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Help completing Criterion B  

Words: 500 -800 words 
Due date: Friday,  
From the handbook: pages 14-23 
Criterion B: developing skills  
Level 1‑2  Level 3‑4  Level 5‑6  Level 7‑8 

develops limited criteria for  develops adequate criteria for  develops substantial and  develops rigorous criteria for 
the product/outcome  the product/outcome  appropriate criteria for the  the product/outcome 
presents a limited or partial  presents an adequate plan    presents a detailed and 
plan and record of the  and record of the  presents a substantial plan  accurate plan and record of 
development process of the  development process of the  and record of the  the development process of 
project  project  development process of the  the project 
demonstrates limited  demonstrates adequate    demonstrates excellent 
self-management skills  self-management skills.  demonstrates substantial  self-management skills. 
self-management skills. 

Task specific clarifications: 

Student justifications:  Teacher Justifications: 
1). Create a rubric with at least 5 di erent criteria that you will be able to judge the success of your 
project by 
2). Set out a timeline for your project and document the process of completing the project - talk 
about how you went about tracking what you did (could be an online blog, a series of photographs, 
a series of videos where you talk about how a training session went, your DW in Art - all the sketches 
-, samples you collect, and so on), talk about the challenges you had and how you overcame them.   
3). Show how you were able to demonstrate your self-management skills. What skills did you use, 
how did you use them, what did you learn, how did you develop those skills....... 
Student Examples: 
Sample One: 
Criterion B: Planning 
Develop criteria for the product/outcome 
After accomplishing my research, along with my goal statement, global context, identified prior and needed 
knowledge, I created five specifications for my fun run. These specifications will state what I want to achieve 
during my project, and will allow me to asses myself on whether I achieved my goal 
My specifications: 
1. I will have a run supporting Animal Lovers League, inspiring people to help their shelter 
2. I will have done some volunteering with other people from Chatsworth before the run 
3. My run will have multiple dogs running with the participants 
4. My run will have volunteers from Chatsworth handling the dogs 
5. My run will have more than ten participants, all paying a ten dollar participation fee raising at least 
Criteria for success: 
I then created a rubric for a success criteria using the five specifications I’ve created, this will allow me to 
continuously assess myself during my project. Assessing myself will allow me to improve to make my final 
product achieve my goal at an excellent level.  
  Specification 1 - I  Specification 2 - I  Specification 3 -  Specification 4 -  Specification 5 - 
will have a run  will have done  My run will have  My run will have  My run will have 
supporting Animal  some volunteering  multiple dogs  volunteers from  more than ten 
Lovers League,  with other people  running with the  chatsworth  participants, all 
inspiring people to  from chatsworth  participants   handling the dogs   paying a ten 
help their shelter   before the run       dollar 
    participation fee 
raising at least 

Excellent 7-8   I properly and  I properly and  I properly and  I properly and  I have more than 
e ectively  e ectively  e ectively included  e ectively included  ten participants, 
organised a run for  organised  multiple animals in  the volunteers from  raising more than 
Animal Lovers  volunteering with  the fun run, running  chatsworth, by  $100  
League, that  other students  along with the  having them 
e ectively inspired  from Chatsworth   participants   handling the dogs  

Substantial  I somewhat  I somewhat  I somewhat  I somewhat  I have around 10 

5-6   organised a run for  organised  included multiple  included the  participants, raising 
Animal Lovers  volunteering with  animals in the fun  volunteers from  around $100  
League, that  other students  run, running along  chatsworth, by 
somewhat inspired  from Chatsworth  with the  having them 
people     participants   handling the dogs 

Adequate 3-4  I averagely  I averagely  I averagely  I averagely  I have ten 

organised a run for  organised  included multiple  included the  participants, raising 
Animal Lovers  volunteering with  animals in the fun  volunteers, by  $100 
League, that  some students  run, some running  having them 
averagely inspired  from Chatsworth   along with the  handling some of 
people   participants   the dogs  

Limited 1-2  I poorly organised  I poorly organised  I poorly included at  I poorly included  I have less than ten 
a run for Animal  volunteering with  least one animal in  the volunteers, by  participants, raising 
Lovers League, that  some people   the fun run, at least  having them  less than$100  
one running along 
poorly inspired  with the  handling at least 
people  participants  one dog 
Plan and record the development process of the project 
I had to constantly re-plan throughout my project, even if they were small steps towards my final goal 
compared to my main plan. Some of the planning I did ranges from planning what I am going to ask and say 
to the shelter, to planning my fun run. When planning the communication, I would think of all the facts I need 
to know and plan them out on the process journal. These plans would often change because of the lack of 
communication Animal Lovers League gave me. The types of communication I used email, calling and 
massaging them. This process caused a lot of planning and changes. (See appendix 1,6) 
In my process journal, I recorded every time I contacted the shelter or worked towards my goal. Using my 
process journal I can identify my organisation and my time management. Looking at my personal project 
now I can see that I made e ective goals, however, there was times where my progress slowed. (See 
appendix 1,5) 
Demonstrate Self-Management Skills 
During my personal project I greatly improved my self management skills, before personal project I very 
heavily lacked in self management Over the course of the project I gradually became better with my self 
management I now apply this skill to other classes. I started and now continue to use calendars to plan due 
dates, I also now note down everything I have to do. I also share this with my peers, especially my use of 
Sample two: 
Criterion B: Planning 
Develop criteria for the product/outcome 
Once I had compiled all my research with my goal statement, global context and identification of prior 
learning and subject specific knowledge I created 5 specifications for my Photography BlogSpot. These 
specifications will determine what I wish to accomplish and provide a guideline for how I know when I have 
achieved my Personal Project goal. 
My specifications are as follows: 
1. My Photography BlogSpot must have 8 images that capture the colour and activity of the Parap 
2. My Photographs need to demonstrate my developing understanding and application of the 
photography elements of perspective, composition, colour balance and lighting. 
3. My BlogSpot must be aesthetically pleasing and easy to view by having lots of white space 
surrounding the images. 
4. My photograph headings need to be simple and descriptive. 
5. My Photography BlogSpot needs to reflect the colourful and multicultural characteristics of Darwin. 
Criteria for success 
I then transferred these specifications to the criteria for success rubrics so that as I progressed through 
creating my product/outcome I could continually self assess and improve and when I had completed by 
actual project I could self assess and ensure I had created an excellent product.  
  Specification 1    Specification 2   Specification 3    Specification 4    Specification 5   

Excellent 7-8   My Photography  My photographs  My BlogSpot is  My photograph  My photography 

BlogSpot has 8  show an excellent  excellently  headings are  BlogSpot reflects 
images that  demonstration of  aesthetically  simple and  the colourful and 
capture the colour  perspective,  pleasing.    descriptive in an  multicultural 
and activity at  composition, colour    excellent manner.    characteristics of 
Parap Markets in  balance and    Darwin in an 
an excellent  lighting.    excellent manner.  

Substantial  My Photography  My photographs  My BlogSpot is  My photograph  My photography 

5-6   BlogSpot has 8  show a substantial  substantially  headings are  BlogSpot 
images that  demonstration of  aesthetically  substantially simple  substantially 
capture the colour  perspective,  pleasing.    and descriptive  reflects the 
and activity at  composition, colour      colourful and 
Parap Markets  balance and  multicultural 
substantially.    lighting.    characteristics of 

Adequate 3-4  My Photography  My photographs  My BlogSpot is  My photograph  My photography 

BlogSpot has 8  show an adequate  adequately  headings are  BlogSpot 
images that  demonstration of  aesthetically  adequately simple  adequately reflects 
capture the colour  perspective,  pleasing.    and descriptive.    the colourful and 
and activity at  composition, colour      multicultural 
Parap Markets  balance and  characteristics of 
adequately.    lighting.    Darwin.   

Limited 1-2  My Photography  My photographs  My BlogSpot is  My photograph  My photography 

BlogSpot has 8  show a limited  very limited in it  headings are  BlogSpot reflects 
images that  demonstration of  ability to  simple and  the colourful and 
capture the colour  perspective,  aesthetically  descriptive in a  multicultural 
and activity at  composition, colour  please.    limited manner.    characteristics of 
Parap Markets in a  balance and      Darwin in a limited 
limited manner.    lighting.    manner.   
Plan and record the development process of the project 
After developing my specifications for my Photography BlogSpot and placing this into the criteria for success 
rubric I then developed a Gantt Chart (see Appendix 4) in which to plan the progress of creating my 
Photography BlogSpot. I decided to break my actual photographing into two weekNlong time slots. This gave 
me an opportunity to take my photographs, edit and then selfNassess the images against my specification of 
“developing my understanding and application of the photography elements of perspective, composition, 
colour balance and lighting.” This proved to be e ective as I was able to concentrate on developing two 
photography elements in one week, rather than attempting to focus on all four elements in one week. I 
sought feedback from Kirran Shah regarding my implementation of the four photography elements, and his 
feedback was given within 12 hours allowing me to make improvements on the photography element of 
colour balance within my projected timeframe. 
My original plan was to develop my BlogSpot using WordPress over two weeks, however, the sources I used 
to help me develop my BlogSpot (see Appendix 3) were very thorough and I was able to create my BlogSpot 
in a space of one weekend. Thus my plan to stretch this process out over a two week period was reduced and 
I was able to tweet my BlogSpot and make it live within the space of one weekend. Throughout the process of 
creating my Photography BlogSpot I was able to stick to the deadlines I created in my Gantt Chart and 
provide regular check ins with my supervisor. 
Demonstrate self-management skills 
Self management has not been one of my strengths throughout Year 6 to Year 9 of the Middle Years 
Programme, however the Personal Project gave me an opportunity to develop self management skills. The 
areas of self management that I was able to develop through the personal project are my organisation skills, 
in particular, planning strategies and taking action to achieve both a personal and academic goals. I also 
developed organisational skills by being able to synthesize lots of research and bring this together to create 
my Photography BlogSpot. By creating my personal project I was able to manage my state of mind by 
demonstrating perseverance and persistence. The personal project felt quite large, drawn out and time 
consuming so by persisting and persevering I was able to develop my a ective skills. My reflection skills 
developed throughout the personal project as I had to keep a process journal and record all my reflections 
throughout the process of taking photographs, creating titles and building my BlogSpot. By consistently 
reflecting, I was able to improve each step of the way and in doing so improved my overall project.   

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