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National Survey Results

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President Q4 Do you think the U.S Senate should approve or
Donald Trump’s job performance? reject a nominee to the Supreme Court who
would vote to completely overturn Roe v. Wade
Approve .......................................................... 43%
, thus invalidating a woman’s right to have an
Disapprove...................................................... 53% abortion?
Think the US Senate should approve a
Not sure .......................................................... 4%
nominee to the Supreme Court who would
Q2 Justice Kennedy just retired from the Supreme vote to completely overturn Roe v. Wade,
Court. Do you think the US Senate should thus invalidating a woman’s right to have an
consider a nomination to fill his seat now, or abortion........................................................... 33%
wait until after the November election? Think the US Senate should reject a nominee
Think the US Senate should consider a to the Supreme Court who would vote to
nomination to fill his seat now ......................... 48% completely overturn Roe v. Wade, thus
invalidating a woman’s right to have an
Think the US Senate should wait until after
abortion........................................................... 56%
the November election .................................... 48%
Not sure .......................................................... 11%
Not sure .......................................................... 4%
Q5 Do you think the U.S Senate should approve or
Q3 Do you think President Trump should be able
reject a nominee to the Supreme Court who
to appoint a Supreme Court Justice while
would limit the rights of workers to bargain for
under investigation for obstruction of justice
workplace safety, benefits, and wages?
and possible collusion with a foreign
government, or not? Think the US Senate should approve a
nominee to the Supreme Court who would
Think President Trump should be able to limit the rights of workers to bargain for
appoint a Supreme Court Justice while under workplace safety, benefits, and wages ........... 30%
investigation for obstruction of justice and
possible collusion with a foreign government.. 44% Think the US Senate should reject a nominee
to the Supreme Court who would limit the
Do not think President Trump should be able rights of workers to bargain for workplace
to appoint a Supreme Court Justice while safety, benefits, and wages ............................ 57%
under investigation for obstruction of justice
and possible collusion with a foreign Not sure .......................................................... 13%
government..................................................... 51% Do you think the U.S Senate should approve or
Not sure .......................................................... 5% reject a nominee to the Supreme Court who
would make it harder for people to vote in
Think the US Senate should approve a
nominee to the Supreme Court who would
make it harder for people to vote in elections . 32%
Think the US Senate should reject a nominee
to the Supreme Court who would make it
harder for people to vote in elections .............. 61%
Not sure .......................................................... 6%

July 2-3, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Q7 Do you think the U.S. Senate should approve Q10 If you are a woman, press 1. If you are a man,
or reject a nominee for the Supreme Court that press 2.
would vote to allow health insurance
Woman ........................................................... 53%
companies to discriminate against people with
pre-existing conditions? Man................................................................. 47%
Think the US Senate should approve a Q11 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,
nominee to the Supreme Court who would somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat
vote to allow health insurance companies to conservative, or very conservative?
discriminate against people with pre-existing
conditions........................................................ 12% Very liberal ...................................................... 9%
Think the US Senate should reject a nominee
Somewhat liberal ............................................ 19%
to the Supreme Court who would vote to
allow health insurance companies to Moderate......................................................... 33%
discriminate against people with pre-existing
conditions........................................................ 78% Somewhat conservative.................................. 24%
Not sure .......................................................... 10% Very conservative ........................................... 15%
Q8 If your Senator voted to confirm a candidate to Q12 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican,
the Supreme Court who would completely press 2. If an independent, press 3.
overturn Roe v. Wade, limit the rights of
Democrat ........................................................ 43%
workers to bargain for workplace safety,
benefits, and wages, make it harder for people Republican...................................................... 35%
to vote in elections, and allow health insurance
Independent.................................................... 22%
companies to discriminate against people with
pre-existing conditions, would that make you Q13 If you are white, press 1. If African-American,
more likely or less likely to support your press 2. If other, press 3.
Senator, or would it not make a difference? White .............................................................. 73%
More likely....................................................... 22% African American............................................. 12%
Less likely ....................................................... 59% Other............................................................... 15%
Wouldn't make a difference............................. 13% Q14 If you are 18 to 45 years old, press 1. If 46 to
65, press 2. If you are older than 65, press 3.
Not sure .......................................................... 6%
Q9 In the election for President, did you vote for 18 to 45........................................................... 29%
Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary 46 to 65........................................................... 40%
Clinton, or someone else or did you not vote in
the election? Older than 65 .................................................. 31%

Donald Trump ................................................. 43%

Hillary Clinton.................................................. 47%
Someone else / Did not vote........................... 10%

July 2-3, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
2016 Vote 2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els- Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v... Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Trump Approval Senate Consider
Nominee / Wait Until
Approve 43% 92% 4% 16%
After Election
Disapprove 53% 5% 93% 71% Think the US Senate 48% 87% 13% 40%
Not sure 4% 3% 3% 13% should consider a
nomination to fill his
seat now
Think the US Senate 48% 11% 82% 51%
should wait until after
the November election
Not sure 4% 2% 5% 9%

2016 Vote 2016 Vote

Donal- Hillary Someone els- Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v... Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Trump Should Be Able Senate
to Appoint Justice Approve/Reject
While Under Nominee Who Would
Investigation Yes/No Overturn Roe v. Wade
Think President Trum- 44% 88% 9% 20% Think the US Senate 33% 66% 4% 23%
p should be able to a- should approve a no-
ppoint a Supreme Co- minee to the Supreme
urt Justice while und- Court who would vote
er investigation for o- to completely overturn
bstruction of justice ... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Do not think President 51% 6% 89% 64% Think the US Senate 56% 19% 88% 64%
Trump should be able should reject a nomin-
to appoint a Supreme ee to the Supreme Co-
Court Justice while u- urt who would vote to
nder investigation for completely overturn
obstruction of justic... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Not sure 5% 5% 2% 16% Not sure 11% 15% 8% 13%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
2016 Vote 2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els- Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v... Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Senate Senate
Approve/Reject Approve/Reject
Nominee Who Would Nominee Who Would
Limit Rights of Make it Harder to Vote
Think the US Senate 32% 66% 5% 17%
Think the US Senate 30% 50% 15% 13% should approve a no-
should approve a no- minee to the Supreme
minee to the Supreme Court who would mak-
Court who would limit e it harder for people
the rights of workers to vote in elections
to bargain for work...
Think the US Senate 61% 27% 91% 71%
Think the US Senate 57% 30% 79% 69% should reject a nomin-
should reject a nomin- ee to the Supreme Co-
ee to the Supreme Co- urt who would make it
urt who would limit th- harder for people to v-
e rights of workers to ote in elections
bargain for workpla...
Not sure 6% 8% 4% 11%
Not sure 13% 20% 6% 18%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
2016 Vote 2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els- Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v... Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Senate Senator Voted to
Approve/Reject Confirm Justice Who
Nominee Who Would Would Overturn Roe v.
Allow Health Wade More/Less
Insurance Companies Likely Support
to Discriminate
More likely 22% 42% 5% 17%
Think the US Senate 12% 23% 1% 17%
Less likely 59% 27% 89% 54%
should approve a no-
minee to the Supreme Wouldn't make a 13% 21% 3% 23%
Court who would vote difference
to allow health insura-
nce companies to di... Not sure 6% 10% 2% 7%

Think the US Senate 78% 62% 94% 72%

should reject a nomin-
ee to the Supreme Co-
urt who would vote to
allow health insurance
companies to discri...
Not sure 10% 15% 5% 11%

Gender Gender
Base Wom... Man Base Wom... Man
Trump Approval Senate Consider
Nominee / Wait Until
Approve 43% 42% 44%
After Election
Disapprove 53% 55% 51% Think the US Senate 48% 48% 47%
Not sure 4% 3% 5% should consider a
nomination to fill his
seat now
Think the US Senate 48% 46% 50%
should wait until after
the November election
Not sure 4% 5% 3%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Gender Gender
Base Wom... Man Base Wom... Man
Trump Should Be Able Senate
to Appoint Justice Approve/Reject
While Under Nominee Who Would
Investigation Yes/No Overturn Roe v. Wade
Think President Trum- 44% 43% 45% Think the US Senate 33% 31% 35%
p should be able to a- should approve a no-
ppoint a Supreme Co- minee to the Supreme
urt Justice while und- Court who would vote
er investigation for o- to completely overturn
bstruction of justice ... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Do not think President 51% 51% 51% Think the US Senate 56% 56% 56%
Trump should be able should reject a nomin-
to appoint a Supreme ee to the Supreme Co-
Court Justice while u- urt who would vote to
nder investigation for completely overturn
obstruction of justic... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Not sure 5% 6% 3% Not sure 11% 13% 9%

Gender Gender
Base Wom... Man Base Wom... Man
Senate Senate
Approve/Reject Approve/Reject
Nominee Who Would Nominee Who Would
Limit Rights of Make it Harder to Vote
Think the US Senate 32% 34% 30%
Think the US Senate 30% 29% 31% should approve a no-
should approve a no- minee to the Supreme
minee to the Supreme Court who would mak-
Court who would limit e it harder for people
the rights of workers to vote in elections
to bargain for work...
Think the US Senate 61% 59% 65%
Think the US Senate 57% 55% 60% should reject a nomin-
should reject a nomin- ee to the Supreme Co-
ee to the Supreme Co- urt who would make it
urt who would limit th- harder for people to v-
e rights of workers to ote in elections
bargain for workpla...
Not sure 6% 7% 5%
Not sure 13% 17% 10%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Gender Gender
Base Wom... Man Base Wom... Man
Senate Senator Voted to
Approve/Reject Confirm Justice Who
Nominee Who Would Would Overturn Roe v.
Allow Health Wade More/Less
Insurance Companies Likely Support
to Discriminate
More likely 22% 23% 21%
Think the US Senate 12% 10% 14%
Less likely 59% 57% 61%
should approve a no-
minee to the Supreme Wouldn't make a 13% 14% 11%
Court who would vote difference
to allow health insura-
nce companies to di... Not sure 6% 6% 6%

Think the US Senate 78% 77% 79%

should reject a nomin-
ee to the Supreme Co-
urt who would vote to
allow health insurance
companies to discri...
Not sure 10% 13% 7%

Ideology Ideology
Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser- Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser-
Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative
Trump Approval Senate Consider
Nominee / Wait Until
Approve 43% 13% 11% 27% 73% 88%
After Election
Disapprove 53% 84% 86% 68% 24% 7% Think the US Senate 48% 13% 16% 31% 79% 97%
Not sure 4% 2% 3% 5% 3% 5% should consider a
nomination to fill his
seat now
Think the US Senate 48% 84% 77% 65% 17% -
should wait until after
the November election
Not sure 4% 3% 7% 3% 4% 3%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Ideology Ideology
Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser- Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser-
Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative
Trump Should Be Able Senate
to Appoint Justice Approve/Reject
While Under Nominee Who Would
Investigation Yes/No Overturn Roe v. Wade
Think President Trum- 44% 13% 14% 25% 80% 87% Think the US Senate 33% 11% 11% 16% 52% 79%
p should be able to a- should approve a no-
ppoint a Supreme Co- minee to the Supreme
urt Justice while und- Court who would vote
er investigation for o- to completely overturn
bstruction of justice ... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Do not think President 51% 86% 83% 70% 12% 7% Think the US Senate 56% 87% 84% 71% 27% 13%
Trump should be able should reject a nomin-
to appoint a Supreme ee to the Supreme Co-
Court Justice while u- urt who would vote to
nder investigation for completely overturn
obstruction of justic... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Not sure 5% 2% 3% 5% 8% 5% Not sure 11% 2% 4% 13% 21% 7%

Ideology Ideology
Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser- Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser-
Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative
Senate Senate
Approve/Reject Approve/Reject
Nominee Who Would Nominee Who Would
Limit Rights of Make it Harder to Vote
Think the US Senate 32% 11% 8% 18% 58% 66%
Think the US Senate 30% 13% 11% 18% 50% 56% should approve a no-
should approve a no- minee to the Supreme
minee to the Supreme Court who would mak-
Court who would limit e it harder for people
the rights of workers to vote in elections
to bargain for work...
Think the US Senate 61% 88% 91% 71% 35% 27%
Think the US Senate 57% 81% 83% 69% 31% 24% should reject a nomin-
should reject a nomin- ee to the Supreme Co-
ee to the Supreme Co- urt who would make it
urt who would limit th- harder for people to v-
e rights of workers to ote in elections
bargain for workpla...
Not sure 6% 1% 1% 10% 7% 7%
Not sure 13% 6% 6% 13% 19% 20%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Ideology Ideology
Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser- Very Somewh- Moderat- Somewhat Very conser-
Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative Base libe... at liberal e conservati... vative
Senate Senator Voted to
Approve/Reject Confirm Justice Who
Nominee Who Would Would Overturn Roe v.
Allow Health Wade More/Less
Insurance Companies Likely Support
to Discriminate
More likely 22% 11% 8% 9% 35% 58%
Think the US Senate 12% 8% 6% 3% 20% 30%
Less likely 59% 87% 87% 77% 29% 14%
should approve a no-
minee to the Supreme Wouldn't make a 13% 1% 3% 8% 28% 18%
Court who would vote difference
to allow health insura-
nce companies to di... Not sure 6% 1% 3% 6% 8% 10%

Think the US Senate 78% 89% 90% 90% 66% 47%

should reject a nomin-
ee to the Supreme Co-
urt who would vote to
allow health insurance
companies to discri...
Not sure 10% 2% 4% 6% 13% 23%

Party Party
Base Democr... Republic... Independe... Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Trump Approval Senate Consider
Nominee / Wait Until
Approve 43% 12% 83% 39%
After Election
Disapprove 53% 84% 14% 56% Think the US Senate 48% 21% 81% 47%
Not sure 4% 3% 3% 6% should consider a
nomination to fill his
seat now
Think the US Senate 48% 74% 16% 49%
should wait until after
the November election
Not sure 4% 5% 2% 4%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Party Party
Base Democr... Republic... Independe... Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Trump Should Be Able Senate
to Appoint Justice Approve/Reject
While Under Nominee Who Would
Investigation Yes/No Overturn Roe v. Wade
Think President Trum- 44% 16% 81% 41% Think the US Senate 33% 12% 59% 32%
p should be able to a- should approve a no-
ppoint a Supreme Co- minee to the Supreme
urt Justice while und- Court who would vote
er investigation for o- to completely overturn
bstruction of justice ... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Do not think President 51% 81% 13% 51% Think the US Senate 56% 83% 21% 58%
Trump should be able should reject a nomin-
to appoint a Supreme ee to the Supreme Co-
Court Justice while u- urt who would vote to
nder investigation for completely overturn
obstruction of justic... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Not sure 5% 3% 6% 8% Not sure 11% 5% 20% 10%

Party Party
Base Democr... Republic... Independe... Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Senate Senate
Approve/Reject Approve/Reject
Nominee Who Would Nominee Who Would
Limit Rights of Make it Harder to Vote
Think the US Senate 32% 8% 60% 35%
Think the US Senate 30% 15% 48% 30% should approve a no-
should approve a no- minee to the Supreme
minee to the Supreme Court who would mak-
Court who would limit e it harder for people
the rights of workers to vote in elections
to bargain for work...
Think the US Senate 61% 89% 31% 57%
Think the US Senate 57% 79% 33% 53% should reject a nomin-
should reject a nomin- ee to the Supreme Co-
ee to the Supreme Co- urt who would make it
urt who would limit th- harder for people to v-
e rights of workers to ote in elections
bargain for workpla...
Not sure 6% 3% 9% 9%
Not sure 13% 6% 19% 17%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Party Party
Base Democr... Republic... Independe... Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Senate Senator Voted to
Approve/Reject Confirm Justice Who
Nominee Who Would Would Overturn Roe v.
Allow Health Wade More/Less
Insurance Companies Likely Support
to Discriminate
More likely 22% 11% 38% 18%
Think the US Senate 12% 6% 20% 12%
Less likely 59% 84% 31% 54%
should approve a no-
minee to the Supreme Wouldn't make a 13% 2% 20% 22%
Court who would vote difference
to allow health insura-
nce companies to di... Not sure 6% 2% 10% 6%

Think the US Senate 78% 89% 65% 78%

should reject a nomin-
ee to the Supreme Co-
urt who would vote to
allow health insurance
companies to discri...
Not sure 10% 5% 16% 10%

Race Race
African African
Base White Americ... Other Base White Americ... Other
Trump Approval Senate Consider
Nominee / Wait Until
Approve 43% 51% 8% 29%
After Election
Disapprove 53% 45% 87% 67% Think the US Senate 48% 52% 24% 46%
Not sure 4% 4% 5% 4% should consider a
nomination to fill his
seat now
Think the US Senate 48% 44% 72% 51%
should wait until after
the November election
Not sure 4% 4% 4% 4%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Race Race
African African
Base White Americ... Other Base White Americ... Other
Trump Should Be Able Senate
to Appoint Justice Approve/Reject
While Under Nominee Who Would
Investigation Yes/No Overturn Roe v. Wade
Think President Trum- 44% 51% 14% 36% Think the US Senate 33% 35% 9% 40%
p should be able to a- should approve a no-
ppoint a Supreme Co- minee to the Supreme
urt Justice while und- Court who would vote
er investigation for o- to completely overturn
bstruction of justice ... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Do not think President 51% 45% 84% 50% Think the US Senate 56% 53% 84% 49%
Trump should be able should reject a nomin-
to appoint a Supreme ee to the Supreme Co-
Court Justice while u- urt who would vote to
nder investigation for completely overturn
obstruction of justic... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Not sure 5% 4% 1% 14% Not sure 11% 12% 7% 11%

Race Race
African African
Base White Americ... Other Base White Americ... Other
Senate Senate
Approve/Reject Approve/Reject
Nominee Who Would Nominee Who Would
Limit Rights of Make it Harder to Vote
Think the US Senate 32% 36% 14% 29%
Think the US Senate 30% 28% 21% 45% should approve a no-
should approve a no- minee to the Supreme
minee to the Supreme Court who would mak-
Court who would limit e it harder for people
the rights of workers to vote in elections
to bargain for work...
Think the US Senate 61% 58% 84% 60%
Think the US Senate 57% 57% 70% 48% should reject a nomin-
should reject a nomin- ee to the Supreme Co-
ee to the Supreme Co- urt who would make it
urt who would limit th- harder for people to v-
e rights of workers to ote in elections
bargain for workpla...
Not sure 6% 6% 1% 11%
Not sure 13% 15% 10% 6%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Race Race
African African
Base White Americ... Other Base White Americ... Other
Senate Senator Voted to
Approve/Reject Confirm Justice Who
Nominee Who Would Would Overturn Roe v.
Allow Health Wade More/Less
Insurance Companies Likely Support
to Discriminate
More likely 22% 24% 8% 23%
Think the US Senate 12% 13% 1% 17%
Less likely 59% 57% 80% 53%
should approve a no-
minee to the Supreme Wouldn't make a 13% 13% 10% 16%
Court who would vote difference
to allow health insura-
nce companies to di... Not sure 6% 6% 2% 7%

Think the US Senate 78% 78% 87% 70%

should reject a nomin-
ee to the Supreme Co-
urt who would vote to
allow health insurance
companies to discri...
Not sure 10% 9% 12% 13%

Age Age
18 to 46 to Older 18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ... Base 45 65 than ...
Trump Approval Senate Consider
Nominee / Wait Until
Approve 43% 40% 44% 43%
After Election
Disapprove 53% 58% 51% 52% Think the US Senate 48% 53% 45% 46%
Not sure 4% 2% 4% 5% should consider a
nomination to fill his
seat now
Think the US Senate 48% 47% 49% 48%
should wait until after
the November election
Not sure 4% - 6% 5%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Age Age
18 to 46 to Older 18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ... Base 45 65 than ...
Trump Should Be Able Senate
to Appoint Justice Approve/Reject
While Under Nominee Who Would
Investigation Yes/No Overturn Roe v. Wade
Think President Trum- 44% 45% 44% 44% Think the US Senate 33% 35% 32% 32%
p should be able to a- should approve a no-
ppoint a Supreme Co- minee to the Supreme
urt Justice while und- Court who would vote
er investigation for o- to completely overturn
bstruction of justice ... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Do not think President 51% 48% 52% 52% Think the US Senate 56% 57% 54% 57%
Trump should be able should reject a nomin-
to appoint a Supreme ee to the Supreme Co-
Court Justice while u- urt who would vote to
nder investigation for completely overturn
obstruction of justic... Roe v. Wade, thus i...
Not sure 5% 7% 4% 4% Not sure 11% 8% 14% 12%

Age Age
18 to 46 to Older 18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ... Base 45 65 than ...
Senate Senate
Approve/Reject Approve/Reject
Nominee Who Would Nominee Who Would
Limit Rights of Make it Harder to Vote
Think the US Senate 32% 40% 30% 28%
Think the US Senate 30% 37% 23% 32% should approve a no-
should approve a no- minee to the Supreme
minee to the Supreme Court who would mak-
Court who would limit e it harder for people
the rights of workers to vote in elections
to bargain for work...
Think the US Senate 61% 56% 63% 65%
Think the US Senate 57% 55% 62% 53% should reject a nomin-
should reject a nomin- ee to the Supreme Co-
ee to the Supreme Co- urt who would make it
urt who would limit th- harder for people to v-
e rights of workers to ote in elections
bargain for workpla...
Not sure 6% 4% 7% 8%
Not sure 13% 8% 16% 15%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988
Age Age
18 to 46 to Older 18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ... Base 45 65 than ...
Senate Senator Voted to
Approve/Reject Confirm Justice Who
Nominee Who Would Would Overturn Roe v.
Allow Health Wade More/Less
Insurance Companies Likely Support
to Discriminate
More likely 22% 26% 21% 21%
Think the US Senate 12% 15% 11% 10%
Less likely 59% 50% 62% 64%
should approve a no-
minee to the Supreme Wouldn't make a 13% 18% 12% 10%
Court who would vote difference
to allow health insura-
nce companies to di... Not sure 6% 7% 6% 5%

Think the US Senate 78% 77% 76% 81%

should reject a nomin-
ee to the Supreme Co-
urt who would vote to
allow health insurance
companies to discri...
Not sure 10% 7% 12% 9%

July 2-3 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 724 registered voters Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988

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