Grade4 Term1 Mini Test 04

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2018 Grade 4 Term 1 Mini-Test 4

1. Vocabulary Check:
Choose the best answer for each sentence. Write the LETTER for the answer on
the answer sheet.

1. My friend was telling me her mother was a neurosurgeon but I couldn’t understand
what kind of ______ that was.
Ⓐ professor Ⓒ without
Ⓑ passion Ⓓ profession

2. In order to (i)______ some of the deepest parts of the ocean where humans cannot go,
people use Remotely Operated Vehicles, (ii)_______ as ROVs..
Ⓐ explore Ⓔ go
Ⓑ exploring Ⓕ consider
Ⓒ adventure Ⓖ filled with
Ⓓ diving Ⓗ known

3. Mr Suzuki told me I had to stay back after school to do my homework. What _______ do I
Ⓐ choose Ⓒ chose
Ⓑ choice Ⓓ chooses

4. There are so many different (i)______ cultures around the world. Recently, some
(ii)_______ discovered a temple that was over 10,000 years old.
Ⓐ archaeology Ⓔ detectives
Ⓑ geographer Ⓕ archaeologists
Ⓒ ancient Ⓖ professions
Ⓓ artifacts Ⓗ clues

5. We should have more (i)______ for all the police officers and firefighters in the world as
they have to take (ii)_______ with their lives every day.
Ⓐ aspect Ⓔ respect
Ⓑ adventure Ⓕ hard-working
Ⓒ rural Ⓖ passion
Ⓓ risk Ⓗ risks

6. Keisuke has a lot of ______ for his video games.

Ⓐ friends Ⓒ passion
Ⓑ strange Ⓓ entertainment

7. Haruna loves Disney and has many Disney ______ in her room.
Ⓐ objects Ⓒ careers
Ⓑ thing Ⓓ artifact
8. I really have no (i)______ about what kind of (ii)_______ choice I should be making for my
Ⓐ clues Ⓔ professions
Ⓑ boring Ⓕ dangerous
Ⓒ operator Ⓖ archways
Ⓓ career Ⓗ empty

9. Japan and China have many things in ______ such as tea ceremony.
Ⓐ person Ⓒ training
Ⓑ the field Ⓓ common

10. I’m (i)______ a (ii)_______ in archaeology because I’ve always been interested in ancient
Ⓐ think Ⓔ career
Ⓑ jobs Ⓕ professor
Ⓒ considering Ⓖ thinking
Ⓓ wondering Ⓗ path

2. Basic Grammar Check:

Choose the best answer for each sentence. Write the LETTER for the answer on
the answer sheet.

11. Many pastry chefs work in restaurants and cafes ______ (○

A about / ○
B for / ○
C since)

long hours every day.

12. I know that if I don’t study hard, there will be _______ (○

A little / ○
B a little/ ○
C few)

chance of a good future.

13. Guillermo de Anda is an archaeologist _______ (○

A where / ○
B what / ○
C who) dives

underwater for ancient artifacts.

14. _______ (○
A As / ○
B When/ ○
C Because) we go to university, we’ll have to be totally

[independent 独立の]

15. That tall building over there has been there for a very long time, _______ (○
A for / ○

since / ○
C from) 1890, I think.
Class: _______ No: _______ Name: __________________________________

2018 Grade 4 Term 1 Mini-Test 4

Answer Sheet
1. 2. (i) 2. (ii) 3. 4. (i)

4. (ii) 5. (i) 5. (ii) 6. 7.

8. (i) 8. (ii) 9. 10. (i) 10. (ii)

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

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