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Choose the words which collocate in these sentences:

1. Please arrive in .............time for the meeting.

a. fine b. best c. good
2. People were ......... moved by the photograph in the newspapers.
a. totally b. genuinely c. earnestly
3. Paul is a real introvert in contrast .......... his brother Tom.
a. with c. against
4. There’s a time............ for completing the task.
a. deadline b. barrier c. limit
5. Wine growers in Bordeaux recorded a ............. harvest.
a. bumper b. boom c. bonnet
6. The police arrived with .......... timing just as the gang were leaving the bank.
a. exquisite b. perfect c. best
7. The ceasefire is being observed by both sides but it’s still a/an ........... peace
a. unsteady b. weak c. fragile
8. My boss usually arrives at 8 o’clock on the ........
a. point b. dot c. sharp
9. I’d better ........... you on the latest developments.
a. update b. acquaint c. inform
10. I recall learning about such things in the ........ and distant past.
a. dark b. dim c. blurred
11. 1989 was a ......... year in Europe.
a. momental b. monumental c. momentous
12. I .......... agree with everything you said.
a. whole-heartedly b. unconditionally c. unreservedly
13. I think the performance was ........... affected by the behaviour of the crowd.
a. wrongly b. negatively c. adversely
14. Slowly but ............ the band is becoming more and more popular.
a. steadily b. continually c. irrevocably
15. In .......... no time they had become the best of friends.
a. practically b. nearly c. next to
16. The Broon family have lived there since time.........
a. flew b. immemorial c. remembered
17. In a ........... of minutes the whole building was in flames.
a. question b. period c. matter
18. The team won the championship four years ...........
a. running b. following c. consecutively
19. I’m afraid I’m really ........... for time.
a. short b. pressed c. pulled
20. The children arrived safe and ........
a. sound b. rested c. smiling
21. We like to dress up at Christmas and on other ........ occasions.
a. celebrating b. festive c. festival
22. Since the baby was born our nights out have been few and .........
a. far between b. new c. low
23. My husband is just putting the the speech he’s giving tomorrow.
a. brushes b. strokes c. touches
24. It’s ............. to know that your disease is a common one when you are ill.
a. cold cream b. cold feet c. cold comfort
25. The politician issued a ........ denial that he has in any way been involved in the fraud.
a. round b. flat c. square
26. After he left his wife for a younger woman his friends all gave him the cold...........
a. greeting b. nod c. shoulder
27. The bombs were aimed at military targets but there was some ..........damage to civilian
a. collateral b. collective c. coincidental
28. Everything was going well and then suddenly disaster ..........
a. hit b. struck c. crashed
29. Their new model of car is so popular that they had to open another factory to........the
a. see b. settle c. meet
30. She doesn’t like crowds. She’s a very ......... person.
a. unofficial b. private c. sociable
31. He ........ trial for murder.
a. underwent b. heard c. stood
32. I’m a/an......... reader. I read several books every month.
a. incorrigible b. incessant c. avid
33. Your short dress is .......... for a formal party.
a. inadequate b. inappropriate c. inaccurate
34. She tried to retrieve the situation by making .......... apologies.
a. profuse b. abundant c. numerous
35. Is it your birthday today? Many happy ...........!
a. celebrations b. returns c. winks
36. So you say you’re going to invite me to Manilla ? I might ........... you to that !
a. hold b. force c. remind
37. A stick insect is an example of an insect that .......... with its surroundings.
a. combines b. merges c. mingles
38. Getting that well-paid job was a bit of a ........... blessing : it means we’ll have to live away
from home for a few years.
a. confused b. doubtful c. mixed
39. Membership of the club is .......... to people under 30.
a. restricted b. restrained c. confined
40. We ......... revenge on them by bombing their cities.
a. did b. threw c. took
41. Our plans were ........... by the sudden change in the weather.
a. overturned b. upset c. unsettled
42. She got .......... in her feet when she got up after sitting cross-legged for so long.
a. nettle and thistle b. pins and needles c. numbs and nimbs
43. She received ........... head injuries in the accident.
a. hard b. stern c. severe
44. A person who tries to arrange marriages is called a ..........
a. matchmaker b. tall order c. trouble shooter
45. The police need ......... proof of his guilt before they charge him.
a. touchable b. substantial c. tangible

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