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Dhaka University of Engineering and Techonology

Subject : Thermal Physics, Waves and Acoustics.

Assignment of Mathematical problems of BEATS
Teacher’s Name: Mamun-or-Rashid

Group No – 07
` ID: 156025
1. A note produces 6 beats per sceond with a tuning fork of frequency 254 Hz and 8 beats
second with a fork of frequency 256 Hz. Find the frequency of the note ? (TH)
In the first case
Frequency of the tunning fork = 254
beats/second = 6

\ Possible frequebcies of the note are , 254 + 6 =260

or 254 - 6 = 248 (Ans:)

2. A tuning fork sounds 6 beats per sceond when sounded together with 95 cm and 100 cm
length of a stretched wire. Calculate the frequency of the tuning fork. (TH)
It is obviours that the frequency n of the tuning fork lies in between the frequewncy of the
vibrating string of length 95cm and 100 cm.
n1 = 1/95 and n2 = 1/100

\ = =

Also n1 - n = 6 and
n – n2 = 6
n1 - n2 = 12
Solving for n1 from (i) and (ii) we have,
n2 = 228 and n1 = 240
Obviously n =234 vid/second. (Ans:)

3. A note produce 4 beats per sceond with a tuning fork of frequency 512Hz and 6 beats per
second with a fork of frequency 514 Hz. Find the frequency of the note ? (TH)
In the first case
Frequency of the tunning fork = 512
beats/second = 4

\ Possible frequebcies of the note are , 512 +4 =516

or 512-4 = 508 (Ans:)
04. A turning fork a produces 4 beats/second with a tuning fork B of frequency 256 .A field
and the beats occur at shorter intervals. what was its original frequency?
Sol n:
frequencyof B = 256
beats/sec =4
frequency of A=256+4=260
or 256-4=252 Ans.
when A is filed its frequency increase .suppose the original frequency of A is 260.when it is filed its
frequency will be more than 260 and the beats/sec increase s.the beats occur at shorter intervals ,which is
given hence the original frequency of A=260

05. Two tuning fork A and B give 5beats/second. The frequency of A is 512. When B is filed ,
5beats/second are again produced. Find the frequency of B before and after filing.
Sol n:
Frequency of A=512
Frequency of B filling is either
512-5=507 ans.

Since after filing 5beats/second are again produced of B after filling is either
512-5=507 Ans.

06. Calculate the velocity of sound in a gas in which two waves of lengths 1metre and 1.01 metres
produce 10 beats /3second .
Sol n:

Number of beats in 3 sec=10

So beats/second =10/3

Here ʎ ₁=100cm

ʎ₂=1,01 m=101 cm
suppose the velocity=V

frequency of the 1st wave=n₁

,, ,, 2nd wave=n₂
So n₁- n₂ =beat/sec=10/3

n₁- n₂=10/3

but v/ʎ₁=v/100 and v/ʎ₂=v/101

substituting the value of n₁ & n₂

or v/10100=10/3
=336.67 m/s. (Ans.)

07.two tuning forks produce wave lengths of 0.50m and 0.505m in a gas.if 6 beats are formed,
then find the speed of sound in the gas.
Sol n: Given data ,
Let the speed =V ʎ₁=o.50m

We know, ʎ₂=0.505m

N=n₁-n₂ N=6

or N =V/ʎ₁ - V/ʎ₂ V=?

or 6=V/O.50 – V/0.505
or V=303m/sec ans.

08. when two tuning forks A and B are sounded together they produce 5 beats per second.but if a
small amount of wax is added two A, the number of beats decreases. If the frequency of B is 256
HZ , what is the frequency of A?
Sol n:
Let Given data
The frequency of A=nA N=5
We know, N=nA - nBnB=256HZ
Or 5= nA - 256 nA=?
Or nA= 261 Hz (Ans.)
09.A tone forms 4 beats per second with a tuning fork of frequency 512 HZ and 6 beats per second
with another tuning fork of frequency 514Hz . find the frequency of the tone.
Sol n:
Let the frequency of the tone=n₂ Given data
1st condition N=4

We know N=n₁ - n₂ n=512

Or 4=512-n₂ N=6

Or n₂=508 Hz n=514
2nd condition
We know N=n₁ - n₂

Or 6=514 -n₂

since, 1st and 2nd condition in frequencyequql

son₂=508Hz (Ans.)

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