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Installation and Overview of SQL Environment (MySQL)

Installing mySQL
My SQL Interface
Database Fundamentals

How databases are structured

Understanding a schema in MySQL
Missing Sakila Database and how to solve it
Selecting the Data
Write your first statement to select the data
Narrowing down your result set with WHERE clause
Sorting your result set
Using Numeric and Date Values to narrow down your result set
Other Key SQL Statements

Adding new records to the database

Updating exiting records
Deleting records
Some advanced Select Statements

Aggregating the data to do sum and count

Joining multiple tables to get desired result set
Marketing Use Cases

Who are the top or bottom customers?

How many products do we have in each category?
Using data from the database in other programs

Exporting data to CSV or Excel file

Connecting with Data Visualization Tool (Tableau)
Database Manipulation

Creating a table
Few more table manipulation commands
Importing data from a CSV file
Importing data from Excel to mySQL

Technical and Computer Skills

Scripting language (Matlab, Python)

Querying Language (SQL, Hive, Pig)
Spreadsheet (Excel)
Statistical Language (SAS, R, SPSS)
Programming (Javascript, XML)
Big data tools (Spark, Hive HQL)
Career Resources in Data Analytics

 Advanced Dеgrее – More Dаtа Sсіеnсе programs are рорріng uр to serve the сurrеnt dеmаnd,
but thеrе аrе аlѕо many Mаthеmаtісѕ, Stаtіѕtісѕ, and Cоmрutеr Sсіеnсе programs.

 MOOCѕ – Cоurѕеrа, Udacity, аnd codeacademy are gооd рlасеѕ tо ѕtаrt.

 Cеrtіfісаtіоnѕ – KDnuggets hаѕ соmріlеd an еxtеnѕіvе lіѕt.

 Bootcamps – Fоr more information аbоut hоw this approach соmраrеѕ to degree programs оr
MOOCs, сhесk out thіѕ guest blоg frоm thе dаtа ѕсіеntіѕtѕ аt Dаtаѕсоре Anаlуtісѕ.

 Kаgglе – Kаgglе hоѕtѕ data science competitions whеrе уоu саn practice, hоnе уоur ѕkіllѕ wіth
messy, rеаl wоrld dаtа, and tасklе асtuаl buѕіnеѕѕ рrоblеmѕ. Emрlоуеrѕ tаkе Kaggle rankings
ѕеrіоuѕlу, as they саn be ѕееn аѕ rеlеvаnt, hаndѕ-оn рrоjесt wоrk.

 LinkedIn Groups – Jоіn rеlеvаnt grоuрѕ to іntеrасt wіth оthеr members оf thе dаtа ѕсіеnсе

 KDnuggets – KDnuggets іѕ a gооd rеѕоurсе fоr ѕtауіng аt the fоrеfrоnt оf іnduѕtrу trеndѕ in dаtа

Must Have Skills:

• Experience in designing, development and deployment of virtual agent technology such as
bots, auto-responders, virtual assistants, etc. on top of tableau, Qlik or other BI platforms or
• Experience in programming codes using Python, Scala, .NET or similar languages.
Demonstrable knowledge of frameworks like Flask, Django is a definite plus.
• Hands on experience with Tableau, PowerBI, SiSense, Microstrategy and similar
visualization tools and platforms APIs is required.
• Demonstrable use of Cloud technologies using AWS services and having architected
solution for private, public Cloud environment, including Linux/Windows based cloud
• Hands on experience in at least 1 relational database like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL,
• AWS certification and prior experience with NoSQL databases will be a plus
Must Have Skills:
• 1 - 3 years of experience in analytics teams solving problems for top global companies
• Hands on experience in build and deployment of Statistical Models/Machine Learning
using following techniques – Statistical Algorithms (preferred in sequence)
o Segmentation (Cluster Analysis)
o Exploratory Analytics (T-tests)
o Multivariate Regression (Logistic, OLS, GLM etc.)
o Decision Trees
• Experience with SQL preferred
o Traditional DB’s – Oracle, TD, Sybase, MS SQL, Win SQL
• Excellent written and oral communication skills with ability to clearly communicate ideas
and results to non-technical business people

Good To Have Skills:

• Experience with SQL preferred
• Ability of Visual story-telling with BI & Visualization Tools (Tableau/Spotfire, Cognos,
Business Objects) is preferred.
• Experience using digital & statistical modeling software (one or more) – R, Revo R
(Preferred), SAS Basic & Enterprise Miner (Preferred), SQL (Preferred), SPSS
• Any of the Big Data querying language (Hive, PIG, Hadoop, etc.)

 Advanced MS Excel, Access and VBA (Preffable).

 Web Analytics tools (Google Analytics, Omniture, Marketo)

 Production tools & languages: Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Content Management

Systems and HTML (Desirable)

 Maintaining content within an enterprise web experience management platform (e.g.

Microsoft SharePoint, Adobe CQ5)

 Database reporting packages (e.g. Report Builder, Crystal Report Writer, COGNOS
Reporting) (Desirable)

 -3 years Research& Reporting: experience, analytics for website, social media and
digital advertising.

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