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The Rotary Outstanding Surigaonon Award or ROSA was launched

sometime in 1987 by the Rotary Club of Metro Surigao mainly through
the efforts of our Charter President Peping Miranda with the all-out
support of Past President Pons Casurra.
From the very beginning up to now, its aim is to honor
Surigaonons, both men and women, who have given honor, prestige
and "Service Above Self" to Surigao. It is only fitting, therefore, that
when we looked for an acronym for this laudable project, we instantly
settled for the word ROSA which, as we all know, stands for a rose, the
queen of flowers.
Twenty seven years after, ROSA has not wilted at all. On the
contrary, it has become a respected institution and tradition not only in
our club but in Surigao as a whole. To be a recipient of the ROSA
trophy now is truly a distinction honoring one’s lifetime work in blood,
sweat and tears. The Council of Past Presidents of our club and its
current Board of Directors zealously see to it that only the best and the
brightest are chosen for an award in various professions or endeavors.
Some of the stringent criteria are: the nominee must be a
Surigaonon by birth or parentage; His or her contribution in advancing
and promoting the Surigaonon image in whatever field must be
significant and beyond question. A Metro Rotarian or anyone related to
an officer or member of the club is not qualified for the award. No proxy
is allowed to receive it on behalf of the nominee. A recipient must be a
role model of the highest quality and his or her moral character beyond
Are we honoring supermen whose feats and accomplishments
are beyond reach by ordinary mortals. No. Far from it. Every ROSA
awardee is an ordinary human being like you and me. In the end, what
matters most is that everyone of them cared, were concerned and
sought to serve above and beyond self where others turned their backs
from a chance to make a real difference and touch the lives of many,
many of our suffering fellowmen.

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