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Preview Assessment: Limba Engleza Contemporana

Denumirea: Limba Engleza Contemporana

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Întrebarea nr. 1 0 points Save

Place deixis is encoded by:

demonstrative pronouns
adverbs of time

Întrebarea nr. 2 0 points Save

The following advertisement Ariel removes dirt and odors conveys the non-literal meaning:

this detergent removes both dirt and odors

this detergent is better than others
this detergent is the best

Întrebarea nr. 3 0 points Save

Anne’s boyfriend called her repeatedly last night on the phone, but he couldn’t find her. The
next day, he jealously asked her: ‘Where were you last night?’ ‘Out, she replied’. ‘Out, but
WHERE?’ insisted the jealous man. ‘Out’, repeated Anne, stubbornly. Her second reply…

flouts the maxim of quality, possibly conveying the implicature: it is none of your
flouts the maxims of quantity and relevance, possibly conveying the implicature: it is
none of your business.
flouts the maxims of manner and quality, possibly conveying the implicature: you’re
annoying me.

Întrebarea nr. 4 0 points Save

Which of the following speech acts has a different illocutionary force from the others?

I’m going to shut the window right now.

It’s cold in here.
Could you shut the window, please?

Întrebarea nr. 5 0 points Save

What is pragmatically presupposed in the sentence Thank you for not smoking:

I want to smoke
he wants to smoke
the person who wrote the notice does not want people to smoke in the room and these
people are expected to comply with the request

Întrebarea nr. 6 0 points Save

Which of the following variants is not likely to represent a possible illocutionary force of
the utterance I’m going away on holiday next week.

if told by A to his boss, A’s intention might be to inform the addressee of his plans
f told by A to the cleaning woman, it might count as an instruction not to come to
work the following week
if told by A to his wife and overheard by a thief, it might count as an invitation to

Întrebarea nr. 7 0 points Save

Which of the following underlined items is not deictic?
Our teacher is sick.
I’m going to the seaside next Monday.
He was born in England.

Întrebarea nr. 8 0 points Save

Your friend has helped you write a very difficult report. You gratefully thank her: ‘Thanks
so much. You’re an angel!’ Your utterance flouts the maxim of:


Întrebarea nr. 9 0 points Save

Liverpool is having a good season gives rise to the implicature:

they are leading the championship

they aren’t leading the championship
they are the best

Întrebarea nr. 10 0 points Save

Which of the following is not considered a presupposition carrier?

factive verbs
wh- words
common nouns

Întrebarea nr. 11 0 points Save

You have lent your friend some money and he hasn’t returned it yet. Obviously irritated,
you ask him: ‘So, when are you going to give me back my money?’ and he replies: ‘Have
you seen The Aviator? I hear it’s a great movie!’ His reply flouts the maxim of:


Întrebarea nr. 12 0 points Save

Decide on the illocutionary force of the following sentence: Put the meat on first, so it will
be done in time


Întrebarea nr. 13 0 points Save

Decide on the illocutionary force of the following sentence: Don’t eat too much


Întrebarea nr. 14 0 points Save

The following tautology At the end of the day the Church can only afford to pay the
number of people it can afford to pay flouts:

the maxim of Quality

the maxim of Relevance
the maxim of Quantity

Întrebarea nr. 15 0 points Save

Pragmatic competence gives an account of:
the speaker’s stylistic competence
the speaker’s knowledge of how to use language
the speaker’s textual competence

Întrebarea nr. 16 0 points Save

The following advertisement Now, we’ve ALL been fooled by the Cabinet flouts:

the maxim of Quantity

the maxim of Quality
the maxim of Relevance

Întrebarea nr. 17 0 points Save

In the following dialogue:

A: So, how do you like your great new job?

B: My job’s OK.

B’s utterance:

flouts the maxim of manner, conveying the implicature that B’s new job is fabulous
flouts the maxim of quantity, conveying the implicature that B’s new job is not that
great after all
does not flout any maxim, being in perfect compliance with the Cooperative Principle

Întrebarea nr. 18 0 points Save

The maxim of Quantity commends:

do not make your contribution as informative as is requires

make your contribution more informative than is required
do not make your contribution more informative than is required

Întrebarea nr. 19 0 points Save

You missed your best friend’s birthday party and you are interested in hearing the latest
gossip so you ask her: ‘So what about the party last Saturday? Was Billy there?’ She
replies: ‘Yeah, he was there, and so was Annie’. Her reply flouts the maxim of:


Întrebarea nr. 20 0 points Save

Which of the following underlined items is not deictic?

This shop is closed until tomorrow.

I’ll see you tonight.
She was born in 1975.

Întrebarea nr. 21 0 points Save

The maxim of Relevance requires:

be orderly!
be relevant!
be brief!

Întrebarea nr. 22 0 points Save

Which of the items below logically follows from what is asserted in an utterance?

conversational implicature
conventional implicature
Întrebarea nr. 23 0 points Save
The Cooperative Principle embodies the common goal of participants in a conversation:

to be cooperative
to be informative
to state the truth

Întrebarea nr. 24 0 points Save

Performative sentences may be:

primary vs. explicit

direct vs. indirect
active vs. passive

Întrebarea nr. 25 0 points Save

Which of the following is not considered a presupposition carrier?

proper names
cleft constructions

Întrebarea nr. 26 0 points Save

Which of the following is of utmost concern in pragmatics?

speaker meaning

Întrebarea nr. 27 0 points Save

A famous politician is being interviewed about a corruption scandal his name has been
associated with. On hearing the question: ‘What happened to the money invested in that
company? Where is it?’ he answers: ‘As you probably know, I have been in politics for
over 20 years and I have never been suspected of anything so therefore I would like to ask
you what would you say if well, I certainly have been attacked on a number of occasions
and still as you can see I’m going to get more involved in… etc… etc… What maxims does
his utterance flout?

quantity and quality

relation and quality
relation and manner

Întrebarea nr. 28 0 points Save

Decide on the illocutionary force of the following sentence: Shake well before using


Întrebarea nr. 29 0 points Save

In the sentence Sue is a sweetheart; she is so considerate, the use of the bolded pronoun is:


Întrebarea nr. 30 0 points Save

Which of the following does not relate to, rely on, or involve, a kind of common ground
that exists between speaker and addressee?

place deixis
the locutionary act
Întrebarea nr. 31 0 points Save
What maxim does the following utterance flout: It’s so easy to learn German. A piece of


Întrebarea nr. 32 0 points Save

Constative utterances:

can be felicitous or infelicitous

describe reality
change reality

Întrebarea nr. 33 0 points Save

Pragmatics represents:

the relationship sign - sign

the relationship sign – user
the relationship sign – meaning

Întrebarea nr. 34 0 points Save

Which of the following underlined items is not deictic?

The book you are looking for is right in front of you.

He has lived in Bucharest all his life.
Is Mr. Smith there, please?

Întrebarea nr. 35 0 points Save

In the sentence This is what I want to tell you: drive carefully, the use of this is:


Întrebarea nr. 36 0 points Save

Decide on the illocutionary force of the following sentence: Let my people go!

Moses asked Pharaoh to let his people go

Moses demanded that Pharaoh let his people go
Let my people go, why don’t you?

Întrebarea nr. 37 0 points Save

Identify the presupposition of the following sentence: He’s made another of his
monumental blunders:

the person referred to had made monumental blunders before

the person referred to had made two monumental blunders before
the person referred to had made one monumental blunder before

Întrebarea nr. 38 0 points Save

Which of the following is constant under negation?


Întrebarea nr. 39 0 points Save

Which of the following pairs of verbs have built-in deictic components?

do and make
set and put
bring and take

Întrebarea nr. 40 0 points Save

The advertisement In cordless technology we have the lead purposefully flouts:

the maxim of Quantity

the maxim of Manner
the maxim of Relevance

Întrebarea nr. 41 0 points Save

The sentence It’s cold in here conversationally implicates:

where is my sweater?
close the window!
I’m comfortable in here

Întrebarea nr. 42 0 points Save

Which of the following sets of verbs counts as assertive from an illocutionary point of

beg, implore, defy

promise, swear, vow
confess, confirm, report

Întrebarea nr. 43 0 points Save

Which of the following underlined personal pronouns is used non-deictically?

Mother to child: You have to write your homework now!

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. (proverb)
Husband to wife: Shall we go out tonight?

Întrebarea nr. 44 0 points Save

Which of the following has deictic connotations?

the tense system

Întrebarea nr. 45 0 points Save

A performative sentence:

is used to convey information about something

is used to describe a pre-existent state of affairs
is used to do something

Întrebarea nr. 46 0 points Save

You are at your boyfriend’s house and his parents are in the next room. At a certain point,
assuming that you are alone with him, you ask him: ‘Hey, do you remember what a great
time we had last Friday when we skipped classes and went to the movies?’ and he replies:
‘Diane, let’s start working on our assignment in linguistics!’ Which of the following is
more likely:

his utterance flouts the maxim of quantity and a possible implicature is: I don’t want
to talk about that.
his utterance flouts the maxim of quality and a possible implicature is: I didn’t enjoy
the movie very much.
his utterance flouts the maxim of relation and a possible implicature would be: Watch
your words, my mother has just entered the room and she’s standing right behind

Întrebarea nr. 47 0 points Save

The performative force of an utterance can be made (more) precise by the use of:

prepositional phrases
verbal tenses

Întrebarea nr. 48 0 points Save

What is the presupposition of the following utterance: After finding out that her husband
had cheated on her again, Jane stopped trusting him.

Jane’s husband cheated on her repeatedly

Jane had once trusted her husband
Jane learned about her husband’s infidelity

Întrebarea nr. 49 0 points Save

In Austin’s contention, all utterances are performative; in uttering a sentence, the speaker

an illocutionary act
a perlocutionary act
a locutionary act

Întrebarea nr. 50 0 points Save

When a speaker flouts one of the maxims, the assumption is that:

he is still being cooperative and he intends to convey implicit meaning

he is no longer being cooperative
he is being cooperative and gives rise to presupposition

Întrebarea nr. 51 0 points Save

Decide on the illocutionary force of the following sentence: With your right hand, pat your


Întrebarea nr. 52 0 points Save

The question Where is the butter? Conversationally implicates:

give me the butter!

why isn’t the butter in the oven?
you’ve put all the butter in the cake

Întrebarea nr. 53 0 points Save

You are in a McDonald’s restaurant with a friend and you order a cheeseburger. Your
friend asks you: ‘So how is your cheeseburger?’ and you reply: ‘A cheeseburger is a
cheeseburger’. Your utterance…

flouts the maxim of manner and carries the implicature: ‘I don’t like cheeseburgers’
flouts the maxim of quantity and carries the implicature: ‘What can you expect from a
flouts the maxim of relation and carries the implicature : ‘I adore cheeseburgers!’

Întrebarea nr. 54 0 points Save

If a teacher tells his students: I’ll see you in the exam, his intention is

to inform his audience of something

to promise something
it is not clear

Întrebarea nr. 55 0 points Save

Speech Acts are complex acts including:

a locutionary act or an illocutionary act

an illocutionary act and a perlocutionary act
a locutionary act, an illocutionary act and a perlocutionary act

Întrebarea nr. 56 0 points Save

The predicative metaphor in John is a gorilla is interpreted as:

John is playful and kidding

John is big and hairy
John is fierce and nasty

Întrebarea nr. 57 0 points Save

In Leib’s conception (1976), the concept of....plays central role.

linguistic structure

Întrebarea nr. 58 0 points Save

If two students go to their professor and ask: What do we have to study for the exam?, the
use of the personal pronoun we is:


Întrebarea nr. 59 0 points Save

Identify the presupposition of the following utterance: By giving your boss a piece of your
mind, you kissed your immediate promotion good-bye.

you will be promoted soon

you hurt your boss’ feelings
you will never get a promotion

Întrebarea nr. 60 0 points Save

Which of the following is not an explicit performative sentence?

I think that you are right.

I promise I’ll help you.
I hereby pronounce you man and wife.

Întrebarea nr. 61 0 points Save

Which of the following does not depend on the speaker?

the locutionary act

the illocutionary act
the perlocutionary act

Întrebarea nr. 62 0 points Save

In Morris’s conception (1971), pragmatics deals with:

the relation of signs to their users

the relation of objects to their users
the relation of signs to concepts

Întrebarea nr. 63 0 points Save

Time deixis is encoded by:

coding time
temporal adverbs
receiving time

Întrebarea nr. 64 0 points Save

The illocutionary force of the sentence You must never say that again, I tell you is:

permission not to act

Întrebarea nr. 65 0 points Save

Which of the following is considered of utmost importance in the interpretation of deixis?

the speaker’s context

Întrebarea nr. 66 0 points Save

Which of the following challenged the descriptive fallacy?

Paul Grice
John Austin
John Searle

Întrebarea nr. 67 0 points Save

Performative utterances:

describe reality
can be classified as true or false
change reality

Întrebarea nr. 68 0 points Save

A constative sentence:

is used to report something

is used to state something
is used to describe a pre-existent state of affairs

Întrebarea nr. 69 0 points Save

When you perform a speech act, which of the following dimensions does not depend on
you and is not entirely foreseeable?

the locutionary act

the illocutionary act
the perlocutionary act

Întrebarea nr. 70 0 points Save

In his Theory of Speech Acts Austin distinguishes between:

constative utterances and performative utterances

true utterances and false utterances
felicity utterances and non-felicity utterances

Întrebarea nr. 71 0 points Save

Conversational implicatures are....determined by the conventional content of the utterance
the conversational setting.


Întrebarea nr. 72 0 points Save

Which of the following includes the extra-linguistic surroundings that enable the
participants to interact in the communication process?

pragmatic competence

Întrebarea nr. 73 0 points Save

The following metaphor Money does not grow on trees but it blossoms at out branches

the maxim of Quality

the maxim of Relevance
the maxim of Manner

Întrebarea nr. 74 0 points Save

The utterance Easy read, Finnigans Wake flouts:

the maxim of Quality

the maxim of Quantity
the maxim of Manne

Întrebarea nr. 75 0 points Save

Explicit performative utterances have specific syntactic properties:

they are uttered in the 3rd person of the passive present tense
they are uttered in the 2nd person of the progressive present tense
they are uttered in the 1st person of the simple present tense

Întrebarea nr. 76 0 points Save

Grice’s notion of speaker meaning is a special case of:


Întrebarea nr. 77 0 points Save

Illocutionary acts are acts expressing:


Întrebarea nr. 78 0 points Save

Which of the following represents the deictic center?

the hearer
the speaker
neither speaker nor hearer

Întrebarea nr. 79 0 points Save

The Locutionary Act is made up of the following acts:
a phonetic act and a rhetic act
a phonetic act, a phatic act and a rhetic act
a phatic act and a rhetic act

Întrebarea nr. 80 0 points Save

Which of the following is not a presupposition of the utterance I stopped jogging after a
visit to the doctor.

jogging is good for health

I used to jog before that visit
the doctor exists

Întrebarea nr. 81 0 points Save

Felicity conditions are context conditions to be satisfied by:

a performative sentence
a constative sentence
an intention sentence

Întrebarea nr. 82 0 points Save

In the Speech Act Theory, the speaker’s intention is included in:

the perlocutionary act

the locutionary act
the illocutionary act

Întrebarea nr. 83 0 points Save

Which of the following variants has the illocutionary force of a statement?

all speech acts

performative sentences
constative sentences

Întrebarea nr. 84 0 points Save

The utterance Achilles was a lion on the battlefield flouts the maxim of


Întrebarea nr. 85 0 points Save

In I filled up the tank with petrol today, today refers to:

an unspecified moment of that day, which is not expired

an unspecified moment of that day, which is expired
the whole day of today

Întrebarea nr. 86 0 points Save

Constatives are primary performatives having the illocutionary force of:


Întrebarea nr. 87 0 points Save

What is the presupposition of the sentence: I continued taking skating lessons after my
daughter became a better skater than me:

I am a bad skater
I took skating lessons before my daughter became a better skater than me
I did not take skating lessons before my daughter became a better skater than me

Întrebarea nr. 88 0 points Save

Which of the following speech acts has a different illocutionary force from the others?

Oh, damn it! I forgot my wallet at home.

Could I possibly ask you to lend me some money?I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.
I made a lot of money with that project.

Întrebarea nr. 89 0 points Save

On the basis of the Cooperative Principle, Grice formulates the following maxims of

Quantity, Quality, Manner

Quantity, Relevance, Manner
Quantity, Quality, Relevance, Manner

Întrebarea nr. 90 0 points Save

If the appropriate institutional requirements are not met in the utterance of a performative,
then we say that the speech act is:


Întrebarea nr. 91 0 points Save

Which of the following speech acts has a different illocutionary force than the others?

Move out of the way! I’m watching TV!

You’re not made of glass, you know…
I’d really like you to watch that movie!

Întrebarea nr. 92 0 points Save

You are at a party, wearing a gorgeous blue dress / suit, having a great time, when
someone accidentally spills a glass of red wine in your lap. Your evening is completely
ruined and you angrily shout: ‘Great! That’s made my day!’. Your utterance flouts the
maxim of:


Întrebarea nr. 93 0 points Save

The sentence Take out the garbage conversationally implicates:

it smells in here
what day does the garbage get collected?
follow my order!

Întrebarea nr. 94 0 points Save

My book presupposes the existence of a book:

that I own
that I borrowed
that I talked about

Întrebarea nr. 95 0 points Save

Speech Acts Theory is a theory about:

how people communicate

linguistic meaning
truth conditions

Întrebarea nr. 96 0 points Save

Which of the following variants usually occurs in the present tense, first person, active

explicit performative sentences

constative sentences
both a and b

Întrebarea nr. 97 0 points Save

What is the illocutionary force of the following utterance: We shall speak about this at

a promise
a threat
either version is possible

Întrebarea nr. 98 0 points Save

Which of the following is not a presupposition of the utterance The Prime Minister forgot
to keep a record of her instructions at the time the arms were exported to Iraq. ?

the Prime Minister exists

it was not necessary for her to keep a record of her instructions
arms were exported to Iraq

Întrebarea nr. 99 0 points Save

In the sentence You can jump in the lake, you is used:


Întrebarea nr. 100 0 points Save

Which of the following variants is not considered an illocutionary force indicating-

deictic elements
modal verbs

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