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11/28/2017 Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

Program > Unit > Achievement

Online Study Guide 1
You will have 60 minutes to answer 30 questions related to the units 1 to 6. It consists of
Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Paraphrasing and Reading.

Total score: 20.00

Score of approval: 14.00
Incorrect answers lower your score: No
Open: since 27/11/2017 00:00 until 03/12/2017 23:59

Date: 11/28/2017 9:29:31 AM 16.67
Achievement time: 00:06:39 Passed
Number of times done: 1
Quantity of right answers: 25 / 30

You will listen to a woman talking about an important event. For questions 1 – 5,
choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 

0:00 / 0:52

Select the correct answer.

This woman is describing an event, what is she talking about?...

An old family trip that went bad.  
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

How does the woman describe that day?.... The day was sunny.  
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Select the correct answer.

Their car stop because of mechanical problems, how would you describe that
place?.... There was nothing around.  
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

Why did the family decide to return home instead of going to the beach?....
Their car needed two weeks to be fixed.  
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

Why do you think their mom did not speak to their dad for a week?....
She was angry because their car was in bad conditions.  
(0.67 score)

For question 6 - 12 read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap.

Select the correct answer.

Social networking

I don't think social networking is good for human (0)............. What does everyone
else think?.

I can't agree... I'm a busy single mother with two young children, a part-time job and
a house to manage. When I'm waiting for my children to fall asleep at night, I can
talk to a lot of my friends and (6)............ with their news. Without social networking
sites, I'd have little adult conversation outside of work. Women in particular love
social networking sites. We're much better at multi-tasking and we consider
socializing to be as important as other things in everyday life. Mamamia: I get a
little concerned when my teenage daughter uses social networking sites. It's great
that she's (7)............ conversation and ideas with friends of her own age. And it isn't
true that young people never socialize in the real world when they start using social
networking sites; my daughter is always meeting up with her friends. It's just that I
think young people need more protection. My daughter is 13 now, but I read
somewhere that millions of 8- to 11-year-olds use social networking sites. I think
this is too young; these sites have been designed for older people. I just don't think
it's appropriate. History professor: I agree with the last comment. More regulation
is needed to protect younger children from the dangers of the internet and from
social networking sites in particular. I also do agree that (8)............  much time
spent in front of the computer is bad for human communication. All this tweeting 2/9
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on Twitter can't be good for anybody. Why waste hours sending tweets about
yourself? It's very egotistical. You could have a real conversation with a real person,
learn about them and have a warm human relationship. Too much digital
communication is bad for us. People lie about themselves and inflate their
personalities. Gagaga: I couldn't disagree more with the previous comment
attacking Twitter. Twitter, for me, has been great. It's not just for celebrity gossip
and (9)............   time, and not everyone who uses Twitter is egotistical. I use it to
stay informed about ideas and events that are important to me. It opened up my
world by allowing me to communicate directly with people and organizations that I
would not be able to meet in the 'real' world. And (10)............    you can only include
140 characters in each tweet, communication is more concise and to the point.
That is so important in today's world of information overload! Carol: I joined
Facebook recently and I was shocked about how much information they already
had about me. In just a few minutes, they were able to suggest over 30 friends that
I should contact. They had obviously taken their names from my email address
book. Then, a few weeks later, I started receiving friend requests from people that I
really don't like. I see this as an invasion of privacy. I don't want to share
photographs of my family and social life with the whole world! book_worm: I
understand what the previous writer is saying about privacy. It's really important to
think carefully about how much of your private life you want to share. It's important
to edit anything you've put online that you think could be (11)............   . It's also
important to separate your private life from your professional life. I recommend the
professional networking site LinkedIn for communication with like-minded
professionals. It's also great for building up your business, finding jobs and joining
groups of professional interest. Coma: I don't agree that social networking sites are
bad for human communication. Just look at the role they have played in the so-
called Arab Spring. OK, social networking sites can't defeat a totalitarian regime
without mass demonstrations in the street and, in some cases, fighting. But the
sites did allow people to communicate more easily. It helped people spread
messages when the government had switched off the phone networks. 93 million
people currently communicate with each other via social networks. You can't tell
me that because of this people have stopped (12)............   in real life, with their
mums, grandparents, brothers or friends? That's clearly not true!

Question V6

I can talk to a lot of my friends and (6)............ catch up with their news.
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

It's great that she's (7)............ having conversation and ideas with friends of her
own age.
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

I also do agree that (8)............ too  much time spent in front of the computer is
bad for human communication.
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Select the correct answer.

It's not just for celebrity gossip and (9)..........  wasting time, and not everyone who
uses Twitter is egotistical.
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

And (10)............ because you can only include 140 characters in each tweet,
communication is more concise and to the point.
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

It's important to edit anything you've put online that you think could be (11)............
risky  .
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

You can't tell me that because of this people have stopped (12)............
getting along in real life, with their mums, grandparents, brothers or friends?
(0.67 score)

For questions 13 – 20, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) that
best fits each gap.

Select the correct answer.

Travel buddies

Imagine you want to travel round the world, or spend the summer in Europe, but
none of your friends have the time or the money to go with you. No one likes
spending all day on their own, (0) ……do…they? If  you don´t want to travel round by
(13) …………………….., why not find a friend on one of the best social networking sites
around: The site has been (14) ……………………..…… to help you find a
travel companion. Users post their interests and explain where they want to go. It
(15) …………………become a huge internet success story, and the site was (16)
…………… a Webby ( the Oscars of the internet) in 2010. We used the site (17)
……………………..……  last year during a trip to Indonesia. 4/9
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We met a local guy, and he showed us loads of cool places in his country. He also
helped us out a lot when we (18) ……………………..…… our flights cancelled on the last
day. Of course, as with any website, you have to be very careful about meeting
strangers: always go with a friend and meet new people in a crowded area. One
other possibility is to go to one of the Travbuddy ´unofficial´ meet-ups. Users of the
site have (19) ………………these in lots of different places, and they´re a great way to
meet people. I wanted to set one up in my home town last year, but then I
discovered another person had 

(20) ……………………organized one.

So I went along and met some new friends for my next trip… Mexico!

Question G13

If  you don´t want to travel round by (13)  yourself …………………….., 

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

The site has been  (14)   designed ……………………..…… to help you find a travel
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

It (15) has …………………become a huge internet success story,

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

and the site was (16) ……………....  awarded a Webby (the Oscars of the internet) in
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

We used the site (17) ourselves ……………………..……  last year during a trip to
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer. 5/9
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He also helped us out a lot when we (18) had ……………………..…… our flights
cancelled on the last day.
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

Users of the site have (19) kept ………………these in lots of different places, and they
´re a great way to meet people.
(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

I wanted to set one up in my home town last year, but then I discovered another
person had (20) …………………… already organized one.
(0.67 score)

For questions 21 – 25, CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.

Select the correct answer.

I last saw Diego two months ago.


I…………………. haven’t seen Diego for two months. 

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

In 2020 my parents will celebrate twenty-five years of marriage.


By 2020 my parents………………. will have been married for twenty-five years.

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

Farmers in the USA grow a large proportion of the world’s wheat. 6/9
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A large proportion of the world’s wheat……… is grown by farmers in the USA.

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

My car is being repaired tomorrow.


I’m ________ having my car repaired tomorrow.

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

I lost my way because I didn’t take a map.


If I………………. had taken a map , I wouldn’t have lost my way.

(0.67 score)

You are going to read an extract from an article which is about Malaysian food. For
questions 26 – 30, select the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.

Select the correct answer.

My idea of Comfort Food – Margaret Foo

When I go home to Malaysia, there’s one food that I always want: nasi lemak. It’s
our national dish, and my mother makes the best! It’s rice which is steamed with
coconut milk and eaten with various ingredients like raw cucumber, spices and a
boiled egg, as well as roasted peanuts.  It’s really adaptable so many people eat it
with other Malaysian dishes, like rendang. That´s beef which is cooked for several
hours to absorb special spices. I´ve  ever seen nasi lemak served in seaside towns
as an accompaniment to seafood grilled on a charcoal fire.

However, nasi lemak is most often eaten for breakfast – street vendors like the lady
in the photo often sell it served in a banana leaf. If I can’t get nasi lemak, I usually
choose roti canai. It´s a kind of bread, but it´s not baked in an oven like Western
bread. Instead it´s fried in hot oil – it´s delicious when served with condensed milk.
Yum yum yum! 

Question R26 7/9
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Where does this woman live?......... None of the above  


(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

According to the paragraph, what is Nasi lemak? ..... It’s Malaysian food  

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

According to the paragraph, why is rendang cooked for several hours?...

To absorb special stink 8/9
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(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

How is nasi lemak frequently served?... In a charcoal fire  

(0.67 score)

Select the correct answer.

How would you describe roti canai? ….

It’s food made by mixing and frying in hot oil.  
(0.67 score) 9/9

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