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Ethics, Medicine and Public Health (2016) 2, 362—371

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Informed decision-making about prenatal

cfDNA screening: An assessment of
written materials
La prise de décisions éclairée sur le dépistage prénatal cfDNA : une
évaluation des documents écrits
a,∗ b c,1 a
M. Michie , S.A. Kraft , M.A. Minear , R.R. Ryan ,
M.A. Allyse
Institute for Health & Aging, University of California, 3333 St. Suite 340, CA 941118-
0646 San Francisco, California, San Francisco
Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford University, Stanford, United
States Science and Society, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
Biomedical Ethics Program, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States

Received 22 March 2016; accepted 22 May 2016

Available online 13 September 2016

cfDNA; Objectives. — The introduction of prenatal cfDNA screening for fetal aneuploidy and other
NIPT; genetic conditions has exacerbated concerns about informed decision-making in clinical
Prenatal screening; prena-tal testing. To assess the information provided to patients to facilitate decisions about
Informed consent; cfDNA screening, we collected written patient education and consent documents created by
Reproductive health labora-tories and clinics.
Methods. — Informed consent documents (IC) were coded by two independent coders. Each
IC was assessed for readability, attention to elements of informed consent, and completeness
of information about the test and the screened conditions.
Results. — We found variance between IC produced by commercial laboratories versus those
provided by local clinics or health care systems, and considerable variance among materials from
all sources. ‘‘Commercial’’ IC were longer and written at a more difficult reading level than ‘‘non-
commercial’’ IC, and were less likely to state explicitly that cfDNA only screens for

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Michie).
MAM is currently serving as an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Institutes of Health. She contributed to this
article in her personal capacity. The views expressed are her own and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Institutes of
Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.
2352-5525/© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Informed decision-making about prenatal cfDNA screening 363

certain conditions. About one-third of IC were combined with laboratory order forms. Though
most IC recommended confirmatory testing for positive results, only about half clearly stated
that results could be incorrect —– including mentions of false positives or false negatives.
About one-third of IC explicitly stated that cfDNA screening was optional. While nearly all IC
from any source listed the conditions screened by the test, only about half of the IC included
any phenotypic descriptions of these conditions. Few IC mentioned psychosocial
considerations, and only one IC mentioned the availability of support groups for families of
children with genetic conditions.
Conclusions. — Based on our findings, we recommend that written and well-informed consent
be sought before performing cfDNA screening, and we offer minimal and recommended
standards for patient education and consent materials.
© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


cfDNA ; Objectifs. — L’introduction du dépistage prénatal cfDNA aneuploïdie fœtale et d’autres mal-adies
NIPT ; génétiques a exacerbé des préoccupations au sujet de prise de décisions éclairée dans les cliniques
Dépistage prénatal ; de dépistage prénatal. Afin d’évaluer les informations fournies aux patients pour faciliter les
Consentement décisions sur le dépistage de la cfDNA, nous avons recueilli la documentation aux patients et les
consentements écrits émanant des laboratoires et des cliniques.
éclairé ;
Méthodes. — Les documents de consentement éclairé (IC) ont été codés par deux programmeurs
Médecine de la
indépendants. Chaque IC a été évalué pour sa lisibilité, pour les éléments du consentement éclairé
et l’exhaustivité des informations sur le test et les conditions de dépistage.
Résultats. — Nous avons trouvé des différences entre les IC produits par les laboratoires com-
merciaux par rapport à ceux fournis par les cliniques locales ou des systèmes de soins de santé et
une variance considérable entre les matériaux de toutes les sources. Les IC « Commerciaux »
étaient plus longs et rédigés à un niveau de lecture plus difficile que les IC « non commerci-aux »
et étaient moins susceptible de statuer explicitement sur le statut de dépistage du cfDNA
seulement sous certaines conditions. Environ un tiers des IC ont été combinés avec les bons de
commande de laboratoire. Si la plupart des IC recommandaient des tests de confirmation pour des
résultats sûrs, seulement environ la moitié a clairement indiqué que les résultats pourraient être
incorrects —– en incluant les mentions de faux positifs ou faux négatifs. Environ un tiers des IC a
explicitement déclaré que le dépistage cfDNA était facultatif. Tandis que presque tous les IC de
n’importe quelle source répertoriaient les conditions examinées par le test, seule-ment environ la
moitié des IC incluait une description phénotypique de ces conditions. Peu d’IC ont mentionné les
facteurs psychosociaux et seul un IC a mentionné l’existence de groupes de soutien pour les
familles des enfants atteints de maladies génétiques.
Conclusions. — D’après nos résultats, nous recommandons que le consentement écrit et bien
informé soit fourni avant d’effectuer le dépistage des cfDNA, et nous offrons des normes
mini-males de recommandation pour l’éducation du patient et les éléments du
consentement. Une de nos neuf recommandations est que quelle que soit la question de
savoir si une signature est requise, les documents de consentement éclairé devraient inclure
une instruction simple suggérant de ne pas associer des accords juridiques ou financiers. Le
nom et les coordonnées d’une clinique locale disponible pour d’autres questions devraient
également figurer en bonne place.
© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits reserv´es´.

Introduction availability, now virtually worldwide; and in scope of clin-ical

practice, now potentially offered for any pregnancy regardless
Prenatal genetic screening using cell-free DNA (cfDNA) of a priori risk for fetal conditions [1—3]. The increasing
became commercially available for clinical use in late 2011. popularity of cfDNA screening has been propelled, at least in
Often called non-invasive prenatal testing or screening (NIPT part, by its advantages over previously available screening
or NIPS), cfDNA screening has expanded rapidly: in num-bers and diagnostic testing: it requires only a mater-nal blood
of conditions screened by each assay; in geographic sample; it can theoretically be performed earlier
364 M. Michie et al.

in gestation; and, for certain genetic conditions, it is more fundamentally entitled to accept or reject it [25].
accurate than previous screens [4]. However, the introduc- Although the normalization of consent practices in health
tion and rapid adoption of prenatal cfDNA screening has care has often resulted in legalistic documents that
exacerbated concerns about informed decision-making for protect the interests of institutions, the ethical imperative
clinical prenatal testing. These concerns include the influ- of informed consent is a process of conversation and
ence of aggressive commercial marketing and media hype consideration, rather than a single signed document, and
about cfDNA screening, the increasing amount of informa-tion ideally nurtures patient well-being, empowerment, and
that pregnant women/couples are expected to absorb during trust [21,26]. How-ever, written information often helps
the prenatal period, and the routinization of genetic testing patients assimilate information at their own pace, and
in prenatal care, especially in light of the minimal procedural signing a document may provide them an opportunity to
risk involved in cfDNA screening [5,6]. reflect upon and exercise their free choice [8,25,26].
It is tempting to think of cfDNA screening, much like more Several professional clinical societies have issued recom-
standard serum screens, as a test for which written informed mendations for the implementation of cfDNA screening, and
consent is unnecessary; indeed, some health care providers all include mention of informed decision-making [27—30]. All
consider written consent less important for cfDNA screening of these recommendations agree that cfDNA screening is a
than for diagnostic testing such as amniocentesis [7]. high-quality screening test for certain fetal aneuploi-dies,
However, as cfDNA screening expands, it forces women and particularly in populations at elevated risk for those
families to confront ever more challenging deliberations conditions; that when cfDNA is offered, patients should be
about whether to have prenatal testing and how to deal with counseled with information about the test and its benefits and
test results [8—10]. Because of the ease of a blood draw and limitations; and that positive results should be followed up
the early gestational stage at which it is often performed, with genetic counseling and confirmed with diagnostic
many patients may lack not only understanding of the pur- testing. Though early recommendations endorsed the offer of
pose of cfDNA screening, but also awareness that it may lead cfDNA screening only in cases of elevated risk for aneuplo-idy,
to difficult decisions about pregnancy management, invasive more recent studies have validated cfDNA screening in
testing, family quality of life, and pregnancy termination average-risk populations, and the most recent professional
[8,11—14]. recommendations have recognized cfDNA screening as a per-
Due to these concerns, ethicists have recommended that missible option for the general obstetric population, though
informed decision-making practices for cfDNA screening not as a standard first-tier screen [29—31]. As of 2016, no
should resemble those for prenatal diagnostic testing professional society has made specific recommendations for
[12,15,16]. As the scope of cfDNA screening continues to written informed consent documents. However, in 2012, All-
expand [1,3,17], the informational load of testing on patients yse and colleagues developed a set of ethical best practices
will continue to rise, along with the possibility that patients for the provision of cfDNA screening, which recommended
and families will make pregnancy decisions based on that after pre-test counseling, patients should review and sign
inadequate information about test results, test limita-tions, a documentation of their consent or refusal, and that this
and screened conditions [6,18—20]. However, with multiple document should include:
competing companies offering cfDNA screening and few • a list of indicated tests that patients may choose to
standards for educating patients and guiding informed undergo;
decision-making, it is not clear what information patients are • a description of all possible findings and their validity
utilizing to make cfDNA screening decisions. In order to better (including the potential for assay failure), utility, and
understand the information guiding patient deci-sions, we lim-itations;
evaluated written informed consent documents for cfDNA • a list of alternative tests for similar indications if appli-
screening, and have provided recommendations to improve cable;
the informed consent process. • and options for patients who do not wish to receive all
results [15].

Background More recently, the European and American Societies of

Human Genetics (ESHG and ASHG, respectively) issued a joint
Informed consent for a health care decision requires a com- policy statement on ‘‘responsible innovation’’ in cfDNA
petent individual to voluntarily and intentionally, without screening, echoing the need to avoid routinization and
substantial external control, authorize a professional to facilitate informed decision-making with counseling and
perform a plan or procedure [21,22]. An informed choice is education, and calling special attention to the needs of
based on adequate and high-quality information, allows patients whose language, culture, or health literacy may
individuals to weigh multiple options, and reflects the differ from those of the clinician or majority population [16].
decision-maker’s values [23,24]. A 1982 report from the US In the context of cfDNA screening, fully informed con-sent
President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Prob-lems in requires at least some knowledge of the conditions being
Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research concluded screened, which ideally includes some idea of the range of
that an informed decision-maker must have sub-stantial clinical phenotypes and the quality of life that affected
relevant knowledge and understanding of the health care individuals and their families may expect [15]. The
intervention in question (including the indications for the information parents are offered about genetic conditions
intervention, available alternatives, possible risks and should be up-to-date, accurate, and balanced — – particu-
benefits, possible costs and consequences, and signif-icant larly because potential parents make termination decisions
uncertainties about any of this information) and is
against a backdrop of consistent societal bias against those
Informed decision-making about prenatal cfDNA screening 365

with disabilities [32—34]. Evidence suggests that cfDNA a signature line. Documents were excluded from the final
screening could lead to increased pregnancy terminations coding set if they did not meet the inclusion criteria
[35,36]; indeed, nearly 15% of surveyed genetic counselors above, or if they substantially duplicated another
indicated they had at least one patient terminate a preg- document in the coding set.
nancy in their clinic based on cfDNA screening results alone Four of the authors collaboratively developed a code-book,
[37]. Bias concerning disability, both among health care then iteratively refined it by successively coding two test
providers and in public opinion, may influence such decisions documents independently and editing the codebook by
[38—41]. However, assumptions about the costs, limitations, consensus after each test coding. One author and another
and suffering associated with disability often do not reflect independent coder coded all documents using this code-book.
the experiences of those living with disability. For example, a Most information was coded as either present or absent
US study found that most mothers of children with Down (yes/no). Information about screened conditions was coded 0
syndrome reported high overall family functioning [42]; and a if absent; 1 if the condition was mentioned but not described;
UK study of individuals living with Down syndrome found that and 2 if the condition was described, includ-ing phenotype.
they viewed their lives as rewarding and attributed problems When documents contained information that was not directed
less often to their genetic condition than to social barriers, to patients (e.g., laboratory order forms), only the portion of
such as a lack of opportunities and income [43]. The wide the document directed to the patient was coded. Results from
variability of phenotypes within and among conditions that the two coders were compared using either Cohen’s kappa
may be detected with cfDNA screening means that few (for yes/no codes) or weighted kappa (for codes with 3
patients will know precisely what to expect when a partic-ular options). Codes with kappas of 0.6 or below were re-coded
condition is detected, and that informed decisions will require after re-training on the meaning of the code. Three codes had
the availability of balanced, family-relevant infor-mation an unusually low kappa (≤ 0) despite near-unanimous
about these conditions. agreement, due to a well-known paradox in Cohen’s kappa;
The need for adequate patient education and informed the discrepancies in these two codes were reconciled
decision-making support is pressing, given the rapid inte- manually by the two coders and removed from the final kappa
gration of cfDNA screening into prenatal care and a strong average. Final kappas averaged 0.84, with a range of 0.61—
preference for noninvasive prenatal testing. US studies have 1.00. Any remaining discrepancies were then manually
found strong support among pregnant women and the gen-eral reconciled by a third coder to achieve final coding decisions
public for cfDNA screening, emphasizing that they value its for each document. Flesch-Kincaid read-ing grade level (to
noninvasiveness, accuracy, early timing, testing ease, and the estimate reading difficulty) was also assessed, by pasting
ability to determine fetal sex [8,44]. However, research has document content (minus headers, footers, and content not
shown that women’s choices in prenatal screening are strongly directed to the patient) into the website:
influenced by the attitudes of health care providers and the
way screening is described by both providers and
informational pamphlets [22]. And a recent study found that
patient educational materials from US laboratories offer-ing Results
cfDNA screening had high reading levels and were not
congruent with content recommendations from professional Sample
organizations [45]. The present study examines informed
consent documents for cfDNA screening from a variety of We collected a total of 93 informed consent documents
sources, assessing the components of information provided (IC). Of these, 61 were discarded because they were
and offering recommendations for improving the consent duplicates or because, upon review, they did not meet the
process. inclusion criteria. The final coding set thus consisted of 32
IC (Table 1). About half (n = 15) were from the US, and the
rest were from 10 other countries (Fig. 1).
Informed consent documents (IC) were collected between
March and December of 2014. Documents were collected
through professional contacts with individual clinics or cli-
nicians (n = 21), through Internet searches (n = 69), and
via a request posted to an email list for prenatal genetic
coun-selors (n = 3). Dates on documents, when available,
ranged from 2012 (no month identified) to October 2014.
Documents were included if they were in English (or were
multilingual including English), and either:
• included a consent statement for cfDNA screening with
a signature line;
• or were otherwise clearly identified as patient informa-
tion sheets for cfDNA screening.

Advertising brochures from laboratories were excluded Figure 1. Source of final coding set IC by country.
unless they also included a patient consent statement with Source du codage final par pays.
366 M. Michie et al.

Table 1 Informed consent documents (IC).

Documents de consentement éclairé.
IC solicited from IC collected from IC solicited from Total IC
professional Internet searches genetic counseling
contacts online mailing list
Initial sample 21 69 3 93
Final coding set 5 24 3 32

Commercial vs. Non-Commercial IC Information about test capabilities,

results, limitations, and complications
We categorized 22 documents as ‘‘Commercial IC’’ (pro-
duced by a commercial laboratory for broad distribution) Professional guidelines all confirm that cfDNA is a
and 10 as ‘‘Non-Commercial IC’’ (produced by a local screening test that is not diagnostic. The phrases ‘‘not
clinic or health care system for their own patients) (Table diagnostic’’ and ‘‘screen’’/‘‘screening test’’ appeared in
2). Commercial IC were typically longer and written at a 15 and 19 IC, respectively (Table 3). About one-third of IC
more difficult reading level than Non-Commercial IC; (n = 10) men-tioned alternative tests (including diagnostic
these readability differences are partially due to the fact tests), and only half of these gave any description of these
that Commercial IC often included legal disclosures and alternatives. As noted above, most IC mentioned that
financial responsibility statements, which were sometimes there are circum-stances when cfDNA screening cannot be
lengthy and complex. For example, Commercial IC often performed, which (depending on the specific test) can
devoted space to information about laboratory include multiple gesta-tions, pregnancies from in vitro
certification and/or about sample retention and use, fertilization, consanguinity, prior bone marrow transplants
which is regulated in some jurisdictions. Commercial IC in the mother, and certain parental genetic anomalies.
more often cited the high sensitivity of cfDNA screening, Most IC (n = 24) also noted the gestational age when cfDNA
particularly for tri-somy 21 (Down syndrome); however, screening could be offered, usu-ally 9 or 10 weeks.
Commercial IC also much more often listed limitations on The format of test results from cfDNA screening varies,
the use of cfDNA screening (most often limitations on with some tests returning a risk score and others retur-ning
multiple gestations), and more often noted that cfDNA is simpler results such as ‘‘Aneuploidy (not) detected.’’ A
optional and that post-test genetic counseling is an majority of IC (n = 19) mentioned the format in which test
option. Non-Commercial IC more often stated the cost of results would be delivered, and half (n = 16) stated the per-
cfDNA screening and men-tioned the possibility of assay son to whom test results are returned (usually the health care
failure —– which can occur when the sample does not provider). Most IC (n = 28) recommended confirmatory testing
contain sufficient DNA from the fetus or placenta, or for for positive results, though fewer (n = 23) clearly stated that
other reasons that are not fully understood. results could be incorrect, including mentions of false
positives or false negatives (Table 3).
IC format Specific numbers for either test sensitivity or specificity
were mentioned in over one-third of IC (n = 13); however,
About one-third of IC (n = 11) were combined with a labora- no IC offered information on the positive or negative
tory order form. This format occurred in both Commercial IC predictive values (PPV or NPV) of cfDNA screening, either
and Non-Commercial IC. The format varied, but typi-cally explicitly by these names or in a lay explanation. A few IC
consisted of a single document with a laboratory order form (n = 4) men-tioned that testing could uncover incidental
—– including a brief patient consent to be signed —– on the genetic findings about a parent, and none indicated
front, and more detailed patient information on the back. whether this informa-tion would be reported to the
Two of these 11 forms did not include any detailed patient patient. No IC mentioned that testing may reveal tumors
information; in both cases, however, the patient was directed or cancer in the mother (Table 3).
to sign an acknowledgement that she had received
information about the test from her provider —– suggest-ing Information about screened conditions
that these forms were intended to be distributed with
accompanying materials. The IC that were combined with Conditions screened by cfDNA vary; while all the tests rep-
laboratory order forms often crowded a great deal of infor- resented by our sample screened for trisomies 21, 18, and 13,
mation into one document, and portions directed at the some tests screened for many more —– including fetal sex, sex
patient were sometimes interspersed with instructions for chromosome aneuploidies, and select microdeletion
clinicians ordering the test. Thus, it was frequently unclear syndromes —– and these additional results were sometimes
whether patients were given a copy of this information to available only on an opt-in basis, and/or at extra cost. In our
take home. Among all IC, the patient was specifically directed sample only one IC did not include any mention of screened
to keep a copy of the IC in only two cases (one IC that was conditions. However, while nearly all IC listed the conditions
combined with a laboratory order form, and one that was screened, only about half (n = 17) included any phenotypic
descriptions of any of the conditions, and
Informed decision-making about prenatal cfDNA screening 367

Table 2 Commercial IC versus Non-Commercial IC.

Consentement éclairé commercial vs non-commercial.
Commercial IC (n = 22) Non-Commercial IC (n = 10) All IC (n = 32)
Median word count (Range) 944 (214—2132) 540 (361—1567) 814 (214—2132)
Median Flesch-Kincaid reading grade 12.0 (8.9—13.8) 10.6 (8.6—11.7) 11.5 (8.6—13.8)
level (Range)
Mentioned regulatory approval of 13 (59) 0 (0) 13 (41)
laboratory facilities, n (%)
Mentioned or discussed sample retention 19 (86) 1 (10) 20 (63)
or use, n (%)
Cited the sensitivity of cfDNA screening 10 (46) 3 (30) 13 (41)
for any condition, n (%)
Mentioned limitations on cfDNA screening 17 (77) 3 (30) 20 (63)
(e.g., multiple gestations, bone
marrow transplant recipients), n (%)
Clearly stated that cfDNA screening is 10 (46) 3 (30) 13 (41)
optional, or that patient can refuse, n
Mentioned the option of post-test genetic 15 (68) 4 (40) 19 (59)
counseling, n (%)
Stated the cost of cfDNA screening, n (%) 1(5) 4 (40) 5(16)
Mentioned the possibility of assay failure, 12 (55) 7 (70) 19 (59)
n (%)

Table 3 Information about test capabilities, results, and screened conditions.

Informations sur les capacités du test, des résultats et des conditions du dépistage.
Number (%)
Total n = 32
Used the phrase ‘‘not diagnostic’’ to describe cfDNA screening 15 (47)
Used the phrase ‘‘screen’’ or ‘‘screening test’’ to describe cfDNA screening 19 (59)
Used ‘‘not diagnostic’’ AND/OR ‘‘screen’’ phrases 25 (78)
Mentioned alternative tests (including screening and diagnostic testing) 10 (31)
Described alternative tests (including screening and diagnostic testing) 5(16)
Noted gestational age when cfDNA screening can be offered 24 (75)
Mentioned format of test results (e.g., risk score or ‘‘Aneuploidy detected’’) 19 (59)
Stated person to whom test results are returned 16 (50)
Recommended confirmatory diagnosis for screen-positive results 28 (88)
Noted that results can be incorrect (including false positives/negatives) 23 (72)
Test sensitivity listed 13 (41)
Test specificity listed 8(25)
Positive predictive value (PPV) listed 0(0)
Negative predictive value (NPV) listed 0(0)
Mentioned that cfDNA can reveal genetic anomalies in a parent 4(13)
Mentioned that cfDNA can reveal tumors or cancer in the mother 0(0)
Listed at least one screened condition 31 (97)
Included phenotypic description of trisomies 21, 18, and/or 13 17 (53)
Included phenotypic description of any other condition 9(28)

very few included any contextual information about qual- conditions can cause mild to severe intellectual
ity of life (Table 3). Phenotypic descriptions, when they disabili-ties, and can cause multiple physical problems
did appear, were usually very brief, general, and including congenital heart defects, defects in other
symptom-focused. For example, an IC for the verifi TM test organs, and a shortened life span.
included this description:
An IC from the Oregon Health Authority included this
Trisomy 21, trisomy 18, and trisomy 13 are three of description of the same conditions:
the most commonly occurring trisomies seen in babies • Down syndrome: children with Down syndrome have a
at birth. Although the outcomes are variable, these wide spectrum of physical and cognitive disabilities;
368 M. Michie et al.

Table 4 Information about counseling, psychosocial issues, and other considerations.

Informations sur le conseil, les questions psychosociales et autres considérations.
Number (%)
Total n = 32
Directed patients to think about or discuss questions prior to screening 23 (72)
Mentioned availability of pre-test counseling 15 (47)
Mentioned cost (if any) of genetic counseling 0(0)
Noted that prenatal screening can cause anxiety 2(6)
Noted that results may lead to decision-making about termination 2(6)
Listed any support groups for families with a genetic condition 1(3)
Mentioned that patient is responsible for cost of cfDNA screening 13 (41)
Stated the cost of cfDNA screening 5(16)
Described test procedures involving the patient 18 (56)
Disclosed that pregnancy outcomes may be shared with the laboratory 9(28)
Mentioned regulatory oversight of cfDNA screening 3(9)

• Trisomy 18: children with trisomy 18 have significant and many of these (n = 15) specifically mentioned pre-test
phys-ical and cognitive disabilities. Their life genetic counseling (Table 4). For example, an IC for the
expectancy is shortened; TM
Harmony test noted, ‘‘Talk to your healthcare provider
• Trisomy 13: children with trisomy 13 have significant before you decide if the Harmony Prenatal Test is appro-
phys-ical and cognitive disabilities. Their life priate for you,’’ and just before the patient signature line
expectancy is shortened. stated, ‘‘I have had the opportunity to discuss the purposes
While both documents included a web address for fur- and possible risks of this testing with my doctor or someone
my doctor has designated. I know that genetic counseling is
ther information, these descriptions by themselves offer
available to me before and after the testing.’’ An IC from
minimal phenotypic information. For other aneuploidies
Women’s Health Partners, LLC (an obstetrics and gynecology
and microdeletion syndromes, phenotypic descriptions
practice in Florida, US) included the following statements:
were even rarer.
A few IC did include more detailed information, includ- Genetic counseling is recommended to all pregnant
ing information about quality of life for children born with women who will be 35 years old or older at delivery and is
a screened condition. A patient information booklet from available to all pregnant women. . . . Genetic Coun-seling
Intermountain Healthcare included this description of with a certified genetic counselor is available to all
Turner syndrome (45, X): patients at Women’s Health Partners. Please discuss these
options with your physician or midwife.
Girls with Turner syndrome may be born with heart
defects requiring surgery, and generally, they are short
The cost to the patient (if any) of either pre- or post-test
compared to their family members. They may have
counseling was not mentioned in any IC. Over half of all IC
learning disabilities, but most girls with Turner syndrome recommended or suggested post-test genetic counseling (as
have normal intelligence. When a woman is pregnant with noted above), but few mentioned psychosocial consid-erations
a girl with Turner syndrome, the pregnancy has a very or other supports. For example, two IC mentioned that
high chance of ending in miscarriage. prenatal screening can cause anxiety for patients, and two IC
mentioned that patients may make termination deci-sions
A description of Turner syndrome from an IC for the
based on the results of screening and testing. Only one IC
PanoramaTM test included this information:
mentioned any support groups that are available for families
Girls with Monosomy X are shorter than average. Some affected by a genetic condition.
girls have heart or kidney defects, hearing problems,
and some have minor learning disabilities. Girls with Information about other test considerations
Mono-somy X may need growth hormone treatments in
early childhood and usually need sex hormone Although over one-third of IC (n = 13) indicated that the
treatments at the time of puberty. As adults, they patient was responsible for the cost of cfDNA screening
often have infertil-ity. (either through insurance or out-of-pocket), only five IC (as
noted above) listed the cost of the test (Table 4). Over half of
This level of detail about potential phenotypes for IC (n = 18) explained test procedures involving the patient,
screened conditions was uncommon in the sample. which consist solely of a blood draw (and, in case of assay
failure, a second blood draw). As noted above, many IC dis-
Information about test counseling cussed sample retention; however, less than one-third of IC (n
and psychosocial issues = 9) disclosed that the patient ’s health care provider may
share information about her pregnancy outcome with the
Most IC (n = 23) noted that patients should think about or dis-
cuss any questions prior to deciding about cfDNA screening,
testing laboratory (commonly done for evaluating test per-
formance). While (as noted above) IC frequently
Informed decision-making about prenatal cfDNA screening 369

regulatory approval of laboratory facilities (e.g., Clinical In addition, only a few IC discussed genetic information
Laboratory Improvement Amendment [CLIA] validation in the that cfDNA screening can reveal about a parent,
US), only three IC mentioned whether the test was sub-ject to information that may take many patients by surprise. Many
and/or had received regulatory approval; all of these patients and clinicians alike were surprised to hear news
referenced the fact that cfDNA screening has not received reports that cfDNA screening may reveal tumors or cancer
approval from the US Food & Drug Administration (although in the pregnant woman, information that was not included
such approval is not currently required) (Table 4). in any IC in our sample; though these reports were
published after the documents in our sample were
collected, multiple laboratories had for some time been
Discussion aware of this capability and were collecting data (and
sometimes returning infor-mation to clinicians) about this
This analysis of 32 IC revealed a wide range in the quantity phenomenon [49]. Overall, though many IC mentioned the
and quality of information offered to women at the time of benefits of cfDNA screening, few discussed these
their decision-making about cfDNA screening. Commer-cial IC informational risks, and information about psychosocial
and Non-Commercial IC differed most strikingly in their length issues —– such as anxiety or termination decision-making
and reading difficulty, which appeared to stem from a greater —– was notably absent from nearly all IC.
tendency among Commercial IC to combine legal disclosures, Finally, information about screened conditions was sparse
financial responsibility statements, and informed consent in our sample and rarely included information about pheno-
information into one document. Such doc-uments contained a types, variability, or quality of life. While truly complete
great deal of useful information, but were sometimes visually information about screened conditions is impractical and
crowded and linguistically com-plex. Readability of IC is likely unnecessary in pre-test decision-making, even brief
crucial if these documents are to be useful for women making descriptions of screened conditions may provide contextual
decisions about prenatal screening; in the US, for example, information that conveys information beyond descriptions of
over three-quarters of women of childbearing age do not have genetic mutations and helps patients understand the diversity
a college degree, and education levels vary greatly between of conditions being screened. One way to offer interested
populations from different backgrounds [46]. Indeed, US patients more information without overwhelming others is to
federal guidelines for labeling of medical devices specify that list other resources; however, although many IC included links
information directed at patients should be at an eighth-grade to company or clinic websites with more infor-mation (which
reading level or below [47]. We suggest that readability of IC we did not assess in this study), only one IC listed any patient
was also compromised by combining IC with laboratory order support organizations for genetic condi-tions —– resources
forms, examples of which we found in both Commercial and that many families value for the depth and relevance of
Non-Commercial IC. Such forms often crowded clinician- and condition-specific information they can provide [33,50].
patient-directed information together into a single sheet,
using small fonts and very little empty space. Information and Based on our findings, along with prior recommendations
questions directed at clinicians, such as medical billing codes for clinical informed consent and best practices for cfDNA
and clinical indications for testing, contain jargon and screening, below we offer recommendations for facilitating
abbreviations that may confuse patients, and interspersing informed decision-making for cfDNA screening with written
these elements with information directed at patients can informed consent documents.
further confound efforts to communicate clearly and facili-
tate informed decision-making.
Information about the test itself varied greatly within our
sample set of IC. For example, while most IC recommended Informed consent should be sought before performing
confirmatory diagnostic testing for screen-positive results and cfDNA screening, and should be preceded by pretest
some IC strongly emphasized that cfDNA screening is not counseling. Written informed consent is a good option, but
diagnostic, nearly a quarter of IC never used the phrases ‘‘not written and/or signed documents do not eliminate the
diagnostic,’’ ‘‘screen,’’ or ‘‘screening test’’ to describe need for ver-bal counseling.
cfDNA screening. Explanations that cfDNA is not diagnostic are Informed consent documents should be visually
particularly important, given reports that many women separate from laboratory order forms, legal agreements,
misunderstand cfDNA screening results to be diagnostic and and financial responsibility statements, and should include
may even terminate without confirmatory testing [37,48]. a copy that the patient can take home.
Such misunderstandings might also be lessened by clear Informed consent documents should be easy to read. Plain
expectations regarding screening results, but many IC in our language should be used preferably written at a 9th grade
sample did not explain how results would be presented, to reading level or below in the patient’s native lan-guage. Type
whom they would be provided, and/or that results can be size should be large enough for ease of reading, with plenty of
incorrect. The high test sensitivity of cfDNA screening was ‘‘white space’’ on the page, and text should never or very
often cited by IC in our sample (most often mentioned was rarely be in all-capital letters or italics.
the ≥ 99% sensitivity for trisomy 21 in high-risk pregnancies); Informed consent documents should clearly state the
but to understand the chance that an actual screening result benefits and risks of cfDNA screening, including unexpected
will be correct, sensitivity is less helpful than positive and findings, psychosocial considerations, and the potential for
negative predictive value (PPV and NPV) —– which were not decision-making about pregnancy continuation and/or
mentioned in any IC in our sample. management. Alternatives to cfDNA screening should be
370 M. Michie et al.

presented, including the option to decline all prenatal Conclusion

screening/testing for fetal conditions.
Any clinical indications for offering cfDNA screening The availability of informed consent documentation from
(e.g., elevated risk from prior screening), along with test many health care providers and commercial laboratories
cost and/or coverage considerations, should be explained points toward progress in assuring informed decision-making
verbally and/or in writing. regarding cfDNA screening. However, the variable quality of
Informed consent documents should clearly state that these documents suggests the need for informed con-sent
cfDNA is not diagnostic, that there can be false positives, guidelines to support laboratories and clinics. Toward this
errors, and assay failures, and that any screen-positive end, we have offered recommendations for written materials
results should be confirmed with diagnostic testing. Statis- to guide and document informed consent before performing
tics regarding the test, if given, should include false- cfDNA screening. In combination with verbal counseling by a
positive rates, positive predictive values, or other health care provider, informed consent doc-uments that
numerical indica-tors that clarify how often screening follow these recommendations can help ensure that pregnant
results are correct or incorrect. women and their families have the opportu-nity to make
Informed consent documents should recommend informed, values-appropriate decisions about cfDNA
genetic counseling for screen-positive results, and the screening.
availability (and potential cost) of pre-test and post-test
genetic coun-seling for any patient should be disclosed.
Informed consent documents should list all conditions
being screened, and should include a brief, family- Funding
relevant explanation of the conditions (e.g., possible
phenotypes, quality of life) and variability within and This study was supported by the following funding sources:
between them. Identifying patient support organizations NIH grant # R00HG006452 (MM and RR); NIH grant #
for screened con-ditions is also helpful, if space allows. P50HG003389 (SAK); and NIH grant # P50HG003391 (MAM).
Regardless of whether a signature is required, informed
consent documents should include a simple consent state-
ment, not combined with legal or financial agreements. Disclosure of interest
Also prominently listed should be the name and contact
informa-tion of a local clinical provider who is available The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
for further questions.

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