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 allosteric regulation

o noncompetitive inhibition
o binding somewhere on an enzyme that’s not the active site
o Formed in citric acid cycle
o Formed in citric acid cycle
 RuBP
o Catalyzed by rubisco
o Used to fix carbon, becomes G3P
 Rubisco
o Enzyme that catalyzes RuBP
o Catalyzes first stage of carbon fixation
 peptide bond
o on amino acids, the carboxyl group and the amino group connect.
o A form of dehydration synthesis so 1H20 is produced
 phosphodiester linkage
o 2 hydroxyl groups in phosphoric acid react and for 2 ester bonds
o connects nucleotides in dna
 ester linkage
o bond between hydroxyl group and carboxyl group.
o 3 fatty acids joined to glycerol with these
 acetyl coa
o coenzyme which oxidates pyruvate in citric acid cycle
 oxaloacetate
o substrate of acetyl coa. Binds to it to create citric acid which then
 Polysaccharide
o Polymer made of monosaccharides.
o Bound by glycosidic linkage
 Glycosidic linkage
o Covalent bond joining carbohydrate to something
 Polypeptide
o Chains of amino acids
o One or more of these form a protein
 catabolic vs anabolic pathways
o catabolic- break down into simpler
 releases energy
o anabolic- combine simpler to form more complex
 absorbs/stores energy
 endergonic vs exergonic reactions
o endergonic- energy is absorbed from the surroundings
o exergonic- energy is released to the surroundings
 substrate level phosphorylation
o part of glycolysis
o directly adding P to ADP to make ATP
 fermentation
o starts same as respiration: glycolysis
o pyruvate becomes waste product. Nothing continues.
 induced fit
o model of how enzymes work
o only the right substrate can make the enzyme do its thing
 steroid
o 4 ringed lipid

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