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September 27, 2010

The Honorable Lauren Hammond

Sacramento City Council
915 I Street, 5th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: Backyard Chicken Ordinance

Dear Councilmember Hammond:

On behalf of Ubuntu Green, I am writing to encourage you to support a City

of Sacramento ordinance that will allow residents to keep chickens in their
backyards. Backyard chicken eggs are nutritious, better for the environment, and
chickens are just plain fun. Backyard chickens are a critical part of helping
Sacramento residents from diverse cultures and incomes maintain economic and
food security.

As you begin to consider language for a backyard chicken law, we support these

1. No roosters allowed. Complaints about “noisy chickens” are usually

complaints about “noisy roosters.”

2. Owners can keep a limited number of chickens. City residents cannot have
more than 7 cats, so it is reasonable to use these numbers as guidelines.

3. Maintain that it is unlawful to slaughter chickens on residential

property. City code already prohibits slaughter on residential properties and we
wish to maintain those laws.

4. Chickens are prohibited from leaving the owner’s premises. City law
already prohibits animals from being off the premises of its owner, so the same law
should apply to chickens.

5. As City Code already notes, chicken owners must maintain a clean,

sanitary chicken coop. Again, city law already requires that areas in which
animals are kept or maintained shall be kept in a reasonably clean and sanitary

2614 - 36th Street Sacramento, CA 95817 T 916-699-0671

Copyright 2010 Ubuntu Green
6. Chicken coops must be large enough for chickens to stand in a natural,
upright position and have sufficient space so they can easily move around.
These principles maintain a commitment to animal welfare.

7. As City Code already notes, chicken owners must provide proper food,
water, care, shelter, and medical or veterinarian attention. City law already
requires this for other animals and chickens should also be included.

As you know, the City Council’s Law and Legislation Committee is

scheduled to hear this ordinance on Tuesday, October 5. We respectfully ask
for your support for the ordinance. Thank you for your leadership on this issue.


Charles L. Mason, Jr.

President and CEO
Ubuntu Green

cc: Councilmember Ray Tretheway

Councilmember Sandy Sheedy
Councilmember Steve Cohn
Councilmember Robert King Fong
Councilmember Kevin McCarty
Councilmember Bonnie Pannell
Mayor Kevin Johnson
Vice Mayor Robbie Waters
Paul Towers, State Director, Pesticide Watch

2614 - 36th Street Sacramento, CA 95817 T 916-699-0671

Copyright 2010 Ubuntu Green

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