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Most common French housing expressions

aménagement = usually furnishment

ANIL(Agance Nationale pour l'Information sur le Logement) = a
national agency for information about accommodation
appart = shorter world for an apartment or flat
APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement) = one of state financial
assistance for accommodation
APS (Allocation de Logement Sociale) = one of state financial
assistance for accommodation
ascenseur = lift
assurance d'habitation = household insurance
bail = leasehold (the)
CAF (Caisses d'Allocations Familiale) = state assistance fund for
caution = deposit
cave = cellar
chambre = usually refers to a bedroom
charges = community and utility expenses, which are not be included
in the monthly rent
chauffage central = central heating
cheminée = fireplace
CHRS = Social Readjustment Centres (emergency housing)
claire = bright, well-lighted
climatisation = air conditioning
concierge = man or woman who takes care of the building
coquette = cute, or very small
cuisine americaine = breakfast counter kitchen or integrated kitchen
(generally in salon)
cuisine équipée = fitted kitchen
DDE (Direction départementale de l'équipement) = French
administration body responsable for accommodation
dépôt de garantie = deposit
double vitrage = double-glazed windows
durée du contrat = rental period
ensoleillé = sunny
entrée = entrance
étage = floor
état des lieux = Initial and final inventories
exposition = light exposure
FUAJ (Fédération Unie des Auberges de Jeunesse) = the French
branch of IYHF, International Youth Hostel Federation
gare = railway station
haut standing = high quality
HLM (Hébergement à loyer modéré) = state social housing
immeuble = building
immobilier = property
ISMH (Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques) = a
historically classified building
IYHF = International Youth Hostel Federation
jardin = garden
kitchenette = little kitchen
lavabo = sink
lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception = registered letter
with acknowledgement of reception
LFAJ (Ligue Française pour les Auberges de Jeunesse) = French
Youth Hostel Association
locateur = tenant
location = renting, rent
loyer = rent
maison = house
mansarde = usually a small under-roof service room
meublé = furnished
niveaux = levels
pièce = room
placard = cupboard
porte blandée = armour plated door
proche, prox = close to
propriétaires = landlord
rafraicheissement = repairs
rez-de-chaussée = ground floor
rénové = renovated
responsabilité civile = third-party liability
salle à manger = dinning room
salon = living room
à vendre = to sell/for sale
sous-sol = basement
studette = little studio or a service room
sud = oriented to South
taxe d'habitation = local taxes
UFJT (Union Nationale des Foyers pour Jeunes Travailleurs) = the
Association of Hostels for Young Workers
véranda = veranda, terrace
vide = empty , unfurnished
voisinage = neighborhood

Most common abbreviations in announces

The indicated number of rooms (pièces) in an advert includes
bedrooms, living & dining rooms, salons and studies, but excludes
kitchen, hallways and bathrooms. 4 pieces could be, for example, two
bedrooms, a living room and dining room abbreviated as T4 or F4. A
studio is usually one-room flat with a kitchen area.

amén. (aménagement) = usually improvement, transformation

appt (appartement) = apartment, flat
arr (arrondissement) = expression for quarter in Paris (there are 20)
asc (asanseur) = lift
bns (salle de bains) = bathroom
box = garage
bur (bureau) = office
CC (charge comprise) = rent including community and utility expenses
CC (commission comprise) = including commission fees
ch, chbr (chambre) = bedroom
cuis (cuisine) = kitchen
cuis amén (cuisine aménagé) = fitted kitchen
cuis. amér (cuisine americaine) = breakfast counter kitchen
ent. (entrée) = entrance
ét (étage) = floor
FAI (Frais d'agence inclus) = includes agency expenses
gge (garage) = covered parking
HSP (hauteur sous plafond) = high ceiling
imm (immeuble) = building
jard. (jardin) = garden
larg. (largeur) = length
ling (lingerie) = linen room
nbx (nombreux) = many
p (pièce) = room
park, pkg = parking
PdT (pierre de taille) = free stone building
pisc. (piscine) = swiming pool
prof. (profondeur) = depth
pte (porte) = door
px (prix) = price, rent
quart (quartier) = quarter, suburb
rdc, RdC (rez-de-chaussée) = ground floor
rés (résidence) = residence
s. d'eau (salle d'eau) = shower room
sdb, SdB (salle de bains) = bathroom
sdd, SdD (salle de douche) = a small bathroom without toilet
séj (séjour) = living room
sép. (séparé) = separate, usually for WC or kitchen
SH (Surface habitable) = surface of living space in metres sq.
s/terrain (sous terrain) = under ground
ss, s/s (salle de séjour) = living room
TBE (très bon état) = good condition
vd, vds (vends) = selling
voit (voiture) = car

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