B Preface

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W hen my son graduated from Texas

A&M University, he was understandably eager to start working, and begin earn-
ing a livable salary. He accepted a maintenance engineering position at a large
chemical complex, and embarked upon learning about process machinery. In the
months and years that followed, he and his colleagues had many questions con-
cerning a variety of machinery problems. From my perspective, most of these
problems had been solved twenty or thirty years ago. However, it was clear that
the new engineering graduates were devoting considerable effort attempting to
unravel mysteries that had already been solved.
The obvious question that arises might be stated as: How come the new
engineers cannot refer to the history files instead of reworking these issues? A par-
tial answer to this question is that the equipment files often do not provide any
meaningful historical technical data. Major corporations are reluctant to spend
money for documentation of engineering events and achievements. Unless the
young engineers can find someone with previous experience with a specific mal-
function, they are often destined to rework the entire scenario.
Although numerous volumes have been published on machinery malfunc-
tions, there are very few technical references that address the reality of solving
field machinery problems. This general lack of usable and easily accessible infor-
mation was a primary force in the development of this text. The other significant
driving force behind this book was the desire to coalesce over thirty-three years
of experience and numerous technical notes into some type of structured order
that my son, and others could use for solving machinery problems.
This is a book about the application of engineering principles towards the
diagnosis and correction of machinery malfunctions. The machinery under dis-
cussion operates within the heavy process industries such as oil refineries, chem-


ical plants, power plants, and paper mills. This machinery consists of steam, gas
and hydro turbines, motors, expanders, pumps, compressors, and generators,
plus various gear box configurations. This mechanical equipment covers a wide
variety of physical characteristics. The transmitted power varies from 50 horse-
power, to units in excess of 150,000 horsepower. Rotational speeds range from
128 to more than 60,000 revolutions per minute. There is a corresponding wide
range of operating conditions. Fluid temperatures vary from cryogenic levels of
minus 150°F, to values in excess of plus 1,200°F. The operating pressures range
from nearly perfect vacuums to levels greater than 40,000 pounds per square
inch. Physically, the moving elements may be only a few feet long, and weigh less
than 100 pounds — or they may exceed 200,000 pounds, and cover the length of a
football field. In virtually all cases, these process machines are assembled with
precision fits and tolerances. It is meaningful to note that the vibration severity
criteria for many of these machines are less than the thickness of a human hair.
In some respects, it is amazing that this equipment can operate at all.
When the number of individual mechanical components are considered, and the
potential failure mechanisms are listed, the probabilities for failures are stagger-
ing. Considerable credit must be given to the designers, builders, and innovators
of this equipment. They have consistently produced machines that are con-
stantly evolving towards units of improved efficiency, and extended reliability.
The majority of machinery problems that do occur fall into what I call the
ABC category. These common problems are generally related to Alignment, Bal-
ance, and incorrect Clearances (typically on bearings). Due to the continual
appearance of these malfunctions, an entire chapter within this text has been
devoted to each of these subjects. Machines also exhibit other types of failures,
and a sampling of common plus unique problems are described within this book.
Some people might view this document as a textbook. Others might con-
sider this to be a reference manual, and still other individuals might use this
book for troubleshooting. It has also been suggested that this book be categorized
as a how to do it manual. Since 52 detailed case histories are combined with
numerous sample calculations and examples, each of these descriptions are accu-
rate and applicable. In the overview, the contents of this book cover a variety of
machinery malfunctions, and it engages the multiple engineering disciplines
that are required to solve real world problems. Regardless of the perception, or
the final application, this is a book about the mechanics, measurements, calcula-
tions, and diagnosis of machinery malfunctions. I sincerely hope that this text
will provide some meaningful help for students, for new graduates entering this
field, as well as provide a usable reference for seasoned professionals.
Finally, I would like to extend my deepest personal thanks to John Jensen
of Hewlett Packard for the inspiration, encouragement, and opportunity to write
this book. I am further indebted to John for his detailed and thorough review of
much of the enclosed material. I would also like to thank Ron Bosmans, Dana
Salamone, and Pamela Puckett for their constructive comments and corrections.

Robert C. Eisenmann, Sr., P.E.

October 1997

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