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Specific Gravity Of Asphalt Test


This test is to determine the specific gravity of semi-solid

bitumen. The principle is that it is the ratio of mass of a
given volume of bitumen to the mass of an equal volume of
water, both taken at a recorded/specified temperature. This
can be done either by balance or by using picnometer.

1. To measure the quantities of materials in the Job Mix Formula (JMF).
2. To classify the materials according to the Sp.Gr..
3. To find the foreign material.

The apparatus needed to determine specific gravity of bitumen is
i) Specific gravity bottles of 25ml capacity.
ii) Water bath with thermometer.
iii) Balance.
1. Heating asphalt to (75 – 100)⁰C.
2. Mix the asphalt during the heating continuously for getting a uniform
and un air voids asphalt.
3. Cleaning the picnometer and weight it =(a) gm.
4. Fill the picnometer with pure water t 25 ⁰C and weight it =(b) gm.
5. Fill half of the picnometer with asphalt then cool it for half hour in
water at 25⁰C and weight it = (c) gm.
6. Fill the rest space remain from the picnometer in step (5) with water
at 25⁰C and weight it = (d) gm.
𝑆𝑝. 𝐺𝑟. =
(𝑏 − 𝑎) − (𝑑 − 𝑐)

 Test name and number:
 Testing temperature: ⁰C.
 Cooling time in 25⁰C water bath: min.
 Specific Gravity of Asphalt:

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