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2:41 PM [GM Tenrub] The forces attacking the walls have been mostly repelled!

User Chet has entered this room.

2:42 PM [GM Tenrub] A team of warriors even sallied forth and dealt a heavy blow to the Ronin leader,
Nagadate's, vanguard, slaying his lieutenant "Falcon"...
2:42 PM [GM Tenrub] Many lives were lost, but the enemy lost more
2:42 PM [GM Tenrub] The walls have held
2:43 PM [GM Tenrub] It comes as a surprise then, that the unguarded flank of the city, Daikoku's
blessing and the expansion district, have fires burning!
2:43 PM [GM Tenrub] What happened?
2:43 PM [GM Tenrub] The defenders on the walls turn in wonder, though their spirits still soar high
2:44 PM [GM Tenrub] Somehow somewhere, infiltrators have broken into the city
2:44 PM [GM Tenrub] perhaps by the docks... or maybe the south wall has fallen
2:44 PM [GM Tenrub] none will know, as no word has come from any defenders there.
2:44 PM [GM Tenrub] Suddenly there is a cheer from the enemy army, and laughter
2:45 PM [GM Tenrub] People look about wondering, then they see it. Scowling
2:46 PM [GM Tenrub] At the heart of the city, atop Benten's Hill, a pair of men armed with axes and
fire, are bringing the Heart of Benten, the city's most beloved landmark, down.
2:46 PM [GM Tenrub] Forest Killers indeed.
2:47 PM [GM Tenrub] The sound of combat comes from the markets
2:47 PM [GM Tenrub] it sounds as if a sgnificant force is within the city.
2:48 PM [GM Tenrub] Engaged: Man the walls, hold back the bulk of the enemy from crossing into
Shiragiku and Tashimi.
2:48 PM [GM Tenrub] Engaged: City fighting. Repel the invaders inside the markets.
2:49 PM [GM Tenrub] Disengaged: Ronin hunt. Find the punks who chopped down that tree.
2:50 PM [GM Tenrub] (If you are dying for HE or reserves we can find something for you as well.
Trying to organize for number of players and GMs)
2:50 PM [GM Gman] (Please remember to allow the people who haven't played to post their interest
2:51 PM [GM Tenrub] Please post below at what engagement level you wish to fight in. and in what
area Walls, Daikoku, or Eiyuu/expansion.
2:51 PM [Kaeru Tatsune] (Engaged: City fighting)
2:51 PM [Kasuga Naomi] (Disengaged, Ronin Hunt, Eiyuu)
2:51 PM [Kakita Ayame] (Engaged: Walls. Also, I will join with a premade)
2:51 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] (Engaged: Walls)
2:51 PM [Yoritomo Masahiro] (Disengaged, Ronin Hunt: Daikoku's Blessing District)
2:51 PM [Doji Toru] Engaged: Eiyuu (playing a premade monk!)
2:52 PM [Yoritomo Nishiyumi] (Engaged: City fighting. Wish to play a premade)
2:52 PM [GM Tenrub] (hill of benten is Eiyuu)
2:52 PM [Soshi Masuhiro] (Disengaged, Ronin Hunt, Eiyuu)
2:52 PM [Aka Shatsu] (Engaged as self)
2:52 PM [Suzume Suzuna] (Disengaged, Ronin Hunt, Daikoku Eiyuu)
User Shosuro Hikari has entered this room.
2:52 PM [Doji Toru] (Or disengaged hunting down the ronin in Eiyuu, either way for me!)
2:52 PM [Suzume Suzuna] ((Scratch the Daikoku from mine just Eiyuu))
2:52 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (who is running HE?)
2:52 PM [Akodo Masaru] (Prefer HE if possible, but Engaged: Daikoku)
2:53 PM [Kakita Ueda] (HE if possible > Enaged : City > Engaged : wall) (I already played, so I'm not
2:53 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (would also love some HE, but if not Engaged: Daikoku!)
2:53 PM [Aka Shatsu] (i would totally HE if open)
2:53 PM [Moto Akmal] (Engaged, I'll go to whichever room has the least. As I've played already, I'll
just serve as a filler. )
2:53 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (HE if possible/ Engaged wall)
2:53 PM [Yoritomo Nishiyumi] (( sorry, but may someone tell me what HE is? ))
2:53 PM [GM Tenrub] (don't know who is running yet, but if we have enough interest for HE or
reserves, we can accomodate)
2:53 PM [Hiruma Yoko] ((HE if someone made a mistake, otherwise, engaged: City, as I would be
coming in from behind the enemy.))
2:53 PM [Bayushi Kyuzo] (Engaged, on the streets for me. But I've also had a scene, so I'm easy)
2:53 PM [Isawa Okano] (Disengaged: Ronin Hunt - Played in Round 1)
2:54 PM [Toku Masaru] HE: Heavy engaged
2:54 PM [GM Gman] (Heavily Engaged, it means you're in the thick of it)
2:54 PM [Tamori Dorohane] (Engaged, City fighting, premade)
2:54 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] (I will have to go HE if it happens, can't have the rest shaming me :))
2:54 PM [Kitsu Haru] (Following the Lion trope, HE and if not Engaged: Daikoku)
2:54 PM [Yoritomo Nishiyumi] (thanks)
2:55 PM [Mirumoto Shin] (HE if it's going on, otherwise Engaged: Daikoku.)
2:55 PM [Kuya] ( Engaged : Wall )
2:55 PM [Toku Masaru] (And I'd like to be in Engaged:City fighting)
2:56 PM [GM Tenrub] HE opportunity:
2:56 PM [GM Tenrub] Expansion district is burning. It will be a running battle to get there, and save it
before something truly nefarious happens.
2:57 PM [GM Gman] Okay peeps wanting Heavy Engaged follow me, be warned I am going to try and
kill you.
User GM Gman has left this room.
User Hida Tsuyosa has left this room.
User Akodo Masaru has left this room.
User Kitsu Haru has left this room.
User Mirumoto Shin has left this room.
User Kakita Ueda has left this room.
User Ikoma Ryouta has left this room.
User Aka Shatsu has left this room.
User Ichiro Mitsunari has left this room.
User Hiruma Yoko has left this room.
3:00 PM [Chet] If you are going to the walls, come with me.
3:00 PM [GM Taiki] Players who want to try and re-secure Daikoku's Blessing, look for my room, I'm
making it now!
User Chet has left this room.
User GM Taiki has left this room.
User Kakita Ayame has left this room.
User Kuya has left this room.
3:01 PM [GM Tenrub] those chasing the bandits who took down the heart of benten will be with me
User Kaeru Tatsune has left this room.
User Moto Akmal has left this room.
3:01 PM [Soshi Masuhiro] and staying here?
User GM Tenrub has left this room.
User Tamori Dorohane has left this room.
User Suzume Suzuna has left this room.
User Yoritomo Masahiro has left this room.
User Soshi Masuhiro has left this room.
User Kasuga Naomi has left this room.
User Isawa Okano has left this room.
User Toku Masaru has left this room.
User Doji Toru has left this room.
User Yoritomo Nishiyumi has left this room.
User Shosuro Hikari has left this room.
User Shosuro Hikaru has left this room.
User Bayushi Kyuzo has left this room.
User GM Adam has left this room.

You have entered Expansion District: Heavily Engaged Badass Bandit.

User Hida Tsuyosa has entered this room.

User Hida Tsuyosa has left this room.
User Hida Tsuyosa has entered this room.
User Hida Tsuyosa has left this room.
User Hida Tsuyosa has entered this room.
4:47 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Hey! I just moved 100ft shoulder first into a cart :D)
4:48 PM [GM Bulshock] (Into a cart? Alright. Gman hadn't mentioned that bit.)
4:48 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Shoulder ramming it, Double moved into it with my water 4 :P)
User GM Bulshock is now known as Badass Bandit Guard

4:49 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Init?)

4:50 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Same combat.)
4:50 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (kk)
4:53 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Ah, from what Gman just said you couldn't get far enough to hit the
cart this turn. With that in mind it sounds like it is the start of the round!)
4:54 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (if that is the case, it'l take most of the party 3 turns to get here)
4:54 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Init 14, right?)
4:54 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (yeah)
4:54 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (So it is not within 100ft away?)
4:55 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (The cart itself was just out of that 100ft. You are close enough that on
your next turn you could.)
4:55 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Kk)
4:56 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] Initiative order: Badass Bandit, Hida Tsuyosa
4:56 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (in defensive stance during the charge anyway, so TN 28 ^.^)
4:56 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] A bandit stands near the cart being drawn by Eta, though ready to
engage anyone that approaches too closely. Among the flames are the bodies of dead peasants who
were too slow to flee the carnage. A wicked gleam in his eyes, he turns to face one he deems foolish to
oppose them. “You will die this day. None will stand against the Forest Killers!” The eta have stopped
for a moment as the bandit moves to engage. “Keep moving you idiots! I'll handle this!” Then moves to
close, taking his first swing at you. (Free move to close, Complex to attack.)
4:58 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (30 to hit, 21 damage.)
4:58 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (is that including the raise?)
4:59 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (One moment.)
4:59 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (all antagonists are on a -5 penalty as per post)
5:01 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Alright, from what Gman told me he does still hit in this case as I'm
running his NPC and he forgot to mention two things.)
5:02 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Void for reduction)
5:02 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Take 6 damage)
5:02 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Sounds good!)
5:03 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] Swinging hard, though being careful to not overextend himself, the
bandit manages to cut into Tsuyosa. However what at first would of looked like a grevious blow was
turned aside!
5:04 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Tsuyosa notices the leader looking one, and changes his target to the new
enemy. (31 to hit with a tetsubo with free raise on damage, 51 damage)
5:06 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Had to double check his ATN. That attack hits!)
5:07 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] Staggering back, the bandit looks at Tsuyosa in surprise and
astonishment. The attack was harsh against him, however he still stood, ready to face the Hida.
5:07 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Guessing that bypasses 2 reduction?)
5:08 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (nuu :<)
5:08 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Well it's still the same wound level so...
5:08 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] )
5:09 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Full Attack stance I'm guessing?)
5:09 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Nah. standard attack)
5:10 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Ah! Strength in Arms kata.)
5:10 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Yerp!)
5:10 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Had to check how you got that great attack roll.)
5:10 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Luck!)
5:11 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (keep three. I kept 9, 15, 27)
5:12 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Reactions?)
5:13 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (None! Next round?)
5:13 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Checking with Gman to see if anyone else will be here by round 3.)
5:13 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Kk.)
5:16 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Alright. Next round it is!)
5:19 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] Recovering quickly from the sudden and potent attack, the guard yells
at the eta again. "Move! We can't let them stop it here!" And then presses the attack, working to take the
Hida out before reinforcements can arrive. The cart starts moving again as he slices Tsuyosa! (25 to hit)
5:20 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (That would hit)
5:20 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (thats a impressive hit with wound penalties :D)
5:21 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Yes, yes it is. 23 damage.)
5:21 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Wait. there are no wound penalties?)
5:21 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (There are, taken into account with the attack roll.)
5:22 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (I can see the -5 from the raise)
5:22 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (I didn't bother putting in the Free Raise he gets as he's using it to
offset that nasty -5.)
5:22 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Gotcha)
5:22 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Ouch, I take 17 damage)
5:23 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (No more Void?)
5:23 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Nope. I spent one earlier)
5:25 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Tsuyosa Growled at the blow and moved to strike back at the Forest killer.
"Die Scum!" (40 to hit, 29 damage)
5:28 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] Staggers back again, the heavy hits of the Hida starting to drive him
back. It was clear now that he was seriously injured, though not entirely out of the fight!
5:28 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (End of round)
5:29 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Free action. Move into the way of the Eta who are pulling the cart!)
5:29 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (How far is your free move?)
5:29 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (20ft)
5:30 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Just trying to by some time, Apparently they are getting their ass kicked in
the other room xD)
5:30 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (You can be right next to them as they have moved forward this round.
You will get to act before they can move again however.)
5:30 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (kk, New round?)
5:31 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Checking again, probably though!)
5:32 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (We'll find out soon, they are still doing actions.)
5:32 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (kk)
5:38 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Hows things, got music?)
5:39 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Things are good. And yes. I'm listening to
··· 9qDAII-c )
5:39 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (At the moment. Going to put on something else after it though.)
5:40 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Good choice
5:41 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] ( Badass Bandits' theme song - ··· BrI0g1kE )
5:43 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Good choice)
5:44 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Sounds like no one is joining! Anything for reactions?)
5:44 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Is bleeding a reaction? xD Lets DO This!)
5:45 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (lets see if i can survive another hit)
5:48 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] The Forest Killer, seeing the Hida move to the cart, shouts, "No! I
won't let you stop us!" And rushes the cart, only instead of attacking Tsuyosa he moves to knock over
the barrels! One of the eta shouts, "No! Run!" and tries to get as far away as he can. (You have an
opportunity to take a 1 Raise Called Shot to try to stop him before he knocks them over, instead of your
normal action. If you hit you'll only deal 1k1 damage.)

5:53 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Tsuyosa takes the shot, with a vicious growl, Using his tetsubo to smash the
man away from the barrells (2 raises, result 31 with free raise and called raise, with 1k1, rolled 5
5:54 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Wait. was it only 1 raise? if it was, can i roll an additional dice for rolled?)
5:55 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (It was only one raise for the called shot. Putting that Free raise
towards damage?)
5:55 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (yeah, still only 5 damage total)
5:56 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Can I free action to yell at the remaining eta to Run away or die?)
5:57 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] The remaining eta takes an arrow in the neck from the battle behind
you, falling as their companion runs. (Waiting on a ruling from Gman.)
5:57 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Nevermind then! Arrow made the point moot)
5:57 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Yeah, Gman just told me about right as you posted.)
6:03 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] The attack connects! But not before the first barrel was rolled off the
cart in the direction of one of the fires. As it rolls there is a powdery black substance leaking from it
that quickly ignites, tracing itself to the barrel. The bandit, a satisfied sneer on his face, laughs as an
explosion engulfs you both. (Still have your GD?)
6:04 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (I do.)
6:04 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Curious, so whomever was here was doomed?)
6:05 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Curious, I thought i knocked him back before he touched them?)
6:06 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Nope. Only if the barrel was knocked into the fires. The called shot
portion of it was what was for hitting him before he rolled the barrel. The ruling I needed was if the
Bandit could be in defense stance for this from Gman. I had assumed yes, but wanted to be sure as if he
could then you would of hit.)
6:07 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (couldn't*)
6:07 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Roll damage!)
6:07 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (I can take it!)
6:07 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (I cant take THAT much damage)
6:09 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] The explosion catches you, the eta that ran, several buildings, and of
course the bandit guard! Building fall, though the explosion blows out the fires nearby from it's force.
(69 damage in 100ft radius. GD saves you from dying!)
6:10 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] wewt!)
6:11 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Move back to other room?)
6:11 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (At least you kept them from getting it to a more integral part. And
User Hida Tsuyosa has left this room.
You have exited Expansion District: Heavily Engaged Badass Bandit.
You have entered Expansion District Heavy Engaged.
6:12 PM [Hiruma Yoko] ((I'm ded. If it makes you feel any better.))
User GM Tenrub has entered this room.
6:12 PM [GM Gman] There is a massive explosion near where Tsuyosa would be, a ball of white hot
heat and light erupts engulfing the area around it with a feral power unlike any you have ever know.
And yet, here the fires have already done much of their work, and so the explosion finds little fuel
while you did lose half the district, if that cart had made it to the center....the entire district would have
gone up in smoke. (Partial Success. Good job, Yoko I thought you had GD?)
6:13 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Lands somewhere near the party, Maybe dead?, Nah, His arm raised up
weakly and he gave them a thumbs up.
6:14 PM [GM Gman] The ronin, seeing that the explosion has gone off, through down their weapons in
an attempt to surrendur, honourable samurai they are not, yet apparently that was all they were fighting
6:15 PM [Aka Shatsu] ( is archer black still alive? )
6:15 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((pokes Tsuyosa))
6:16 PM [Hiruma Yoko] ((I am not actually ded, just close enough.))
6:16 PM [GM Gman] (Yes)
6:16 PM [Aka Shatsu] ( not anymore. )
6:16 PM [Akodo Masaru] (Would stopping the cart sooner been a better outcome? Curious.) Masaru
raises a hand to shield his eyes from the blast, gritting his teeth and turning back to the Ronin. The grip
around his magari-yari tightening as he considers their surrender.
6:16 PM [GM Gman] (Yes if you had stopped the cart and taken care of the final ronin quickly enough
the explosion never would have happened.)
6:17 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] Ryouta raises his katana as high as it will go - which probably means about
eye-level, because he is full of damn arrows. "On your knees, hands behind your heads. On my word,
we will accept your surrender for now if you cooperate. Understand, though, you will be turned over to
the city's rulers at the first chance."
6:18 PM [Aka Shatsu] "Trust me *pats head* This is what was supposed to be. I know better." *draws
a knife over archer black*
6:18 PM [GM Gman] As Aka Shatsu casually murders one Archer, the remaining archers are of the
opinion that they should run the hell away. They proceed to do so leaving behind their dropped bows.
The two axe men who haven't taken any injuries yet, look at Ryouta and then at Shatsu.... and also run
the hell away.
6:19 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Rolling onto his back took apparently way to much effort, his body blackened
from the blast, He was bleeding from the odd cut and bruise, and was that a bone sticking out of his
arm?, and was that a bit of the Cart in the meat of his thigh? "Did.. anyone see that Oni.." he was dazed.
6:19 PM Aka Shatsu puts the knife away and skips off as if nothing had happened
6:19 PM [Aka Shatsu] ( humming all the way )
6:20 PM [Akodo Masaru] "RONIN!" He turns, barking at Aka, a fury in his eyes.
6:20 PM [Mirumoto Shin] Shin raises an eyebrow as Aka does that. "Ronin-san? What was that?" he
says, canting his head.
User GM Tenrub has signed out.
6:20 PM Aka Shatsu pauses to turn around and look to the lion, an innocent look on her face
6:21 PM Ichiro Mitsunari looks around a little dazed then frowns slightly at the sky and walks over to
help Tsuyosa up
6:21 PM [Kitsu Haru] "Someone should fetch an eta to get the wounded tended to," pants the tired little
shugenja who could.
6:21 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (Pretty sure he needs more then just help up... pretty sure he's at Out.)
6:21 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((ah))
6:21 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] Considering Aka just made the group a bunch of liars, Ryouta is more than
willing to let unarmed combatants flee. Cause rules of engagement and all. He does turn, limping a bit,
to scowl at Aka. "We do not murder prisoners. If a man surrenders, whatever else you think of him, you
do not summarily kill them."
6:22 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (GD puts me at Down.)
6:22 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] Mitsunari will check to see if he is still breathing then head off at a trot to
get healers.
6:22 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (That's still Void to even move on your own so...)
6:22 PM [Aka Shatsu] "ok." *she smiled* "it was just his time, they told me." *starts humming again*
As the evening of battle grows, the sky turns white as an explosion rocks the city... coming from the
expansion district.
6:23 PM [GM Gman] Whatever they feed Hida, it's enough to make sure he still lives, in spite of
massive trauma to his body.
6:23 PM [Kakita Ueda] "Ryouta-sama, this one obviously has no honor. Do not consider his act to be
shaming your words."
6:23 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (I am not exactly going to run a marathon in my current state, Gunna be
bedridden for a week or more)
6:23 PM [Mirumoto Shin] "Who?" Shin asks quietly, but firmly. "Who told you to do that?"
6:23 PM [Aka Shatsu] "SHHHHH!" *puts up a finger, and tilts her head to listen for something*
6:24 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Ichiro's massive strength was enough to move him, but he protested heavily..
"I just.. need to lay down.. for a while."
... boom.
6:24 PM [Aka Shatsu] "nope. nevermind." *turns to the lion* "ok." *smiles* "it was just his time, they
told me"
6:25 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((when I get back with the healers you'll be right as rain in no
or 3 weeks tops))
6:25 PM Aka Shatsu hums and skips down the road again as if nothing ever happened
6:25 PM [Akodo Masaru] "I'm not dealing with this insane woman." He practically sneers before
stalking over toward Yoko, leaning down to check her condition.
6:25 PM [Mirumoto Shin] "WHO." Shin says firmer now, his normally jovial expression gone, his
hand set on the hilt of his katana.
6:25 PM [GM Gman] Okay so clearly the Crab are just insane, because she too still breathes however
6:25 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] Ryouta removes a small cloth to wipe the blood from his katana, though he
does not yet sheathe it - he does nod at the Crane, though. "I agree with your first statement, but not
your own. A unit fights together. The actions of one reflect on the actions of all." And then he scowls
back at the ronin. Though Shin does appear to have it in hand.
6:26 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] "Throw.. some shoju on it.. I'l be ready for the wall in a day.." he murmers.
6:27 PM [Kitsu Haru] As there's a very bright and loud boom, the shugenja falls and begins convulsing.
Oh, Epilepsy.
6:27 PM [Akodo Masaru] (He meant Aka!) He'd note her breathing, nodding a bit and turning back.
"We need a healer for Hiruma-san too." He then looked over to Tsuyosa a moment, offering a nod.
"Well done, Hida-sama."
6:27 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] the broken arm rose, a thumbs up.
6:28 PM Aka Shatsu was far more interested in the convulsing crane than anything else. she leaned
over him with great curiousity. she had apparently not heard the dragon
6:29 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] Ryouta sighs the sigh of the world weary younger brother and literally kicks
the ronin away from Haru, because Haru is a Lion and not a Crane and also Ryouta's brother.
6:29 PM [Kakita Ueda] Ueda gets betwin Shatsu and Haru, his hand on the hilt of his katana
6:30 PM [Kakita Ueda] (wait where is this coming from ryouta? D:)
6:31 PM [Kakita Ueda] (nvm)
6:31 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] ( )
6:31 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] ".. I dont want to.. alarm you.. guys.. But Get buckets.. and maybe a bottle of
saki.. the district is on fire, and.. some of us are injured.. deal with ronin bitch.. later."
6:31 PM [Mirumoto Shin] Shin cants his head again, and frowns, shaking his head. The Dragon moves
towards the shugenja on the floor, keeping an eye on him. "Keep her away from the wounded. She
could be Lost, under the influences of another Realm, or worse."
6:32 PM [Kakita Ueda] (*he)
6:32 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] There was very definite grunts of pain thru his teeth.
6:32 PM Kitsu Haru comes out of that little spat of less than glorious ailment relatively swiftly, laying
back on the ground and groaning as his pain begins to subside.
6:32 PM Aka Shatsu looks no worse for wear as she gets up and brushed herself off. she shrugged, and
her head turned sharply to the left. She paused to listen, then once more humming, started away
6:32 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] Sword still in hand, Ryouta stands over his brother - apparently arrows do
make Ikoma stronger, who knew? "I'll keep a watch on Haru. The kami take him like this sometimes, it
will end soon." And apparently as that happens, he nods. "Very soon, usually."
6:33 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((Mitsunari can return with healers now, a temple can't be far))
6:33 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((y'know, if anyone needs it that is >.>))
6:33 PM [GM Gman] (They're kind of swampped but sure)
6:33 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((I will physically carry them if necessary :))
6:33 PM [Kakita Ueda] (<- took no damage)
6:34 PM [Mirumoto Shin] ((You took was just healed.))
6:34 PM [Akodo Masaru] He walks over to Kitsu and slides a nage-yari from his quiver, handing it to
Ryouta. "For him to bite down on." And with yanno, the district on fire and the Hida's words making
sense. "I'll do what I can to organize the effort." And the Akodo is off! Trying his best to order the fire
brigades? Whatever they're called to put the fire out.
6:34 PM [Kakita Ueda] (yeah, I ended with no damage :P)
User Aka Shatsu has left this room.
6:35 PM [GM Gman] Alright folks if you want to RP some more feel free, but the scene is now
officially over.
6:35 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] Thank you!
6:35 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] Thanks for that!)
6:35 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (was lots of fun, very awesome!)
6:35 PM [Kitsu Haru] (Thank you for it! Twas much fun)
6:35 PM [Kakita Ueda] Very nice scene
6:35 PM [Akodo Masaru] (Thank you so much! I loved it! And for running this off the cuff I really
apperciate it.)
6:35 PM [Mirumoto Shin] Thanks a lot Gman! Good stuff!
6:35 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] Mitsunari will bow slightly to each samurai "It was an honor to fight
alongside you"
6:35 PM [GM Gman] Glad you enjoyed.
6:36 PM [GM Gman] Now if you'll excuse me I have pizza calling my name
6:36 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((yeah thanks everyone :)))
6:36 PM [Hiruma Yoko] ((Fwoosh.))
User Hiruma Yoko has left this room.
6:36 PM [GM Gman] But first, thank you all for making this scene work
User GM Gman has signed out.
6:36 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Sorry if i wa..)
6:36 PM [Kakita Ueda] woot
6:36 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (I was going to say, sorry if i was a hard player to ST for xD)
6:36 PM [Kakita Ueda] (st?)
6:36 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((I think over 90 damage missed me by 1 point that fight o.o))
6:37 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (xD)
6:37 PM [Badass Bandit Guard] (It's why I was called in! I just had to make sure we didn't get ahead in
case someone else ran up to join us!)
6:37 PM [Akodo Masaru] (Ya! You were like, so lucky. I was telling Shin on the side.)
6:37 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (Ryouta totally taking credit for telling the archer to shoot the eta.)
6:37 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (xD)
6:37 PM [Kakita Ueda] Dem healz
6:37 PM [Akodo Masaru] (The archer that then proceeded to murder a bandit and make you a liar. >_>)
6:37 PM [Kakita Ueda] <3
6:37 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] LOL!)
6:37 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (i know }
6:37 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (So I heard there was heals Haru.)
6:38 PM [Mirumoto Shin] (PC Blinders, yo. Should've just killed her.)
6:38 PM [Kakita Ueda] (You're no liar for me!)
6:38 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (there was totes Haru-heals)
6:38 PM [Mirumoto Shin] (But IC it's safer to kill 'em. Might be Lost, walking around with some fancy
6:38 PM [Kitsu Haru] (I do have one last one! Hida, you get it 'cause you got 'sploded.)
6:38 PM [Ikoma Ryouta] (psh, Lion hold grudges! we can kill Aka 800 years from now if we want to!)
6:38 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] It was a bit early for PVP Give her two days)
6:38 PM [Akodo Masaru] (Tsuyosa is right with half the district burning there were priorities.)
6:38 PM [Mirumoto Shin] (But the disrespect )
6:38 PM [Hida Tsuyosa] (Yay!)
6:39 PM [Ichiro Mitsunari] ((I'm somehwat suprised she's still alive :P)
6:39 PM [Kakita Ueda] You don't pvp without asking your daimyo first x)

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