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Certification -The Importance of Human Capability

As the largest archipelago in the world with over 238 million people who inhabit more than thirteen
thousand islands across the nation, Indonesia has become an important trade region within South East
Asian territory since the seventh century. Presently, the Indonesian economy by nominal GDP and
fifteenth largest by purchasing power parity. Across its many islands, Indonesia consist of distinct ethnic,
linguistic, and religious groups. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia
has vast areas of wilderness that support the world’s second highest level of biodiversity.

Towards the 21st century of globalization era, Indonesia which is richly endowed with its natural
resources, has stated its mission to become one of the leading country within the Asia Pacific region. In
order to institutionalize the idea, the government has grouped the nation territory into six economic
domain areas based on its typical industry potentials shaped by the opportunity to explore, to exploit, to
develop, and to deploy potential products and services from collective resources occurred. Upon this
strategy, the country has developed its strategic master development plan and national blue print for
the purpose of positioning Indonesia as the prominent country by the year 2030.

It is commonly agreed that the key success factor on developing the nation lies upon the quality level of
human resources. The rationale underpinning this premise is that because only competent and capable
people who can deploy all the resources provided and furthermore bring value to the community at
large. This becomes the main reason why the constitution has legislated that minimum 20% of the total
national annual budget should be allocated for education purposes-by the meaning that the process of
developing high quality competent and capable human resources has been considered as the national
top priority agenda at the present moment.

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