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Steroid hormone that stimulates cervical secretions during estrus: Estrogen

2. Highly vascularized, non-secretory areas that give rise to ruminant placenta: Caruncle
3. Nurse cells that stimulate follicle development: Granulosa Cells
4. Location of semen deposition in the cow during natural mating: Fornix Vagina
5. Steroid secreting cells located in the interstitial area of testes: Leydig Cells
6. Example of a neuroendocrine reflex in the male: Ejaculation
7. Anatomical structure that allows transport of sperm from epididymis to ampulla: Vas
8. Where in the cell are steroid hormones receptors located which elicit a slow response:
9. The S-shaped structure which allows the fibroelastic penis to retract inside the body:
Sigmoid Flexture
10.Primary section of epididymis where sperm are stored for ejaculations: Tail
11.General name of suspensory tissue connected to ovary, oviduct, and uterus: Broad
12.Name of the bone that houses and protects the pituitary gland: Sphenoid Bone
13.Ovarian or testes glycoprotein that inhibits FSH secretion: Inhibin
14.Compound that serves as precursor to steroid hormones: Cholesterol
15.Relative to its structural anatomy, type of penis found in a stallion: Vascular
16.Development stage of ovarian follicle with multiple layers of granulosa cells and a fluid
filled antrum: Tertiary
17.Nurse cells that stimulate sperm cell production: Stertoli Cells
18.Protein hormone produced by ovary that stimulates FSH secretion: Activin
19.Component of the broad ligament which supports the ovary: Mesovarium
20.Specific anatomical structure within the testis where spermatogenesis occurs:
Seminiferous Tubules
21.Striated muscle that contracts around crura to hold blood in penis during an erection:
22.Hormone of pregnancy: Progesterone
23.Hormones composed of long chains of amino acids with carbohydrates attached:
24.Second messenger that stimulates intracellular actions: Camp
25.Where in the cell are receptors located for protein hormones: Cell Membrane
26.Steroid hormone responsible for male hypothalamus development during fetal
development: Testosterone
27.Cell type in the testes responsive to LH: Leydig Cells
28.The reflex expulsion of sperm and seminal plasma from the penis is known as:
29.Environment stressor prevalent in Florida which can result in DNA damage of sperm:
Heat Stress
30.Specific portion of the hypothalamus responsible for peak secretion of GnRH in the
female: Surge Center
31.Species where clitoral eversion or “winking” is a sign of behavioral estrus: Equine
32.The three basic phases of spermatogenis in order: prolifercation, meotic phase,
33.Gonadotropin which targets the stertoli cells during spermatogenesis: FSH
34.The period before another ejaculation can occur in the male is known as the: Refractory
35.List three of the four sensory inputs which contribute to initiation of reproductive
behavior: Vision, Tactile, Olafactory
36.Protein which prevents estrogen crossing into the fetal brain: Alpha Feta Protein
37.Assay used to detect damaged DNA in sperm: Tunel Assay
38.Name the factor which can alter the time of puberty onset specific to sheep discussed in
class: Light/Season
39.Means of semen collection common to bulls and stallions: Artificial Vagina
40.General name for material added to semen to facilitate artificial insemination: Extender
41.Three sperm parameters assessed after semen collection: Motility, Morphology,
42.Species discussed in class where the hand-cone technique is used for semen collection:
43.Name the primary cryoprotectant used for sperm freezing: Glycerol
44.Anatomical structure that is the origin of luteolytic signal in farm animals: Uterus
45.Placental membrane that carries blood vessels from umbilical cord to the outer placental
membrane and it collects waste fluid from the developing fetus: Allantois
46.Process that facilitates removal of proteins from sperm head and infers fertility on sperm:
47.Placental membrane that attatches to uterus and allows nutrient and gas exchange across
the placental barrier: Chorion
48.Female anatomical structure that serves as both a barrier and reservoir for sperm: Cervix
49.Average length (days) of the menstrual cycle: 28
50.Protein hormone secreted by CL, which is involved in luteolysis in ruminants: Oxytocin
51.Resumption of this cellular event within the oocyte occurs because of the LH surge:
Meiosis 1
52.Name of the reaction that allows sperm cells to digest and penetrate the zona pellicuda:
53.Cells of blastocyst that eventually develop into chorion of the placenta: Tropoblast
54.Phagocytic white blood cells found in uterus that digest sperm cells: Microphages
55.Embryonic germ cell layer that develops into digestive and respiratory systems:
56.Specific glycoprotein on outer oocyte coat that acts as receptor for sperm membrane
during fertilization: Zp3
57.Permanent cessation of menses in women is known as: Menopause
58.The general type of estrous cycle of animals that have clusters of estrous cycles that are
dictated by day length or photoperiod: Seasonally Polyestrus
59.Day of the menstrual cycle that ovulation typically occurs: 14
60.Steriod hormone that stimulates cervical secretion during estrus to assists in sperm
transportation: Estrogen
61.Protein hormone produced in brain that is controlled by photoperiod which modules
estrous cycles in horse/sheep: Melatonin
62.An animal with one estrous cycle per year has what type of estrus cycle: Monoestrus
63.Site of AI semen depostition in the mare: Cervix to Uterus
64.Major route of semen following insemination: Retrograde
65.Group of cells in blastocyst that eventually develop into embryo proper: Inner Cell Mass
66.Process that stimulates completion of meiosis 2 in mammals: Fertilization
67.Term for the development potential of cells in the early zygote (stem cells): Totpotent
68.Name for the fluid filled protective sac surrounding the fetus: Amnionic
True or False:
1. The three functions of the epididymis are storage, transport, and maturation of sperm:
2. The cervix is stimulated by testosterone during estrus to enhance mucous secretion,
which functions to lubricate vagina, assist sperm transport, and minimize microorganisms
entry into uterus: FALSE – cervix is stimulated by estrogen
3. Anatomically, the oviduct is composed of the cervix, isthmus, ampulla, ostium, and
infundibulum, which are supported by the mesometrium. Physiological functions include
sperm transport, ova transport, and oviductal secretions that are stimulated by
testosterone: FALSE –
4. In farm animals, seminal fluid is secreted from three accessory sex glands, which include
the vesicular, prostate, and cowpers glands. Additionally, testosterone is required for
normal gland function: TRUE
5. The uterus is composed of three specific layers starting from the lumen and moving
outward including the mesovarian, mesosalpinx, and mesometrium: FALSE –
myometrium, endometrium,
6. Estrus in the mare can be characterized by the mare urinating in the presence of a stallion,
clitoral exposure by labial eversion (winking) and raising the tail: TRUE
7. Copulatory behaviors include searching for a sexual partner, sexual arousal and
mounting; whereas, precopulatory behaviors include courtship, intromission and
ejaculation: FALSE – copulatory: mounting, intromission, ejaculation. Precopulatory:
courtship, searching for a sexual partner, sexual arousal
8. In general, daily sperm production is dependent on testicle size or number of stertoli cells
within the testis. Hence, testis size is typically a good predictor of sperm producing
ability: TRUE
9. During the mating process, long range signals are characterized by tactile responses,
wherars short range signals are characterized by vocalizations: FALSE – long range:
vocalization, short range: tactile responses
10.When collecting semen in the boar, the hand glove technique is used because the pressure
of the hand grasping the end of the boar’s penis stimulates ejaculation and this process
mimics the actions of the sows cervix during natural mating. TRUE
11.The three germ cell layers associated with the early developing embryo include the
myometrium, mesometrium and endometrium: FALSE – metrium is the uterus,
myoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
12.The two phases of the estrous cycle are the follicle phase consisting of metestrus and
diestrus and the luteal phase consisting of proestrus and estrous: FALSE -
13.Animals that have clusters of estrous cycles that are dictated by day length and termed
seasonal polyestrous. Animals that are long day breeders include horses and wild cats;
whereas animals that are short day breeders include sheep and goats: TRUE
14.Most in vitro derived human embryos are transferred to recipients earlier than in vitro
derived domestic animals embryos to avoid negative effects that prolonged in vitro
culture has on the human embryo: TRUE
15.The four segments of non-ovulatory follicle wave in order of wave initiation to wave
completion are recruitment, dominance, selection and ovulation. Additionally recruitment
is LH dependent and dominance is FSH dependent: FALSE – recruitment, selection,
dominance, atresia & recruitment is FSH dependent and dominance is LH dependent.
1. Please describe four different functions of the uterus in most mammals:
i. Sperm transport by myometrial contractions
ii. Embryo development giving nutrients to the fetus, gas exchange
iii. Parturition and contractions
iv. Regulation of CL, promotes PGF2ᾳ
2. In cattle, pig and horse the testes are housed outside of the body cavity. The following
questions relate to thermal regulation of the testes.
a. Term for the specific mechanism of blood flow used to lower testes temperature:
Counter current exchange
b. Specific vascular structure that facilitates the above process:
Pampiniform plexus
c. Specific muscle which facilitates blood flow in the above process:
Cremaster muscle
d. Name the physiological process of the testis that is not effected in a cryptorchid
animal (regardless of uni- or bi-):
Endocrine-testosterone production
3. Describe the difference between a simple neural reflex and neuroendocrine reflex and
give an example of each involved in reproduction:
a. Simple Neural – neurons go directly to the target cells (ejaculation)
b. Neuroendocrine – hormones secreted and go through the circulatory system before
finding target cells (milk let down)
4. Hormone action is regulated after production in endocrine glands in the circulation.
Describe 3 mechanisms by which hormones in circulation have their function regulated.
i. They go to target cell
ii. The brain knows what hormone is secreted and makes sure there is not an
overflow of hormones
iii. Antagonist & affinity
5. Please list the three sections of the epididymis in order starting where the efferent ductus
exit the testes until the epididymis attaches to the ductus (vas) deferens. Please circle the
section where sperm is stored.
i. Head
ii. Body
iii. Tail
6. Please list the three primary functions of the epididymis
i. Maturation
ii. Transportation
iii. Storage of sperm
7. List the three main structural components of the oviduct. For each, describe how their
structure relates to their function.
i. Infundibulum – large, catches the oocyte, moves oocyte to ampulla, frimbre,
move oocyte down
ii. Isthmus – not as many folds as ampulla, moves oocyte to AIJ for
iii. Ampulla – many mucosal folds, ciliated epithelium transports oocyte down
the tract to the isthmus
8. Spell out the site of fertilization within the oviduct common to most animals discussed:
Ampullary – Isthmus Junction (AIJ)
9. Describe the four different stages of follicle development discussed in class, in relation to
the number and morphology of cells and any additional structures (using the cell type
i. Primordial – you are born with the number of oocytes you will have your
entire life. Squamous epithelium
ii. Primary – one layer of granulosa cells covering oocyte
iii. Secondary – ≥2 layers of granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte, protective
clear layer covering oocyte
iv. Tertiary – more than 2 layers of granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte.
Antrum beings to form and has follicular fluid.
10.List the two lobes of the pituitary and described how they receive signals from the
i. Anterior – hypopaseal blood portal system is not directly connected to
ii. Posterior – nerve axons, is directly connected to hypothalamus.
11.Name two hormones released by each lobe of the pituitary listed above (total of four
i. Anterior – LH & FSH
ii. Posterior – Oxytocin & Antidiurtic Hormone
12.Describe the embryonic derivation of the two distinct lobes of the pituitary
i. Anterior – Derived from tissues from the roof of the mouth
ii. Posterior – Derived from brain tissue, physically connected to hypothalamus
13.Please explain what a unilateral cryptorchid is:
One teste is in the body cavity, other is descendid
14.Is this unilateral animal sterile or fertile:
15.Please explain your answer to the previous question from an anatomical, cellular and
endocrine perspective
Because the one teste that is descended can cool the sperm down 4-6 degrees cooler than
the body temperature so the sperm is good.
16.Is a bilateral cryptorchid sterile or fertile:
17.Please explain your answer to the previous question from and anatomical, cellular and
endocrine prospective
Since both testes are in the body cavity, they cannot cool the sperm down 4-6 degrees
cooler than the body temperature so the sperm is no good.
18.Spell out the pituitary hormone that stimulates follicle recruitment:
FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
19.Cell type in the testis targeted by the above hormone:
Stertoli Cells
20.Spell out the pituitary steroid hormone secreted by cells within the ovarian follicle:
21.What follicle cells secrete the hormone in the previous question:
Granulosa Cells
22.Which cell in the testis is a primary target of the above hormone:
Leydig Cells
23.Spell out the substrate for prostaglandin synthesis:
Arachanid Acid
24.Of the following behaviors, which one is NOT a precopulatory behavior:
flehman roaming ejaculation sniffing vulva phonation
25.Of the following which one is NOT typically associated with copulation:
intromission mounting courtship ejaculation emission
26.Of the following, which two are NOT characterized of the postcopulatory period:
intromission refractory period satiation mounting exhaustion
27.Of the following behaviors, which two are NOT searching or attractivity behaviors:
Vocalization immobile stance restlessness urination in presence of male
28.Of the following behaviors, which two are NOT proceptivity or courtship behaviors:
affection rubbing roaming increased locomotion
29.Of the following behaviors, which two are NOT typically consummation or receptivity
immobile stance restlessness vocalization present hindquarters to male
30.The number of abnormal sperm in an ejaculation increases after exposure to a chronic
heat stress. One common abnormality observed is poor integrity of the acrosome. Based
on the two types of sperm cell abnormalities discussed in class, what type of abnormality
is this? Of the three stages of spermatogenesis, during what stage would this effect be
manifested? Please explain as it relates to the stage you picked?
- Tail abnormality , maturation, the head and tail are formed during the maturation stage
and can become deformed
31. Name of process consisting of movement of sperm and seminal fluid into pelvic urethra:
32.What hypothalamic derived hormone stimulates smooth muscle contractions of the
epididymis and vas deferens to facilitate movement of sperm to the pelvic urethra:
33. During copulation, what two factors associated with the female reproductive tract
stimulates the glans penis in order for ejaculation to occur:
Temperature and Pressure
34. Please list the four components used to extend semen that will be used to AI a female
immediately after collection. Additionally please provide a specific and brief description
of the function of each specific component:
a. Buffer – maintains ph level
b. Lipid – prevents cold shock
c. Energy substrate – for sperm viability
d. Antibiotics – prevent bad bacteria growth
35.Provide four stages of sperm cell differentiation and the order in which the occur:
i. Golgi
ii. Cap
iii. Acrosomal
iv. Maturation
36.Name three anatomical components of a sperm cell. Circle the components frequently
associated with sperm defects:
i. Head
ii. Mid piece
iii. tail
37. Describe the process of spermatogenesis as it occurs along the seminerferous tubule at
different temporal stages. What is the benefit of this production system?
There is always sperm in production so there will be sperm constantly ready for
ejaculation. The sperm go through differentiation at different times, allowing a constant
wave of sperm ready for ejaculation.
38. The testes contain the machineray that produces a constant supply of sperm cells for the
male. Please ansee the following questions as the apply to spermatogenesis:
a. Specific cellular process resulting in stem cell renewal and replacement of AI
b. Specific cellular process that leads to genetic diversity of sperm cells
c. Specific name of entire differentiation process where sperm head and tail develop
d. In what compartment of the seminiferous tubule does the event in question C occur
e. Steroid hormone necessary in high concentrations for spermatogenesis
39. Sexing semen is becoming common place in artificial insemination programs. Please
answer the questions below in regard to sexing semen for use in AI.
a. What is the primary benefit of using sexed semen in an AI program
You can pick the gender you want, depending on your wants/needs of your
b. What is the primary piece of equipment used for sexing semen
Flow cytometer
c. Using specifics, describe the principle behind the procedure of sexing semen
- Dye is used in the semen
- You can put the dyed semen into the flow cytometer and it will shine a light onto the
- X chromosomes (females) have more DNA attached so they will light up more
- Y chromosomes (males) have less DNA attached so they will light up less
40. You have several sows that were naturally mated to boar B after 8 weeks of heat stress.
Described fertilization rates in these sows and provide four points to support you answer.
The fertilization rates in these sows will be lower if boar B was used. The reasons why
the fertilization rates will be lower with the heat stressed boar B will be because:
i. Lower concentrations of sperm
ii. More abnormalities in the sperm
iii. Less viable sperm available
iv. Lower motility of sperm
41. GRAPH: Primary hormone responsible for recruitment of follicles labeled “R”
42. GRAPH: Steroid hormone that is increasing and secreted by follicles labeled “S”
43. GRAPH: Protein hormone produced in increased concentrations by follicles labeled “D”
44. GRAPH: Function of hormone listed in previous question as it relates to follicle wave
Secrets FSH, allows for more follicles to go through the follicle wave development
45. GRAPH: Please name the steroid hormone depicted by the line labeled “X”, the ovarian
structure that secretes it, and describe what significant ovarian event this homeone
prevents from occurring during the luteal phase of the estous cycle and explain your
answer from an endocrine standpoint
- Progesterone
- Secreted by CL
- Progesterone decreases GnRH, not allowing the LH surge to occur
46. GRAPH: Physiological event indicated by the letter “Y” that occurs in a non-pregnant
47. GRAPH: Lipid derived hormone responsible for the event listed in the previous question
48. GRAPH: Ovarian event that is indicated by the letter “Z”
49. GRAPH: In the human, what day of the menstrual cycle would event “Z” typically occur
50. Animals that have a mean estrus duration between 7-9 days
Cat, mare, dog
Animal Chorionic Villous Maternal-Fetal Maternal
Pattern Barrier Seperation
Pig Diffuse Epitheliochorial Attatched
Human Discoid Hemochorial Invasive
Cat Zonary Endotheliochorial Semi-invasive
Cow Cotyledon Epitheliochorial Attatched
Dog Zonary Endotheliochorial Semi-invasive
Mare Diffuse Epitheliochorial Attatched

Membrane Function
1. Closest Amnioinc - Protects fetus
- Fluid filled sac
2. Allantois - Carries blood vessels from umbilical cord to
outer membrane
- Collects waste fluids
2. Furthest Chorion - Nutrient exchange
- Gas transfer

Sperm transport Details

1. Immediate - Retrograde loss
transport - Opening of the cervix
2. Cervix - Kicks out the sperm that is
not mobile and/or have
3. Uterus - Capacitation
- Phagotosys
4. Oviduct - Capacitation complete
- Hyper active sperm
5. Fertilization - Sperm goes through oocyte
to become fertilized

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