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Unit 1: Lesson 4 Tuesday April 4th, 2018

Day #111

Long-Term Standards Addressed (Based on ELA CCSS)

SWBAT cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text (RI.8.1)
SWBAT evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums to present an idea (RI.8.7)

Daily Objectives Ongoing Assessment

SWBAT use evidence from Little Rock Girl 1957 to support an

understanding of the text and build background knowledge of
the desegregation of schools in U.S history

Lesson Vocabulary Materials

illuminate ● Passed back exit ticket

● History of Media Video
● Analyzing Mediums organizer
● End of Unit Assessment

Agenda Teaching Notes

1. Opening
a. Do Now: Using your corrected exit ticket and
your excerpts from yesterday, define the
Brown vs Board of Education decision. What
does it rule as law?
b. Objective
2. Work Time
a. Evaluating Advantages and Disadvantages of
Photography as a Medium
b. Introducing End of Unit 2 Assessment
Prompt and Analyzing the impact of the
Press in Little Rock Girl 1957
3. Closing and Assessment
a. Exit Ticket
4. Homework

Opening Meeting Students’ Needs

Do Now:

Do Now: Using your corrected exit ticket, define the Brown vs

Board of Education decision. What does it rule as law?

After students have time to think over and write the answer on their
do now independently, students will think pair share with their
partner, evaluating one another’s answers for correctness and
accuracy. After the TPS, teacher cold calls for students to provide
correct answer to get everyone on the same page.

Hook: the photographs on pages 6 and 27 of Elizabeth Eckford

heckled by Hazel Bryan shaped the world’s perception of the
integration of schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. What thoughts and
emotions do you think they may have evoked in newspaper
readers around the globe? What thoughts and emotions may they
evoke for both black and white southerners?
a. Mediums: different ways of communicating
b. How can a photograph communicate information?

Work Time Meeting Students’ Needs

A. Evaluating Advantages and Disadvantages of Photography as a

a. One example of a medium is using words to express your
ideas. What is another example of a medium?
b. What are some advantages of choosing a photograph to
communicate your point of view? (TPS)
c. What are some disadvantages of using a photograph to
communicate your point of view? (TPS)
B. Introducing End of Unit Assessment
a. In the events surrounding the Little Rock Nine and the
struggle to integrate Central High, various mediums played
a newly powerful role. In what ways did the press serve to
illuminate events for a national audience, and in what ways
did they give an incomplete or even inaccurate picture of
i. Using evidence from AMLW and LRG1957, how did
the press contribute to shaping the story of Little
Rock 9 (One will be completed together as an
ii. Chart
1. Source (type of medium)
2. Explanation of evidence
a. Does the picture illuminate or give
an inaccurate picture of the events?
i. How did it illuminate
events? (TPS)
ii. How did it give an
incomplete or inaccurate
picture of events (TPS)
3. Analysis of Events
a. What reaction did it prompt? (TPS)
b. What were the results of this?

Closing and Assessment Meeting Students’ Needs

Exit Ticket: Submit two explanations of two different photographs.

One photograph should illuminate events and one should give an
inaccurate picture of events. Provide context in your response by
referencing the Brown vs Board of Education decision.

1. Source
2. How did it illuminate/give an inaccurate picture of events?
3. What reaction did it prompt nationally?
4. What was the result?

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