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How to get more out of Quantum Light Breath

by Jeru Kabal
Please bear in mind that the Breath is basically a meditation or inner experienc
First, expect deep and powerful changes to happen to you. The QLB will clean out
impurities and toxins from all the various aspects of your being, including phy
sical, mental, emotional and spiritual. They are all fantasies. And fantasies in
themselves are harmless.
However, if like the child sitting in front of the television, we choose to beli
eve the fantasies, they will have the same effect on us as if they where real. B
ut, even in a case like this, it is not the memories/fantasies that are causing
the trouble but rather the minds decision to believe in them.
Most therapists (medical, psychological and spiritual) also take the attitude th
at whatever the mind fears is actually real. In dealing only with symptoms, they
fail to see that the problem is that the mind is believing in fantasies and tha
t then we believe what the mind tells us. But reality gets lost. The NOW is igno
To ignore the NOW is to ignore our real life! Memories are not real lifes. Memor
ies are dead and therefore have no life of their own. They seem to have life onl
y when we believe in them, and when we choose to give them energy.
But it is exactly at that point that you have a choice - to believe the fantasy
or not.
When you stop believing that you have a problem, you will also stop to reacting
to this imaginary problem. Your tension, your blocks, your armour, your defensiv
e attitudes and strategies will simply disappear.
The purpose of the Quantum Light Breath is to help you learn and practice to do
just that: to see the artificiality of the mind and gradually become its master
instead of being its slave.
The approach we are taking with the QLB is that the content of the mind is made
up of memories which are basically harmless, but which need to be released. If n
ot released they will continue to affect us at a subconscious level.
During a QLB session
Please practice the QLB only in a sitting upright position. The energy created b
y the breathing will bring up this old material in the form of thoughts, emotion
s, thought forms or sensations.
When this happens these emissions are to be released by allowing them to be ther
e. Take no notice. Don't resist or fight with whatever comes up. Just allow. By
allowing we give the message to the subconsciousness that the material is unimpo
rtant and the subconsciousness will let go of it.
DO keep your awareness focused on the NOW of your breath. DO allow the emotions
to arise but DON'T get into them as you often has been advised.
Some people experience unusual physical sensations the first few sessions. This
can feel like numbness or a stiffness. Or a tingling. Or a tightening.
This is usually because the energy in that particular area is not moving freely.
After a few sessions these sensations seldom appear. This usually means that wh
atever was blocking the energy has been released.
After a QLB session
Most people will continue processing after the session is over, sometimes for se
veral days. So be aware of this, especially the following day. You may find your
dreams strongly influenced, in turn influencing how you feel during the day. Be
especially watchful for negative emotions since these are the kind that are rep
ressed. As this old material is activated, you may feel that the emotions you ar
e experiencing are coming from the present situations.
It is essential to recognize that these emotions are actually stored memories of
old, dead emotions ready to be released.
If you believe these emotions are real and consequently act on them, you will gi
ve them importance and they will not be released or resolved. However if you all
ow them to be there but focus your awareness on the reality of the NOW, they wil
l quickly disappear. Be especially watchful of feelings that are difficult to de
fine. They may be from experiences from the preverbal level. These are to be han
dled in the same way.
After one or more QLB sessions
If you breath deeply enough you will initially experience releases that are dram
atic and cathartic. These cathartic releases can elicit either negative or posit
ive emotions (bath are extremely healing).
For example they can range from intense anger to oceanic ecstasy and bliss. Thes
e more dramatic experiences will gradually become less frequent as you clear up
the subconsciousness.
As the negative feelings become less frequent, the positive ones will increase.
You will become more accustomed to the high spaces. You will be more grounded, m
ore confident, more satisfied with yourself and your life.
Your relationships will become more open, more honest and more rewarding. Your g
oals will be clearer and you will achieve them in a way that sometimes seems mag
ically effortless.
As you begin to expand, you may find, that at some point your subconscious becom
es afraid of further expansion. This is Fear of the Positive. As strange as it m
ay sound, the subconscious is actually afraid of getting what it wants and, at t
his stage, needs reassurance. If it doesn't get this reassurance it often resist
s further expansion, feeling it will be punished if things get too good.
This resistance to continue the Quantum Light Breath will usually be indirect: g
etting sick, having an accident, being too tired, or too busy, or too bored or a
number of ways to avoid actually breathing. Sometimes the resistance will be fe
lt while the breathing is taking place.
It is very important to not surrender to this resistance. These are times you ar
e on the verge of reaching another level of expansion and transformation. Growth
comes in moving beyond the old limitations.
Best would be to set yourself a schedule for doing the breathing - and the stick
to , regardless of the excuses your mind will find to avoid it. Once you actual
ly begin, you are past the biggest hurdle.
Primary reason for resistance will not be fear of something negative but rather
fear of the positive, fear of blossoming,
Just keep on breathing and focusing on the NOW.
A special note about physical transformation
Because the breathing will evoke a deep cleansing process, one should be alert t
o the symptoms of a physical cleansing.
The body has various ways of expelling toxins that have been stored. Many of the
se are mildly unpleasant while they are being released. Toxins that have being p
urged from the body through the breathing are first dumped into the bloodstream.
It is the bloodstream's job to then expel the toxins.
But while these toxins are still in the bloodstream (at most a few hours) and be
fore they are expelled you may experience some sleepiness, dizziness, tiredness,
nausea, arthritic like pains in the joints, headaches or nervousness.
If and when this happens, don't be disturbed or try to stop the process. Allow i
t to happen. You are cleansing yourself.
Taking aspirin, etc only hinders the natural cleansing process. On the other han
d, do get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water and above all, breath. Light exe
rcise, like walking, is excellent for speeding up the process.
Just remember while it's happening that you are becoming cleaner, lighter, healt
hier and more intelligent.
Jeru Kabal

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