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Name: Chang May Chen ID No.: 0322636

Lecturer: Nicholas Ng Tutorial Time:
Reader/Text Title: In the case of Architecture Synopsis No: 2
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
In this reading, ‘In The Cause of Architecture’ Frank Lloyd Wright discuss about the natural is a motif of
architecture. Architecture is about how the nature effect and related the form and function of the building.
Base on the architecture capability, either define the individual style or architecture style. People will
remember architecture through exterior or interior, form or fiction of the building.
Frank Lloyd Wright thinks that the building meet the basic requirement needs and conditions need to
simplify it but not to ignore it. Architect need to carefully considered that comfort and utility go the building
also do not forgot the beauty of the architecture. The beauty of the building comes together with detail of the
building. For instances, the working room addition a ‘social office’ which the living room in the working
space. The architect have fulfill the necessary need of the spaces, yet the ‘detail’ part of the space is the
living room in the working space which create a social, community and resting space in a working space.
The contradict both of the space some how create a relationship of the spaces, where people can have a
resting area or informal discussion space to escape the formal and rigid working space.
Next, buildings will original integrity with the site context. Building should appear to grow easily from its
site and be form blending with the site and the environment. The natural beauty of the architecture had
shown when it assimilates into the site. The building used natural material and fields for color scheme, the
soft, warm optimistic tone earth colors to blend into the environment.
The author do not believe architecture have the uniformity of ‘great style’. The style of the building must
be related to a reasonable concept and response to the needs of the architecture. The form will be the
significance and the spiritual value of the architecture. The form of the building not necessary look beautiful.
Its the framework of the building have original integrate with artistic nature wealth where the human life
assimilate into the building and blending harmonies of the environment. Through the same perception,
architecture is scientific art. Every detail of the building have a reason of it not only for artistic and beautiful
look but it creates function for profile of the architecture where the soul of the architect existed.
As a conclusion, architecture not only looking at form of the building but also thinking both how architect
bring building into the site and response the site context. In my opinion, a successful architecture not to
create a ‘great style’ of the architect .Yet, architecture has to be benefit to the user and the environment.
Architecture creates a space to fulfill the necessary needs for the user first. Architecture not only constructs
the form of the building but also create a functional and memorable space to the people.

Word Count: 525 Mark Grade

Assessed by: Date Page No.

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