who was “There’s a shift back to- in the sense that they’re bank-

BAD Ho has taken down dictators,

terrorists and evil empires, but
he is about to face his toughest
’60s; then performers such as
Li and actor Donnie Yen stud-
ied wushu in mainland China
born in Taiwan but grew up in
Canada and the U.S., has been
shadowing Chan to learn the
wards the real thing,” says
Bey Logan, a Hong Kong film
producer and former vice-
rupt. It’s more like how Matt
Dillon alternates between art-
istic and commercial films. A

ADVICE assignment yet: babysitting.”

As I watch Chan in the pre-
view burning his hands on a
in the ’70 s. They were cata-
pulted to fame in Hong Kong,
which had one of the largest
trade and was on set for the
filming of The Spy Next Door.
Other than his participation
president for Asian acquisi-
tions at Weinstein Brothers.
He says there are possible
television commercial today
is part of the portfolio of what
people do.”
muffin rack, I think of his clas- movie industries in the world. as an extra, though, he has yet candidates lurking in the wings, Actors and actresses have
OBESE CITY sic movie, Police Story. During
the 1985 film’s final fight scene
But the industry has since
deflated; kung fu films fell out
to break out as a major figure.
But when — and if — he
citing Hong Kong actor and
martial artist Wu Jing. There is
long felt comfortable exploit-
ing their personal brand.
If your cat is too in a mall, he slid down a 70- of fashion and stunt job oppor- does, he may find that the de- even a future for the 46-year- Many accounts suggest the
foot pole wrapped in Christ- tunities (where Lee and Chan mand is no longer there. old Jet Li contemporary Donnie British actress Lillie Langtry
fat, he may need mas lights, bulbs exploding got their start) declined. Our culture of celebrity Yen, who Logan suggests “has first opened the floodgates
a vacation. around him, and he burned “The martial arts film is means that star power drives just come into his own.” when she appeared in an
the skin off of his hands. similar to the Western: its action films today. No one Pollard, though, is not hold- 1893 advertisement for soap.
Page AL2 The man is 55. He has ap- heyday is long over, but there cares if Ben Affleck wields a ing his breath. Since then, everybody from
peared in more than 100 mov- will be small cycles of films cane with all the dexterity and “In the old days, you had a Tom Cruise to O.J. Simpson to
ies, broken just about every from time to time when some- attitude of a grandmother. whole string of actors and you Tommy Lee Jones, currently
bone there is and suffered brain one finds a fresh spin,” says CGI will fix that. knew someone was going to appearing in a round of coffee
injuries. He has earned some Leon Hunt, who teaches film The real stuff is no longer follow in their footsteps,” Pol- commercials in Japan, have
time doing family comedies. studies at Brunel University practical. Why spend months lard says. “But I’m thinking added their reflected celebrity
But still, the stunt makes in the U.K. “There hasn’t been choreographing an action se- there is nobody else.” to products.
me yearn for the old Chan, and any fresh blood since the ’90s quence, risking injury to the National Post These days, the average
logically, the next Chan. Who in terms of ‘proper’ kung fu actors, when tighter editing, lifespan of a celebrity in Holly-
will follow the acrobatic and stars.” short cuts and computers will wood can be awfully short, so
comedic Chan and the skillful Chan himself recognized produce the same result? there’s some logic in young
and now-retired Jet Li? Who
will continue the legacy of the
the need for new talent, and in
2007 he launched a reality TV
Hong Kong filmmakers
are now co-producing mov-
NP stars cashing in while they
legendary Bruce Lee? competition called The Dis- ies with China and creating Melissa Leong relives “You might wonder,” says
Chinese martial arts super- ciple. Sixteen finalists braved blockbuster-style films. “Re- kung fu’s glory days with Wasko, commenting on the
stars came in two generations: gruelling training, car stunts cent action films such as Red Fight Club, a new blog fickle nature of Hollywood,
Chan and actor Sammo Hung and high-altitude wire sus- Cliff are big budget, and post- feature that begins today at “where else are these people
practised backflips, splits and pension in hopes of becoming production special effects going to get work?”
handstands at the same opera the next big action movie star. along the lines of Lord of the theampersand National Post

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