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Computer science


1 Main article 1
1.1 Computer science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Etymology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.4 Areas of computer science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.5 The great insights of computer science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.6 Academia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.7 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.8 See also . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1.9 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1.10 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1.11 Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.1.12 External links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Supporting article 12
2.1 History of computer science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.1 Binary logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.2 Creation of the computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.3 Emergence of a discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.4 See also . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.6 Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.7 External links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses 17

3.1 Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Content license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 1

Main article

1.1 Computer science

Computer science deals with the theoretical foundations
of information and computation, together with practical
techniques for the implementation and application of
these foundations.

Computer science is the study of the theory, experimen-

tation, and engineering that form the basis for the de-
sign and use of computers. It is the scientific and prac-
tical approach to computation and its applications and
the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expres-
sion, and mechanization of the methodical procedures
(or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representa-
tion, processing, storage, communication of, and access
to information. An alternate, more succinct definition of
computer science is the study of automating algorithmic
processes that scale. A computer scientist specializes in
the theory of computation and the design of computa- Charles Babbage is sometimes referred as “father of
[1] computing”.[2]
tional systems.
Its fields can be divided into a variety of theoretical and
practical disciplines. Some fields, such as computational ther, algorithms for performing computations have ex-
complexity theory (which explores the fundamental prop- isted since antiquity, even before the development of so-
erties of computational and intractable problems), are phisticated computing equipment.
highly abstract, while fields such as computer graphics
Wilhelm Schickard designed and constructed the first
emphasize real-world visual applications. Other fields
working mechanical calculator in 1623.[4] In 1673,
still focus on challenges in implementing computation.
Gottfried Leibniz demonstrated a digital mechanical cal-
For example, programming language theory considers
culator, called the Stepped Reckoner.[5] He may be con-
various approaches to the description of computation,
sidered the first computer scientist and information the-
while the study of computer programming itself investi-
orist, for, among other reasons, documenting the binary
gates various aspects of the use of programming language
number system. In 1820, Thomas de Colmar launched
and complex systems. Human–computer interaction con-
the mechanical calculator industry[note 1] when he released
siders the challenges in making computers and computa-
his simplified arithmometer, which was the first calcu-
tions useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans.
lating machine strong enough and reliable enough to be
used daily in an office environment. Charles Babbage
started the design of the first automatic mechanical cal-
1.1.1 History culator, his Difference Engine, in 1822, which eventually
gave him the idea of the first programmable mechanical
Main article: History of computer science calculator, his Analytical Engine.[6] He started develop-
The earliest foundations of what would become com- ing this machine in 1834, and “in less than two years, he
puter science predate the invention of the modern digital had sketched out many of the salient features of the mod-
computer. Machines for calculating fixed numerical tasks ern computer".[7] “A crucial step was the adoption of a
such as the abacus have existed since antiquity, aiding in punched card system derived from the Jacquard loom"[7]
computations such as multiplication and division. Fur- making it infinitely programmable.[note 2] In 1843, dur-


able, many applications of computing have become dis-

tinct areas of study in their own rights.
Although many initially believed it was impossible that
computers themselves could actually be a scientific field
of study, in the late fifties it gradually became accepted
among the greater academic population.[15][16] It is the
now well-known IBM brand that formed part of the com-
puter science revolution during this time. IBM (short
for International Business Machines) released the IBM
704[17] and later the IBM 709[18] computers, which were
widely used during the exploration period of such de-
vices. “Still, working with the IBM [computer] was frus-
trating […] if you had misplaced as much as one letter in
one instruction, the program would crash, and you would
have to start the whole process over again”.[15] During
the late 1950s, the computer science discipline was very
much in its developmental stages, and such issues were
Time has seen significant improvements in the usability
and effectiveness of computing technology.[19] Modern
society has seen a significant shift in the users of com-
puter technology, from usage only by experts and pro-
fessionals, to a near-ubiquitous user base. Initially, com-
puters were quite costly, and some degree of human aid
Ada Lovelace is credited with writing the first algorithm intended was needed for efficient use—in part from professional
for processing on a computer.[3] computer operators. As computer adoption became more
widespread and affordable, less human assistance was
needed for common usage.
ing the translation of a French article on the Analyti- See also: History of computing and History of informat-
cal Engine, Ada Lovelace wrote, in one of the many ics
notes she included, an algorithm to compute the Bernoulli
numbers, which is considered to be the first computer
program.[8] Around 1885, Herman Hollerith invented the
tabulator, which used punched cards to process statisti- Contributions
cal information; eventually his company became part of
IBM. In 1937, one hundred years after Babbage’s im- Despite its short history as a formal academic discipline,
possible dream, Howard Aiken convinced IBM, which computer science has made a number of fundamental
was making all kinds of punched card equipment and was contributions to science and society—in fact, along with
also in the calculator business[9] to develop his giant pro-
electronics, it is a founding science of the current epoch
grammable calculator, the ASCC/Harvard Mark I, based of human history called the Information Age and a driver
on Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which itself used cards of the Information Revolution, seen as the third major
and a central computing unit. When the machine was fin- leap in human technological progress after the Industrial
ished, some hailed it as “Babbage’s dream come true”.[10] Revolution (1750–1850 CE) and the Agricultural Revo-
During the 1940s, as new and more powerful computing lution (8000–5000 BC).
machines were developed, the term computer came These contributions include:
to refer to the machines rather than their human
predecessors.[11] As it became clear that computers could
be used for more than just mathematical calculations, the • The start of the "digital revolution", which includes
field of computer science broadened to study computation the current Information Age and the Internet.[21]
in general. Computer science began to be established
as a distinct academic discipline in the 1950s and early • A formal definition of computation and
1960s.[12][13] The world’s first computer science degree computability, and proof that there are computa-
program, the Cambridge Diploma in Computer Science, tionally unsolvable and intractable problems.[22]
began at the University of Cambridge Computer Labo-
ratory in 1953. The first computer science degree pro- • The concept of a programming language, a tool for
gram in the United States was formed at Purdue Univer- the precise expression of methodological informa-
sity in 1962.[14] Since practical computers became avail- tion at various levels of abstraction.[23]

tronic systems and circuits, as well as societies and

social situations (notably war games) along with
their habitats, among many others. Modern comput-
ers enable optimization of such designs as complete
aircraft. Notable in electrical and electronic circuit
design are SPICE, as well as software for physical
realization of new (or modified) designs. The lat-
ter includes essential design software for integrated

• Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly im-

portant as it gets more efficient and complex. There
are many applications of AI, some of which can be
seen at home, such as robotic vacuum cleaners. It
is also present in video games and on the modern
battlefield in drones, anti-missile systems, and squad
support robots.

• Human-Computer Interaction combines novel algo-

rithms with design strategies that enable rapid hu-
man performance, low error rates, ease in learning,
and high satisfaction. Researchers use ethnographic
observation and automated data collection to un-
derstand user needs, then conduct usability tests to
refine designs. Key innovations include the direct
The German military used the Enigma machine (shown here) manipulation, selectable web links, touchscreen de-
during World War II for communications they wanted kept se- signs, mobile applications, and virtual reality.
cret. The large-scale decryption of Enigma traffic at Bletchley
Park was an important factor that contributed to Allied victory
in WWII.[20] 1.1.2 Etymology

• In cryptography, breaking the Enigma code was an See also: Informatics § Etymology
important factor contributing to the Allied victory in
World War II.[20] Although first proposed in 1956,[16] the term “computer
• Scientific computing enabled practical evaluation of science” appears
in a 1959 article in Communications of
processes and situations of great complexity, as well the ACM, in which Louis Fein argues for the creation
as experimentation entirely by software. It also en- of a Graduate School in Computer Sciences analogous to
abled advanced study of the mind, and mapping the creation of Harvard Business School in 1921,[29] jus-
of the human genome became possible with the tifying the name by arguing that, like management sci-
Human Genome Project.[21] Distributed comput- ence, the subject is applied and interdisciplinary in na-
ing projects such as Folding@home explore protein ture, while having the characteristics typical of an aca-
folding. demic discipline. His efforts, and those of others such
as numerical analyst George Forsythe, were rewarded:
• Algorithmic trading has increased the efficiency and universities went on to create such programs, starting
liquidity of financial markets by using artificial in- with Purdue in 1962.[30] Despite its name, a significant
telligence, machine learning, and other statistical amount of computer science does not involve the study
and numerical techniques on a large scale.[24] High of computers themselves. Because of this, several al-
frequency algorithmic trading can also exacerbate ternative names have been proposed.[31] Certain depart-
volatility.[25] ments of major universities prefer the term computing sci-
ence, to emphasize precisely that difference. Danish sci-
• Computer graphics and computer-generated
entist Peter Naur suggested the term datalogy,[32] to re-
imagery have become ubiquitous in modern
flect the fact that the scientific discipline revolves around
entertainment, particularly in television, cinema,
data and data treatment, while not necessarily involv-
advertising, animation and video games. Even films
ing computers. The first scientific institution to use the
that feature no explicit CGI are usually “filmed”
term was the Department of Datalogy at the University
now on digital cameras, or edited or post-processed
[26][27] of Copenhagen, founded in 1969, with Peter Naur being
using a digital video editor.
the first professor in datalogy. The term is used mainly
• Simulation of various processes, including computa- in the Scandinavian countries. An alternative term, also
tional fluid dynamics, physical, electrical, and elec- proposed by Naur, is data science; this is now used for

a distinct field of data analysis, including statistics and computations to achieve practical goals, making the two
databases. separate but complementary disciplines.[39]
Also, in the early days of computing, a number of terms The academic, political, and funding aspects of computer
for the practitioners of the field of computing were sug- science tend to depend on whether a department formed
gested in the Communications of the ACM—turingineer, with a mathematical emphasis or with an engineering em-
turologist, flow-charts-man, applied meta-mathematician, phasis. Computer science departments with a mathemat-
and applied epistemologist.[33] Three months later in the ics emphasis and with a numerical orientation consider
same journal, comptologist was suggested, followed next alignment with computational science. Both types of de-
year by hypologist.[34] The term computics has also been partments tend to make efforts to bridge the field educa-
suggested.[35] In Europe, terms derived from contracted tionally if not across all research.
translations of the expression “automatic information”
(e.g. “informazione automatica” in Italian) or “infor-
mation and mathematics” are often used, e.g. informa-
tique (French), Informatik (German), informatica (Ital-
1.1.3 Philosophy
ian, Dutch), informática (Spanish, Portuguese), infor-
matika (Slavic languages and Hungarian) or pliroforiki Main article: Philosophy of computer science
(πληροφορική, which means informatics) in Greek.
Similar words have also been adopted in the UK (as A number of computer scientists have argued for the dis-
in the School of Informatics of the University of Edin- tinction of three separate paradigms in computer science.
burgh).[36] “In the U.S., however, informatics is linked Peter Wegner argued that those paradigms are science,
with applied computing, or computing in the context of technology, and mathematics.[40] Peter Denning's work-
another domain.”[37] ing group argued that they are theory, abstraction (mod-
A folkloric quotation, often attributed to—but almost eling), and design.[41] Amnon H. Eden described them as
certainly not first formulated by—Edsger Dijkstra, states the “rationalist paradigm” (which treats computer science
that “computer science is no more about computers than as a branch of mathematics, which is prevalent in theo-
astronomy is about telescopes.”[note 3] The design and de- retical computer science, and mainly employs deductive
ployment of computers and computer systems is gen- reasoning), the “technocratic paradigm” (which might
erally considered the province of disciplines other than be found in engineering approaches, most prominently
computer science. For example, the study of computer in software engineering), and the “scientific paradigm”
hardware is usually considered part of computer engi- (which approaches computer-related artifacts from the
neering, while the study of commercial computer sys- empirical perspective of natural sciences, identifiable in
tems and their deployment is often called information some branches of artificial intelligence).[42]
technology or information systems. However, there has
been much cross-fertilization of ideas between the vari-
ous computer-related disciplines. Computer science re- 1.1.4 Areas of computer science
search also often intersects other disciplines, such as
philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, mathematics, Further information: Outline of computer science
physics, biology, statistics, and logic.
Computer science is considered by some to have a much As a discipline, computer science spans a range of top-
closer relationship with mathematics than many scientific ics from theoretical studies of algorithms and the lim-
disciplines, with some observers saying that computing is its of computation to the practical issues of implement-
a mathematical science.[12] Early computer science was ing computing systems in hardware and software.[43][44]
strongly influenced by the work of mathematicians such CSAB, formerly called Computing Sciences Accredita-
as Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing, and there continues to be tion Board—which is made up of representatives of the
a useful interchange of ideas between the two fields in ar- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and the
eas such as mathematical logic, category theory, domain IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS)[45] —identifies four
theory, and algebra.[16] areas that it considers crucial to the discipline of com-
The relationship between computer science and software puter science: theory of computation, algorithms and data
engineering is a contentious issue, which is further mud- structures, programming methodology and languages, and
died by disputes over what the term “software engineer- computer elements and architecture. In addition to these
ing” means, and how computer science is defined.[38] four areas, CSAB also identifies fields such as software
David Parnas, taking a cue from the relationship between engineering, artificial intelligence, computer networking
other engineering and science disciplines, has claimed and communication, database systems, parallel computa-
that the principal focus of computer science is studying tion, distributed computation, human–computer interac-
the properties of computation in general, while the princi- tion, computer graphics, operating systems, and numer-
pal focus of software engineering is the design of specific ical and symbolic computation as being important areas
of computer science.[43]

Theoretical computer science Programming language theory Main article:

Programming language theory
Main article: Theoretical computer science
Programming language theory is a branch of computer
Theoretical Computer Science is mathematical and ab- science that deals with the design, implementation, anal-
stract in spirit, but it derives its motivation from practical ysis, characterization, and classification of programming
and everyday computation. Its aim is to understand the languages and their individual features. It falls within
nature of computation and, as a consequence of this un- the discipline of computer science, both depending on
derstanding, provide more efficient methodologies. All and affecting mathematics, software engineering, and
papers introducing or studying mathematical, logic and linguistics. It is an active research area, with numerous
formal concepts and methods are welcome, provided that dedicated academic journals.
their motivation is clearly drawn from the field of com-
Formal methods Main article: Formal methods

Theory of computation Main article: Theory of Formal methods are a particular kind of mathematically
computation based technique for the specification, development and
verification of software and hardware systems. The use
of formal methods for software and hardware design is
According to Peter Denning, the fundamental question motivated by the expectation that, as in other engineering
underlying computer science is, “What can be (effi- disciplines, performing appropriate mathematical analy-
ciently) automated?"[12] Theory of computation is fo- sis can contribute to the reliability and robustness of a
cused on answering fundamental questions about what design. They form an important theoretical underpinning
can be computed and what amount of resources are re- for software engineering, especially where safety or se-
quired to perform those computations. In an effort to curity is involved. Formal methods are a useful adjunct
answer the first question, computability theory examines to software testing since they help avoid errors and can
which computational problems are solvable on various also give a framework for testing. For industrial use, tool
theoretical models of computation. The second question support is required. However, the high cost of using for-
is addressed by computational complexity theory, which mal methods means that they are usually only used in the
studies the time and space costs associated with differ- development of high-integrity and life-critical systems,
ent approaches to solving a multitude of computational where safety or security is of utmost importance. For-
problems. mal methods are best described as the application of a
The famous P = NP? problem, one of the Millennium fairly broad variety of theoretical computer science fun-
Prize Problems,[46] is an open problem in the theory of damentals, in particular logic calculi, formal languages,
computation. automata theory, and program semantics, but also type
systems and algebraic data types to problems in software
and hardware specification and verification.
Information and coding theory Main articles:
Information theory and Coding theory
Applied computer science

Information theory is related to the quantification of in- Applied computer science aims at identifying certain
formation. This was developed by Claude Shannon to computer science concepts that can be used directly in
find fundamental limits on signal processing operations solving real world problems.
such as compressing data and on reliably storing and com-
municating data.[47] Coding theory is the study of the
properties of codes (systems for converting information Artificial intelligence Main article: Artificial intelli-
from one form to another) and their fitness for a spe- gence
cific application. Codes are used for data compression,
cryptography, error detection and correction, and more Artificial intelligence (AI) aims to or is required to
recently also for network coding. Codes are studied forsynthesize goal-orientated processes such as problem-
the purpose of designing efficient and reliable data trans-
solving, decision-making, environmental adaptation,
mission methods. learning and communication found in humans and an-
imals. From its origins in cybernetics and in the
Dartmouth Conference (1956), artificial intelligence re-
Algorithms and data structures Algorithms and data search has been necessarily cross-disciplinary, draw-
structures is the study of commonly used computational ing on areas of expertise such as applied mathemat-
methods and their computational efficiency. ics, symbolic logic, semiotics, electrical engineering,

philosophy of mind, neurophysiology, and social intelli- maintaining the accessibility and usability of the sys-
gence. AI is associated in the popular mind with robotic tem for its intended users. Cryptography is the practice
development, but the main field of practical application and study of hiding (encryption) and therefore decipher-
has been as an embedded component in areas of software ing (decryption) information. Modern cryptography is
development, which require computational understand- largely related to computer science, for many encryption
ing. The starting-point in the late 1940s was Alan Tur- and decryption algorithms are based on their computa-
ing's question “Can computers think?", and the question tional complexity.
remains effectively unanswered although the Turing test
is still used to assess computer output on the scale of
human intelligence. But the automation of evaluative Computational science Computational science (or
and predictive tasks has been increasingly successful as a scientific computing) is the field of study concerned with
substitute for human monitoring and intervention in do- constructing mathematical models and quantitative anal-
mains of computer application involving complex real- ysis techniques and using computers to analyze and solve
world data. scientific problems. In practical use, it is typically the
application of computer simulation and other forms of
computation to problems in various scientific disciplines.
Computer architecture and engineering Main arti-
cles: Computer architecture and Computer engineering
Computer networks Main article: Computer network
Computer architecture, or digital computer organiza-
tion, is the conceptual design and fundamental opera- This branch of computer science aims to manage net-
tional structure of a computer system. It focuses largely works between computers worldwide.
on the way by which the central processing unit per-
forms internally and accesses addresses in memory.[48]
The field often involves disciplines of computer engineer- Concurrent, parallel and distributed systems
ing and electrical engineering, selecting and interconnect- Main articles: Concurrency (computer science) and
ing hardware components to create computers that meet Distributed computing
functional, performance, and cost goals.
Concurrency is a property of systems in which several
computations are executing simultaneously, and poten-
Computer performance analysis Main article: tially interacting with each other. A number of math-
Computer performance ematical models have been developed for general con-
current computation including Petri nets, process calculi
Computer performance analysis is the study of work flow- and the Parallel Random Access Machine model. A dis-
ing through computers with the general goals of im- tributed system extends the idea of concurrency onto mul-
proving throughput, controlling response time, using re- tiple computers connected through a network. Comput-
sources efficiently, eliminating bottlenecks, and predict- ers within the same distributed system have their own pri-
ing performance under anticipated peak loads.[49] vate memory, and information is often exchanged among
themselves to achieve a common goal.

Computer graphics and visualization Main article:

Computer graphics (computer science) Databases Main article: Database

Computer graphics is the study of digital visual contents, A database is intended to organize, store, and retrieve
and involves synthesis and manipulation of image data. large amounts of data easily. Digital databases are man-
The study is connected to many other fields in computer aged using database management systems to store, create,
science, including computer vision, image processing, maintain, and search data, through database models and
and computational geometry, and is heavily applied in the query languages.
fields of special effects and video games.

Human-computer interaction Main article: Human-

Computer security and cryptography Main articles: computer interaction
Computer security and Cryptography
Research that develops theories, principles, and guide-
Computer security is a branch of computer technology, lines for user interface designers, so they can create satis-
whose objective includes protection of information from factory user experiences with desktop, laptop, and mobile
unauthorized access, disruption, or modification while devices.

Software engineering Main article: Software engi- • Corrado Böhm and Giuseppe Jacopini's insight:
neering there are only three ways of combining these actions
See also: Computer programming (into more complex ones) that are needed in order
for a computer to do “anything”.
Software engineering is the study of designing, imple-
menting, and modifying software in order to ensure it is of Only three rules are needed to com-
high quality, affordable, maintainable, and fast to build. bine any set of basic instructions
It is a systematic approach to software design, involving into more complex ones:
the application of engineering practices to software. Soft- • sequence: first do this, then do
ware engineering deals with the organizing and analyzing that;
of software—it doesn't just deal with the creation or man-
ufacture of new software, but its internal maintenance and • selection: IF such-and-such is
arrangement. Both computer applications software engi- the case, THEN do this, ELSE
neers and computer systems software engineers are pro- do that;
jected to be among the fastest growing occupations from • repetition: WHILE such-and-
2008 to 2018. such is the case DO this.
Note that the three rules of
Boehm’s and Jacopini’s insight
1.1.5 The great insights of computer sci- can be further simplified with the
ence use of goto (which means it is
more elementary than structured
The philosopher of computing Bill Rapaport noted three programming).
Great Insights of Computer Science:[50]

• Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's, George Boole's, Alan See also: Elementary function arithmetic § Friedman’s
Turing's, Claude Shannon's, and Samuel Morse's in- grand conjecture
sight: there are only two objects that a computer has
to deal with in order to represent “anything”.

All the information about any

1.1.6 Academia
computable problem can be rep-
Further information: List of computer science confer-
resented using only 0 and 1 (or
ences and Category:Computer science journals
any other bistable pair that can
flip-flop between two easily distin-
guishable states, such as “on/off”, Conferences are important events for computer science
“magnetized/de-magnetized”, research. During these conferences, researchers from the
“high-voltage/low-voltage”, etc.). public and private sectors present their recent work and
meet. Unlike in most other academic fields, in computer
See also: Digital physics science, the prestige of conference papers is greater than
that of journal publications.[51][52] One proposed expla-
nation for this is the quick development of this relatively
• Alan Turing's insight: there are only five actions that new field requires rapid review and distribution of results,
a computer has to perform in order to do “anything”. a task better handled by conferences than by journals.[53]

Every algorithm can be expressed

in a language for a computer con- 1.1.7 Education
sisting of only five basic instruc-
tions: Since computer science is a relatively new field, it is
• move left one location; not as widely taught in schools and universities as other
academic subjects. For example, in 2014,
• move right one location;
estimated that only 10 percent of high schools in the
• read symbol at current loca- United States offered computer science education.[54]
tion; A 2010 report by Association for Computing Machin-
• print 0 at current location; ery (ACM) and Computer Science Teachers Associa-
• print 1 at current location. tion (CSTA) revealed that only 14 out of 50 states have
adopted significant education standards for high school
See also: Turing machine computer science.[55] However, computer science educa-
tion is growing.[56] Some countries, such as Israel, New

Zealand and South Korea, have already included com- 1.1.10 References
puter science in their respective national secondary edu-
cation curriculum.[57][58] Several countries are following [1] “WordNet Search—3.1”.
suit.[59][60] Retrieved 2012-05-14.

In most countries, there is a significant gender gap [2] “Charles Babbage Institute: Who Was Charles Bab-
in computer science education. For example, in the bage?". Retrieved 2016-12-28.
US about 20% of computer science degrees in 2012
[3] “Ada Lovelace | Babbage Engine | Computer History Mu-
were conferred to women.[61] This gender gap also ex-
seum”. Retrieved 2016-12-
ists in other Western countries.[62] However, in some 28.
parts of the world, the gap is small or nonexistent. In
2011, approximately half of all computer science de- [4] “Wilhelm Schickard - Ein Computerpionier” (PDF).
grees in Malaysia were conferred to women.[63] In 2001,
[5] “A Brief History of Computing”.
women made up 54.5% of computer science graduates in
Guyana.[62] [6] “Science Museum—Introduction to Babbage”. Archived
from the original on 2006-09-08. Retrieved 2006-09-24.

1.1.8 See also [7] Anthony Hyman (1982). Charles Babbage, pioneer of the
Main article: Outline of computer science
[8] “A Selection and Adaptation From Ada’s Notes found in
Ada, The Enchantress of Numbers,” by Betty Alexan-
dra Toole Ed.D. Strawberry Press, Mill Valley, CA”.
• Academic genealogy of computer scientists Archived from the original on February 10, 2006. Re-
trieved 2006-05-04.
• Association for Computing Machinery
[9] “In this sense Aiken needed IBM, whose technology in-
• Computer Science Teachers Association cluded the use of punched cards, the accumulation of nu-
• Informatics and Engineering informatics merical data, and the transfer of numerical data from one
register to another”, Bernard Cohen, p.44 (2000)
• List of academic computer science departments
[10] Brian Randell, p. 187, 1975
• List of computer scientists
[11] The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) was
• List of publications in computer science founded in 1947.

• List of pioneers in computer science [12] Denning, Peter J. (2000). “Computer Science: The
Discipline” (PDF). Encyclopedia of Computer Science.
• List of unsolved problems in computer science Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-05-25.

• Outline of software engineering [13] “Some EDSAC statistics”. Retrieved

• Technology transfer in computer science
[14] “Computer science pioneer Samuel D. Conte dies at 85”.
• Turing Award Purdue Computer Science. July 1, 2002. Retrieved De-
cember 12, 2014.
Computer science – Wikipedia book
[15] Levy, Steven (1984). Hackers: Heroes of the Computer
Revolution. Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-19195-2.
1.1.9 Notes [16] Tedre, Matti (2014). The Science of Computing: Shaping
a Discipline. Taylor and Francis / CRC Press.
[1] In 1851
[17] “IBM 704 Electronic Data Processing System—CHM
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was important not only as a more convenient form of con- 07.
trol than the drums, or because programs could now be of
unlimited extent, and could be stored and repeated with- [18] “IBM 709: a powerful new data processing system”
out the danger of introducing errors in setting the machine (PDF). Computer History Museum. Retrieved December
by hand; it was important also because it served to crys- 12, 2014.
tallize Babbage’s feeling that he had invented something
really new, something much more than a sophisticated cal- [19] “Timeline of Computer History”. Computer History Mu-
culating machine.” Bruce Collier, 1970 seum. Retrieved November 24, 2015.

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[23] Abelson, H.; G.J. Sussman with J. Sussman (1996). doi:10.1023/A:1018949113292., p. 19: “Rather
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ed.). MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-01153-0. The computer science, I treat it as an element of the set, Civil Engineer-
revolution is a revolution in the way we think and in the ing, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering,
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is the emergence of what might best be called procedural
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Fields”. Communications of the ACM. 2 (9): 7–14. 978-0-309-09301-9.
doi:10.1145/368424.368427. [45] “CSAB Leading Computer Education”. CSAB. 2011-08-
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2013, at the Wayback Machine.
[30] Donald Knuth (1972). “George Forsythe and the Devel-
opment of Computer Science”. Comms. ACM. Archived [47] P. Collins, Graham (October 14, 2002). “Claude E. Shan-
October 20, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. non: Founder of Information Theory”. Scientific Ameri-
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[31] Matti Tedre (2006). “The Development of Computer Sci-
ence: A Sociocultural Perspective” (PDF). p. 260. Re- [48] A. Thisted, Ronald (April 7, 1997). “Computer Architec-
trieved December 12, 2014. ture” (PDF). The University of Chicago.

[32] Peter Naur (1966). “The science of datal- [49] Wescott, Bob (2013). The Every Computer Performance
ogy”. Communications of the ACM. 9 (7): 485. Book, Chapter 3: Useful laws. CreateSpace. ISBN
doi:10.1145/365719.366510. 1482657759.

[33] Weiss, E. A.; Corley, Henry P. T. “Communications [50] “What Is Computation?".
of the ACM”. Communications of the ACM. 1 (4): 6.
doi:10.1145/368796.368802. [51] Meyer, Bertrand (April 2009). “Viewpoint: Research
evaluation for computer science”. Communications of the
[34] Communications of the ACM 2(1):p.4 ACM. 25 (4): 31–34. doi:10.1145/1498765.1498780.

[35] IEEE Computer 28(12):p.136 [52] Patterson, David (August 1999). “Evaluating Computer
Scientists and Engineers For Promotion and Tenure”.
[36] P. Mounier-Kuhn, L'Informatique en France, de la sec- Computing Research Association.
onde guerre mondiale au Plan Calcul. L'émergence d'une
science, Paris, PUPS, 2010, ch. 3 & 4. [53] Fortnow, Lance (August 2009). “Viewpoint: Time for
Computer Science to Grow Up”. Communications of the
[37] ACM. 52 (8): 33–35. doi:10.1145/1536616.1536631.

[54] “Computer Science: Not Just an Elective Anymore”. Ed- • Ralston, Anthony; Reilly, Edwin D.;
ucation Week. February 25, 2014. Hemmendinger, David (2000). Encyclopedia
of Computer Science (4th ed.). Grove’s Dictionar-
[55] “Running On Empty” (PDF). October 2010.
ies. ISBN 1-56159-248-X.
[56] “How to Teach Computational Thinking—Stephen Wol-
fram Blog”. Retrieved 2016- • “Since 1976, this has been the definitive refer-
09-16. ence work on computer, computing, and com-
puter science. […] Alphabetically arranged
[57] “A is for algorithm”. The Economist. April 26, 2014. and classified into broad subject areas, the en-
[58] “Computing at School International comparisons” (PDF). tries cover hardware, computer systems, infor-
Retrieved 20 July 2015. mation and data, software, the mathematics of
computing, theory of computation, method-
[59] Scott, Michael; Ghinea, Gheorghita (17 April 2013). ologies, applications, and computing milieu.
Educating Programmers: A Reflection on Barriers to De-
The editors have done a commendable job of
liberate Practice (pdf). Proceedings of the 2nd HEA Con-
ference on Learning and Teaching in STEM Disciplines.
blending historical perspective and practical
HEA. pp. 85–90. doi:10.11120/stem.hea.2013.0005. reference information. The encyclopedia re-
Retrieved March 25, 2016. mains essential for most public and academic
library reference collections.” (Joe Accardin,
[60] “Adding Coding to the Curriculum”. New York Times. Northeastern Illinois Univ., Chicago)
March 23, 2014.
• Edwin D. Reilly (2003). Milestones in Computer Sci-
[61] “IT gender gap: Where are the female programmers?".
ence and Information Technology. Greenwood Pub-
Retrieved 20 July 2015.
lishing Group. ISBN 978-1-57356-521-9.
[62] “IT gender gap: Where are the female programmers?".

[63] “what gender is science” (PDF). Retrieved 20 July 2015. Selected literature

• Knuth, Donald E. (1996). Selected Papers on Com-

1.1.11 Further reading puter Science. CSLI Publications, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
• Collier, Bruce. The little engine that could've: The
• Tucker, Allen B. (2004). Computer Science Hand- calculating machines of Charles Babbage. Garland
book (2nd ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC. ISBN 1- Publishing Inc. ISBN 0-8240-0043-9.
• Cohen, Bernard (2000). Howard Aiken, Portrait of
• “Within more than 70 chapters, every one a computer pioneer. The MIT press. ISBN 978-0-
new or significantly revised, one can find any 2625317-9-5.
kind of information and references about com-
puter science one can imagine. […] all in • Tedre, Matti (2014). The Science of Computing:
all, there is absolute nothing about Computer Shaping a Discipline. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Science that can not be found in the 2.5 • Randell, Brian (1973). The origins of Digital com-
kilogram-encyclopaedia with its 110 survey puters, Selected Papers. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-
articles […].” (Christoph Meinel, Zentralblatt 540-06169-X.
• “Covering a period from 1966 to 1993, its in-
• van Leeuwen, Jan (1994). Handbook of Theoretical terest lies not only in the content of each of
Computer Science. The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262- these papers — still timely today — but also in
72020-5. their being put together so that ideas expressed
• "[…] this set is the most unique and possibly at different times complement each other
the most useful to the [theoretical computer nicely.” (N. Bernard, Zentralblatt MATH)
science] community, in support both of teach-
ing and research […]. The books can be used Articles
by anyone wanting simply to gain an under-
standing of one of these areas, or by someone • Peter J. Denning. Is computer science science?,
desiring to be in research in a topic, or by in- Communications of the ACM, April 2005.
structors wishing to find timely information on
a subject they are teaching outside their ma- • Peter J. Denning, Great principles in computing cur-
jor areas of expertise.” (Rocky Ross, SIGACT ricula, Technical Symposium on Computer Science
News) Education, 2004.

• Research evaluation for computer science, In- • AAAS Computer Science

formatics Europe report. Shorter journal ver-
sion: Bertrand Meyer, Christine Choppy, Jan van Misc
Leeuwen and Jorgen Staunstrup, Research evalua-
tion for computer science, in Communications of the
• Computer Science—Stack Exchange: a
ACM, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 31–34, April 2009.
community-run question-and-answer site for
computer science
Curriculum and classification
• What is computer science
• Association for Computing Machinery. 1998 ACM
• Is computer science science?
Computing Classification System. 1998.
• Computer Science (Software) Must be Considered
• Joint Task Force of Association for Computing Ma-
as an Independent Discipline.
chinery (ACM), Association for Information Sys-
tems (AIS) and IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS).
Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report.
September 30, 2005.
• Norman Gibbs, Allen Tucker. “A model curriculum
for a liberal arts degree in computer science”. Com-
munications of the ACM, Volume 29 Issue 3, March

1.1.12 External links

• Computer science at DMOZ
• Scholarly Societies in Computer Science
• What is Computer Science?
• Best Papers Awards in Computer Science since
• Photographs of computer scientists by Bertrand

Bibliography and academic search engines

• CiteSeerx (article): search engine, digital library and

repository for scientific and academic papers with a
focus on computer and information science.
• DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (article):
computer science bibliography website hosted at
Universität Trier, in Germany.
• The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

Professional organizations

• Association for Computing Machinery

• IEEE Computer Society
• Informatics Europe
Chapter 2

Supporting article

2.1 History of computer science sign has been studied extensively and is understood to be
Turing equivalent. The analytical engine would have had
a memory capacity of less than 1 kilobyte of memory and
The history of computer science began long before a clock speed of less than 10 Hertz .
the modern discipline of computer science that emerged
in the 20th century, and was hinted at in the centuries Considerable advancement in mathematics and electron-
prior. The progression, from mechanical inventions and ics theory was required before the first modern computers
mathematical theories towards modern computer con- could be designed.
cepts and machines, led to a major academic field and
the basis of a massive worldwide industry.[1]
2.1.1 Binary logic
The earliest known tool for use in computation was the
abacus, developed in the period between 2700–2300 In 1702, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz developed logic in a
BCE in Sumer. The Sumerians’ abacus consisted of a formal, mathematical sense with his writings on the bi-
table of successive columns which delimited the succes- nary numeral system. In his system, the ones and zeros
sive orders of magnitude of their sexagesimal number also represent true and false values or on and off states.
system.[2]:11 Its original style of usage was by lines drawn
But it took more than a century before George Boole pub-
in sand with pebbles . Abaci of a more modern design lished his Boolean algebra in 1854 with a complete sys-
are still used as calculation tools today.[3] tem that allowed computational processes to be mathe-
The Antikythera mechanism is believed to be the earliest matically modeled .[8]
known mechanical analogue computer.[4] It was designed By this time, the first mechanical devices driven by a bi-
to calculate astronomical positions. It was discovered in nary pattern had been invented. The industrial revolution
1901 in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of had driven forward the mechanization of many tasks, and
Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, and has been this included weaving. Punched cards controlled Joseph
dated to c. 100 BCE. Technological artifacts of similar Marie Jacquard's loom in 1801, where a hole punched
complexity did not reappear until the 14th century, when in the card indicated a binary one and an unpunched spot
mechanical astronomical clocks appeared in Europe.[5] indicated a binary zero. Jacquard’s loom was far from be-
When John Napier discovered logarithms for computa- ing a computer, but it did illustrate that machines could
tional purposes in the early 17th century, there followed be driven by binary systems .[8]
a period of considerable progress by inventors and sci-
entists in making calculating tools. In 1623 Wilhelm
Schickard designed a calculating machine, but abandoned 2.1.2 Creation of the computer
the project, when the prototype he had started building
was destroyed by a fire in 1624 . Around 1640, Blaise Before the 1920s, computers (sometimes computors) were
Pascal, a leading French mathematician, constructed a human clerks that performed computations. They were
mechanical adding device based on a design described usually under the lead of a physicist. Many thousands
by Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria.[6] Then in of computers were employed in commerce, government,
1672 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invented the Stepped and research establishments. Most of these computers
Reckoner which he completed in 1694.[7] were women.[9][10][11][12] Some performed astronomical
In 1837 Charles Babbage first described his Analytical calculations for calendars, others ballistic tables for the
Engine which is accepted as the first design for a modern military.
computer. The analytical engine had expandable mem- After the 1920s, the expression computing machine re-
ory, an arithmetic unit, and logic processing capabili- ferred to any machine that performed the work of a hu-
ties able to interpret a programming language with loops man computer, especially those in accordance with ef-
and conditional branching. Although never built, the de- fective methods of the Church-Turing thesis. The thesis


states that a mathematical method is effective if it could ing her work with Babbage, Ada Lovelace became the de-
be set out as a list of instructions able to be followed by a signer of the first computer algorithm, which had the abil-
human clerk with paper and pencil, for as long as neces- ity to compute Bernoulli numbers. Moreover, Lovelace’s
sary, and without ingenuity or insight. work with Babbage resulted in her prediction of future
Machines that computed with continuous values became computers to not only perform mathematical calcula-
known as the analog kind. They used machinery that rep- tions, but also manipulate symbols, mathematical or not.
resented continuous numeric quantities, like the angle of While she was never able to see the results of her work, as
a shaft rotation or difference in electrical potential. the “Analytical Engine” was not created in her lifetime,
her efforts in later years, beginning in the 1840s, did not
Digital machinery, in contrast to analog, were able to ren- go unnoticed.[14]
der a state of a numeric value and store each individual
digit. Digital machinery used difference engines or relays
before the invention of faster memory devices. Alan Turing and the Turing machine
The phrase computing machine gradually gave way, after Main articles: Alan Turing and Turing machine
the late 1940s, to just computer as the onset of electronic
digital machinery became common. These computers
were able to perform the calculations that were performed The mathematical foundations of modern computer
by the previous human clerks. science began to be laid by Kurt Gödel with his
incompleteness theorem (1931). In this theorem, he
Since the values stored by digital machines were not showed that there were limits to what could be proved
bound to physical properties like analog devices, a log- and disproved within a formal system. This led to work
ical computer, based on digital equipment, was able to by Gödel and others to define and describe these formal
do anything that could be described “purely mechanical.” systems, including concepts such as mu-recursive func-
The theoretical Turing Machine, created by Alan Turing, tions and lambda-definable functions.
is a hypothetical device theorized in order to study the
properties of such hardware. In 1936 Alan Turing and Alonzo Church independently,
and also together, introduced the formalization of an
algorithm, with limits on what can be computed, and
2.1.3 Emergence of a discipline a “purely mechanical” model for computing. This be-
came the Church–Turing thesis, a hypothesis about the
Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace nature of mechanical calculation devices, such as elec-
tronic computers. The thesis claims that any calculation
Main articles: Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace that is possible can be performed by an algorithm running
on a computer, provided that sufficient time and storage
space are available.
Charles Babbage is often regarded as one of the first pi-
oneers of computing. Beginning in the 1810s, Babbage In 1936, Alan Turing also published his seminal work on
had a vision of mechanically computing numbers and ta- the Turing machines, an abstract digital computing ma-
bles. Putting this into reality, Babbage designed a cal- chine which is now simply referred to as the Universal
culator to compute numbers up to 8 decimal points long. Turing machine. This machine invented the principle of
Continuing with the success of this idea, Babbage worked the modern computer and was the birthplace of the stored
to develop a machine that could compute numbers with program concept that almost all modern day computers
up to 20 decimal places. By the 1830s, Babbage had de- use. These hypothetical machines were designed to
vised a plan to develop a machine that could use punched formally determine, mathematically, what can be com-
cards to perform arithmetical operations. The machine puted, taking into account limitations on computing abil-
would store numbers in memory units, and there would ity. If a Turing machine can complete the task, it is con-
be a form of sequential control. This means that one op- sidered Turing computable or more commonly, Turing
eration would be carried out before another in such a way complete.
that the machine would produce an answer and not fail. The Los Alamos physicist Stanley Frankel, has described
This machine was to be known as the “Analytical En- John von Neumann's view of the fundamental importance
gine”, which was the first true representation of what is of Turing’s 1936 paper, in a letter:[15]
the modern computer.[13]
Ada Lovelace (Augusta Ada Byron) is credited as the I know that in or about 1943 or ‘44 von
pioneer of computer programming and is regarded as Neumann was well aware of the fundamental
a mathematical genius, a result of the mathematically importance of Turing’s paper of 1936… Von
heavy tutoring regimen her mother assigned to her as a Neumann introduced me to that paper and at
young girl. Lovelace began working with Charles Bab- his urging I studied it with care. Many peo-
bage as an assistant while Babbage was working on his ple have acclaimed von Neumann as the “fa-
“Analytical Engine”, the first mechanical computer. Dur- ther of the computer” (in a modern sense of the

term) but I am sure that he would never have Shannon went on to found the field of information the-
made that mistake himself. He might well be ory with his 1948 paper titled A Mathematical Theory of
called the midwife, perhaps, but he firmly em- Communication, which applied probability theory to the
phasized to me, and to others I am sure, that the problem of how to best encode the information a sender
fundamental conception is owing to Turing... wants to transmit. This work is one of the theoretical
foundations for many areas of study, including data com-
pression and cryptography .
Early computer hardware

In 1941, Konrad Zuse developed the world’s first func- Wiener and cybernetics
tional program-controlled computer, the Z3. In 1998,
it was shown to be Turing-complete in principle.[17][18] From experiments with anti-aircraft systems that inter-
Zuse also developed the S2 computing machine, con- preted radar images to detect enemy planes, Norbert
sidered the first process control computer. He founded Wiener coined the term cybernetics from the Greek word
one of the earliest computer businesses in 1941, pro- for “steersman.” He published “Cybernetics” in 1948,
ducing the Z4, which became the world’s first commer- which influenced artificial intelligence. Wiener also com-
cial computer. In 1946, he designed the first high-level pared computation, computing machinery, memory de-
programming language, Plankalkül.[19] vices, and other cognitive similarities with his analysis of
brain waves.
In 1948, the Manchester Baby was completed, it was
the world’s first general purpose electronic digital com- The first actual computer bug was a moth. It was stuck
puter that also ran stored programs like almost all modern in between the relays on the Harvard Mark II.[21] While
computers.[15] The influence on Max Newman of Tur- the invention of the term 'bug' is often but erroneously
ing’s seminal 1936 paper on the Turing Machines and attributed to Grace Hopper, a future rear admiral in the
of his logico-mathematical contributions to the project, U.S. Navy, who supposedly logged the “bug” on Septem-
were both crucial to the successful development of the ber 9, 1945, most other accounts conflict at least with
Manchester SSEM.[15] these details. According to these accounts, the actual
date was September 9, 1947 when operators filed this 'in-
In 1950, Britain’s National Physical Laboratory com- cident' — along with the insect and the notation “First
pleted Pilot ACE, a small scale programmable computer, actual case of bug being found” (see software bug for
based on Turing’s philosophy. With an operating speed details).[21]
of 1 MHz, the Pilot Model ACE was for some time the
fastest computer in the world.[15][20] Turing’s design for
ACE had much in common with today’s RISC architec- John von Neumann and the von Neumann architec-
tures and it called for a high-speed memory of roughly ture
the same capacity as an early Macintosh computer, which
was enormous by the standards of his day.[15] Had Tur- Main articles: John von Neumann and Von Neumann
ing’s ACE been built as planned and in full, it would architecture
have been in a different league from the other early
In 1946, a model for computer architecture was intro-
duced and became known as Von Neumann architecture.
Shannon and information theory Since 1950, the von Neumann model provided uniformity
in subsequent computer designs. The von Neumann ar-
Up to and during the 1930s, electrical engineers were chitecture was considered innovative as it introduced an
able to build electronic circuits to solve mathematical and idea of allowing machine instructions and data to share
logic problems, but most did so in an ad hoc manner, memory space. The von Neumann model is composed
lacking any theoretical rigor. This changed with Claude of three major parts, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), the
Elwood Shannon's publication of his 1937 master’s the- memory, and the instruction processing unit (IPU). In von
sis, A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Cir- Neumann machine design, the IPU passes addresses to
cuits. While taking an undergraduate philosophy class, memory, and memory, in turn, is routed either back to
Shannon had been exposed to Boole’s work, and recog- the IPU if an instruction[22]is being fetched or to the ALU
nized that it could be used to arrange electromechanical if data is being fetched.
relays (then used in telephone routing switches) to solve Von Neumann’s machine design uses a RISC (Reduced
logic problems. This concept, of utilizing the properties instruction set computing) architecture, which means the
of electrical switches to do logic, is the basic concept that instruction set uses a total of 21 instructions to perform
underlies all electronic digital computers, and his thesis all tasks. (This is in contrast to CISC, complex instruc-
became the foundation of practical digital circuit design tion set computing, instruction sets which have more in-
when it became widely known among the electrical engi- structions from which to choose.) With von Neumann
neering community during and after World War II . architecture, main memory along with the accumulator

(the register that holds the result of logical operations)[23] [7] Kidwell, Peggy Aldritch; Williams, Michael R. (1992).
are the two memories that are addressed. Operations can The Calculating Machines: Their history and develop-
be carried out as simple arithmetic (these are performed ment (PDF). Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
by the ALU and include addition, subtraction, multiplica- Tomash Publishers., p.38-42, translated and edited from
tion and division), conditional branches (these are more Martin, Ernst (1925). Die Rechenmaschinen und ihre En-
twicklungsgeschichte. Germany: Pappenheim.
commonly seen now as if statements or while loops. The
branches serve as go to statements), and logical moves [8] Tedre, Matti (2014). The Science of Computing: Shaping
between the different components of the machine, i.e., a a Discipline. CRC Press.
move from the accumulator to memory or vice versa. Von
Neumann architecture accepts fractions and instructions [9] Light, Jennifer S. (1999-07-01). “When Computers Were
Women”. Technology and Culture. 40 (3): 455–483.
as data types. Finally, as the von Neumann architecture is
ISSN 1097-3729.
a simple one, its register management is also simple. The
architecture uses a set of seven registers to manipulate [10] Kiesler, Sara; Sproull, Lee; Eccles, Jacquelynne S.
and interpret fetched data and instructions. These reg- (1985-12-01). “Pool Halls, Chips, and War Games:
isters include the “IR” (instruction register), “IBR” (in- Women in the Culture of Computing”. Psychology of
struction buffer register), “MQ” (multiplier quotient reg- Women Quarterly. 9 (4): 451–462. doi:10.1111/j.1471-
ister), “MAR” (memory address register), and “MDR” 6402.1985.tb00895.x. ISSN 1471-6402.
(memory data register).” The architecture also uses a [11] “The women of ENIAC - IEEE Xplore Document”. iee-
program counter (“PC”) to keep track of where in the Retrieved 2017-03-02.
program the machine is.[22]
[12] Gürer, Denise (2002-06-01). “Pioneering Women in
Computer Science”. SIGCSE Bull. 34 (2): 175–180.
2.1.4 See also doi:10.1145/543812.543853. ISSN 0097-8418.

[13] “Charles Babbage”. Encyclopædia Britannica Online Aca-

• Computer Museum
demic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica In. Retrieved
• History of computing 2013-02-20.

[14] Isaacson, Betsy (2012-12-10). “Ada Lovelace,

• History of computing hardware
World’s First Computer Programmer, Cele-
• History of software brated With Google Doodle”. The Huffington
• List of computer term etymologies, the origins of google-doodle-ada-lovelace_n_2270668.html. Re-
computer science words trieved 2013-02-20. External link in |publisher=
• List of prominent pioneers in computer science
[15] “The Modern History of Computing”.
• Timeline of algorithms
[16] Barker-Plummer, David. [<
• History of personal computers archives/win2012/entries/turing-machine/>. “Turing
Machines"] Check |url= value (help). The Stanford En-
cyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 2013-02-20.
2.1.5 References [17] Rojas, R. (1998). “How to make Zuse’s Z3 a universal
computer”. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 20
[1] “History of Computer Science”. (3): 51–54. doi:10.1109/85.707574.
[2] Ifrah, Georges (2001). The Universal History of Comput- [18] Rojas, Raúl. “How to Make Zuse’s Z3 a Universal Com-
ing: From the Abacus to the Quantum Computer. John Wi- puter”.
ley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-39671-0.
[19] Talk given by Horst Zuse to the Computer Conservation
[3] Bellos, Alex (2012-10-25). “Abacus adds up to number Society at the Science Museum (London) on 18 November
joy in Japan”. The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2013- 2010
[20] “BBC News – How Alan Turing’s Pilot ACE changed
[4] The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project, The An- computing”. BBC News. May 15, 2010.
tikythera Mechanism Research Project. Retrieved 2007-
07-01 [21] “The First “Computer Bug"" (PDF). CHIPS. United States
Navy. 30 (1): 18. January–March 2012.
[5] In search of lost time, Jo Marchant, Nature 444,
#7119 (November 30, 2006), pp. 534–538, [22] Cragon, Harvey G. (2000). Computer Architecture and
doi:10.1038/444534a PMID 17136067. Implementation. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. pp. 1–13. ISBN 0-521-65168-9.
[6] “History of Computing Science: The First Mechanical
Calculator”. [23] “Accumlator” Def. 3. Oxford Dictionaries.

2.1.6 Further reading • Oral history interview with William F. Miller at

Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
• Ceruzzi, Paul E. (1998). A History of a Modern Miller contrasts the emergence of computer science
Computing. The MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262- at Stanford with developments at Harvard and the
03255-1. University of Pennsylvania.

• Tedre, Matti (2014). The Science of Computing: • Oral history interview with Alexandra Forsythe
Shaping a Discipline. Taylor and Francis / CRC at Charles Babbage Institute, University of Min-
Press. ISBN 978-1-4822-1769-8. nesota. Forsythe discusses the career of her hus-
band, George Forsythe, who established Stanford
University’s program in computer science.
2.1.7 External links
• Oral history interview with Allen Newell at Charles
• Copeland, B. Jack. “The Modern History of Com- Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. Newell
puting”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. discusses his entry into computer science, funding
for computer science departments and research, the
• Computer History Museum development of the Computer Science Department
at Carnegie Mellon University, including the work
• Computers: From the Past to the Present of Alan J. Perlis and Raj Reddy, and the growth of
the computer science and artificial intelligence re-
• The First “Computer Bug” at the Online Library of search communities. Compares computer science
the Naval Historical Center, retrieved February 28, programs at Stanford, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon.
• Oral history interview with Louis Fein at Charles
• Bitsavers, an effort to capture, salvage, and archive Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. Fein
historical computer software and manuals from discusses establishing computer science as an aca-
minicomputers and mainframes of the 1950s, demic discipline at Stanford Research Institute
1960s, 1970s, and 1980s (SRI) as well as contacts with the University of
California—Berkeley, the University of North Car-
• The Development of Computer Science: A So-
olina, Purdue, International Federation for Informa-
ciocultural Perspective Matti Tedre’s Ph.D. Thesis,
tion Processing and other institutions.
University of Joensuu (2006)
• Oral history interview with W. Richards Adrion at
Oral history links Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
Adrion gives a brief history of theoretical computer
science in the United States and NSF’s role in fund-
• Oral history interview with Albert H. Bowker at
ing that area during the 1970s and 1980s.
Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
Bowker discusses his role in the formation of the • Oral history interview with Bernard A. Galler at
Stanford University computer science department, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
and his vision, as early as 1956, of computer science Galler describes the development of computer sci-
as an academic discipline. ence at the University of Michigan from the 1950s
through the 1980s and discusses his own work in
• Oral history interview with Joseph F. Traub at computer science.
Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
Traub discusses why computer science has devel- • Michael S. Mahoney Papers at Charles Babbage In-
oped as a discipline at institutions including Stan- stitute, University of Minnesota—Mahoney was the
ford, Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, preeminent historian of computer science as a dis-
and Carnegie-Mellon. tinct academic discipline. Papers contain 38 boxes
of books, serials, notes, and manuscripts related to
• Oral history interview with Gene H. Golub at the history of computing, mathematics, and related
Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. fields.
Golub discusses his career in computer science at
Stanford University.

• Oral history interview with John Herriot at Charles

Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. Herriot
describes the early years of computing at Stanford
University, including formation of the computer sci-
ence department, centering on the role of George
Chapter 3

Text and image sources, contributors, and


3.1 Text
• Computer science Source: Contributors: AxelBoldt, Derek Ross,
LC~enwiki, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tuxisuau, Brion VIBBER, Mav, Robert Merkel, Espen, The Anome, Tarquin, Taw, Jzcool, DanKeshet,
Andre Engels, Khendon, LA2, Jkominek, Aldie, Fubar Obfusco, SolKarma, SimonP, Peterlin~enwiki, Hannes Hirzel, Ole Aamot, Camem-
bert, B4hand, Hephaestos, Olivier, Stevertigo, Edward, Ghyll~enwiki, DrewT2, JohnOwens, Ted~enwiki, Michael Hardy, Erik Zachte,
Gretyl, Kwertii, JakeVortex, Dante Alighieri, Fuzzie, Rp, Bensmith, Mic, Ixfd64, Phoe6, Sannse, TakuyaMurata, Delirium, Loisel,
7265, Minesweeper, Pcb21, Kvikeg, MartinSpamer, Ahoerstemeier, Haakon, Stan Shebs, Docu, J-Wiki, Kazuo Moriwaka, Angela, Jd-
forrester, Salsa Shark, Glenn, Cyan, LouI, Poor Yorick, Nikai, Azazello, Kwekubo, Jiang, Cryoboy, Rob Hooft, Jonik, Mxn, BRG,
Denny, Dgreen34, Schneelocke, Nikola Smolenski, Revolver, Popsracer, Charles Matthews, Guaka, Timwi, Dcoetzee, Sbwoodside, Dys-
prosia, Jitse Niesen, Jay, Daniel Quinlan, Michaeln, Greenrd, Quux, HappyDog, Tpbradbury, Maximus Rex, Cleduc, Morwen, Buri-
dan, Ed g2s, Persoid, Mikez80, Wakka, Wernher, Samsara, Bevo, Spikey, Traroth, Shizhao, Farmerchris, Dbabbitt, Raul654, Jim Ma-
honey, Marc Girod~enwiki, Guppy, Carbuncle, ThereIsNoSteve, RadicalBender, Robbot, Sdedeo, Fredrik, Hobbes~enwiki, Soilguy2,
R3m0t, RedWolf, Troworld, Altenmann, Naddy, Lowellian, Chris Roy, Mirv, MathMartin, Merovingian, Hellotoast, Rfc1394, Aca-
demic Challenger, Texture, Bethenco, Diderot, Hadal, Nerval, Borislav, MOiRe, Pps, Bshankaran, Anthony, Lupo, HaeB, TexasDex,
Guy Peters, Xanzzibar, Iain.mcclatchie, Pengo, Tea2min, Applegoddess, Ancheta Wis, Decumanus, Honta, Gbali, Giftlite, Thv, Fen-
nec, Kenny sh, Netoholic, Abigail-II, Levin, Lupin, Zigger, Everyking, Henry Flower, Guanaco, Eequor, Matt Crypto, Just Another
Dan, Arvind Singh, Wmahan, Neilc, Quackor, Andycjp, Dullhunk, Bact, Kjetil r, Mineminemine, Antandrus, BozMo, Thray, Bill-
poser, APH, Josephgrossberg, Kntg, Bumm13, Sovereigna, Eiserlohpp, Leire Sánchez, Robin klein, Fvilim~enwiki, Andreas Kaufmann,
Zondor, Grunt, EagleOne, Bluemask, Corti, Perl guy, Mike Rosoft, Shiftchange, Jwdietrich2, MichaelMcGuffin, Smimram, Erc, Dis-
cospinster, Leibniz, Notinasnaid, SocratesJedi, Michael Zimmermann, Mani1, BBB~enwiki, Bender235, ESkog, Android79, Kbh3rd,
S.K., Mattingly23, Project2501a, Relix~enwiki, Barfooz, Linn~enwiki, Barcelova, Briséis~enwiki, RoyBoy, Bookofjude, Matteh, Aaron-
brick, Coolcaesar, Bobo192, AmosWolfe, Smalljim, Shenme, Matt Britt, Maurreen, NattyBumppo, Sam Korn, Haham hanuka, Pearle,
Mpeisenbr, Nsaa, Mdd, Passw0rd, Poweroid, Alansohn, Liao, Pinar, Samuel.Jones, Tek022, Jason Davies, Hellhound, TheVenerableBede,
Walkerma, InShaneee, Hu, Katefan0, DoesPHalt, Caesura, Polyphilo, Shinjiman, Wtmitchell, Velella, Shepshep, Cburnett, CloudNine,
Mikeo, Versageek, MIT Trekkie, HenryLi, Bookandcoffee, Oleg Alexandrov, SimonW, Ott, Alex.g, Novacatz, Soultaco, Marasmusine,
Woohookitty, Mindmatrix, Debuggar, Uncle G, Robert K S, Ruud Koot, JeremyA, Orz, MONGO, Nakos2208~enwiki, Shmitra, Al E.,
TreveX, Ralfipedia, Sega381, Z80x86, Graham87, Qwertyus, Chun-hian, SixWingedSeraph, OMouse, Reisio, Rjwilmsi, Mayumashu,
MarSch, Materdaddy, Nneonneo, Ddawson, Jhballard, Bubba73, Brighterorange, The wub, Mkehrt, Kwharris, Sango123, Oo64eva, Lei-
thp, Sheldrake, FayssalF, Johnnyw, Old Moonraker, Mathbot, Crazycomputers, Vsion, Makkuro, TheDJ, Intgr, SpectrumDT, BMF81,
Jersey Devil, DVdm, Bgwhite, Gwernol, Flcelloguy, Jayme, Eray~enwiki, The Rambling Man, Wavelength, Spacepotato, Angus Lep-
per, Phantomsteve, RussBot, Jeffhoy, Hyad, Pi Delport, Epolk, SpuriousQ, Thoreaulylazy, Stephenb, Gaius Cornelius, Bovineone, Wimt,
Anomalocaris, CarlHewitt, Vanished user kjdioejh329io3rksdkj, Mipadi, Grafen, Jaxl, Ino5hiro, Bobbo, Hakkinen, Anetode, Yym, Js-
trater, Jpbowen, JulesH, E rulez, Dbfirs, Petr.adamek, Mgnbar, Tigershrike, Light current, MCB, Sterling, Shimei, The Fish, Claygate,
GraemeL, Joshua bigamo, Bachmann1234, Donhalcon, David Biddulph, Katieh5584, Kungfuadam, Junglecat, Zvika, DVD R W, Finell,
Hide&Reason, Thijswijs, SmackBot, Wilycoder, Sparkz08, Rtc, Slashme, Zanter, Olorin28, K-UNIT, McGeddon, Brick Thrower, Mmeri,
CapitalSasha, Jpvinall, Powo, Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Skizzik, RickiRich, Tv316, Somewherepurple, Bluebot, Nympheta, Crashuniverse,
Jprg1966, Technotaoist, Miquonranger03, Fluri, LaggedOnUser, Nbarth, Spellchecker, Dzonatas, Krallja, A. B., Dfletter, Rrelf, Fireduck,
Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Readams, Andri12, Vanished User 0001, Edivorce, Allan McInnes, Wen D House, Cybercobra, Jono-
vision, “alyosha”, MisterCharlie, Dreadstar, Richard001, Tompsci, Iridescence, Brycedrm, JohnC1987, Ultraexactzz, Sigma 7, Zito ta
xania, Fyver528, Nazgul533, Lambiam, ArglebargleIV, SilverStar, Harryboyles, Kuru, Treyt021, OcarinaOfTime, IAENG, AlphaTwo,
Msc44, Evanx, IronGargoyle, Edenphd, Physis, Ekrub-ntyh, Ckatz, 16@r, JHunterJ, Slakr, Emerybob, Avs5221, Dicklyon, Tee Owe,
Allamericanbear, Eridani, Dhp1080, RichardF, Xionbox, Beefyt, Hu12, Lucid, Levineps, DouglasCalvert, Siebrand, OnBeyondZebrax,
Iridescent, Onestone, Markan~enwiki, Xsmith, Joseph Solis in Australia, Pegasus1138, Aeternus, Igoldste, Crippled Sloth, Courcelles,
FairuseBot, Tawkerbot2, Jwalls, CRGreathouse, Ahy1, CBM, Banedon, NaBUru38, NickW557, Requestion, Leujohn, Myasuda, Simeon,
Gregbard, Mac010382, Bobthesmiley, Porco-esphino, Gogo Dodo, Blaisorblade, Christian75, Chrislk02, Garik, Kozuch, Daven200520,
Omicronpersei8, EnglishEfternamn, Epbr123, ClosedEyesSeeing, Hunan131, Headbomb, Newton2, Louis Waweru, Ideogram, Thiaguwin,
Mikeeg555, Druiloor, Klausness, Dawnseeker2000, Escarbot, AntiVandalBot, BokicaK, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, Olexandr Kravchuk, Posh-
zombie, Superzohar, Mihas, North Shoreman, Kdano, Carewolf, Hermel, JAnDbot, Niaz, Husond, Jimothytrotter, Nthep, Mark Shaw,


Rstevens27, Aviroop Ghosh, Fourchannel, Dream Focus, Bookinvestor, Raanoo, 4jobs, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Nyq, Necklace, JamesB-
Watson, Appraiser, Jlenthe, Cadsuane Melaidhrin, Rivertorch, Nikevich, Indon, Nucleophilic, ArchStanton69, Allstarecho, Bmeguru, JaGa,
Kgfleischmann, Esanchez7587, D.h, Calltech, Pavel Jelínek, Gwern, Hdt83, MartinBot, Mouhanad alramli, Anaxial, CommonsDelinker,
Pacdude9, Erkan Yilmaz, J.delanoy, Pedrito, Trusilver, Metamusing, Sandeepgupta, Ps ttf, Maurice Carbonaro, Rodhilton, Mike.lifeguard,
Christian Storm, Tparameter, The Transhumanist (AWB), NewEnglandYankee, Hennessey, Patrick, Brian Pearson, Sanscrit1234, Jevansen,
Bonadea, Dzenanz, User77764, Regenspaziergang, Neil Dodgson, Cromoser, Idioma-bot, Sheliak, Wikieditor06, Vranak, 28bytes, Hers-
fold, Fossum~enwiki, Balaji7, MagicBanana, Barneca, Philip Trueman, TXiKiBoT, Oshwah, Coder Dan, Austin Henderson, The Original
Wildbear, Technopat, Sparkzy, Tomsega, Tms9980, Ocolon, T-Solo202, Ferengi, Metalmaniac69, Jackfork, Psyche825, Noformation, Ev-
erything counts, The Divine Fluffalizer, ARUNKUMAR P.R, Hankhuck, Andy Dingley, Julcia, Yk Yk Yk, Wolfrock, Piecemealcranky,
Careercornerstone, Lake Greifen, Oldwes, Nighthawk19, Insanity Incarnate, Sebastjanmm, Pjoef, Palaeovia, E. H.-A. Gerbracht, Demize,
FlyingLeopard2014, Matthe20, D. Recorder, S.Örvarr.S, SieBot, EllenPetersen, Dawn Bard, Poisoncarter, Bruchowski, Yintan, Ham Pas-
trami, Jerryobject, Happysailor, Flyer22 Reborn, Radon210, JCLately, JetLover, JSpung, Aruton, Oxymoron83, Anjin-san, Vpovilaitis,
Lightmouse, Poindexter Propellerhead, Ceas webmaster, StaticGull, Mori Riyo~enwiki, Maxime.Debosschere, Denisarona, Savie Kumara,
Kayvan45622, Martarius, Sfan00 IMG, ClueBot, MBD123, Bwfrank, Foxj, The Thing That Should Not Be, Chocoforfriends, Keeper76,
HairyFotr, Diana cionoiu, Meisterkoch, Ndenison, Keraunoscopia, R000t, WDavis1911, Der Golem, Uncle Milty, Agogino, SuperHam-
ster, Niceguyedc, Zow, Amomam, Darkstar56, Jmcangas, Masterpiece2000, Excirial, Pumpmeup, Bedwanimas214, Diderot’s dreams,
Jusdafax, M4gnum0n, Waiwai933, Farisori, John Nevard, Jakraay, Hezarfenn, Muhandes, Buscalade, Alejandrocaro35, Sun Creator, Ben-
bendc, Turnipface, Brianbjparker, Hans Adler, Morel, H.Marxen, ChrisHamburg, Thehelpfulone, GlasGhost, La Pianista, Thingg, Hun-
hot, PCHS-NJROTC, Apparition11, DumZiBoT, AzraelUK, XLinkBot, Spitfire, Pichpich, Mohammadshamma, Rror, Pasha11, Pimped-
shortie99, Dhall1245, Little Mountain 5, Srikant.sharma, Dimoes, MCR789, Skarebo, WikHead, Galzigler, Airplaneman, Branrile09,
Ackmenm, Max the tenken, Maimai009, Addbot, Some jerk on the Internet, DOI bot, Farzan mc, Fyrael, Betterusername, Fgnievinski,
Elsendero, CanadianLinuxUser, MrOllie, Download, LaaknorBot, Favonian, West.andrew.g, 5 albert square, Unknown483, Gusisgay, Cu-
pat07, Systemetsys, Tide rolls, Bfigura’s puppy, Verbal, Teles, Jarble, Luckas-bot, Yobot, OrgasGirl, Fraggle81, MarioS, Cyanoa Crylate,
SergeyJ, Jnivekk, KamikazeBot, Khalfani khaldun, Sajibcse, Backslash Forwardslash, AnomieBOT, DemocraticLuntz, Jim1138, IRP, Ga-
loubet, Royote, JackieBot, 9258fahsflkh917fas, Piano non troppo, Danielt998, Law, Flewis, Lilgip01, Giants27, Materialscientist, Rtyq2,
Salem F, Danno uk, Citation bot, Neurolysis, Roxxyroxursox, Quebec99, Xqbot, WikiNSK, Hubbard rox 2008, DSisyphBot, Grim23, Raj
Wijesinghe, Blix1ms0ns, Tyrol5, Miym, Deadbeatatdawn, Лев Дубовой, Shirik, Mathonius, Erstats, Amaury, Doulos Christos, Dontknoa,
Shadowjams, Methcub, CSgroup7, Luminique, Remshad, Velblod, CES1596, ESpublic013, FrescoBot, Skylark2008, Vitomontreal, To-
bby72, Mark Renier, ToxicOranges, Recognizance, Vacuunaut, Steve Quinn, MTizz1, Machine Elf 1735, Louperibot, OgreBot, Citation
bot 1, Maggyero, Intelligentsium, Dilaksan, MacMed, Pinethicket, Kiefer.Wolfowitz, LittleWink, BRUTE, Achraf52, Ezrdr, Serols, Space-
Flight89, Talbg, Meaghan, RandomStringOfCharacters, Jauhienij, Weylinp, Keri, Trappist the monk, SchreyP, Si23mk4n32i, Alexmilt,
Lotje, Keith Cascio, Thefakeeditor, Ladies gifts, Weedwhacker128, Mttcmbs, Lysander89, Yondonjamts, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Red-
nas1234, Mean as custard, Saywhatman, Иъ Лю Ха, Sarang,, Star-Syrup, Gnabi82, EmausBot, John of Reading, Acather96,
WikitanvirBot, Pfuchs722, Surlyduff50, Nø, Ibbn, Primefac, Tinytn, Xiaogaozi, Pratapy, Solarra, Tommy2010, Lightdarkend, Wikipelli,
Dcirovic, K6ka, Djembayz, Lucas Thoms, Sciprecision, AaronLLF, Namastheg, BigMattyO, Cogiati, Spykeretro, Fæ, Josve05a, Bijuro,
Steave77, H3llBot, Dennis714, Bveedu, Tolly4bolly, Prashant Dey, Jay-Sebastos, Vanished user fijtji34toksdcknqrjn54yoimascj, Don-
ner60, Junip~enwiki, Orange Suede Sofa, Rangoon11, Tijfo098, Danushka99999, Srshetty94, TYelliot, 28bot, BigMatty93, Scotty16-2007,
GreenEdu, Petrb, Hughleat, TheDramatist, ClueBot NG, Gareth Griffith-Jones, Matthiaspaul, LogX, This lousy T-shirt, Satellizer, Sdht,
Jcrwaford5, Fauzan, Hon-3s-T, Astew10, Dfarrell07, Bergbra, Rinaku, Cntras, Cnkids, O.Koslowski, Mcasswidmeyer, Widr, Tonywchen,
Ashish Gaikwad, Ajjuddn, Lawsonstu, Saketmitra, Jk2q3jrklse, Helpful Pixie Bot, Mulhollant, HMSSolent, Jkimdgu, Wald, Wbm1058, Ji-
ule0, Trunks ishida, Lowercase sigmabot, BG19bot, Furkhaocean, ISTB351, MusikAnimal, J991, Neutral current, FutureTrillionaire, Sick-
dartzepic, Cadiomals, Mayuri.sandhanshiv, CalaD33, CitationCleanerBot, Kairi p, Mihai.stefanache, Salesvery1, Bryson1410, Zhenyan-
wang1, Sreedharram, Carso empires, Isacdaavid, Abilngeorge, Klilidiplomus, Pavankbk1113, Anbu121, XIN3N, LloydOlivier, BattyBot,
Computer tower, Mburkhol, Alkafrifiras, David.moreno72, ComputerScienceForum, Valueindian, Fagitcasey, E prosser, Varagrawal, Cy-
berbot II, The Illusive Man, GoShow, Chitraproject, JYBot, Tow, Dexbot, Mogism, Mani306, BlackHawkToughbook, Lugia2453, Sem-
perVinco, ‫ַאְבָרָהם‬, Jamesx12345, Elcashini, Zziccardi, Jo-Jo Eumerus, Itoula, Snehlata1102, Me, Myself, and I are Here, Phamnhatkhanh,
Ekips39, Faizan, Epicgenius, Babara150504, Crap12321, Littlejimmylel, Maggots187, Perfecshun, Netiru, Agenbola1, Red-eyed demon,
I am One of Many, RG3Redskins, Eyesnore, PhantomTech, Tiberius6996, Satassi, Tentinator, Dad29, JpurvisUM, Nbak, Kanoog, NJIT
HUM dad29, Backendgaming, DavidLeighEllis, Diptytiw, Jumbowing, Hollylilholly, Sibekoe, Spyglasses, , Ginsuloft, Cypherquest,
Quenhitran, MrLinkinPark333, Dannyruthe, Manul, TCMemoire, Rons corner, UY Scuti, Ritik2345678, Philroc, Sbrankov05, Magical-
beakz1, JaconaFrere, Indiasian mbe mafia, 7Sidz, Eaglepuffs, Kgeza71, CompSci, Bobobobobobobdup, Monkbot, MarioProtIV, Wigid,
Vieque, Ahsannaweed101, James.hochadel, 1908rs, BobVermont, Swet.anzel mee, NishantRM, Stuartbrade, Chacha2001, Typherix, Cr-
franklin, Mr. 1100100, Antithesisx, Offy284, Robie024, Nigerhoe, Psychedgrad, ChamithN, Crystallizedcarbon, Prachi2812, 0xF8E8,
TheOtherUnknown, Cynulliad, Yilinglou, Iman.haghdost, Hansguyholt, Yaourrrt, Gladamas, Pishcal, Esquivalience, Iazyges, Quivico, Er-
ickaAgent, Rimavich, Astrachano, Yuil.Tr, K scheik, Swagkid1010, ABWarrick, Niceguy69, Stkl, KasparBot, Jamieddd, PACIFICASI-
AWiki, Brahma Pacey, Zakzak1112, Vinodcd1, Lr0^^k, Gtouchan94, Arun po, GalacticGamer774, FiendYT, Shahbaz Yousafzai, Hap-
pony, Lifeisshubh, Pscifi, Harmon758, Entranced98, Donk chippy, Umetimo, Marianna251, GreenC bot, Supriyaadessai, Cplusplusislife,
Fmadd, Micheal Ethan, Acecotex, Aea68, DavidGreens, Pictomania, Thinker0248, AakanshaComputerInstitute, Bender the Bot, Thefake-
jhondoe, Cookieiscool, Yashrajkarthikey, Bigmanjoe, Nom0302, Premed6, Rhoan99 and Anonymous: 1508

• History of computer science Source: Contributors: Ed-

ward, Sbwoodside, David costanzo, Greenrd, E23~enwiki, Topbanana, Dina, Giftlite, Jorend, Hugh Mason, Discospinster, Rich Farm-
brough, Martpol, Bobo192, Guy Harris, Andrewpmk, Wtmitchell, DanShearer, Bsadowski1, Quirkie, Hq3473, Davidkazuhiro, Ruud
Koot, WadeSimMiser, KymFarnik, Stefanomione, Rjwilmsi, Koavf, Elsan, Johnnyw, Viznut, Wavelength, RadioFan, Stephenb, Gaius
Cornelius, Rsrikanth05, Dialectric, Trovatore, RazorICE, Ragesoss, Daniel Mietchen, Jpbowen, Aldux, Raven4x4x, Mhkay, Rwwww,
SmackBot, Emeraldemon, Jagged 85, Delldot, Commander Keane bot, Gilliam, Rdj999, Hmains, JMiall, Somewherepurple, Miquon-
ranger03, Dzonatas, Rrelf, Allan McInnes, Jonovision, Astroview120mm, Ckatz, JHunterJ, Optakeover, R~enwiki, Benplowman, Cap-
italR, Eastlaw, CmdrObot, CBM, Jaxad0127, Myasuda, Gregbard, Yaris678, Cydebot, Epbr123, Ishdarian, AntiVandalBot, Pmt6sbc,
Politicaljunkie23, JAnDbot, Kaobear, ThomasO1989, The Transhumanist, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Schwarzbichler, Schily, KConWiki,
28421u2232nfenfcenc, EstebanF, Fluxguy2005, J.delanoy, Pharaoh of the Wizards, Ginsengbomb, Rushforth1967, KylieTastic, Dogs-
gomoo, Tricky Victoria, MusicScience, Anna Lincoln, !dea4u, Dj711, Logarkh, Bentogoa, Happysailor, Flyer22 Reborn, Oxymoron83,
CharlesGillingham, Cyfal, Maxime.Debosschere, Khirurg, Mx. Granger, Stuartjnoall, ClueBot, DavePercy, Shatree, Fyyer, Quinxorin,
CristianCantoro, Niceguyedc, Excirial, Universityuser, BobKawanaka, KyuubiSeal, Wazupman, XLinkBot, Ost316, NellieBly, Addbot,
Cst17, Torla42, Netzwerkerin, Willondon, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Fraggle81, Iroony, AnomieBOT, Jim1138, IRP, Kingpin13, Materialsci-
3.2. IMAGES 19

entist, ImperatorExercitus, Xqbot, Poetaris, Miym, Omnipaedista, Endothermic, CES1596, Prari, FrescoBot, Thiagupillai, Kwiki, Ham-
burgerRadio, Citation bot 1, Pinethicket, I dream of horses, RedBot, Serols, Full-date unlinking bot, Abc518, Dalakov, Krassotkin, Vre-
nator, RichNick, Jeffrd10, RjwilmsiBot, Semmendinger, EmausBot, NotAnonymous0, PBS-AWB, Joshfinnie, A930913, L Kensington,
Donner60, Floydvirginia, Petrb, ClueBot NG, Smtchahal, Wcherowi, Satellizer, VanishedUser sdu8asdasd, Kevin Gorman, ScottSteiner,
Helpful Pixie Bot, Titodutta, DBigXray, BG19bot, Mark Arsten, Chip123456, BattyBot, David.moreno72, StarryGrandma, ChrisGualtieri,
Khazar2, Thom2729, Dexbot, Frosty, Hillbillyholiday, Yosoyyosbel, Vanamonde93, Zalunardo8, Ironeyes16, B14709, AmySmiles, Ad-
dWittyNameHere, JaconaFrere, Monkbot, Yu,Kevin, Kansiime, Ammara shahid, KH-1, Sayamsethi, Spumuq, Eteethan, Seanpatrickgray,
Yellowjacket2323, Sro23, Geeks On Hugs, Wwwwwwwwwwww1, Sdw0322, Maximd1122, Poopslayer123, Omni Flames, Qrpsps, Bender
the Bot, Crazyvoco, Sophie mich Wuor, Urshakta and Anonymous: 281

3.2 Images
• File:1u04-argonaute.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: Self created from PDB entry 1U04 using the freely available visualization and analysis package VMD raytraced with POV-Ray
3.6 Original artist: Opabinia regalis
• File:3-Tasten-Maus_Microsoft.jpg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Darkone
• File:Ada_lovelace.jpg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Original artist: Alfred Edward Chalon
• File:Ambox_current_red.svg Source: License: CC0
Contributors: self-made, inspired by Gnome globe current event.svg, using Information icon3.svg and Earth clip art.svg Original artist:
Vipersnake151, penubag, Tkgd2007 (clock)
• File:Ambox_important.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work, based off of Image:Ambox scales.svg Original artist: Dsmurat (talk · contribs)
• File:Babbage40.png Source: License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: The Mechanic’s Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal and Gazette, October 6, 1832-March 31, 1833. Vol. XVIII. Original artist:
AGoon, derivative work, original was 'Engraved by Roffe, by permifsion from an original Family Painting' 1833
• File:Blochsphere.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contrib-
utors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: MuncherOfSpleens at English Wikipedia
• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
• File:Compiler.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
self-made SVG version of Image:Ideal compiler.png by User:Raul654. Incorporates Image:Computer n screen.svg and Image:Nuvola
mimetypes source.png. Original artist: Surachit
• File:Corner.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors: http:
// Original artist: Retardo
• File:DFAexample.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Own work Original artist: Cepheus
• File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the file, specifically: “Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
• File:English.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors: No
machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original artist: No machine-readable author provided.
Mac Wanter assumed (based on copyright claims).
• File:Enigma.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: User:
Jszigetvari Original artist: ?
• File:Fivestagespipeline.png Source: License: CC-BY-
SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Flowchart.png Source: License: CC SA 1.0 Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
• File:Folder_Hexagonal_Icon.svg Source: License: Cc-by-
sa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:HONDA_ASIMO.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-
3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Human_eye,_rendered_from_Eye.png Source:
rendered_from_Eye.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Eye.svg
Original artist: Kenny sh at English Wikipedia
• File:Internet_map_1024.jpg Source: License: CC BY
2.5 Contributors: Originally from the English Wikipedia; description page is/was here. Original artist: The Opte Project
• File:Julia_iteration_data.png Source: License: GFDL
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Adam majewski
• File:KnnClassification.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Antti Ajanki AnAj

• File:Lambda_lc.svg Source: License: Public domain Contribu-

tors: The Greek alphabet Original artist: User:Luks
• File:Lock-green.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: en:File:
Free-to-read_lock_75.svg Original artist: User:Trappist the monk
• File:Lorenz_attractor_yb.svg Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work based on images Image:Lorenz system r28 s10 b2-6666.png by User:Wikimol and Image:Lorenz
attractor.svg by User:Dschwen Original artist: User:Wikimol, User:Dschwen
• File:NOR_ANSI.svg Source: License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: Own Drawing, made in Inkscape 0.43 Original artist: jjbeard
• File:Naphthalene-3D-balls.png Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Neuron.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
• File:Nicolas_P._Rougier’{}s_rendering_of_the_human_brain.png Source:
Nicolas_P._Rougier%27s_rendering_of_the_human_brain.png License: GPL Contributors:{}rougier Original artist:
Nicolas Rougier
• File:Open_book_nae_02.svg Source: License: CC0
Contributors: OpenClipart Original artist: nae
• File:Operating_system_placement.svg Source:
svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Golftheman
• File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
• File:Python_add5_syntax.svg Source: License: Copy-
righted free use Contributors: Original artist: Xander89
• File:Quark_wiki.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Brianzero
• File:Roomba_original.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: © 2006 Larry D. Moore Original artist: Larry D. Moore
• File:SIMD.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own
work in Inkscape Original artist: en:User:Cburnett
• File:SimplexRangeSearching.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: This file was derived from: SimplexRangeSearching.png
Original artist: Gfonsecabr at English Wikipedia
• File:Singly_linked_list.png Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Copied from en. Originally uploaded by Dcoetzee. Original artist: Derrick Coetzee (User:Dcoetzee)
• File:Sky.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Own work
Original artist: Manuel Strehl
• File:Sorting_quicksort_anim.gif Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: originally upload on the English Wikipedia Original artist: Wikipedia:en:User:RolandH
• File:Sorting_quicksort_anim_frame.svg Source:
frame.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Sorting quicksort anim.gif Original artist: RolandH (redrawn in SVG by Stkl)
• File:Symbol_book_class2.svg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Mad by Lokal_Profil by combining: Original artist: Lokal_Profil
• File:TSP_Deutschland_3.png Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Original artist: The original uploader was Kapitän
Nemo at German Wikipedia
• File:Utah_teapot_simple_2.png Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Dhatfield
• File:Wang_tiles.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Anomie
• File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Bastique, User:Ramac et al.
• File:Wikinews-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Simon 01:05, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
Updated by Time3000 17 April 2007 to use official Wikinews colours and appear correctly on dark backgrounds. Originally uploaded by
• File:Wikiquote-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Rei-artur
• File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
• File:Wikiversity-logo-Snorky.svg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Snorky
• File:Wiktionary-logo-v2.svg Source: License: CC BY-
SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Dan Polansky based on work currently attributed to Wikimedia Foundation but originally
created by Smurrayinchester

3.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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