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Nature Reviews Immunology | AOP, published online 21 September 2015; doi:10.

1038/nri3887 REVIEWS

The nature of immune responses to

urinary tract infections
Soman N. Abraham1–4 and Yuxuan Miao1
Abstract | The urinary tract is constantly exposed to microorganisms that inhabit the
gastrointestinal tract, but generally the urinary tract resists infection by gut microorganisms.
This resistance to infection is mainly ascribed to the versatility of the innate immune
defences in the urinary tract, as the adaptive immune responses are limited particularly
when only the lower urinary tract is infected. In recent years, as the strengths and
weaknesses of the immune system of the urinary tract have emerged and as the virulence
attributes of uropathogens are recognized, several potentially effective and unconventional
strategies to contain or prevent urinary tract infections have emerged.

The urinary tract comprises the kidneys, ureters, bladder UTIs are more prevalent in women than men, and
Transmembranous and urethra and, with the exception of the urethra, most the incidences have increased substantially over the past
tetraspanin-family proteins of this tract is perceived to be sterile. Protection from 30 years6, mainly owing to an increase in the population
that form numerous plaques microbial colonization is mediated by various soluble of elderly and immune-compromised individuals, as well
and cover the apical surface
factors that are secreted into urine and by anatomical as the rise in the use of indwelling urinary catheters7. The
of the urothelium.
barriers such as the glycoprotein plaque uroplakins1 and annual cost of managing and treating UTIs in the United
a layer of hydrated mucus2. In addition, the urinary tract States is now estimated at approximately US$3 billion4,
is lined by epithelial cells and various resident immune and the treatment of UTIs has become a serious clinical
cells that further protect against infection (FIG. 1). These challenge due to the growing incidences of multi-drug
barriers prevent pathogens from entering the urinary resistant uropathogens and the high frequency of recur-
tract and from establishing persistent infection. rent UTIs6. Thus, there is keen interest in improving our
The majority of urinary tract infections (UTIs) understanding of the nature of the immune responses
in healthy individuals are caused by uropathogenic in the urinary tract and determining whether some of
Escherichia coli (UPEC) that originate from the gut 3. these activities could be targeted to combat UTIs. Here,
Uropathogens express common virulence factors that we review the components of the immune system in the
Department of Molecular enable them to successfully establish infection in the uri- urinary tract and discuss potential novel approaches for
Genetics and Microbiology,
nary tract (BOX 1). However, most of the time the urinary targeting the immune system to prevent and limit UTIs.
Duke University Medical
Center. tract resists infection, and if infection is established, it As the immune responses of the kidneys are fairly well
Department of Pathology, remains contained within this tract unless predisposing characterized and reviewed elsewhere8,9, we focus our
Duke University Medical conditions exist 4. discussion on the bladder. The immune responses of the
Center. An important function of the urinary tract is to bladder have a central role in determining the outcome
Department of Immunology,
Duke University Medical
store urine for substantial periods of time, and as urine of UTIs, as the bladder stores urine — which is a poten-
Center, Durham, North contains toxic and noxious compounds, it has to be tially permissive medium for bacterial growth — for
Carolina 27710, USA. contained within a tight epithelial barrier. Thus, the extended periods of time.
Program in Emerging immune responses of the urinary tract need to bal-
Infectious Diseases,
ance the response to microbial challenge with the need Innate immune responses
Duke–National University
of Singapore, Singapore to rapidly curtail inflammatory responses to maintain The innate immune system in the urinary tract comprises
169857, Singapore. the structural integrity of the epithelial barrier. This various resident and recruited cells that express a wide
Correspondence to S.A. ‘balancing act’ can result in premature termination of range of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) — such as
e-mail: inflamma­tory responses, leading to the persistence of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), TLR4, TLR5 and TLR11 —
residual bacteria, and can potentially give rise to chronic which enable early recognition of pathogens and transduce
Published online or recurrent infections, which are remarkably common this signal to induce a rapid and robust pro-inflammatory
21 September 2015 in the urinary tract 5. immune response. These signalling events have been


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Nephron Renal interstitium Lymphocyte

Neutrophil Lymphatic

Blood DC

Henle’s Renal lymph

loop node

Ureter cells

Bladder epithelium
Urethra Basement
Mast cell NK cell LY6C+

Blood vessel

Figure 1 | Organization of immune-competent cells along the urinary tract.  A variety of cell types are responsible
Nature Reviews | Immunology
for initiating immune responses along the urinary tract. The upper urinary tract is comprised primarily of the kidneys, and
the filtration function of the kidneys is performed by hundreds of thousands of nephrons, each of which is composed of a
glomerulus and a double hairpin-shaped tubule. Many of the immune-competent cells, including dendritic cells (DCs)
and macrophages, are aggregated in the interstitium in close proximity to both the tubular epithelium and blood vessels.
In addition, there is a large network of lymphatic vessels in these organs, which connects to the renal lymph nodes. The
ureters, bladder and urethra constitute the lower urinary tract, and several layers of stratified epithelial cells that line
the bladder function as the first line of defence. The major resident immune cells in the bladder include mast cells
and LY6C– macrophages. These cells are located underneath the basal epithelium and function as sentinels to sense
infection and recruit neutrophils and LY6C+ macrophages to the bladder. NK, natural killer; TLR, Toll-like receptor.

reviewed in detail10,11 and are therefore not described here. Interleukin‑1 (IL‑1), IL‑6 (REF. 13) and IL‑8 (REF. 14)
The importance of these signalling events is illustrated by are often the first cytokines to be detected in urine fol-
the fact that individuals with genetic defects in compo- lowing infection, and they are important for the recruit-
nents of these pathways have increased susceptibility to ment of phagocytes into the infected bladder or kidney
UTIs12. Although these immune responses are important, tissue15. Uromodulin (also known as Tamm–Horsfall
they have to be tightly controlled to ensure the retention urinary glycoprotein) is specifically produced in the
or rapid recovery of the epithelial barrier. In this section, urinary tract by epithelial cells lining the ascending
we review the main innate immune cells in the urinary limb of Henle’s loop in kidney nephrons16. Upon bind-
tract. We focus on their unique antimicrobial activities ing to UPEC, uromodulin prevents bacteria from
Uromodulin and discuss the regulatory mechanisms that control interacting with the epithelial cell surface while simul-
A highly mannosylated protein over-reactive innate immune responses. taneously inducing them to aggregate, which facilitates
that integrates with mucin and, early removal of UPEC in the urine 17. Uromodulin
upon encountering bacteria, Epithelial cells. The epithelial cells lining the urinary has also been suggested to directly trigger TLR4 and
specifically adheres to the
mannose-binding type 1
tract are the first line of defence against pathogens. These induce the maturation of certain cells such as myeloid
fimbriae on uropathogenic cells secrete a plethora of soluble compounds ranging dendritic cells (DCs)18. Thus, uromodulin may also
Escherichia coli. from pro-inflammatory cytokines to antibacterial agents. have an immune-modulatory function.


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Box 1 | Virulence attributes of uropathogens

Following UPEC invasion of BECs, the bacteria are
encapsulated in RAB27b+ fusiform vesicles, which intrin-
More than 80% of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in healthy individuals are caused by sically have exocytic properties, and as a consequence,
uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), with the remainder being caused by other BECs can then expel intracellular bacteria back into the
enteric Gram-negative bacteria and some Gram-positive bacteria3. Most of these extracellular medium without loss of viability 27. In vitro
bacteria originate from the gut and reach the urinary tract by progressive colonization
studies of UPEC-infected BECs reveal that bacterial
via the perineal region3. Uropathogens express certain key virulence factors that
enable them to successfully establish infection in the urinary tract; these include
expulsion can be detected within minutes of infec-
adhesive fimbriae, which enable bacteria to adhere avidly to specific receptors on the tion; the rate seems to peak at 4 hours post-infection
urothelium, and flagella that enable bacteria to swim along the urinary tract including and by 24 hours, up to 70% of the infecting bacteria
‘upstream’ from the bladder to the kidneys67. Uropathogens also secrete toxins, such as are expelled from BECs27. The underlying mechanism
haemolysin and cytotoxic necrotizing factor, which disrupt the epithelial barrier and involves mobilization of multiple exocytic activities
enable access to the underling tissue68, and siderophores, which enable bacteria to within BECs. One pathway involves TLR4 signalling
chelate iron that is important for growth69. Bacterial survival in the urinary tract is also that leads to increased intracellular levels of the second
promoted by their expression of cell surface capsules, which enable them to resist the messenger molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP), which in
bactericidal actions of complement and phagocytic cells70. Arguably, the capacity to turn triggers spontaneous expulsion of RAB27b +
penetrate the highly impregnable bladder epithelial barrier and seek refuge in bladder
vesicles (some of which contain bacteria)28. A second
epithelial cells (BECs) is a critical initiating step of infection in the urinary tract.
Uropathogens seem to achieve this feat by hijacking the innate capacity of BECs to
exocytic pathway is activated when intracellular bacteria
regulate bladder volume. Once UPEC become intracellular, they are protected from that escaped the first wave of expulsion, by breaking out
elimination by urine or the immune system, enabling them to initiate an acute of RAB27b+ vacuoles, are recognized and captured by
infection. If untreated, UTIs tend to be self-limiting and naturally resolve within autophagy29. Autophagy normally leads to the degrada-
several days71. However, studies in mice reveal that even after the infection is tion of bacteria, but UPEC can block acidification and
resolved, an appreciable population of UPEC persists within BECs in a quiescent survive within lysosomes29. Studies in cultured human
phase for extended periods of time70. It is assumed that recurrent infections occur BECs have shown that the presence of mal­functioning
when some of these intracellular bacteria escape into the bladder where they lysosomes containing UPEC is promptly sensed by
rapidly grow in the urine to initiate another bout of infection. transient receptor potential (TRP) mucolipin 3 (TRPML3),
which is a cation channel that is expressed on the lysosome,
and this sensing triggers the spontaneous exocytosis of
Neutrophil gelatinase-­ Some secreted factors from epithelial cells inhibit these lysosomes29. This capacity of BECs to exocytose
associated lipocalin bacterial growth by eliminating important bacterial lysosomal contents seems to be an innate homeostatic
(NGAL). An iron-trafficking growth factors in the urine. The neutrophil gelatinase- mechanism to remove lysosomal contents that are not
protein that binds to iron associated lipocalin (NGAL) protein binds bacterial degraded. In contrast to bacteria exocytosed in the first
through its interaction with
siderophores such as enterochelin 19,20. NGAL, which wave of expulsion, bacteria expelled from lysosomes
is produced by α‑intercalated cells in the kidney, are encapsulated within host membranes, which pre-
Siderophores was recently shown to restrict the growth of UPEC vents reattachment of UPEC to the bladder wall and
Iron-chelating compounds in the urinary tracts of both humans and mice 21. ensures bacterial removal in urine29. Thus, infected
secreted by microorganisms
During UPEC infection, mice deficient in NGAL or BECs seem to use various components of their export
growing under low iron
conditions. α‑intercalated cells showed increased susceptibility to machinery to reduce bacterial load, and in vivo studies
infection compared with wild-type mice21. A variety of in mice show that inhibition of autophagy or blockade
Enterochelin antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) — such as cathelicidin- of calcium flux can substantially increase the bacterial
A high-affinity siderophore related AMPs (for example, LL‑37 (also known as load in the bladder and, conversely, boosting the activ-
that is mainly secreted by
Gram-negative bacteria to
CAMP))22, β-defensin 1 (REF. 23) and ribonuclease 7 ity of other components, such as intracellular cAMP,
acquire iron. (REF. 24) — are also secreted into the urine to restrict can markedly reduce bacterial load27.
bacterial growth. In response to bacterial infection, A more drastic mechanism used by the bladder to
α‑intercalated cells bladder epithelial cells (BECs) and α‑intercalated cells reduce bacterial load is shedding of the superficial
Specialized cells that are
function as the initial source of AMPs in the urinary epithelial cell layer. Observations in experimental
located in the collecting duct
of the kidney medulla and are tract; at a later stage, AMPs are secreted by recruited mouse models and in patients with UTIs reveal that
responsible for regulating the neutrophils (FIG. 2). The contribution of AMPs to pro- during the acute phases of UTIs, when the superficial
electrolyte balance. tection against UTIs is indicated by the observation BECs become heavily infected, BECs spontaneously
that cathelicidin-deficient mice are highly susceptible shed in large numbers into the urine, which leads to
Antimicrobial peptides
(AMPs). Short peptides that
to both cystitis and pyelonephritis22. AMPs can also significantly reduced bacterial numbers in the bladder 30.
preferentially bind and insert have immune-modulatory effects, such as increasing Conceivably, massive shedding of BECs may also be
into the outer leaflet of the cytokine production and promoting neutrophil infil- a homeostatic action to temper their inflammatory
bacterial membrane and form tration25. Pentraxins are an evolutionarily conserved responses, as excessive release of pro-inflammatory
pores to damage the microbial
protein family that can function as soluble PRRs. The mediators can be harmful. Shedding of BECs leads
membrane integrity.
level of pentraxin-related protein 3 (PTX3) in urine to exposure of the underlying tissue to toxic compo-
Pentraxins during UTIs is strongly associated with the severity of nents within urine, which could have severe conse-
Soluble pattern recognition symptoms26, and genetic polymorphisms in the human quences. To limit these harmful effects, the loss of the
receptors that specifically PTX3 locus correlate with increased susceptibility to super­f icial epithelial cell layer is promptly followed
detect the lipopolysaccharides
and outer membrane proteins
acute pyelonephritis26. PTX3 is thought to bind bac- by a shift of the urothelium from a quiescent phase
of bacteria and promote their terial surfaces, which leads to complement-mediated to a highly proliferative state to restore the epithelial
uptake by phagocytes. killing and increased uptake by phagocytes26. barrier 31. When the stem cell-like progenitors at the


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PTX3 NGAL Uromodulin

a b c d Exfoliation
Urethra TLR4 TLR5
Superficial TLR4 PTX3
epithelium TRPML3 Cathelicidin
cAMP Caspase 8
β-defensin 1 IκB
pH 7 NF-κB
CXCL1 Caspase 3
RAB27b+ CCL5
fusiform NF-κB
vesicle Autophagosome BEC


Neutrophil NK cell

Mast cell


Figure 2 | Scope of innate immune responses in the bladder.  A robust and complicated network of innate immune
Nature Reviews
responses can be initiated in the bladder in response to infection. a | Following invasion by uropathogenic | Immunology
Escherichia coli
(UPEC) and encapsulation within RAB27b+ vesicles in bladder epithelial cells (BECs), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recognizes
Fusiform vesicles intracellular UPEC and increases intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels. This leads to exocytosis of RAB27b+ vesicles
Specialized membrane vesicles harbouring UPEC and expulsion of the intracellular UPEC back into the lumen of the bladder. b | When intracellular
that are found near the apical UPEC escape the first wave of expulsion by breaking the RAB27b+ vacuole, these bacteria are targeted by autophagy
surface of the superficial and delivered into the lysosomes, which in turn are manipulated by UPEC to lose their degradative capacity. These
epithelium of the bladder and
malfunctioning lysosomes are sensed by a lysosomal transient receptor potential mucolipin 3 channel (TRPML3) and
are responsible for providing
trigger lysosome exocytosis, resulting in bacterial expulsion. c | Upon sensing the presence of pathogens by TLR4 and
extra membrane during
bladder expansion.
subsequent signalling, a wide range of soluble factors are also secreted by BECs, including antimicrobial peptides
(such as cathelicidin and β‑defensin 1), antimicrobial proteins (such as pentraxin 3 (PTX3)) and chemokines (such as
Autophagy CXC-chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) and CC-chemokine ligand 5 (CCR5)). d | Bacterial infection initiates caspase 3- and
An evolutionarily conserved caspase 8‑dependent apoptosis of infected BECs, which shed into the bladder lumen; this represents another effective
process in which acidic mechanism to reduce bacterial load. e | Coordinated cellular immune responses in the bladder are shown. The resident
double-membraned vacuoles sentinel immune cells — such as mast cells, natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages — can sense the presence of the
sequester intracellular infections and secrete various cytokines to recruit other innate immune cells from the bloodstream, especially
contents (such as damaged
neutrophils, to clear the infections. IκB, NF-κB inhibitor; MYD88, myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88;
organelles and intracellular
NGAL, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; NF-κB, nuclear factor-κB; TIRAP, Toll/IL‑1R domain-containing
pathogens) and target them
for degradation through fusion
adaptor protein; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
to secondary lysosomes.

Sonic hedgehog basal layer of the urothelium sense injury in the over- cells and the restoration of a tight epithelial bar-
(SHH). An essential lying epi­t helium caused by exfoliation, they secrete rier 32 (FIG. 3). This rapid turnover of cells protects the
intercellular signalling protein
sonic  hedgehog (SHH), which activates the WNT deeper tissue from toxic substances in the urine, and it
for pattern formation and
tissue regeneration during signalling pathway. In turn, activation of WNT stimu- enables efficient bacterial clearance while limiting
development. lates the proliferation of urothelial cells and stromal pro-inflammatory responses.


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Bladder lumen
a Exfoliated
b Expelled epithelium
Wounded injury?

c Basal stem cell WNT
stem cell

Stromal cells
Immature DC
d e
Mast cell MMP9
Lymphocyte CXCL1
and MIF


Lymph LY6C+
node Blood vessel macrophage

Figure 3 | Mechanisms to curtail inflammatory responses in the bladder following infection.  Infections of the
Nature Reviews | Immunology
superficial epithelium can eventually lead to extensive exfoliation of bladder epithelial cells (part a), resulting in loss of
the physical barrier. Each type of immune cell possesses specialized strategies to prevent excessive inflammation and to
maintain the tissue integrity. Neutrophils are rapidly expelled into the urine, possibly to reduce the tissue damage from
their toxic granules (part b). Local stem cells and stromal cells underneath the intermediate epithelium sense damage
to the tissue and initiate a proliferation programme to regenerate the tissue barrier (part c). Local mast cells, which
were previously active in mediating a pro-inflammatory immune response, sense the damaged epithelium and switch
to mediating anti-inflammatory responses to facilitate regeneration of the epithelium (part d). This switch in activity is
achieved by secreting large amount of interleukin‑10 (IL‑10). Local IL‑10 suppresses the activation of dendritic cells (DCs)
but not their migration to the iliac lymph nodes. Immature DCs are unable to induce substantial antibody responses
in the lymph nodes. Intimate crosstalk between LY6C− and LY6C+ macrophages provides a ‘double-safe’ checkpoint to
ensure precise initiation of neutrophil responses (part e): local LY6C− macrophages release CC‑chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2),
chemokine CXC-chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) to recruit LY6C+
macrophages and neutrophils from the bloodstream. Upon sensing the infection, LY6C+ macrophages secrete tumour
necrosis factor (TNF), which acts on local LY6C− macrophages to trigger their production of CXCL2, which induces
neutrophils to cross the basal membrane. MMP9, matrix metalloproteinase 9; SHH, sonic hedgehog.

Neutrophils. Neutrophils are the first immune cells to neutrophils control the infection via multiple mecha-
be recruited to the bladder following UTIs, and they nisms, and this is facilitated by various soluble factors in
have a predominant role in bacterial clearance33. They the urine, such as pentraxins26. However, owing to the
respond to CXC-chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) and release of reactive oxygen species and other cytotoxic
other chemoattractants produced by superficial bladder products, activated neutrophils are also responsible for
epithelial cells, macrophages and mast cells after activa- substantial toxicity to surrounding bladder tissue. In
tion of PRRs by various bacterial products. In mouse fact, excessive neutrophil responses — including the
models of UTI, neutrophils can be detected in urine as increased expression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2; also
early as 2 hours post-infection, and their numbers reach known as PTGS2) — cause inflammatory damage to
a peak by 6 hours34. The number of neutrophils closely the bladder tissue and predispose the bladder to per-
parallels the bacterial burden in the urinary tract, and sistent infections36. To reach bacteria in the bladder
as bacterial numbers decrease, so do the number of lumen, activated neutrophils cross multiple layers of
neutrophils35. Upon entry into urinary tract tissue, epithelial cells, including the usually impermeable


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superficial epithelial cell layer 33. Presumably, this activity due to their ability to release many pre-stored pro-
could limit the cytotoxicity of neutrophils by removing inflammatory mediators — such as TNF, histamine
them from the bladder tissue into the urine where they and several chemokines — upon activation43. These
can be removed from the body during voiding. mediators are stored within cyto­p lasmic granules
that gradually release their cargo after being released
Macrophages. A substantial population of macrophages extracellularly. Substantial amounts of histamine are
resides in the submucosa of the urinary tract, and detectable in the urine as early as 30 minutes after
more cells are recruited to these sites following infec- bladder infection in mice44. It is unclear how blad-
tion37. Upon activation, these macrophages produce der mast cells become activated when the epi­thelium
crucial cytokines and chemokines that modulate the is still intact, but it is possible that products of stressed
activity of these and other immune cells in the vicinity, epithelial cells — which are known mast cell activa-
which markedly influences the timing and intensity of tors and include ATP, LL‑37 and IL‑33 — could
inflammatory responses during UTIs38,39. contribute to this activation. In response to UPEC
Crosstalk between different subsets of macro­phages infection, mast cell-deficient mice show impaired
in the bladder was recently shown to co­o rdinate neutrophil responses and decreased bacterial clear-
the precise recruitment and onset of neutrophil ance compared with wild-type mice, which indicates
responses40. Resident macrophages in the bladder are an important role for mast cells in the early recruit-
mainly LY6C− and function as sentinels at this site. ment of neutrophils44. The number of mast cells in
Following infection, these macrophages secrete the the mucosal region of the bladder markedly increases
chemokines CXCL1 and macrophage migration inhibitory during bladder infection, suggesting a very dynamic
factor (MIF) to recruit neutrophils, and CC‑chemokine role for these cells at this site44.
ligand  2 (CCL2) to recruit LY6C + macro­p hages 40. Whereas mast cells function as pro-inflammatory
Upon extra­vasation and reaching the epithelial region, immune cells during the early phase of infection, mouse
recruited neutrophils need local tumour necrosis factor models of UTIs have revealed that when the infection
(TNF) signalling to be able to cross the basal mem- progresses to a later stage, typically 6–12 hours post-
brane of the epithelium; this requirement was evident infection, mast cells start to produce anti-inflammatory
from a study showing that transepithelial migration cytokines such as IL‑10 to suppress inflammatory
of neutrophils was absent in TNF-deficient mice 40. responses45. This switch seems to occur in parallel with
Interestingly, the recently recruited LY6C+ macro­ the breakdown of the epithelial barrier and could facili-
phages are the source of TNF, the effects of which are tate regeneration of the epithelium. There are typically
not directed at the neutro­phils. Instead, TNF induces two subsets of mast cells in the bladder (mucosal and
resident LY6C− macro­phages to secrete a second wave connective tissue types), but it is unknown if this anti-
of cytokines, mainly CXCL2, which triggers neutro- inflammatory role is ascribable to one or both of these
phils to spontaneously produce matrix metalloproteinase 9 subsets. Nevertheless, mast cells in the bladder seem to
(MMP9) and initiate their trans­epithelial movement 41. have a dual role in immune regulation, presumably
Thus, whereas the resident LY6C− macro­phages func- to balance the disparate needs of host defence and tissue
tion as the main pro-inflammatory cells, the recruited homeostasis.
LY6C+ macrophages have a key role in keeping neutro-
phils in close proximity before targeting the pathogen. Other innate immune cells. Whereas natural killer
Furthermore, the recruited LY6C+ macrophages could (NK) cells are known to have a key role in clearing viral
also cause simultaneous activation of the surround- infections, their importance during bacterial infection is
ing micro­environment, as the locally generated TNF less well characterized. Recently, NK cell-depleted mice
probably has a global activating effect. Paradoxically, were reported to be particularly susceptible to UPEC
studies have indicated that the infiltrating GR1hiLY6C+ infection46. Although the protective actions of NK cells
monocytes are dispensable for bacterial clearance in were attributed to their production of TNF, the under-
the bladder, suggesting that our current understanding lying basis of how this controls the UPEC infections
Macrophage migration may be incomplete37. In any case, crosstalk between remains unclear 46. DCs have been shown to be highly
inhibitory factor bladder macrophages leads to mobilization of neu- active during UTIs47, but their specific contribution to
(MIF). A pro-inflammatory trophils into the epithelium and their subsequent innate immune responses in the urinary tract remains
cytokine that regulates key
functions of macrophages by
activation alongside neighbouring immune cells. to be determined.
inhibiting the anti-inflammatory These immune responses ensure efficient bacterial γδ T cells are an intriguing group of resident immune
effects of glucocorticoids. clearance and also minimize unnecessary and damaging cells in the urinary tract. Mice deficient in γδ T cell
inflammation. receptors (TCRs) are markedly more susceptible to UTIs
Matrix metalloproteinase 9
than wild-type mice48. A study on the susceptibility of
(MMP9). An endopeptidase
involved in the cleavage of a Mast cells. Mast cells are another resident immune IL‑17‑deficient mice to UTIs showed that γδ T cells were
variety of substrates, including cell type located underneath the uroepithelium in close the source of IL‑17 (REF. 49). Whether IL‑17 production
collagen and extracellular proximity to blood and lymphatic vessels that traverse is the primary contribution of γδ T cells to host defence
matrix components. the mucosal region (FIG. 2). In the bladder, mast cells against UPEC is unclear. Innate lymphoid cells are
Detrusor muscle region
are also found in high numbers in the detrusor muscle increasingly being recognized for their contribution to
A layer of bladder wall that is region 42. Mast cells have a pivotal sentinel and key mucosal immunity at various sites, but their importance
composed of smooth muscle. immunomodulatory role during UTIs, which is partly in the urinary tract has not been defined.


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Polymodal chemosensory cells located in the Immunomodulatory therapies

mammalian urethra represent another cell type that has As the nature of the immune responses in the urinary
recently been implicated in immune surveillance in the tract has becomes clearer, this knowledge could be
urinary tract50. Upon exposure to UPEC, these brush cells leveraged to develop novel and effective strategies
activate a signalling cascade composed of taste-specific for the prevention, treatment and/or management of
G protein α‑gustducin, phospholipase Cβ2 and the TRP UTIs. Several of these strategies are targeted at boost-
cation channel melanostatin 5 (TRPM5)50. These cells are ing innate immune responses, and some target adap-
thought to sense putative bitter receptor-activating sub- tive immune responses. Adaptive immune responses
stances associated with UPEC and release acetylcholine targeted at various components of uropathogens have
to communicate with neighbouring cells50. The impor- been found to be particularly protective in the urinary
tance of this activity in relation to the overall immune tract provided that they are induced at sites other than
responses of the urinary tract is currently unknown. the bladder. However, the efficacy of these strategies
In summary, the innate immune cells in the uri- is based almost exclusively on data from experimental
nary tract rapidly respond and evoke robust immune mouse models.
responses during UTIs. These responses are tightly con-
trolled, but sometimes the innate responses of the bladder Boosting bacterial expulsion from infected BECs.
are prematurely terminated, which can have detrimental Recent studies have revealed that the innate capacity
effects on the host, similar to what was recently shown of BECs to expel intracellular UPEC present in
for the development of inadequate adaptive immune RAB27b + vesicles can be greatly accelerated by
responses to infection, as described below. increasing intracellular cAMP levels27. For example,
when UPEC-infected mice were treated systemically
Adaptive immune responses or intravesically with forskolin at various time points
Whereas the wide-ranging innate immune responses of after infection, up to 90% of the bacterial burden was
the urinary tract are highly responsive to infections, the reduced compared with saline-treated mice27. Of note,
adaptive immune responses, particularly in the bladder, forskolin treatment also reduced the secretion of the
tend to be limited. UTIs that progress to the kidneys pro-inflammatory cytokine IL‑6 (REF. 27) and amelio-
can lead to the productions of antibodies specific for rated the pathology associated with UTIs52. There are
the infecting agent, but patients with infections limited currently many drugs approved by the US Food and
to the bladder inexplicably fail to induce an anti- Drug Administration (FDA) that regulate intracellular
body response51. This apparent defect in the antibody cAMP levels by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 4 activ-
response of the bladder could be a major reason for the ity (for example, roflumilast and ibudilast), and these
remarkable recurrence of UTIs, especially following could potentially be used in combination with current
bladder infection. antibiotic treatments for UTIs to increase therapeutic
This clinical observation was also recently repro- efficacy 27. As this type of treatment is directed at sig-
duced in mouse models in which UTIs that were strictly nalling events in BECs, it is unlikely that uropathogens
limited to the bladder induced little or no antibody will develop resistance to the treatment, as is the case
response to the infecting bacteria, whereas a substan- with antibiotics.
tial antibody response was induced during infections
of both the bladder and kidneys45. The underlying Vaccination against bacterial virulence factors. As the
basis of the inability of the bladder to mount an adap- adaptive immune responses naturally elicited by bladder
tive response was linked to increased local IL‑10 pro- infections are limited, inducing memory responses by
duction, as IL‑10‑deficient mice showed substantial administering vaccines could also be an approach to
antibody responses to bladder infection45. As previ- protect against recurrent UTIs. The bacterial virulence
ously discussed, mast cells are a major source of IL‑10 factor fimbrial adhesin FimH has been used as an effective
in the bladder following bacterial infection45. Although vaccine antigen in mouse models53. However, studies
these secretory cells have an important role in initiating examining the efficacy of a FimH vaccine in humans
a vigorous immune response in the early phases of were not continued because of limited immunogenicity
bladder infection, mast cells seem to reverse their activ- and the lack of a safe and effective adjuvant 54. With the
ity approximately 6 hours post-infection by switching emergence of several safe and efficacious adjuvants for
to IL‑10 production to shut down this response45. human use55, it may now be appropriate to revisit the
Forskolin Mast cell-generated IL‑10 can prevent the expression use of FimH vaccines in clinical trials. Recently, iron-
A plant extract and adenylyl of co‑stimulatory molecules on DCs and thereby limit chelating factors of UPEC were shown to be effective
cyclase activator with a their capacity to function as effective antigen-presenting vaccine antigens in mice, and therefore these could
potent capacity to increase
cells when they traffic to draining lymph nodes45. Hence, provide another vaccine target 56. Of note, the current
intracellular cAMP levels.
consistent with the role of mast cell-derived IL‑10 in immunization regimen involving the use of a single
Fimbrial adhesin FimH attenuating innate immune response, the inability of vaccine antigen has never evoked complete protection,
A highly conserved protein the bladder to mount an antibody response to bacterial as re-infection upon challenge still occurred in immu-
that is expressed by common infection could be a by‑product of its attempt to prevent nized mice, albeit at a significantly lower level57. Thus,
uropathogens; it mediates
bacterial adhesion of type 1
harmful adaptive immune responses to the contents of there is a growing consensus that a multivalent vaccine
fimbriae by binding to host urine, as well as to facilitate the rapid regeneration of its directed at multiple uropathogenic virulence factors may
d‑mannose. epithelium following infection-induced damage. be more effective.


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Exogenous regulation of hormones. As elderly women Concluding remarks

are particularly prone to recurrent UTIs, ageing- The physical barrier and the antibacterial actions of
associated hormonal changes seem to be a predispos- urinary secretions and resident cells lining the urinary
ing factor. Furthermore, there is epidemiological evi- tract constitute an integrated multi-layered defence
dence that oestrogen supplementation after menopause system that protects against most prospective pathogens.
protects against UTIs58. Oestrogen supplementation Paradoxically, the pathogens that typically cause UTIs
can boost innate immunity by stimulating local pro- are considered to be ‘opportunistic pathogens’ that are
duction of AMPs and by strengthening the integrity mostly of enteric origin, suggesting that these infections
of the urothelium58. Another recent study showed that occur only because of a breakdown in one or more of
administration of SR121463B — an antagonist of the the immune defences of the urinary tract. Although data
vasopressin receptor V2, which is expressed in the kid- for this notion are still limited, one major breakdown
ney — stimulated local innate immune responses in the that we have highlighted here is the premature termina-
urinary tract in UPEC-infected mice. Thus, a hormone- tion of innate immune responses to infection. Due to the
based prophylactic strategy could be another effective overriding need to retain or restore the epithelial bar-
strategy in elderly women who are prone to UTIs59. rier, innate as well as adaptive immune responses in the
bladder are often prematurely curtailed, predisposing
Probiotics to exclude prospective uropathogens. With individuals to either chronic or recurrent infections,
the success of probiotic therapy and faecal transplanta- often by the same bacterial strain. In addition, once
tion in the gut, there is keen interest in using similar infected, the architecture and cellular composition of
approaches to manage UTIs. As UTIs are often pre- the bladder is substantially affected, predisposing it to
ceded by the presence of unhealthy microbiota in the further infections66.
vagina and urethra60,61, a possible approach to prevent Several new but markedly different strategies to
UTIs could be to normalize the vaginal and urethra combat UTIs have emerged from studies carried out in
microflora by direct administration of probiotics62. experimental mouse models. With the sharp increase
The use of strains that cause asymptomatic bacteriuria in multidrug resistance among UTIs, it is of paramount
(ABU strains)63 — such as E. coli strain 83972 or VR11 importance that these approaches are quickly advanced
(REF. 64) — to inoculate the urethra and even the bladder into the clinic for the treatment of UTIs in humans.
is a more provocative approach. ABU strains can poten- However, determining which of these approaches is most
tially persist in the urinary tract for months or even appropriate for a particular patient may also depend
years without evoking any destructive symptoms, while on first identifying the specific defect in their immune
importantly excluding more virulent pathogens64,65. system. Thus, in addition to isolating and characterizing
Furthermore, ABU strains can selectively suppress the uropathogen, identifying the nature of the defect in
host cells from inducing pro-inflammatory responses, the urinary immune system — for example, through
and as a consequence, the host remains asymptomatic screening for presence or absence of certain biomarkers
during infection. The effectiveness of this approach was and examining for single-nucleotide polymorphisms —
recently revealed in patients prone to UTIs, and admin- may become a key requirement in the diagnosis of UTIs.
istration of a prototype ABU strain into the urinary This information should allow for the future tailoring of
tract of susceptible individuals protected them from treatments for individual patients so that it is not only
superinfections by virulent UPEC strains65. appropriate but also optimal.

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