Student Book Activity

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Bachelor Science in Nursing (BSN)

Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Science
Sari Mutiara Indonesia University, Boromarajonani
College of Nursing Sanpasittiprasong-Ubon Ratcathani-
Thailand and
Savannakhet College of Health Science- Laos

July 15 to 28 , 2018

To provide learning experience of Nursing Student at Sari Mutiara Indonesia University

1. To exchange knowledge and experiences of nursing profesional and health care

system between Indonesia and Thailand
2. To learn and share the cultural between Indonesia and Thailand


1. Sharing and discuss about learning experience with staff and student Bachelor
Science in Nursing both of Sari Mutiara Indonesia Univrsity and BCNSP.
2. Visiting Health Care System
3. Participating in the class
4. Observing the clinical work in Community Health Center/Primary Setting
/Puskesmas, Secondary care settings and Tertiary care settings.
5. Sharing the cultural, and sports between BSN Sari Mutiara Indonesia University, and
Day 1

Date Time Activities

Sunday, 15th 10.00 Arrival at Kualanamu International Airport
July 2018 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 16.00 Go to the Griya Mutiara Recidence
18.00- 21.00 Welcoming Party at Ignasius Hall in Campus
Noted : 10 Nursing students and 5 Lecturer from BCNSP, 1 from PBRI

4 Nursing Students and 2 Lecturer from Laos

Day 2

Date Time Activities PIC/Place

Monday, 16th 08.30 – 10.10 Guest Lecturer Mss.Ari/Mss
July 2018 Topic 1 : …………….. Nursing student year ... Parmin/
Topic 2 : …………….. Nursing student year ...
Topic 3 : …………….. Nursing student year ...
Topic 4 : …………….. Nursing student year ...
Topic 5 : …………….. Nursing student year ...

10.30 – 12.00 Executive Meeting

(Rectorat, Dekanat and staff)

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch

13.00 - 14.00 Hospital Tour (Sari Mutiara Medan Hospital) Johansen

14.00 - 18.00 Hospital Tour (Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam Hospital) Masri

19.00 Dinner and go to Griya Mutiara Recidence

Day 3

Date Time Activities Place PIC

Tuesday, 17th 8.30 – Lesson learned practical at nursing laboratory of SMIU : Nursing Johansen/Galvani
July 2018 12.00 a. CPR (Johansen/Galvani) Laboratory Janno
b. ECG (Janno Sinaga) Martha
c. Infussion Pump (Martha/Laura) Henny/Agnes
d. Ventilator (Heny/Agnes)

Students divided in to 4 groups and rotated:

Group 1 : CPR
Group 2 : ECG
Group 3 : Infussion Pump
Group 4 : Ventilator

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.00-16.00 Visit to BNN office North Sumatra Province. Johansen/Galvani

16.00-18.00 Sport day/Games Dewi Bancin

Day 4

Date Time Activities Place PIC

Wednesday, 8.30 – 12.00 Observing the clinical work and practice (Sari Mutiara General Sari Mutiara Elida
18th July 2018 Hospital) General Johansen
Nursing student will be divided in to 4 group Hospital Amila
1. Group 4 ( ICU Room) Elida Edriyani
2. Group 3 (EMS/IGD) Johansen Marthalena
3. Group 2 ( Neurology Room) Amila Tim from Hospital
4. Group 1 ( Recovery Room) Edriyani
(one case each group should be discassed)

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.00-16.00 Refleksion Elida


16.00-18.00 Shopping Mall/visit to.... Ari and Tim

Day 5

Date Time Activities PIC/LECTURER

Thursday, 19th 08.00 – 12.00 Visit to Helvetia’s and Darussalam’s Community Health Center Rinco
July 2018 Observing Community Health Center for Practice Flora
Student will be divided in to 2 groups: Rumondang
a. Group 1 visit to Helvetia CHC Masri
Rinco and Eva Kartika Eva Kartika
b. Group 2 visit to Darussalam CHC
Flora, Rumondang and Masri
12.00-13.00 Lunch
14.00- 16.00 Reflectionion (discussion dan presentation each group) Flora

Day 6

Date Time Activities PIC

Friday, 20 July 8.00 – 12.00 Disaster Simulation ( Campus Field)/ (please prepare Ambulance trans) Johansen/Galvani//Heny
2018 All students participated to disaster simulation activity. Student divided into 4 /Edry
groups :
Group 1 : Instruktor : Johansen
Group 2 : Instruktor : Galvani
Group 3 : Instruktor : Edryani
Group 4 : Instruktor : Heny
12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.00- 17.00 Lesson and discussion Johansen/Galvani//Heny

Day 7

Date Time Activities Place/Person in charge

Saturday, 21 8.00- Sport Day Activity at campus SMIU (joint with another students) Dewi Bancin
July 2018 - Sport Competition (Nursing student from Indonesia, Thailand, and Gembira
Laos) Andre

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.00- 18.00 Culture and art performance joint with another students Dewi Bancin

Day 8

Date Time Activities PIC

Sunday, 22nd 08.30 – 12.00 City Tour/ Cultural Immersed Mrs Parmin
July 2018 Destination : Velangkani Church, Istana Maimun and Cemara Temple Ms Orde
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Amila

14.00 Shopping Batik (Pajak Ikan)

Day 9

Date Time Activities PIC

Monday, 23rd 8.00-12.00 Visit to Psyciatric General Hospital Jek Amidos
July 2018 Observing and practice in Psychiatric General Hospital Rinco
Nursing students will be divided in to 4 groups Masri
1. Group 1 ( Cempaka Room) Amila
2. Group 2 ( Melur Room)
3. Group 3 (Sinabung Room)
4. Group4 (Sipiso-piso Room)

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.30- 16.00 Lesson and Lecturing in the Class SMIU Jek Amidos

16.00-18.00 Sport activities Dewi Bancin

Day 10

Date Time Activities PIC

Tuesday, 24th 08.30 – 12.00 Visit to Nursing Home / Binjai Senior Recidence (UPT. Layanan Sosial Lanjut Rinco
July 2018 Usia) Flora
Nursing student will be divided in to 4 group Rumondang
1. Group 1 (Wisma 1) Rinco Masri
2. Group 2 (Wisma 2) Flora Eva
3. Group 3 ( Wisma 3) Rumondang
4. Group 4 ( Wisma 4) Masri, Eva

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

13.00-16.00 Reflection (classroom) Rinco

Eva Kartika

16.00- Sport day Dewi Bancin

Day 11

Date Time Activities PIC

Wednesday, 25th 08.00- 12.00 Visit to Haji.Adam Malik Center General Hospital (Tertiary Hospital Level) Elida/Galvani
July 2018 Observing the clinical work and practice (Adam Malik General Hospital) Johansen/Martha
Nursing student will be divided in to 4 group Edryani
1. Group 4 ( ICU Room) Elida/galvani Amila
2. Group 3 (EMS/IGD) Johansen/Martha
3. Group 2 ( Neurology Room) Amila
4. Group 1 ( Haemodialysa Room) Edryani/Laura

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.00-16.00 Reflection (classroom) Elida/Galvani


16.00-18.00 Student Activity in campus SMIU (joint with another students) Dewi Bancin
a. Sport Andre
b. Culture and art Erwin
Day 12

Date Time Activities PIC

Thursday, 8.00- 12.00 Visit to Haji.Adam Malik Center General Hospital (Tertiary Hospital Level) Elida/Johansen/Galvani/
26th July Observing the clinical work and practice (Adam Malik General Hospital) Amila/Laura/Martha
2018 Nursing student will be divided in to 4 group
1. Group 1 ( ICU Room) Elida/Galvani
2. Group 2 (EMS/IGD) Johansen/Martha
3. Group 3 ( Neurology Room) Amila
4. Group 4 ( Haemodialysa Room) Edryani/Laura

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

14.00-16.00 Reflection Janno/Johansen/Galvani//


16.00-18.00 Sport Culturer Dewi Bancin/Tim

Day 13

Date Time Activities PIC

Friday, 27th 8.00- 12.00 Lesson Learned of the Program from day 3 to 12. Amila, Janno, Martha
July 2018 Nursing Students will be divided in to 4 groups : Discussion/Sharing experiences Jek Amidos
about: Johansen, Elida
a. Group 1 Topic : Sari Mutiara General Hospital and Nursing laboratory Rinco, Flora
practical (Amila/Janno/Martha/Tim)
b. Group 2 Topic : Psychiatric General Hospital (Jek Amidos/Tim)
c. Group 3 Topic: H.Adam Malik General Hospital (Johansen/Elida/Tim)
d. Group 4 Topic : Community Health Center (Darussalam and Helvetia), and
Nursing Home/ Binjai Senior Recidence (Rinco/Flora/Tim)

12.00-13.00 Lunch Commitee

13.00-15.00 Evaluation Program Jek Amidos

17.00- 20.00 FARAWELL PARTY Ari and Parmin

Day 14

Date Time Activities PIC

Saturday, 28th 15.00 am Back to Bangkok/Ubon Ractchatani Mss.Ari/Jek/Tim
July 2014
Lesson Learned Document

Learning Program :

Prepared by :

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) :

The objective ofthis document is to assist the student sharing knowledge gained from
experiences so that the entire organization may benefit. The successful Leasson Learned
reporting will help learning.

1. Program Close- Out Discussion

A. List program’s biggest succeses

Description Factors that Promoted this Success

B. List of Program biggest failures

Description Net Effet on Project

C. List areas of potential improvement:

Description Possible Mitigation
D. Enter other comments:

A. We appreciate your help in evaluating this program. Please indicate your rating of the
presentation in the categories below by circling the appropriate number, using a scale
of 1 (low) through 5 (high). Please fill out of this form:

OBJECTIVES: 1 2 3 4 5
The objectives of the program are:
1. Learning experiences nursing professional between Indonesia
and Thailand
2. Exchange knowledge and experiences of nursing professional
between Indonesia and Thailand
3. Learn and share the culture beween Indonesia and Thailand
1. Knowledgeable in content area
2. Content consistent with objectives
3. Clarified content in response to questions
1. Information can be applied to clinical prectice
2. Information can be contributed to achieve personal and
profesional goals
1. Adequate and appropriate for each session
2. Provide adequate information and friendly

This program can enhance ___ Substantially ___ Somewhat ___ Not at all
my professional expertise

I will recommend ___ Yes ___ No ___ Not sure

this program to others
B. Program Design (Circle the number to indicate your level of agreement/disagreement
with each of the aspects of course design).

Strongly agree Strongly disagree

1. Content of the program met with my needs 5 4 3 2 1

2. Time of the course was adequate 5 4 3 2 1
3. What the most program did you like?
4. What specific things did you like least about the program?
5. If the rogram was repeated, what should be left out or changed?
C. As a results of attending this program, I see the value to me in the following ways
(check all that apply):

___I gained one or more specific ideas that I can implement in my area of practice

___I learned a new approach to my practice

___It may help me do a better job

___I do not see the impact of this course on my job

D. By attending this program, I believe (check all that apply):

___I was able to update my skills

___I acquired new and /or advanced skills

___I have better knowledge upon which to base my decisions/actions in the practice

___I am reconsidering my views toward the topic(s) presented

___The topic presented was appropriate, but I am undecided as to my own views.


E. Facilities/arrangements (Circle the apptopriate number to indicate your level of

satisfaction or circle NA if the item is not applicable to you)

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory

1. Lodging 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Food services 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Meeting rooms and facilities 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Restrooms 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Day of week 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Time of Day 1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Location 1 2 3 4 5 NA
Comments :

Other lerning needs: (List any other topic you would be interested in for the future)
Project Plan

Project Definition
Intro to sections

Problem Statement
Include problem statement

Mission Statement
Document project mission statement

Project Strategy
Describe project strategy and why you chose it

Project Objectives
List project objectives

Name Surname Position e-mail

1 Ivan Elisabeth Purba Rector

2 Asima Sirait Vice Rector 1

3 Idawati Purba Vice Rector 2

4 Karnirius Harefa Vice Rector 3
5 Rinawati Sembiring Vice Rector 4
6 Ari Angraini Sebayang Staff of IA
7 Karmel Sianturi Staff of IA
8 Taruli Rohana Sinaga Dean of Faculty Pharmacy and
Health Science
9 Rinco Siregar Head of Bachelor Science in
Nursing (BSN) Program
10 Marthalena Simamora Secretary of BSN Program
11 Jek Amidos Pardede Lecturer
12 Amila Lecturer
13 Laura Siregar Lecturer
14 Janno Sinaga Lecturer
15 Flora Lecturer
16 Elida Lecturer
17 Johansen Lecturer
18 Agnes Lecturer
19 Galvani Lecturer
20 Edryani Lecturer
21 Masri Lecturer
22 Eva Kartika Lecturer
23 Lasmarina Lecturer
24 Adventy Lecturer
Name of Nursing Student from BCNSP and BSN SMIU

No Name Surname Gender Year e-mail


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