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Lesson Plan
Academic Year 2017 – 2018


A. Name of Faculty : Danang Sugiarto S.Pd B. Subject: Mathematics

C. Grade Level : 12 Science Stream D. Topic: Logarithm and exponential equation and
E. Term/ Semester : 1/2 F. Time Allocation: 6 x 45 minute
II. Competences

 Standard Competencies

5. Using the rules relating to the exponential and logarithmic functions in problem solving.

B. Basic Competencies

5.1 Using the properties of exponential and logarithmic functions in problem solving

5.2 Drawing graph exponential and logarithmic functions

5.3 Using the properties of exponential functions or logarithms in resolving inequalities simple exponents
or logarithms

Desired Results :
Learning Objectives (Indicators) A. Essential Question(s)
Logarithm and exponential equation and inequalities.
Do tou know how to calculate the amount of our saving or
 Students calculate the exponential and deposite in the bank or how to find the intensity of noise,
logarithmic functions and the concentration of the solution?
 Students determine the properties of
exponential and logarithmic functions.
 Students determine the value of exponential
and logarithmic functions to draw graphic.
 Students find the solution of the logarithm and
exponentila equation
 Students find the solution of the logarithm and
exponentila inequalities
 Students determine the interval of inequality
exponent and the conditions.
 Students determine and condition the
completion of inequality logarithm.

A. Knowledge/ Content B. Skill / Affective Outcomes

Composition of functions and inverse functions. 1. Student make the graph of logarithm and
exponential function
 Exponential and logarithm functions 2. Students find the characteristic of logarithm
 Graph exponential functions and logarithm and exponential function
 Inequality Exponent and logarithm 3. Students know how to calculate the daily
problem related to the logarithm and
exponential equation or inequalities
I. Teaching /Learning Activities :
Time Procedures Material / Reference
 Opening SPM. Mathematics for
Senior High School
10 Minutes  The teacher will start the lesson with praying and continue with Grade XII.
x3 absent all student Jakarta:Erlangga
meetings  Then teacher continue with giving a motivation, introduction or fun
games that lead student to the topic of the lesson
 After that the teacher starts the lesson with the topic that will be
discussed on that day.
70 Minutes  Main SPM. Mathematics for
Senior High School
x3 1st Meeting Grade XII.
meetings  Students listen the explanation about what is the definition, form Jakarta:Erlangga
and characteristic of logarithm and exponential function
 Students pay attention to the teacher's explanation how to graph Kumpulan soal-soal UN
2011 – 2015
the logarithm and exponential function
 Students Students pay attention to the teacher's explanation find Powerpoint Logarithm
the solution of logarithm equation and exponential
Guided Practice
 Students do exercises to determine how to find the graph of
logarithm and exponential function
 Students do exercises to determine how to graph of logarithm and
exponential function
Independent practice
 Students do exercises to determine the solution of logarithm-
exponential equaiton
 Students submit the exercises to teacher
SPM. Mathematics for
2nd Meeting Senior High School
 Students and teacher discuss about the characteristics of Grade XII.
logarithm and exponential inequalities. Jakarta:Erlangga
Guided Practice
 Students do exercises to solve the logarithm and exponential Kumpulan soal-soal UN
inequalities (UN questions) 2011 – 2015

Powerpoint Logarithm
Self practice and exponential
 Students do exercises to solve the logarithm and exponential
inequalities (UN questions)
 Students submit the exercises to teacher
 Students have a unit test in next meetings

3rd Meeting
 Students do the chapter test logarithm-exponential equation and Chapter test

10 Minutes x  Closing
3  And finally Teacher will close the lesson with summarize the topic
meetings or giving conclusion, solution for the topic that we learn on that
 If the lesson is not yet done on that day, the teacher will ask
student to read at home the next sub topic for next lesson.
 The lesson close with closing prayer
Subject Teacher VP Academic Affair

Danang Sugiarto, S.Pd Herdina Tambunan, M.Pd

1. Diketahui 5log 3 = a dan 3log 4 = b. Nilai 4log 15 = ….

2. Jika nilai 10log2 = a dan 10log3 = b , 10log√ 12 = ….

3. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan 2log(6𝑥 − 10) > 2log(8 − 2𝑥) adalah ….



1 3𝑥−1 2 +3𝑥−2
6. Himpunan penyelesaian dari sistem pertidaksamaan ( ) ≤ 9𝑥 adalah . . . .

Chapter Test

1. Akar-akar persamaan 3 𝑥 +5𝑥+1 = (27)𝑥+3 adalah p and q , dengan p > q . Maka nilai p – q = . .

2 1
2. Akar-akar persamaan √8𝑥 −4𝑥+3 = adalah . . . . dan . . . .

3. Akar-akar persamaan 4𝑥 − 12. (2𝑥 ) + 32 = 0 adalah . . . . dan . . . .

2 1
4. Batas-batas nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan 3 𝑥 +4𝑥 < adalah . . . .

1 𝑥 +2𝑥 1 6−3𝑥
5. Batas-batas nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan ( ) < ( ) adalah . . . .
7 7

1 1 1
6. Nilai dari 𝑎
log 𝑏 . 𝑏
log 𝑐 . log 𝑎2 = . . . .
2 𝑐

7. Nilai dari 6log 9 + 2 .6log 2 – 2 .6log 6 = . . . .

8. Diketahui 5log 3 = a dan 3log 2 = b. Nilai 6log 125 = ….

9. Penyelesaian pertidaksamaan 3log(𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 3) ≥ 3log(2𝑥 + 1) adalah ….

10. Pernyelesaian pertidaksamaan 25log(𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 − 3) < 2 adalah . . . .

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