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1 Air Cusion As a seat on

hemorrhoids /

2 Anaeroid To measure blood

Sphygmomanometer pressure
(Wearing a needle)

3 Bandage Scissors Cut verband or


4 Bedpan To accommodate
feces in patients
who can not / can to
the toilet.
5 Breast Pump and To help pump milk
relieve out of the breast of a
woman who is

6 Cathether To remove / take


7 Chart Vision Snellen Check visus / visual


8 Clinical hermometer Measure body /

body milk

9 Colostomy Bag To accommodate

feces in patients
after colon surgery
(artificial intestinal
surgery through
muscles and
abdominal skin)

10 Currete To clear the uterus

in abortion patients /

11 Ear Speculum To check the ear


12 Electical To measure blood

Sphygmomanometer pressure
(Tension meter
without pumping)

13 Feeding Tube For nutrition /

administration of
food fluids through
the mouth or nose.

14 Gliserin Syringe To spray lavement /

clysma through the
liquid anus often
used is glycerine or
soap solution.
15 Gloves To protect the hands
from the influence
of the surrounding

16 Hot Water Botle To compress heat

17 Ice Bag For cold compresses

18 Infusion set Hose for infusion

19 Injection Needle To inject coupled
with syringe (Spuit
= Syringe).

20 Instrument Tray Place of care


21 Ishihara’s Test for Check color

colour Blindness blindness

22 Laringeal mirror To check / see the

state in the mouth /
23 Mercurial To measure blood
Sphygmomanometer pressure
(Tension meters of

24 Nasal Speculum To check the nasal


25 Nipple Shield To protect the

scratched nipples
during breastfeeding
so that the baby can
suck the milk
through the tool

26 Obstetrical To hear the baby's

Stethoscope/ heart sound in
Stethoscope monoaural pregnant women's
27 Rectum Speculum To check the anus /

28 Reflex Hamer Examine the

reflection ability of
certain parts of our
body, such as the

29 Scalpel Blade surgery

30 Spuit / Syringe To inject

31 Stethoscope binaural To hear the sound of
organs eg. Heart,
lungs etc.

32 Stomach Tube - to collect

fluid / gastric
- to rinse /
- for the
n of drugs

33 Surgical Needles atau Needle for sewing

Suture Needles wound

34 Suture Surgical Thread

35 Tongue depressor/ To press the tongue
Tongue Blade to check / see
abnormalities on
Throat, for example
tonsils. Pharyngitis

36 Tranfusion Set untuk pemberian

tranfusi darah

37 Urinal female To accommodate

urine in patients
who can not / can to
the toilet.

38 Urinal male To accommodate

urine in patients
who can not / can to
the toilet.
39 Urine Bag To contain urine
associated with
Balloon Cathether /
Foley Cathether for
removing /
removing urine in a
closed system

40 Vaginal Speculum To check the vaginal


41 Wing needle As an extension of

the vein for
administration of
intravenous fluids or
long-term intra-
venous drugs.

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