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3.1 Preamble

The aim of this study is to assess the types of contracts used in the Nigerian construction industry

with a view to achieving optimized project delivery of construction projects. To achieve this aim,

specific methods must be adopted to carry out this research, this chapter is a detailed description

of the methodology that was adopted in achieving the purpose of the study. It discussed the

sources of data, collection and the analysis of data that was needed for this research. It further

examined the population, sample frame, sample size and also considered the method of data

collection and data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

According to Odukoya & Oladundoye (2007), research design can be described as the overall

plan showing how all major parts of the research sample, measures and analysis work together to

address the central research questions. Due to the specific objectives of the study, the research

takes its design from both the quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed approach).

Quantitative approach was adopted for the objectives that has to do with estimation and

prediction of time using close-ended questionnaire to obtain the quantitative data directly from

the respondents. According to Abawi (2008), quantitative research is a process of inquiry based

on testing a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed using statistical


It is a formal, objective, systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine cause

and effect interactions among variables. Therefore, quantitative approach is used to generate data
for the objectives having to do with the causes and effect as well as percentage (frequency

occurrence) OF DELAY IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN Ibadan, Oyo state.

As for the objective on MINIMIZING DELAY, qualitative approach is employed using one

ended questionnaires to obtain direct reactions from the respondents. Qualitative research is a

process of building a complex and holistic picture of the phenomenon of interest conducted in a

natural setting (Abawi,2008).

Abawi (2008), stated further that the goal of qualitative research is to develop the understanding

of a social or human problem from multiple perspective. Qualitative research is concerned with

finding the answer to questions which begin with why?, how?, in what way?, hence, it adoption

for this study.

3.3 Study Area

Oyo is am inland state in south-western, with its capital at Ibadan Nigeria occupying about

28,454 km2 (10,986 sq. mi). Oyo state was formed in 1976 from western state, and included

Osun state, which was split off in 1991. Ibadan the capital of Oyo state and the mot populous city

if Oyo State, Nigeria with a population of over 3 million, it is the third most populous city in

Nigeria after Lagos and Kano. It is the country’s largest city by geographical area. Ibadan has

been the center of administration of the old western region, Nigeria since the days of the British

Colonial rule. Ever since the creation, Oyo state has witnessed tremendous growth in agricultural

sector but in the area of construction, Oyo is still faced with many challenges like every other

developing states.
This study intends to assess the types of contracts used in project delivery by obtaining

information that will identify these contracts and the factors that influence selection of each

contract type.

3.4 Study Population

By definition, population is the group to which a researcher would want the results of the study

to be generalizable. It could also be set of all cases of interest. This study was conducted in

Ibadan, Oyo state, South-west Nigeria. Oyo state comprises of 33 local governments in which

eleven (11) of these local governments are in Ibadan metropolitan are consisting of five (5) urban

local governments in the city and six (6) semi-urban local governments in the less city. Ibadan

being the capital, has the highest number of on-going construction projects both by government

and private individuals and invariably, Ibadan has a higher number of construction firms and

well certified construction professionals. Hence, the case study Ibadan.

3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique

A sample consists of selected elements, subjects or observations from a given population for the

purpose of the study. Sampling is a process of selecting a fewer group (sample) from a bigger

group (population) to form the basis for generalizing or predicting a fact, situation or outcome

regarding the larger group. Such sample should be a fair representation of the entire population

without bias.
For the purpose of this study, probability sampling method was adopted due to the large size of

the study population, to generate relevant information. Probability sampling is that type which

allows each segment of the population to be represented in the sample (Leddy & Ormord, 2005).

In this case, the samples are selected from the larger population by purposive sampling process,

moreover, the respondents for the study have been trained in various fields of the built

environment, with specific areas of specialization. These consist of architects, builders, quantity

surveyors, structural engineers, contractors etc. respondents therefore represent the different

areas of discipline.

3.5.1 Sample Frame

the sufficiency of a sample is determined by the ability of such sample to represent the entire

population from which the sample has been drawn. The questionnaire was administered to

construction stakeholders in Ibadan to achieve fair representation of all the concerned parties. As

earlier stated, this research adopts random sampling techniques on purposive samples, this

implies that the sample were picked randomly from the population of targeted stakeholders

having the knowledge of construction contract management and administration across Ibadan.

For the purpose of this research, a total number of 50 questionnaires will be distributed to

construction professionals in Ibadan, Oyo State.

3.6 Data Collection Instrument

Data collection is the gathering or the collection of information from particular targeted

respondents to suitably answer the research questions or the research objectives.

According to Odukoya & Oladundoye (2007), research tool includes gadgets, modalities and

devices used to obtain necessary information to provide Valid and reliable answers to the

research questions.

For the purpose of this study, the research instrument is the use of well-structured questionnaire.

Questionnaire survey is considered an inexpensive and reliable instrument to obtain broad

information from a large number of respondents. The questionnaire was divided in two parts

section 1 and 2. Section 1 contains personal and professional information of the respondents

while section 2 anchors three subsections which includes questions asked to identify the types of

construction contract used, factors/ criteria influencing the choice and method of selecting those

construction contract, and identification of procurement option used for each contract type.

Respondents were asked to rate the factors/ criteria influencing the method of construction

contract section using the like scale of 1-5 i.e. 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3= not sure, 4

= agree, 5 = strongly agree.

3.7 Procedure for Data Collection

A total number of 50 questionnaires were distributed out of which 35 were duly completed

returned. Descriptive methods (frequency distribution, percentages and mean) were employed in
analyzing primary data for this study through the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences


3.7.1 objective one

Objective one identifies the types of contracts used by the different client category in the

Nigerian construction industry.

Means score

This is the average of all the values in a set of data. The means was calculated by adding all the

values in the group of ranking and then dividing the result by the number of respondents.

The mean ranked response (x) for a group of respondents is obtained thus

MS = ∑FX
Where MS = mean score
F = frequency of response
S = score given to factor or criteria
N = total number of response

3.7.2 objective two

Objective two identifies the procurement options for each contract type.

Data were collected on the factors using six variables, mean score was also used to arrive at the

factors that mostly results from construction PROJECT DELAY ****

3.7.3 Objective three

The third objective to assess the factors influencing the method of selection of various contract

types and the choice of a contract type.

Data was obtained on…………………

Percentile method

This involves obtaining the proportion of response to a particular option by a respondent to the

total number of respondents. This will be expressed as percentage. The option having the largest

number of response will be considered as representing the majority upon which conclusion to the

question will be drawn

Frequency table

These table s were employed in summarizing data based on the number of occurrences before


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