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BERNARDO ET AL V. NLRC & FEBC The uniform employment contracts of the
GR NO. 122917, 12 JULY 1999 petitioners stipulated that they shall be trained
for a period of one month, after which the
FACTS: employer shall determine whether or not they
The dismissed complainants, numbering should be allowed to finish the 6-month term of
43, are deaf-mutes who were hired on the contract. Furthermore, the employer may
various periods from 1988 to 1993 by respondent terminate the contract at any time for a just and
Far East Bank and Trust Co. as Money Sorters and reasonable cause. Unless renewed in writing by
Counters through a uniformly worded agreement the employer, the contract shall automatically
called "Employment Contract for Handicapped expire at the end of the term. The stipulations
Workers". Disclaiming that complainants were in the employment contracts indubitably
regular employees, respondent Far East Bank conform with Art. 80 LC
and Trust Company maintained that w/c provides for the requisites in the employmen
complainants were hired temporarily under a t agreement between an employer whoemploys
special employment arrangement which was a handicapped workers. Succeeding events
result of overtures made by some civic and and the enactment of RA No. 7277 (the
political personalities to the respondent Bank; Magna Carta for Disabled Persons), however,
that complainant[s] were hired due to justify the application of Article 280of the Labor
"pakiusap"; that the tellers themselves already Code.
did the sorting and counting chore as a regular
feature and integral part of their duties; that HOURS OF WORK
through the "pakiusap" of Arturo Borjal, "BROTHERHOOD" LABOR UNITY MOVEMENT OF
the tellers were relieved of this task of counting THE PHILIPPINES, ANTONIO CASBADILLO, ET AL.,
and sorting bills in favor of deaf-mutes without V. HON. RONALDO B. ZAMORA
creating new positions as there is no position G.R. NO. L-48645. JANUARY 7, 1987
either in the respondent or in any other bank in
the Philippines which deals with purely counting
and sorting of bills in banking operations. The LA
&, on appeal, the NLRC ruled against petitioners,
holding that they could not be deemed regular
employees since they were hired as an
accommodation to the recommendation of civic
oriented personalities whose employments were
covered by Employment Contracts w/
special provisions on duration of contract as
specified under Art. 80. Hence, the terms of the
contract shall be the law between the parties.

ISSUE: Whether petitioners have become regular


Only the employees, who worked for
more than six months and whose contracts were
renewed are deemed regular. Hence, their
dismissal from employment was illegal. The facts,
viewed in light of the Labor Code and the Magna
Carta for Disabled Persons indubitably show
that the petitioners, except sixteen of them,
should be deemed regular employees.



venture and clarified further that the agreement

to pay Nasayao’s share in the net income is
limited if there is any income, and during those
three months, Continental had no such profits to
speak of to give Nasayao his share. When the
matter was submitted for voluntary arbitration,
Continental challenged the capacity of the
arbitrator, but arbitrator refused and rendered
judgment awarding money claims to Nasayao.
Petitioner appealed citing labor arbiter for grave
abuse of discretion and that the resulting
judgment was not supported by evidence.
Nasayao filed a motion to dismiss citing that the
Labor Arbiter’s decision is final [subject to
exhaustion of administrative remedies]and
thereafter filed a motion for writ of execution.
NLRC dismissed the appeal and ordered
petitioners to comply with the earlier decision.

ISSUE: WON Nasayao is an employee.

No. The Court accords respect and finality to
the decisions of quasi-judicial agencies, but when
the same is not supported by substantial
evidence, the Court will intervene. In this case,
the finding of Nasayao as an employee of
Continental by the Voluntary Arbitrator is
not supported by substantial evidence:

(1) It was impossible for Continental Marble

to hire a plant manager on account of its
business reverses at the time;
CONTINENTAL MARBLE CORP. AND FELIPE (2) he was not included in the payroll nor in
DAVID V. NLRC (G.R. NO. L-43825 MAY 9, 1988) the list of employees submitted by the
Continental to SSS;
Nature of the Case: (3) the element of control is wanting for:
A petition for mandamus, prohibition and certior
ari with preliminary injunction seeking to annul N (a) Nasayao was free to conduct
LRC’s decision dismissing appeal ofpetitioners. performance of his work;
(b) at his own time;
FACTS: (c)was compensated as a result of his
Nasayao claims to have been employed as own efforts.
plant manager with a monthly income equivalent
of P 3,000 or 25% net monthly income of And since there was no employment
Continental Marble (Continental) [whichever is relationship between Continental Marble and
greater] which he alleged to have failed his three Nasayao, there is no basis for the award of
months income sometime in 1974, thus ought unpaid wages or salaries.
from the NLRC recovery of such unpaid salary.
Continental denies such employment status and
insists that the relationship is that of a joint INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE CO. V. NLRC



(NOV. 15, 1989) employee of the petitioner, but a commission

FACTS: agent, an independent contract whose claim for
Insular Life (company) and Basiao entered unpaid commissions should have been litigated
into a contract by which Basiao was authorized to in an ordinary civil action. Wherefore, the
solicit for insurance in accordance with the rules complaint of Basiao is dismissed.
of the company. He would also receive
compensation, in the form of commissions. The JARDIN V. NLRC
contract also contained the relations of G.R. NO. 119268
the parties, duties of the agent and the acts FEBRUARY 23, 2000
prohibited to him including the modes of NATURE:
termination. After 4 years, the parties entered Special civil action for certiorari seeks to annul
into another contract – an Agency Manager’s the decision of public respondent in which denied
Contact – and to implement his end of it, Basiao the petitioners motion for reconsideration.
organized an agency while concurrently fulfilling
his commitment under the first contract. The FACTS:
company terminated the Agency Manager’s Petitioners were taxi drivers
Contract. Basiao sued the company in a civil of private respondent, Philjama International,
action. Thus, the company terminated Basiao’s Inc., a domestic corporation engaged in the
engagement under the first contract and stopped operation of “Goodman Taxi”. Petitioners drive
payment of his commissions. the taxicabs every other day on a 24-hour work
schedule under the boundary system. They earn
ISSUE: W/N Basiao had become the company’s an average of P400.00 daily. Private respondents
employee by virtue of the contract, thereby deduct petitioners daily earning by P30.00 for
placing his claim for unpaid commissions the washing of the taxi units. Petitioner believes
that such action by the PR is illegal so they form a
HELD: labor union to protect their rights and interests.
No. Rules and regulations governing the
conduct of the business are provided for in the In effect, PR upon learning their plans
Insurance Code. These rules merely serve as refused to let petitioners drive their taxicabs
guidelines towards the achievement of the when they report for work starting Aug. 6, 1991
mutually desired result without dictating the and on succeeding days. Petitioners filed with the
means or methods to be employed in attaining it. labor arbiter a complaint against PR for unfair
Its aim is only to promote the result, thereby labor, illegal dismissal and illegal deduction of
creating no employer-employee relationship. It is washing fees > > > DENIED lack of merit.
usual and expected for an insurance company to
promulgate a set of rules to guide its commission Appeal: NLRC reversed and set aside the decision
agents in selling its policies which prescribe the of Labor arbiter. That petitioners are employees
qualifications of persons who may be insured. of PR and such dismissal must be for just cause
None of these really invades the agent’s and after due process.
contractual prerogative to adopt his own
selling methods or to sell insurance at his own 1st motion for recon>>>DENIED.
time and convenience, hence cannot justifiable
be said to establish an employer-employee 2nd recon granted: that petitioners and PR have
relationship between Basiao and the no employer-employee relationship. Petitioners
company. The respondents limit themselves to sought reconsideration>>>DENIED. Hence, this
pointing out that Basiao’s contract with the instant petition.
company bound him to observe and conform to
such rules. No showing that such rules were in fac ISSUE/S: Whether employer-employee
t promulgated which effectivelycontrolled or relationship exists in boundary system?
restricted his choice of methods of selling
insurance. Therefore, Basiao was not an HELD:



YES. The Court used the Four Fold Test: ISSUE: Whether or not rendering caddying
(1) the selection and engagement of the services for members of golf clubs and their
employees; guests in said clubs courses or premises are the
(2) the payment of wages; employees of such clubs and therefore within the
(3) the power of dismissal; compulsory coverage of the Social Security
(4) the power of control the employees System (SSS).
conduct (most important).
The court ruled that owners/operators and The Court does not agree that the facts
drivers have employer- employee relationship logically point to the employer-employee
because the former exercise supervision and relationship. In the very nature of things, caddies
control over the latter. The management of the must submit to some supervision of their conduct
business is in the hands of the owner. while enjoying the privilege of pursuing their
occupation within the premises and grounds of
The owner as the holder of the certificate whatever club they do work in. They work for the
of public convenience must see to it that thedrive club to which they attach themselves on
r follows the route prescribed by the franchising sufferance but, on the other hand, also without
authority and the rules promulgated as regards having to observe any working hours, free to
its operation. The fact that the drivers do not leave anytime they please, to stay away for as
receive fixed wages but only excess in boundary long they like. These considerations clash
is not sufficient to withdraw employer-employee frontally with the concept of employment. It can
relationship. Hence, petitioners as employees of happen that a caddy who has rendered services
PR can only be dismissed for just cause and with to a player on one day may still find sufficient
due process. Petition is granted. Private time to work elsewhere. Under such
respondent were ordered to reinstate petitioners circumstances, the caddy may leave the premises
to their positions and likewise ordered to and to go to such other place of work that he
pay petitioners their full backwages. wishes. These are things beyond the control of
the petitioner. The caddy (LLamar) is not an
MANILA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB, INC. VS. employee of petitioner Manila Golf and Country
IAC AND FERMIN LLAMARG.R. NO. 64948 Club and the petitioner is under no obligation to
SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 report him for compulsory coverage of SSS.
This is originally filed with the Social
Security Commission (SSC) via petition of 17 DY KEH BENG v. INTERNATIONAL LABOR and
persons who styled themselves as “Caddies of MARINE UNION OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL.
Manila Golf and Country Club”- PTCCEA for the G.R. No. L-32245. May 25, 1979
coverage and availment of benefits of the Social FACTS:
Security Act as amended, PTCCEA (Philippine A charge of unfair labor practice was filed
Technical, Clerical, Commercial Employees against Dy Keh Beng, a proprietor of a basket
Association) a labor organization where which factory, by dismissing Solano and Tudla for their
they claim for membership. The same time two union activities. Dy Keh Beng contended that he
other proceedings were filed and pending. These did not know Tudla and Solano was not his
are certification election case filed by PTCCEA on employee because the latter came to the
behalf of the same caddies of Manila Golf and establishment only when there was work which
Country club which was in favor of the caddies he did on “pakiaw basis”. Dy Keh Beng countered
and compulsory arbitration case involving with a special defense of simple extortion
PTCCEA and Manila Golf and Country Club which committed by the head of the labor union.
was dismissed and ruled that there was no
employer-employee relationship between the ISSUE: W/N there existed an employee-employer
caddies and the club. relation between petitioner and respondents.




Yes. Evidence showed that the work of ISSUE: WON employer-employee relationship
Solano and Tudla was continuous except in the existed between petitioner and ABS-CBN.
event of illness, although their services were
compensated on piece basis. The control test HELD:
calls for the existence of the right to control the NO. Applying the control test to the
manner of doing the work, not the actual exercise present case, we find that SONZA is not an
of the right considering that Dy Keh Beng is employee but an independent contractor. The
engaged in the manufacture of baskets known as control test is the most important test our courts
“kaing”, those working under Dy would be apply in distinguishing an employee from an
subject to Dy’s specifications such as the size and independent Contractor. This test is based on the
quality of the “kaing”. And since the laborers are extent of control the hirer exercises over a
done at Dy’s establishments, it could be inferred worker. The greater the supervision and control
that Dy could easily exercise control upon them. the hirer exercises, the more likely the worker is
As to the contention that Solano was not an deemed an employee. The converse holds true as
employee because he worked on piece basis, the well – the less control the hirer exercises, the
court ruled that it should be determined that if more likely the worker is considered an
indeed payment by piece is just a method of independent contractor.
compensation and does not define the essence of We find that ABS-CBN was not involved in the
the relation. actual performance that produced the finished
product of SONZA’s work. ABS-CBN did not
Payment cannot be construed by piece instruct SONZA how to perform his job. ABS-CBN
where work is done in such establishment so as merely reserved the right to modify the program
to put the worker completely at liberty to turn format and airtime schedule “for more effective
him out and take it another at pleasure. Justice programming.” ABS-CBN’s sole concern was the
Perfecto also contended that pakyaw system is a quality of the shows and their standing in the
labor contract between employers and ratings. Clearly, ABS-CBN did not exercise control
employees between capitalists and laborers. over the means and methods of performance of
Wherefore, the award of backwages is modified SONZA’s work.
to an award of backwages for 3 years at the rated
of compensation the employees were receiving at In any event, not all rules imposed by the
the time of dismissal. hiring party on the hired party indicate that the
latter is an employee of the former. In this case,
SONZA failed to show that these rules controlled
SONZA V. ABS-CBN BROADCASTING CORP. his performance. We find that these general rules
(G.R. NO. 138051) JUNE 10, 2004 are merely guidelines towards the achievement
FACTS: of the mutually desired result, which are top-
Respondent ABS-CBN signed an rating television and radio programs that comply
Agreement with the Mel and Jay Management with standards of the industry. Being an exclusive
Development Corporation where the latter talent does not by itself mean that SONZA is an
agreed to provide petitioner Sonza’s services employee of ABS-CBN. Even an independent
exclusively to ABS-CBN as talent for radio and contractor can validly provide his services
television. Later, Sonza tendered a letter exclusively to the hiring party. In the broadcast
rescinding their agreement and filed a complaint industry, exclusivity is not necessarily the same as
before the DOLE for payment of his labor control.
standard benefits. ABS-CBN contends on the
ground that no employer-employee relationship *Not every performance of services for a fee
existed between the parties. The Labor Arbiter creates an employer-employee relationship. To
found for respondent citing that Sonza as a hold that every person who renders services to
‘talent’ cannot be considered an employee of another for a fee is an employee – to give
petitioner. Both NLRC and CA affirmed. meaning to the security of tenure clause – will
lead to absurd results.




FACTS: Petitioner National Sugar Refineries
Petitioner is a domestic corporation Corporation (NASUREFCO), a corporation which is
engaged in business management and sale of fully owned and controlled by the Government,
securities. It has two classes of agents who sell its operates three (3) sugar refineries located at
investment plans: Bukidnon, Iloilo and Batangas. Private respondent
1). Salaried employees who keep definite union represents the former supervisors of the
hours and work under control and NASUREFCO Batangas Sugar Refinery.
supervision of the company, and
2). Registered representatives who work on In 1988, petitioner implemented a Job
commission basis. Evaluation (JE) Program affecting all employees,
from rank-and-file to department heads. We
In 1960, the petitioner applied to the Social glean from the records that for about ten years
Security System, the respondent, for exemption prior to the JE Program, the members of
of the registered representatives from the respondent union were treated in the same
compulsory coverage of the Social Security Act manner as rank-and file employees. As such, they
but later denied. used to be paid overtime, rest day and holiday
pay pursuant to the provisions of Articles 87, 93
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner’s registered and 94 of the Labor Code as amended.
representatives are employees within the
meaning of the Social Security Act. With the implementation of the JE
Program, members of respondent union were re-
HELD: classified under levels S-5 to S-8 which are
NO. Wherefore the employee was defined considered managerial staff for purposes of
by the Social Security Act as: Any person who compensation and benefits. In May 1990,
performs services for an employer in which either petitioner NASUREFCO recognized herein
or both mental and physical efforts are used and respondent union, which was organized pursuant
who receives compensation for such services, to Republic Act No. 6715 allowing supervisory
where there is an employer-employee employees to form their own unions, as the
relationship: Provided, That a self-employed bargaining representative of all the supervisory
professional shall be both employee and employees at the NASUREFCO Batangas Sugar
employer at the same time. (As amended by Sec. Refinery.
4, R.A. 2658 and Sec. 2, P.D. No. 1636, S-1979)
The representatives are in reality commission In June 1990, the members of herein respondent
agents. They cannot be considered employees for union filed a complainant with the executive
they were just paid not by the investor but in a labor arbiter for non-payment of overtime, rest
form of a commission, their services may be day and holiday pay allegedly in violation of
terminated at any certain time, and there is no Article 100 of the Labor Code.
element of control for they do not devote their
time exclusively to or solely for the petitioner; the In 1991, Executive Labor Arbiter Pido directed
time and the effort they spend in their work NASUREFCO to pay for the wages complained of.
depend upon entirely upon their own will and
initiative. On appeal, in a decision promulgated on July
1991, respondent National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC) affirmed the decision of the
labor arbiter on the ground that the members of
respondent union are not managerial employees,
and, therefore, they are entitled to overtime, rest
day and holiday pay. Respondent NLRC declared



that these supervisory employees are merely former positions, there was nothing to prevent
exercising recommendatory powers subject to them from refusing to accept their promotions
the evaluation, review and final action by their and their corresponding benefits. As the saying
department heads. goes by, they could not, as a simple matter of law
and fairness, get the best of both worlds at the
ISSUE: WON the Supervisors are considered expense of NASUREFCO.
Managerial Employees and should no longer
receive overtime, rest day and holiday pay. Promotion of its employees is one of the
jurisprudentially-recognized exclusive
HELD: prerogatives of management, provided it is done
Yes. Art. 82 Coverage. — The provisions of in good faith. In the case at bar, private
this title shall apply to employees in all respondent union has miserably failed to
establishments and undertakings whether for convince this Court that the petitioner acted
profit or not, but not to government employees, implementing the JE Program. There is no
managerial employees, field personnel, members showing that the JE Program was intended to
of the family of the employer who are dependent circumvent the law and deprive the members of
on him for support, domestic helpers, persons in respondent union of the benefits they used to
the personal service of another, and workers who receive.
are paid by results as determined by the
Secretary of Labor in Appropriate regulations. AUTO BUS TRANSPORT VS BAUTISTA
As used herein, 'managerial employees' G.R. NO. 156367, MAY 16, 2005
refer to those whose primary duty consists of the FACTS:
management of the establishment in which they Bautista, a driver-conductor of the
are employed or of a department or subdivision Autobus transport, was dismissed after his failure
thereof, and to other officers or members of the to pay an amount demanded by the company for
managerial staff." (Emphasis supplied.) the repair of the bus damaged in an accident
caused by him. He receives compensation by way
It is the submission of petitioner that while the of commission per travel. Bautista complained for
members of respondent union, as supervisors, illegal dismissal with money claims for
may not be occupying managerial positions, they nonpayment of 13th month pay and service
are clearly officers or members of the managerial incentive leave pay against Autobus.
staff because they meet all the conditions
prescribed by law and, hence, they are not Auto Bus’ Defenses:
entitled to overtime, rest day. Bautista’s employment was replete with
offenses involving reckless imprudence, gross
Quintessentially, with the promotion of the union negligence, and dishonesty supported with copies
members, they are no longer entitled to the of letters, memos, irregularity reports, warrants
benefits which attach and pertain exclusively to of arrest; In the exercise of management
their positions. Entitlement to the benefits prerogative, Bautista was terminated only after
provided for by law requires prior compliance providing for an opportunity to explain:
with the conditions set forth therein. With the
promotion of the members of respondent union, Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint however
they occupied positions which no longer met the awarded Bautista his 13th month pay and service
requirements imposed by law. Their assumption incentive leave pay.
of these positions removed them from the
coverage of the law, ergo, their exemption Auto Bus appealed. NLRC deleted the 13th month
therefrom. pay award. In the CA, NLRC’s decision was
As correctly pointed out by petitioner, if the
union members really wanted to continue ISSUE: WON respondent is entitled to service
receiving the benefits which attach to their incentive leave pay.




Yes. Under Article 95 of the Labor Code, ASSOCIATION-AFW ET. AL VS. NLRC
every employee who has rendered at least one G.R. NO. 126383, NOVEMBER 28, 1997
year or service shall be entitled to a yearly service FACTS:
incentive leave of five days with pay. In Section 1, Then Labor Secretary Franklin M. Drilon
Rule V, Book III of the Implementing Rules and issued Policy Instruction No. 4 in line with R.A.
Regulations of the Labor Code, the rule shall 5901 which “requires that the covered hospital
apply to all, except… (d) Field personnel and workers who used to work 7 days a week should
other employees whose performance is be paid for such number of days for working only
unsupervised by the employer including those 5 days or 40 hours a week”.
who are engaged on task or contract basis, purely Petitioners filed a complaint for the expeditious
commission basis, or those who are paid in a implementation and payment by respondent”
fixed amount for performing work irrespective of Juan De Dios Hospital “. The Labor Arbiter and
the time consumed in the performance thereof. NLRC both dismissed their complaints and MR
was also denied. Hence, this petition.
Petitioner’s contention that Bautista is not
entitled to service incentive leave because he is In said Policy Instruction, it was provided
paid on a purely commission basis must fail. The that: “The Labor Code in its Article 83 adopts and
phrase following “Field personnel” should not be incorporates the basic provisions of RA 5901 and
construed as a separate classification of retains its spirit and intent which is to shorten the
employees but is merely an amplification of the workweek of covered hospital personnel and at
definition of field personnel defined under the the same time assure them of a full weekly
Labor Code. Bautista neither falls under the wage.”
category field personnel. As defined, field
personnel are those whose performance of ISSUE: WON the intent of Art. 83, LCP, is that
service is unsupervised by the employer, the persons in subject hospitals and clinics who have
workplace being away from the principal place of completed the 40-hour/5-day workweek in any
business and whose hours and days of work given workweek are entitled to a full weekly
cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. wage for seven days.
Bus companies have ways of determining the
hours worked by their drivers and conductors HELD:
with reasonable certainty. The courts have taken No.
judicial notice of the following: What Article 83 merely provides are:
1. Along the routes traveled, there are (1) the regular office hour of eight hours a
inspectors assigned at strategic places day, five days per week for health
who board the bus to inspect the personnel, and
passengers, the punched tickets, and the (2) where the exigencies of service require
conductor’s reports; that health personnel work for six days or
2. There is a mandatory once-a week car forty-eight hours then such health
barn or shop day, where the bus is personnel shall be entitled to an
regularly checked; additional compensation of at least thirty
3. The drivers and conductors must be at percent of their regular wage for work on
specified place and time, as they observe the sixth day.
prompt departure and arrival;
There is nothing in the law that supports
At every depot, there is always a dispatcher then Secretary of Labor’s assertion that
whose function is to see to it that the bus and “personnel in subject hospitals and clinics are
crew leaves and arrives at the estimated proper entitled to a full weekly wage for seven (7) days if
time. By these reasons, drivers and conductors they have completed the 40-hour/5-day
are therefore under constant supervision while in workweek in any given workweek”.
the performance of their work.



Also, if petitioners are entitled to two days off exercised in good faith for the advancement of
with pay, then there appears to be no sense at all the employer’s interest and not for the purpose
why Section 15 of the implementing rules grants of defeating or circumventing the rights of the
additional compensation equivalent to the employees under special laws or under valid
regular rate plus at least twenty-five percent agreements. Further, the new work schedule also
thereof for work performed on Sunday to health benefits the workers as they can now enjoy a
personnel, or an “additional straight-time pay longer lunch break of 1 hour instead of the old
which must be equivalent at least to the regular 30-minute break and they can enjoy it without
rate” ” for work performed in excess of forty being interrupted as they’re no longer on call. For
hours a week. a full one-hour undisturbed lunch break, the
employees can freely and effectively use this
SIME DARBY V. NLRC hour not only for eating but also for their rest and
FACTS: comfort which are conducive to more efficiency
The workers of Sime Darby Pilipinas, Inc. and better performance in their work.
have a an 8-hour daily schedule which starts at
7:45 am and ends at 3:45 pm. They have a 30- NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY VS.
minute paid lunch break but during said break, COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND
they are “on call” hence can be pulled out at any NATIONAL TEXTILE WORKERS UNION
time if the need arises. However, in August 1992, G.R. NO. L-15422, NOVEMBER 30, 1962
Sime Darby issued a memorandum which
changed the working schedule from 7:45 am to FACTS:
4:45 pm. This time, all employees will have a one- At the National Development Co., a
hour lunch break which is no longer paid but at government-owned and controlled corporation,
the same time, employees will no longer be “on there were four shifts of work. One shift was
call”. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., while the three other shifts
were from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m; then from 2 p.m. to
The labor union (Sime Darby Salaried 10 p.m. and, finally, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. In
Employees Association) opposed the revised each shift, there was a one-hour mealtime
schedule. The union insists that the scrapping of period, to wit: From (1) 11 a.m. to 12 noon for
the 30-minute paid lunch break is a diminution of those working between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. and
benefits. from (2) 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for those working
between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.
ISSUE: Whether or not the new memorandum
constitutes diminution of benefits. (Petitioner does not want to pay for the 1 hour
lunch time) The records disclose that although
HELD: there was a one-hour mealtime, petitioner
No. It is a valid exercise of management nevertheless credited the workers with eight
prerogative. In the old schedule, the workers hours of work for each shift and paid them for
were paid for eight hours and included in that is the same number of hours. However, since 1953,
the paid 30-minute lunch break. In the new whenever workers in one shift were required to
schedule, the workers are still paid for 8 hours, so continue working until the next shift, petitioner
there’s really no diminution of benefit. It would instead of crediting them with eight hours of
be unfair on the part of Sime Darby for the overtime work, has been paying them for six
workers to be paid still for their new 1 hour break hours only, petitioner that the two hours
even though this time they are no longer “on corresponding to the mealtime periods should
call”. If that would be the case, the workers will not be included in computing compensation.
be unjustly enriched.
CIR: Mealtime should be counted in the
In this case, it is the right of Sime Darby as determination of overtime work
the employer to change the work schedules of
the workers so long as such prerogative is



ISSUE: WON mealtime breaks should be deducted the 4 hour period allotted for taking
considered working time their meals. These seamen seek the payment of
the meal period deducted by Luzon Stevedoring
HELD: in their compensation.
YES The legal working day for any person
employed by another shall be of not more than ISSUE: Whether or Not these seamen are entitled
eight hours daily. When the work is not for compensation on these 4 hour meal periods.
continuous, the time during which the laborer is
not working and can leave his working place and HELD:
can rest completely shall not be counted. (Sec. 1, Yes, they are entitled to be compensated
Com. Act No. 444) on the said meal period. Claimants
herein rendered services to the Company from
It will be noted that, under the law, the 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. including Sundays and
idle time that an employee may spend for resting holidays, which implies either that said laborers
and during which he may leave the spot or place were not given any recess at all, or that they were
of work though not the premises of his employer, not allowed to leave the spot of their working
is not counted as working time only where the place as this was an issue of facts, the Supreme
work is broken or is not continuous. In this case, Court did not alter the decision of the Trial Judge.
the CIR’s finding that work in the petitioner The Supreme Court however explained this on
company was continuous and did not permit the issue of idle time or the 4 hour meal period in
employees and laborers to rest completely is not this case: As We understand this term, a laborer
without basis in evidence and following our need not leave the premises of the factory, shop
earlier rulings, shall not disturb the same. or boat in order that his period of rest shall not
be counted, it being enough that he "cease to
The time cards show that the work was work", may rest completely and leave or may
continuous and without interruption. There is leave at his will the spot where he actually stays
also the evidence adduced by the petitioner that while working, to go somewhere else, whether
the pertinent employees can freely leave their within or outside the premises of said factory,
neither working place nor rest completely. There shop or boat. If these requisites are complied
is furthermore the aspect that during the period with, the period of such rest shall not be counted.
covered the computation the work was on a 24-
hour basis and previously stated divided into
shifts. (ang labo bakit “can freely leave their
working place nor rest completely” feeling ko
typo yan sa scra or ganun talaga?) From these
facts, the CIR correctly concluded that work in
petitioner company was continuous and
therefore the mealtime breaks should be counted
as working time for purposes of overtime


G.R. NO. L-9265, APRIL 29, 1957
The seamen working for Luzon
Stevedoring were asked to stay and work in their
tugboats or merely within its compound from
6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m or for 12 hours including
Sundays and holidays. Luzon stevedoring
however in its computation of overtime pay


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