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Detailed & Needed information.

GOAL: To know the nature of the organization and its conflicts then provide an intervention that
will help them resolve the conflicts and enhance teamwork.
A. Company profile
- Nature of the organization
- Departments that the organization have.
- Purpose/goal of each department
- Mission and Vision statements
- Core values

B. Methodologies on Diagnosis the organization’s problems

B.1 Interview ​(Questions are extracting information rather than asking directly for the
problems because there are some companies that does not want to expose due
to confidentiality.)
- Interview 3-4 key positions (mostly they must be able to talk about the Whole
organization, they can describe it and discuss the departments that the
organization have)
- Ma’am Vida suggested to interview the HR manager or if they have an OD
consultant is available, then other key positions.
(After the “getting to know the organization”) here are the suggested interview questions
following the 6-Box Model of Weisbord:
a. Purpose (What business are we win?)
- What is the nature of the business of the organization?
- Mission and vision statements
- What are the goals of the organization?
- What kind of clients do you entertain?

b. Structure (How do we divide up the work?)

- What is the chain of command does the organization follows?
- Can you show us the organizational chart?
- What kind of communication do you have?
- Does having these departments useful for the organization? What
other departments do you think you would want to suggest?

c. Relationships (How do we manage conflict among people? With technologies?)

- What are their interventions that you apply when conflict arises?
- Do you have team building activities? Can you elaborate and define
- What are the common problems that you wish to suggest for the
improvement of the organization?
- Can you cite examples of these common problems?
- Do you have a grievance department for these problems?
- Are the problems affecting the relationship of the employees to each
- are the problems affecting the organization?

d. Rewards (Do all needed tasks have incentives?)

- How do you motivate your employees (do you have criteria when
giving incentives?)
- what kind of benefits does the organization provides?
- Do you have organizational activities/programs that supports/improve
the skills of the employees?
e. Leadership (Does someone keep the boxes in balance?)
- What kind of leadership style do you apply? Why?
- How do the employees approach their boss/supervisor regarding their
problems with their work?
- Do the HR department have an annual/quarterly job satisfaction test
to see if the employees are satisfied with their job?
- How do you reestablish your relationship with your co-workers?
f. Helpful Mechanisms (Have we adequate coordinating techniques?)
- What equipment does the company provide to help and improve
employee’s output?
- Do you agree that the organization supports the employee enough or
it lacks some techniques to support them?
- What other activities/programs do you think that the company needs
to do?

B.2 Survey
employees (not all employees are needed to answer the questionnaire, probably
3-5 per department so that the holistic research is applied)

- This part will be discussed after the data gathering and interpretation (for the
- We will refer to Ma’am Vida’s PowerPoint about Team Intervention
- INTERVENTION: to enhance teamwork, team building


g. Purpose (What business are we win?)

- Servflex provides valid and premium manpower services.
- They have three core values: Quality Service, Honesty and
h. Structure (How do we divide up the work?)
- Follows a top-down chain of command
- Since they are a small company, the organizational chart is not
complex (President - Vice President - Managers - Staffs and Workers)
- They have three departments: HR, Accounting and Operations
- No communication problems/ communicating is easy given that they
are a small organization
- Plan to create a marketing department in the future
- Recently shifted to HRIS
i. Relationships (How do we manage conflict among people? With technologies?)
- They have no problems and conflict in general due to their familial
- They do team building activities (combination of recreation, seminars
and spiritual activities)
j. Rewards (Do all needed tasks have incentives?)
- They don’t have any special incentives other than promotions and
- Regularization benefits include: health and insurance benefits plus
mid year bonuses
- The team building serves as an avenue for training
k. Leadership (Does someone keep the boxes in balance?)
- Dynamic leadership style; because they recognize the diversity in the
workplace as well as difference in generation
- Employers are open at attending to the grievances of the employees
- The organization is people oriented; employees have freedom;
- Retention/Turn-over: 2-3 years: Servflex are not controlling of their
l. Helpful Mechanisms (Have we adequate coordinating techniques?)
- Buddy-up system: onboarding process for new hires as a way to train
them; this is limited however to supervision and more on application
on the part of the employees
- Team-building activities
- *honestly wala silang masyadong sinuggest na kung anong dapat na
improvement lol :(
NAME Observed Issue/Problem Suggested Intervention

Roma 1) Communication towards a) Effective Communication in

the clients or to those that Customer service training.
are inquiring. b) Have a yearly recognition.
2) No recognition system (for c) Give Marketing 101 talks and
motivating the training to plan the creation of
employees)? that department.
3) (Not actually a
issue/problem but I think
we can help them improve
this part) Since they have
a plan to create a
marketing department, we
could help them start one.

I-Shan 1) They didn’t mention any 1) suggested to have training

training programs in the program for the current
company, given that they incumbents, and assign them to a
recently shifted to HRIS, higher position in the new
and want to create a department in the future. It is
marketing department. known that they might have some
new openings, but at least the
officers are trained, and familiar
with the company.
2) Train them to use the HRIS. Any
changes with the system?(and
the like)

Baste 1) Anti-Contractualization due a) What we can suggest is to give

to duterte’s administration Transition training: 101 talks
there’s a threat to the about how a company will
company given its nature transition and adapt to the
of work. change of policies (about
transition from an outsource
company that gives contractual
employment for the main
company to permanent
employment ( following right
standards like of need ng probi
period noon company) at the
same time the company that they
will supply must comply with the
anti-contractualization policy.
Pau 1) Turnover rate due to their a) Improvement to their internal
traditional working brand image that would entice
environment from the employees to stay.
interior to rewards and b) To give them a training on how to
compensation (it is too improve one's policy (about the
basic) and lenient policy resignation) and to improve
about resignation. employee satisfaction for them to
stay within the company

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