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Way of the Spirit Jaguar

Deep in the hidden jungles of Chult, an order of monks devote themselves to unlocking the secrets of
the physical form. As they train day by day in the ruins of an ancient monastery at the foot of a rushing
waterfall, each acolyte begins to develop an affinity for the land around them. The spirit of the Jaguar
god resides within each acolyte, eventually unlocking a natural ferocity if the link between mind, body,
and spirit is perfected.

(3rd Level) Bonus Proficiency:

 At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Medicine, Nature,
Religion, or Survival.

(3rd Level) Rush of Blood:

At 3rd level, when you adopt this path, you receive the blessing of the Jaguar god and gain its feature. At
your option, you also gain minor physical attributes that are reminiscent of the spirit.

 A swift hunting instinct guides your body. When you spend Ki to use Flurry of Blows on your
turn, you instead make 3 unarmed attacks.
 Additionally, you can spend 1 Ki on your bonus action to Hide.

(6rd Level) Jaguar Ritual:

 At the end of a long rest, you finish a ritual honoring the spirit that guides you. You gain the
effect of a Protection from Evil and Good spell (the spell can end early as normal) until the start
of your next long rest.

(11th Level) Spirit Form:

 At 11th level you begin to channel the spirit of the Jaguar in every attack. Your unarmed strikes
gain a reach of 10 ft. and can instead do slashing damage.
 When in dim light or darkness, you gain advantage on Perception checks to detect creatures
based on sound.

(17th Level) Unbound Ferocity:

 When you spend Ki to use Flurry of Blows on your turn, you instead make 5 unarmed attacks.

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