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Supernormal: How the Internet Is Changing Our

Memories and Our Minds
Adrian F. Ward
University of Colorado , Boulder , Colorado
Published online: 11 Dec 2013.

To cite this article: Adrian F. Ward (2013) Supernormal: How the Internet Is Changing Our Memories and Our Minds,
Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory, 24:4, 341-348

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Psychological Inquiry, 24: 341–348, 2013
C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1047-840X print / 1532-7965 online
DOI: 10.1080/1047840X.2013.850148

Supernormal: How the Internet Is Changing Our Memories

and Our Minds
Adrian F. Ward
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

We are creatures of flesh and blood, living in a world ple, relatively unidirectional Internet-based communi-
of bits and bytes—a world shaped by the Internet. With cation such as blogging and tweeting may capitalize
the simple touch of a button or swipe of a finger, we on the intrinsic rewards associated with social sharing
Downloaded by [University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries] at 15:25 11 December 2013

can instantaneously access vast amounts of informa- (Tamir & Mitchell, 2012) while protecting individuals
tion (e.g., Ashton, 2009). A few more keystrokes, and from costs associated with social anxiety (e.g., Leary
we can interact with friends 10 time zones away (e.g., & Kowalski, 1997), and experimenting with alternate
Thurlow, Lengel, & Tomic, 2004). Just a few more, and identities online (e.g., Yee, 2006) may allow people to
we may complete the transition to a digital life, trans- fulfill intrapsychic needs (such as the need for power;
ferring our identities from our physical bodies to online McClelland, 1961) without incurring interpersonal
avatars (e.g., Bessière, Seay, & Kiesler, 2007). Perhaps costs (e.g., Brewer, 1991).
because of its pervasive influence, it’s often difficult to Internet-related supernormal stimulus effects may
imagine a world without the Internet. We know there be particularly powerful in the domain of memory. Re-
was a time when encyclopedias represented the pin- search on transactive memory indicates that incoming
nacle of information storage and communicating with information is distributed between both internal and
faraway friends required a trip to the post office (or at external storage devices (e.g., Wegner, 1986; Wegner,
least to the mailbox), but such a time feels far removed Giuliano, & Hertel, 1985). People may store informa-
from the present moment. tion in their own minds, or they may offload respon-
However, as Sparrow and Chatman (this issue) point sibility for this information to external storage devices
out, the current era of digitally mediated information, such as friends, family, books, or—most recently—the
communication, and exploration is a new one, a mere Internet. For much of human history, the criteria used
“blip on the timescale of human evolution” (p. 273). for distributing responsibility (e.g., expertise, accessi-
The Internet first made its way from private laborato- bility) ensured that memories were spread throughout
ries to the public sphere less than 20 years ago (Leiner social groups. However, the Internet—a supernormal
et al., 2012), and many definitive elements of the In- stimulus—seems to outperform all other external
ternet are newer still (e.g., Google, founded in 1998; storage devices, potentially leading people to offload
Wikipedia, founded in 2001). For millions of years of responsibility for the vast majority of information
evolution (e.g., Tattersall, 2001), “social networks” re- to this single digital resource. My research explores
ferred not to thousands of Facebook friends but to small how this shift toward digital information storage—and
groups of daily interaction partners (Dunbar, 1993) and away from biological information storage (both in
information search consisted not of typing keywords terms of utilizing other people and utilizing one’s own
into Google but of seeking out personally known ex- memory)—may have large-scale and long-term effects
perts (Wegner, 1995). Our basic cognitive architec- on the way people remember and process information.
ture developed in this environment—one far removed
from the present Internet Age—and most likely has
not changed in the last 20 years (e.g., Bowlby, 1969; Transactive Memory
Tooby & Cosmides, 1990).
When old cognitive tendencies and new technolo- Transactive memory systems maximize both the
gies meet—when the world of flesh and blood collides amount of information available to individuals and the
with the world of bits and bytes—the Internet may act efficiency with which this information is stored (e.g.,
as a “supernormal stimulus,” hijacking preexisting cog- Wegner, 1995). People cannot possibly know every-
nitive tendencies and creating novel outcomes. Super- thing. However, by offloading the responsibility for
normal stimuli meet or exceed long-enforced selection specific types of information to others, they gain the
criteria, but are generally foreign to the environments capacity to both acquire increased depth of knowl-
in which these criteria developed; as a result, these new edge in a few domains of personal expertise and ac-
stimuli often elicit greater responses than any naturally cess the information held by a broad range of others,
occurring stimuli. The Internet may produce super- each with similarly advanced knowledge in his or her
normal stimulus effects in many domains; for exam- domains of expertise. When it comes to most topics,

people ensconced in a transactive memory system do (Romanoff & Romanoff, 1949). However, if an impos-
not need to know much at all—they simply need to sibly large artificial egg—one the size of a football—is
know who knows it; content knowledge (e.g., “How placed next to a goose’s normal-sized egg, the goose
do I fix this car’s radiator?”) can often be replaced by will neglect its own egg in favor of the oversized im-
location knowledge (e.g., “Who do I know that knows poster (Lorenz, 1937). Similarly, songbirds that select
about car repairs?”). on the basis of egg color will ignore their own pale
The cognitive processes underlying the division of speckled eggs in favor of brightly colored dummy eggs,
mental labor within transactive memory systems op- even when these eggs are so large that the birds repeat-
erate according to efficiency-related selection criteria. edly slide off and have to hop back on (Tinbergen,
The structure of these systems is generally defined ac- 1951).
cording to two key principles: relative expertise and The tendency to respond to exaggerated
access to information (Wegner, Erber, & Raymond, stimuli—even when doing so is maladaptive—may
1991). Group members intuitively offload responsibil- be due to selection asymmetry when responding to
Downloaded by [University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries] at 15:25 11 December 2013

ity for information to those individuals with the highest naturally occurring stimuli (Staddon, 1975). Many
levels of relative expertise and/or access to informa- selection stimuli are constrained by biological factors
tion in a relative domain and assume responsibility for on one end of a continuum but not the other; eggs,
the domains in which they are experts and/or insiders. tails, and other size-related stimuli may be subject
Although these principles often guide the division of to upper, but not lower, limits. If increased size is
information without the need for explicit discussion, generally associated with fitness and organisms do not
they are not perfect; any apparent shortcomings of this have experience with overly large stimuli in the wild,
intuitive system based on expertise and access—for these organisms will tend to respond to impossibly ex-
example, a particular type of information that tends to aggerated stimuli. Research provides support for this
fall through the cracks—can subsequently be remedied asymmetric selection hypothesis, indicating that many
through a third principle: explicitly negotiated respon- selection preferences are focused not on absolute val-
sibilities (Wegner et al., 1991). ues but on relative ones (e.g., Andersson, 1982; Han-
Transactive memory systems are most useful if all son, 1959); organisms do not preferentially respond
members of the system are readily available (e.g., to a specific egg size, tail length, or shade of plumage,
Wegner, 1986). Whereas expertise and access to in- but simply to the stimulus that is furthest along the
formation guide the division of responsibility once an continuous gradient associated with fitness or reward.
individual becomes part of a transactive memory sys- Supernormal stimuli are often the product of ex-
tem, availability may help determine whether someone perimental manipulation. For geese, songbirds, stick-
will be invited into the system in the first place. No lebacks, and butterflies, this is a good thing; they are
matter how expertly trained or in-the-know someone unlikely to incur costs related to supernormal stimu-
is, this person’s wealth of knowledge is worthless if it lus effects unless an ethologist decides to have a lit-
is temporarily unavailable—for example, if he or she tle fun at their expense. Humans, however, are not
is out of town on business or squabbling with another so lucky. As people experiment with their own envi-
member of the memory system. Information may also ronments, they may create supernormal stimuli that
become permanently unavailable. When a transactive hijack human selection processes—and be unable to
memory partner passes away, any knowledge that has escape the allure of these exaggerated cues. Artificial
not been shared with other members of the memory breasts mimic qualities associated with reproductive
system may be lost forever. Even the most efficiently value (e.g., Jasieńska, Ziomkiewicz, Ellison, Lipson, &
functioning transactive memory system cannot escape Thune, 2004; Marlowe, 1998) and are preferred over
the implications of mortality. natural breasts, even though their signals of fertility
are deceptive (Doyle & Pazhoohi, 2012). Highly pro-
cessed “junk foods” act on adaptive tendencies to seek
Supernormal Stimuli out sugar and fat (Birch, 1999) but provide these sub-
stances in obscenely large quantities (Barrett, 2007).
Supernormal stimuli hijack the cognitive processes When people create supernormal stimuli in an attempt
associated with the selection of maximally adaptive to fulfill their own deep-rooted selection tendencies,
stimuli. The underlying processes remain the same, the exaggerated qualities of these stimuli may ulti-
but their output is altered by the introduction of some mately result in negative consequences, ranging from
novel stimulus that outperforms all naturally occurring unsuccessful reproduction attempts to morbid obesity.
stimuli in domains related to selection. For example,
gray geese return scattered eggs to their nests by rolling The Internet is Supernormal
them uphill, and generally show preferential care for
larger eggs; because larger eggs tend to be more viable Like breast implants or potato chips, the Inter-
than small eggs, this size preference is usually adaptive net seems to be a man-made supernormal stimulus,

hijacking the cognitive processes underlying the for- ply asking the individual in one’s transactive memory
mation of transactive memory systems. Research on structure that has the highest level of relative expertise.
the “Google Effect” suggests that the Internet meets Third, the Internet contains not only a remarkable
people’s selection criteria for transactive memory part- depth of information (i.e., expertise) but also a simi-
ners and is entrusted with encoding, storing, and pro- larly remarkable breadth of information (i.e., access).
ducing information (Sparrow, Liu, & Wegner, 2011). In In human transactive memory networks, access to in-
one experiment, people who believed that trivia state- formation is almost always incomplete; not all infor-
ments were being stored (or “remembered”) by a com- mation can be gathered and stored within a circle of
puter failed to encode these statements within their own friends and family. However, the Internet contains in-
memories—even when they were explicitly instructed formation originally produced by a massive network of
to do so; this suggests that people may intuitively and individuals, allowing access to information that could
automatically offload responsibility for information to never be gathered by a traditional transactive memory
the Internet, and that this tendency is so strong that system.
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even explicit instructions to do otherwise are ineffec- Transactive memory systems maximize cognitive
tive. A second experiment suggests that people do not efficiency. In human transactive memory systems, this
just expect the Internet to encode and store informa- entails both dispersing responsibility for information
tion, but also look first to the Internet when they need to across multiple transactive memory partners (allow-
retrieve this information (thus completing the encod- ing for both greater breadth and depth of knowledge)
ing/storage/retrieval cycle). When researchers asked and requiring each individual member of the system to
participants difficult questions, words related to In- assume responsibility for certain domains of informa-
ternet search (Google, Yahoo) produced significantly tion (ensuring that all members not only benefit from,
more Stroop interference than general brand-related but contribute to, the system). The principles of ex-
words (Nike, Target), indicating that the experience pertise and accessibility generally help to maximize
of not knowing something primed people to think of cognitive efficiency by ensuring proper distribution of
the Internet. Taken together, these experiments suggest responsibility between all members of the transactive
that people use the Internet like a human transactive memory system. However, the superiority of the Inter-
memory partner: They offload responsibility for infor- net over human transactive memory partners according
mation to this external storage device, and look to it to each division criterion may change the outcomes of
when information is needed. these guiding principles. In the pursuit of efficiency, the
But the Internet may be more than just another mem- cognitive processes underlying the formation of trans-
ory partner; it may be treated as an informational catch- active memory systems may lead individuals to offload
all, reducing the amount of information stored both in responsibility for the vast majority of information to the
other external sources (e.g., human transactive mem- Internet, rather than spreading this responsibility over a
ory partners) and internally (i.e., in individuals’ own large network of individuals; these cognitive processes
memories). Admittance to transactive memory systems may also reduce the amount of information that indi-
is largely determined by availability, and responsibil- viduals store internally, both because this information
ity for information is generally determined according is less likely to be needed by an ever-shrinking social
to relative expertise and access to information. The su- informational network and because this information
pernormal stimulus of the Internet excels according to would be redundant with information already stored
all three criteria. online. When exposed to the supernormal stimulus of
First, the Internet is virtually omnipresent; access the Internet, the cognitive processes that have tradi-
points populate homes and offices, and smartphones tionally led to the formation of distributed transactive
allow many people to carry a portal to the Internet memory systems may lead people to depend almost
with them wherever they go. Retrieving information exclusively on this digital transactive memory part-
stored on the Internet is as simple as inputting the right ner. When presented with new information, people’s
search string, and people need not worry that the In- first impulse may not be to outsource this information
ternet has gone on vacation or misplaced a relevant to friends, colleagues, or lovers (i.e., human transac-
memory. Moreover, the Internet is not subject to mor- tive memory partners), or to remember this informa-
tality, the ultimate form of unavailability; information tion themselves, but to let this information pass them
stored online does not run the risk of disappearing from by, with the assumption that it has been (or will be)
the transactive memory system. “remembered” by the Internet.
Second, the Internet almost always has relatively
higher expertise in a given area than any one indi-
vidual. The Internet, at its best, is a continuously The Internet is Non-Normal
updated, peer-reviewed, compendium of knowledge
(Arbesman, 2012). Accessing the Internet can be like In some ways, the Internet seems to be an exagger-
tapping into a field of actual experts, as opposed to sim- ated version of a human transactive memory partner; it

is supernormal. In other ways, however, the Internet is The effects of Internet use on self-perceptions—in
completely unlike a human partner; it is non-normal. terms of both mental attributes (i.e., CSE) and
The Internet is seemingly omniscient, omnipresent, causal explanations (i.e., predictions of future
and unobtrusive; together, these qualities may lead peo- performance)—can be traced to the unique, non-
ple not just to offload responsibility for information to normal characteristics of this transactive memory part-
the Internet but to fail to realize that they are doing ner. For example, Internet search may often be faster
so. When two people form a transactive memory sys- than searching one’s own memory; as a result, using
tem, it seems clear that each is sharing information the Internet to look up information may cause peo-
with an external entity; the very act of physically ask- ple to mistake recognition memory for recall memory
ing another person for information draws attention to and “confirm” that they know what they never actually
the fact that this information is coming from outside knew. When people were able to use the Internet us-
the self. However, the Internet does not draw attention ing a standard high-speed connection, they displayed
to itself as an external entity—it provides information the typical effects of Internet use on self-perceptions.
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quickly, virtually invisibly, and without any of the ex- However, when they were forced to use an artificially
traneous physical cues inherent in human-to-human slowed Internet browser, these effects disappeared.
interactions. Recent research suggests that the non- Data suggest that increasing the time between deciding
normal (i.e., nonhuman) qualities of the Internet may to “check” for information on the Internet and receiv-
cause people to fail to distinguish between informa- ing this information may often cause people to realize
tion stored online and information stored in their own that they never could have produced this information
minds (Ward, 2013); when people use the Internet, they themselves. Highlighting the distinction between infor-
may take ownership of both Internet-related outcomes mation stored online and information stored internally
(e.g., retrieving a specific piece of information) and eliminates artificially inflated self-perceptions stem-
Internet-related attributes (e.g., possessing the capac- ming from accessing the Internet—but typical patterns
ity to remember and process information more gener- of Internet use often seem to obscure this distinction.
ally). These two effects of blurred boundaries between When people access externally stored information
the self and the Internet go hand in hand, but speak to on the Internet, the non-normal characteristics of this
distinct aspects of this phenomenon; the former states, transactive memory partner may blur the boundaries
“I did this,” whereas the latter states, “I am this.” between the self and this digital memory partner. Ac-
A recent series of experiments revealed that peo- cessing information online leads people to believe that
ple who had recently accessed the Internet both took they possess Internet-related attributes and are respon-
credit for high levels of performance enabled by the sible for Internet-related outcomes; when connecting
Internet and assimilated characteristics of the Internet to the Internet as a transactive memory partner, people
into their self-concepts. Participants in these experi- may not only offload responsibility for the majority
ments were first asked to complete a trivia quiz either of information to this external storage device, but also
with or without the help of the Internet. Following this fail to realize that this information is stored externally
quiz, they were asked to complete a scale assessing rather than internally. When the cognitive processes
Cognitive Self-Esteem (CSE)—a measure of people’s underlying the formation of transactive memory sys-
beliefs about their own ability to remember and pro- tems come into contact with the supernormal stimulus
cess information—and predict how well they would do of the Internet, people may tend to remember less while
on a second quiz of similar difficulty, to be completed ironically believing that they remember more.
without any external resources (including the Inter-
net). Participants who used the Internet to complete Negative Implications for Memory and
the first quiz reported higher levels of CSE than those Information Processing
who had not, suggesting that they were more likely to
view attributes associated with the Internet as being Incorporating the Internet into one’s transactive
self-descriptive (Galinsky, Ku, & Wang, 2005). Par- memory system may have negative implications for
ticipants who used the Internet, relative to those who how people remember and process information. Be-
did not, also predicted that they would receive higher cause the Internet outperforms the human mind as an
scores on a second trivia quiz to be taken without the information storage device, people may replace their
Internet; this suggests that they believed their perfor- biological memory banks with digital forms of infor-
mance was due to their own abilities, as opposed to the mation storage. And because the Internet is unobtru-
help of the Internet—people failed to distinguish be- sive, people may experience overconfidence in their
tween internal and external influences on performance own memories as they fail to distinguish between in-
(e.g., Chance, Norton, Gino, & Ariely, 2011). The dif- ternally and externally stored information. Taken to-
ferences between Internet users and nonusers persisted gether, these effects may interfere with people’s moti-
even when controlling for perceived performance using vation and ability to form new memories and process
a false feedback paradigm. incoming information.

Internet-related changes in the structure of transac- to seek out new information—and possibly even mo-
tive memory systems may impair the encoding of new tivate people to avoid information. People often seek
memories by preventing the development of metamem- out knowledge in order to reduce uncertainty (Alba &
ory. To the extent that people are unable to distinguish Hutchinson, 2000) or as a result of curiosity (Menon &
between internally and externally stored memories, In- Soman, 1999); however, individuals who are already
ternet users may feel like they know everything that the confident in their own knowledge may not be sub-
Internet knows. As a result, they may fail to develop ject to these search-related motivations. Artificially el-
metamemoryor accurate insight into what they do and evated confidence in one’s own knowledge may also
do not know (Nelson & Narens, 1990). Metamem- lead to active avoidance of new information. People
ory typically seems to develop over time, as people are generally motivated to preserve their own positive
gain experience with situations requiring them to as- self-perceptions (e.g., Allport, 1955; Taylor, Collins,
sess the contents of their own memories. Evidence for Skokan, & Aspinwall, 1989; Tesser, 1988) and to se-
this developmental trajectory comes from studies com- lectively seek information consistent with their preex-
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paring children and adults (e.g., Samuel, 1978). For isting beliefs (e.g., Frey, 1986; Jonas, Schulz-Hardt,
example, if adults are asked to produce a list of previ- Frey, & Thelen, 2001; Schulz-Hardt, Frey, Luthgens,
ously studied items from memory, there is a correlation & Moscovici, 2000). Research on the illusion of ex-
between recall position (e.g., the first item remem- planatory depth suggests that people who overestimate
bered, the second item remembered, etc.) and accuracy, their understanding of causal mechanisms, products,
such that items recalled earlier are more likely to be or concepts may be motivated to avoid exposure to
correct; this suggests that adults know what they do and new information because this information may shatter
do not know. Children asked to complete the same task their unwarranted confidence in their own understand-
do not show this correlation between recall position ing (Fernbach, Sloman, St. Louis, & Shube, 2012).
and accuracy; the pattern (or, rather, lack of pattern) of The combination of overconfidence and a desire to
their free-recall responses suggests that they have little maintain positive self-perceptions may cause people
insight into what they do and do not know. Constant ac- to resist exposure to new information and flee from
cess to Internet-based information may interfere with incoming information if this input begins to expose
the development of metamemory both because people the gap between their self-perceived mastery over a
do not need to keep track of what they do and do not given domain of knowledge and their actual level of
know (they can access externally stored information as knowledge in that domain.
fast or faster than internally stored information) and be- Despite their best efforts, the overconfident will
cause the unobtrusive nature of the Internet prohibits doubtless encounter new information at some point.
people from distinguishing between internal and ex- However, overconfidence may cause even this infor-
ternal memories. These deficits in metamemory may mation to be shallowly processed. Research indicates
have downstream effects on the encoding of new mem- that when people are exposed to new information, those
ories, as they undermine the selection process by which with high levels of prior knowledge about a related
incoming information is deemed worthy of memoriza- topic tend to learn less than those with lower levels
tion (e.g., Craik & Lockhart, 1972). of prior knowledge. The tendency of those who know
Offloading responsibility for information to the In- more to learn less can be explained by inattention dur-
ternet may also impair future memory formation by ing the encoding phase of memory; because these peo-
preventing the construction of schema necessary for ple believe that they are already knowledgeable, they
encoding new memories. Knowledge about a particu- fail to attend to and remember new information (Wood
lar domain provides the structure for encoding addi- & Lynch, 2002). A similar process may occur for those
tional information within that domain (e.g., Alba & believe the have high levels of prior knowledge, even
Hasher, 1983); thus, if the majority of information re- when this belief is illusory. If this is the case, then over-
lated to a given domain is stored online, people may confidence as a result of habitual reliance on the Inter-
lack the schematic structure necessary for forming new net is doubly damning: Not only do people incorrectly
memories related to that domain. We are currently in- believe that they have high levels of prior knowledge,
vestigating the possibility that chronically offloading but they also fail to process new information.
responsibility for certain types of information prevents
people from remembering and processing new infor-
mation within that domain (Ward & Lynch, 2013). If Positive Implications for Memory
this is the case, it may be that overreliance on the Inter- and Information Processing
net as a transactive memory partner reduces people’s
ability to create new memories, not just their motiva- Offloading information to the Internet may also have
tion for doing so. positive effects on memory and information process-
Overconfidence in one’s own knowledge, as a re- ing. The Internet is a supernormal stimulus—it is su-
sult of habitual Internet use, may reduce motivation perior to other external information storage devices

(such as humans) according to the selection criteria nonautobiographical episodic and semantic memories
of availability, expertise, and access to information. It (e.g., Roediger & McDermott, 1995)—that is, the type
outperforms human transactive memory partners in of memories that may be habitually offloaded to the
terms of both storing and producing information. It Internet. To the extent that people rely on the Internet
provides access to vast amounts of information while for information storage and recall, reliance on this dig-
minimizing the cognitive demands placed on the in- ital transactive memory partner should reduce memory
dividual. These qualities of the Internet suggest that, distortions and increase the accuracy of recalled infor-
in some ways, this supernormal stimulus is not only mation.
superior to traditional transactive memory partners ac-
cording to dimensions used as selection criteria, but
also according to dimensions related to the overall
adaptiveness of offloading memory. Although most su-
The Internet, this new supernormal stimulus, is not
pernormal stimuli result in exclusively negative and/or
changing the way we think, but it may be changing the
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maladaptive behavior, the combination utilization of

outcomes of these ways of thinking. As people turn
the Internet as a transactive memory partner may have
from their old transactive memory partners—friends,
positive implications for the ways people process and
family, and neighbors—to the Internet, they may of-
remember information.
fload more and more information while losing sight
Reductions in cognitive demands as a result of of-
of the distinction between information stored in their
floading information to the Internet may grant indi-
own minds and information stored online. This shift in
viduals enhanced capacity for information processing
the outcome—but not the architecture—of the cogni-
as a result of an increased availability of cognitive re-
tive processes underlying the formation of transactive
sources. Offloading information to the Internet may
memory systems may cause Internet users to both as-
enable people to solve problems more efficiently, think
similate characteristics of the Internet into their own
more creatively, and perform a wide variety of men-
self-perceptions and misattribute Internet-related out-
tal operations that would have been impossible with-
comes to the self; they may believe that they are par-
out the additional cognitive resources released as a
ticularly good at thinking about and remembering in-
result of offloading information. People who are able
formation, despite the fact that the responsibility for
to offload extraneous details onto a computer show
“remembering” information is falling ever more heav-
increased ability to solve problems requiring creative
ily on the shoulders of the Internet.
problem solving (Sparrow, 2013), and similar posi-
This shift in the allocation of information, and
tive effects may be found in other domains that rely
the subsequent disconnection between actual and per-
on manipulating information in novel and/or complex
ceived knowledge, may have both positive and neg-
ways. Perhaps the availability of the Internet as an
ative effects on memory and information processing.
omnipresent source of information opens the door for
It may prevent memory distortions but simultaneously
a new kind of intelligence, one based not on knowl-
prevent memory formation. It may free up resources
edge per se but on the ability to locate and pro-
for innovative information processing but simultane-
cess externally stored ideas using internal cognitive
ously impair our motivation to seek and attend to new
information. The Internet may be a “game changer,”
Offloading information to the Internet may also have
but it has changed the game not by altering the rules
positive implications for memory per se, as storing in-
but introducing a new playing piece—and it seems like
formation online prevents common memory distortion
this piece can change the game for either the better, or
effects. These memory distortions would afflict all in-
the worse. Continuing research can illuminate the pos-
formation assigned to a human transactive memory
sibilities and pitfalls that arise from the combination
partner (whether that part is the self or some other per-
of long-standing memory-related cognitive processes
son). Given that the cognitive processes underlying the
with this new and still-developing technology; perhaps
formation of transactive memory systems are work-
even more important, it can provide guideposts, mark-
ing to maximize efficiency, however, these processes
ing the way to a future defined not by losing our minds
should lead people to preferentially offload memories
but by augmenting them with the awesome power of
online instead of storing them internally or trusting
the Internet.
them to a human transactive memory partner. Inter-
nally stored memories are subject to memory distor-
tions (e.g., Loftus & Hoffman, 1989), and the severity Acknowledgments
of these distortions seems to increase over time (e.g.,
Seamon et al., 2002) and with slow, offline processes I thank my doctoral advisor, Dan Wegner, for be-
such as those that are active during sleep (Payne et al., ing one of the kindest, funniest, and most reliably in-
2009). It is important to note that these distortions oc- sightful humans I have ever known. He was, and will
cur not just for autobiographical memories but also for continue to be, a brilliant example of a life defined by

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