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Patient Should Know.

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Ellis, P.E. and Benson, P.E. (2002) Potential Hazards of Orthodontic Treatment – What
Your Patient Should Know. Dental Update, 29. pp. 492-496. ISSN 0305-5000

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Potential Hazards of Orthodontic

Treatment – WhatYour Patient
Should Know
Enamel Damage
Abstract: Orthodontic treatment carries with it the risks of tissue damage, treatment
Reports of the prevalence of enamel
failure and an increased predisposition to dental disorders. The dentist must be aware
of these risks in order to help the patient make a fully informed choice whether to damage after orthodontic treatment have
proceed with orthodontic treatment. This paper outlines the potential hazards and varied (Figure 1). In one cross-sectional
suggests how they may be avoided or minimized. study, 50% of individuals undergoing
orthodontics had a non-developmental
Dent Update 2002; 29: 492–496 enamel opacity, compared with 25% of
controls.1 Another study found that,
Clinical Relevance: A high proportion of adolescent patients are considering or
undergoing orthodontic treatment. It is important that they understand the potential
even 5 years after treatment, orthodontic
risks of wearing an orthodontic appliance. patients had a significantly higher
incidence of enamel opacities than
untreated controls.2
The most important means of
preventing demineralization is to ensure
that the patient’s oral hygiene is of a

A lthough orthodontic treatment has

recognized benefits, including
improvements in dental health, function,
involved can he or she make a fully
informed choice and consent to go
high standard throughout treatment.
Fluoride is a well established anti-
cariogenic agent and several methods of
appearance and self-esteem, orthodontic Some patients are more at risk than applying fluoride have been used during
appliances can cause harm. The decision others; they need to be identified early orthodontic treatment to minimize the
whether to proceed with orthodontics and managed appropriately to avoid risk of demineralization.
requires comparison of the potential adverse sequelae. The GDP’s
risks with the potential benefits. contribution is crucial, even if he or she Topical Application
It is important that general dental does not fit orthodontic appliances, in Daily use of 0.05% sodium fluoride
practitioners (GDPs), even if they do not helping to ensure that braces are properly mouthrinse has been shown to be
undertake orthodontic treatment maintained by reinforcing oral hygiene effective,3 although only about 50% of
themselves, are aware of these risks. and preventive measures. The GDP may patients complied with daily rinsing. The
The GDP usually initiates the also help in an emergency if a wire or worst compliers are often those patients
orthodontic referral and a patient will bracket is causing soft-tissue damage. with poor oral hygiene who are most in
often seek their reassurance, after the The potential hazards of orthodontic
consultation with an orthodontist, about treatment are three-fold:
whether to go ahead with treatment.
Only when the patient is informed about l tissue damage;
the reason for treatment and the risks l treatment failure;
l greater predisposition to dental
Pamela E. Ellis, BDS, MSc, FDS, MOrth, Specialist
Registrar in Orthodontics, and Philip E Benson,
PhD, FDS (Orth), Senior Lecturer/Honorary TISSUE DAMAGE
Consultant in Orthodontics, Orthodontic Both intra-oral and extra-oral tissues are
Department, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, at risk of damage during orthodontic
Sheffield. Figure 1. Generalized enamel demineralization
treatment. following orthodontic treatment.

492 Dental Update – December 2002


they deteriorate rapidly in the mouth15

(Figure 2). Other devices have been
developed that release small amounts of
fluoride over a sustained period of time,
possibly up to 6 months, before having
to be replaced.16

Enamel Fractures
Figure 2. Appearance of a fluoride-releasing Occasionally small cracks in the enamel Figure 4. A patient with previous periodontal
elastomeric ligature (upper right lateral incisor) surface are seen following removal of disease seeking orthodontic treatment to correct
after 6 weeks in the mouth. orthodontic brackets. Such cracks the drifted incisors. The periodontal disease is now
under control and oral hygiene is excellent.
provide stagnation areas for the
need of mouthrinse. development of caries, cause partial
Other topical applications, including tooth fracture, or may discolour.17
stannous fluoride mouthrinse,4 Zachrisson et al.17 found that the
stannous fluoride gel5 and fluoride prevalence of pronounced cracks in
varnish,6 have been employed but each relation to the total number of cracks was
requires adequate compliance from the 6% for debonded/banded teeth and 4%
patient to work. for untreated teeth. There were
appreciably more cracks with chemically
Fluoride-releasing Materials bonded ceramic brackets.18
Given the poor compliance with patient-
applied measures, attempts have been
made to use materials that release Periodontium
fluoride over a period of time. Fluoride- Following placement of a fixed appliance
containing composite resins have not there is gingival inflammation in almost all
been found to be effective at reducing orthodontic patients (Figure 3).
demineralization,7–9 but both compomer10 Fortunately, this inflammation is usually Figure 5. Radiograph of anterior teeth
and glass-ionomer cements11 have. transient and does not lead to attachment during orthodontic treatment showing
However, glass-ionomers are weaker than loss.19–21 Gingival hyperplasia can be a blunting of the lateral incisor apex, which is
composite resin and consequently there problem around orthodontic bands, characteristic of orthodontic-induced root
is a higher number of bracket failures with leading to pseudo-pocketing and giving
such materials.12 This problem may be the illusion of attachment loss; however,
solved with the development of stronger this usually resolves within weeks of
resin-reinforced glass-ionomer materials. debanding.22 contraindicated in this group, provided
Evidence suggests that fluoride- Adult patients may be at risk of the disease is controlled and the patient
releasing elastomeric ligatures may periodontal problems, particularly is sufficiently motivated and dextrous to
reduce the prevalence of patients who seek orthodontic treatment maintain excellent oral hygiene during
demineralization,13,14 although the because of pre-existing periodontal treatment.23 Three-monthly periodontal
addition of fluoride to elastics may disease (for example drifting incisors; checks and routine scaling and polishing
affect their physical properties so that Figure 4). Orthodontic treatment is not are advisable. The orthodontist will often
modify the mechanics for these patients
by keeping the forces light in view of the
shortened root support. Other patients
a b who require particular attention are those
with systemic diseases such as diabetes
or epilepsy, particularly poorly controlled
diabetics and the epileptics whose
seizures are controlled by phenytoin-
based drugs, which can cause gingival
Particular periodontal problems can
occur with certain types of treatment –
Figure 3. Oral hygiene, which was excellent before treatment (a), has deteriorated (b): plaque
accumulation and marginal gingivitis can be seen. for example, in the Class III patient who
has appliances prior to orthognathic

Dental Update – December 2002 493


severe root resorption by good A penetrating eye injury may not cause
pretreatment assessment of root shape immediate pain, but the oral bacteria
and length. For at-risk individuals, multiply and the eye can be lost due to
precautions can be taken either before overwhelming infection.32 To minimize
treatment to modify the plan or during the risk of injury, headgear now has
treatment to change the mechanics used. safety features that stop it being
accidentally displaced or recoiling back
into the face or eyes (Figure 7). Patients
Pulp Damage should be given both verbal and written
Figure 6. Mucosal trauma caused by a Orthodontic patients may suffer from safety instructions after fitting
removable appliance component. transient pulp ischaemia, causing pain headgear.33
and discomfort in the first few days after
adjustment of an appliance. This usually
surgery, the lower incisors are often settles within a week, although pulp Damage from Orthodontic
deliberately proclined, which may lead death following orthodontic treatment is Materials
to gingival recession or even gingival occasionally reported.31 If appropriate Orthodontic materials can induce
clefts.24 Previously it was feared that treatment mechanics and forces are allergic reactions.
closure of extraction spaces, particularly used, pulp damage is unlikely to be a
when the lower first premolars are lost, significant problem. Nickel
may lead to bunching of the gingival Nickel hypersensitivity affects three in
tissues and hence long-term periodontal ten of the general population,34 and
problems25 but this is not usually the Soft-tissue damage nickel is found in stainless steel wires,
case. Intra-oral and extra-oral soft tissues bands, brackets and headgear. Patients
can be damaged in two ways: become nickel sensitive due to previous
contact with jewellery, glasses and
Root Damage l direct damage by removable or fixed watches34 and may develop dermatitis in
Root shortening is almost inevitable in components (Figure 6); response to direct contact with
patients with fixed appliances (Figure 5). l indirect damage by allergic headgear. Females are most susceptible,
Fortunately this is usually minimal, reactions to nickel and latex. perhaps due to ear piercing.
affecting the apical 1–2 mm only. Such For sensitive patients, exposed
resorption should not compromise the Patients may suffer from mouth ulcers, metalwork should be covered with tape
long-term health of the teeth.26 More due to rubbing of the lips and cheeks on or plasters or headgear use
severe resorption, where more than a brackets, bands or cleats, as they discontinued. Intra-oral signs and
quarter of the root length is lost, occurs become accustomed to fixed appliances. symptoms of nickel hypersensitivity are
in only 3% of patients.27 Fortunately, the oral tissues quickly rare because the concentrations of
Risk factors associated with an toughen up to a new appliance, but nickel necessary to provoke a reaction
increased incidence and severity of root whilst this is occurring vegetable wax in the mouth are higher than those
resorption include the pre-treatment root can be used to give temporary relief. needed on the skin.35 Intra-oral signs are
form or length, previous dental trauma Occasionally, palatal or lingual arches highly variable and difficult to diagnose,
and the type of mechanics used. Teeth may cause trauma to the palate or for example erythematous areas36 or
with blunted, pipette-shaped, or short tongue. severe gingivitis in the absence of
roots are at increased risk of Some individuals continually damage plaque.37 Because such signs and
resorption.28,29 Root-filled teeth are not their appliances leading to extra,
necessarily at greater risk of root unscheduled appointments and
resorption and may safely be moved prolonged treatment times. It helps to
using orthodontic appliances, providing: recognize these patients early, counsel
them about diet and habits and take
l teeth are clinically symptomless and extra precautions, such as placing bands
radiographically satisfactory; rather than bonds.
l it is 6 months after a new root
l a radiograph is taken 6 months after The Use Of Headgear
the start of active treatment.30 Headgear can cause injury if it is
Figure 7. NiTom safety headgear bow (Ortho
displaced either during sleep or rough Kinetics Corp, Vista, CA, USA). This has an
The orthodontist should employ play. The headgear bow is not only additional arm that clips over the headgear bow
sensible measures to minimize the risk of sharp but also covered in oral bacteria. distal to the molar tube.

494 Dental Update – December 2002


perceive a need for a treatment and fully Treatment may also fail because the
appreciate their commitment – treatment diagnosis and treatment plan were
times of approximately 2 years, followed incorrectly formulated, for example in a
by a lengthy period of retention. They Class III patient where simple treatment
must demonstrate good oral hygiene fails due to continued growth. We can
and be free from active dental disease at minimize the number of occasions when
the start. treatment goals are not met through
A patient’s motivation to maintain good record taking and recognition of
good oral hygiene throughout treatment our own limitations.
Figure 8. Poor oral hygiene and can decline. This may lead to early
demineralization has forced early discontinuation removal of appliances to avoid damage
of treatment. There is residual spacing, cross-bite, to the teeth and supporting structures. Relapse
increased overbite and overjet.
When patients request their appliances Teeth placed in an unstable position
to be removed early for personal during orthodontic treatment have a
symptoms are difficult to spot, nickel reasons treatment goals cannot be met. high potential for relapse. Furthermore,
allergy in response to orthodontic Sometimes patients have difficulty in certain occlusal traits, such as rotated
appliances may be under-diagnosed. tolerating the appliance most teeth and midline diastemas, have a high
appropriate for correction of their probability of relapse. Several long-term
Latex malocclusion. In such cases often a reviews of patients 10 or 20 years after
Latex sensitivity may occur in response compromised plan can be formulated, orthodontic treatment demonstrate that,
to contact with latex gloves or but not always. even with orthodontic treatment of a
elastomeric ligatures (modules) and
intra- and extra-oral elastics. In the latex-
sensitive patient, steel ligatures or self- TISSUE DAMAGE
ligating brackets may be preferred. The Tissue Problem Treatment
treatment plan might need to be
modified, avoiding Class II or Class III Enamel Demineralization Oral hygiene instruction; daily fluoride mouthrinses;
fluoridated elastomeric ligatures
traction. Fractures Mechanical not chemical bonding (ceramic brackets); careful
debonding (especially ceramic brackets)
Other Materials
Periodontium Gingivitis Good oral hygiene throughout treatment
Other orthodontic materials that may Bone loss Regular periodontal checks and 3-monthly scaling and
cause allergic reactions are composite polishing in adult patients
and acrylic. Toxicity is due to
Root Resorption Identification of ‘at risk’ individuals; careful use of treatment
unpolymerized material and is greatest mechanics
immediately following polymerization,
although cytotoxicity is still evident 2 Pulp Ischaemia Avoidance of excessive forces; pre-warn the patient
Death Caution with heavily restored teeth
years after polymerization.38 No-mix
adhesives are more toxic than two-paste Soft tissues Iatrogenic damage Careful use of instruments; careful fitting and adjusting of
adhesives.39 appliances to avoid sharp edges



Failure to complete a course of Incorrect diagnosis Carefully collect full records and documentation at the start
orthodontic treatment is frustratingly
common (4–23%).40 Its sequelae include Incorrect management Keep up-to-date with latest treatment techniques
residual spacing and malalignment, Patient non-compliance Fully inform patient about treatment times and expectations
traumatic overbite, residual overjet,
Treatment may fail through: Disorder Management

l patient non-compliance; Temporomandibular Record signs and symptoms before treatment; advise patients seeking
joint disorder treatment for such disorder that there may not be an improvement
l incorrect diagnosis; with orthodontics
l incorrect management.
Periodontal Maintain good levels of oral hygiene; professional prophylaxis where
It is essential to talk to all orthodontic
patients to establish whether they Table 1. Problems that may occur during orthodontic treatment.

Dental Update – December 2002 495


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496 Dental Update – December 2002

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